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Show Communicated. DISTASTEFUL TO EVERYBODY. EVERY-BODY. The nauseous and nauseating, the vicious and vitiating, the corrupt and corrupting course so persiatingly followed fol-lowed and long continued in a portion of the daily press ol this city, and by which the whole- territory is being coustautly disgraced, spit at and trampled upon, has been going on day after day, week after week and year after year.andduring that lime unceasingly un-ceasingly belching iorth low vituperation vitupera-tion wuh the most abominable and fr-fe'.ched calumnies served in lewd and disgusting language, the most offensive that viudictuencsa and men tal depravity could find words to express ex-press it iu. It has alao Long been self-evident, too, that what has beeu said, what h&s aUo been concocted, and what attempted to be done, have been einal failure so far as resulting result-ing in good has been concerned. First, the tflecU of all that has been BaiJ have been sadly detrimental in every way to the general iuterests of Ut.'.h; secondly, these stories, concocted con-cocted and woven iota due yarns, to take aud ca.ch the depraved tastes,; have but given discredit to and turned j public opinion against the paper that has descended to such despicable means to attain its end. And in toe last place, the bitter malice which it has tried to m utile (but it would not bid,;) under a pretended cloak of fairac!, h.is Ul.en most heavily on lhat part of the population which it was nut intended to hurt. These continued asauiu and daily deuuiiciaiioui to every oue, seem so objec.k-es and nieaninles and from wbic; no possible or earthly show oil good can ever result, that it appears io any persou who views the situation caioiiy.aud from a disinterested stand point, oiiiier that someone ot the pro piietura must be raving stark mad and wholly until for the supervision and management of a daily paper, or that daily rirsR has turned TRAITOR To tbf interests of this whole com-iuuni-7. It may t?e the former, however, how-ever, and perhaps it would bo the m est just and charitable construction to put upon the extraordinary and popularly distasteful position he sterna now so very fully to occupy. Hia actions, ac-tions, too, somewhat accord with the story so common about the "bull and the red rag." This pour bull had a wonderful antipathy at and would run with ail its might, bellowing bellow-ing and scriping the earth, and lathing lath-ing itself into a perfect lury to tooj the red ran. Some mischievous urchins ued for devilment to t ou the dyke and hold a red rag ou th end of a slick, and the bull would enme dashing along to attack the red fiend, when, as it neared the wall, tue urcbina would raise the stick, and the bull would butt iu head aaiost the solid fence. Time cured it, but too late, as the bull died from the etlects of its rashness. Just so. 1 This now somewhat choleric old gentleman has br-en accustomed lorj many years to attack everything and everybody that eitt.er was or had the semblance of a Muruion. He would run witii his head down anil tail up, j . like any oLIht mud bull, shut hji fiyt j to the consequencce, and nine c&tva j out of tt:n Uud the red rng had been lilted and that be struck agiint I'jc BrONE'.VALL Of PUBLIC OPINION which hU) returned a universal vir diet Hgainst his pernicious c-iurao. l'hero has beeu too much of it, tuv whole people are tired and heartily lick of this endless daily fight, Tue people Of this territory have good reason to be disgusted with this anort-siifhteat anort-siifhteat policy of a part of its publio press. Their interests are so continually disregarded and set aside, that to a large portion of those whom it looks upon as friendly to it, cannot now longer tolerate it, its opinions so one aided and thoroughly biased are regarded as, worthless and unreliable. This arrogant, and foul mouthed press has delighted in ruthlessly aasaliug men's characters and exposing privata Hairs in the most heartless and cowardly manner. Utab as a territory terri-tory has this painful truth to acknowledge acknowl-edge that her progress has been sorely retarded her population decreased and her dearest interests trod upon by the venom and licentiousness o a part of her daily preBS, but it is that part j whoso uaefulnesH haa long since pueuhd awuy, and whose prcetage is now fust fading. j |