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Show Consternation Araong the Ringites The venerable old dame, Madame I'umor, and "They Say," another re-sjumsible re-sjumsible invUiblo, were at work yes-tenlay yes-tenlay vvhi.-periiig cerhiin improbable stories to sundry persons, and asking thase same sundry peojjle's views as to the chanced of the stories being true. First Dame 1!. luld a friend that two of Utah's notable Federal officials had been askcn.1 to resign their much honorable and less lucrative positions. po-sitions. The request was "lightning-ed" "lightning-ed" from the White House In the far off Orient. That much is correct. Each of the G s received the mystical mysti-cal words, cWdy sealed in yellow en-Yclopcs.with en-Yclopcs.with " Telegraph Company" Com-pany" printed on the outside. This is also ttue. Finally "They Say" heaid of the alve facts, put this and that together, and made an interesting story sto-ry which furnished the main sulject of conversation on street corners, and in hotel parlors and private offices, during the remainder of the day. The Hlrai.d, with ils accustomed energy, soon ferreted out all of the important facts for the benefit of its readers. There is to be a general change in Federal offices in the Territory. First, two of the present incumbents are to bo "elevated" to the dignity of private life. That is, they arc to be gently lower ed to the sphere occupied by ordinary and honest men. Of course they will be allowed to hold fast to the handles which Presidential appointment has prefixed to the names of their youth, but those titles will for-J ever be preceded by Ex. For these F. 0. H.'swc are sorry. Tbey are jolly, inoffensive individuals, who do no harm. In fact, if occasionally an opportunity was not presented, and if one of the gentlemen referred to did not seize upon that opportunity lo inform in-form the public that he was here, the great masses would be eu tixely ignorant ignor-ant of his existence. And the peculiar legal decisions of a certain mission jurist will no longer give occasion for the author ass." He also is lo be given an office, to perform the onerous duties Cf which will not " sadly overwork" him. The legal fraternity will be thankful for the change, for in it lies financial salvation lo them. The regular underground short line telegraph tele-graph to which we are indebted for the above has aUo indicated other changes, and all for the better. We do not say this on the principle that a change of any kind would be for the better, but because there will be actual ac-tual improvements as regards at le;ist two high places indicated above. For these mercies and all greater blessings bless-ings President Grant merits due thanks. A meeting of the F. O. IV, held last evening, thoroughly discussal the changes, and finally concluded, upon the principle that "whatever is is right," that they had better make the best of the situation and retire gracefully without attempting to kick against tho pricks. This opinion seemed to be unanimous. A high private remarked that "after the d d corrupt Credit Mobilicr Cong re-1 ignored the claims of the gool. av.I sober, and moral, and virtuous, and patriotic Major Maxwell and admit- , ted that to a seat," he was j prepared for anything; Tlio mission jurist knew, if Brisiow was confirmed as successor to William, that bU goose was cooked. He had attended ;V private consultation in an office over the post oflice unon the receipt of the news of the admission of Cannon, and his sentiments there expressed he hero rcitcratwl "If Grant did r. back on him he would sufier for it upon the return to Washington of Dr. Newman, a man of more power and influence than many persons dreamed of." Sundry and several other opinions and sentiments, were Otfcrcd. and the meeting finally adjourned ad-journed to the tune of "The Eoguc's March," praying Heaven that the night dispatches might 'irins relief. re-lief. Wc condole with you all, gentlemen. gentle-men. Your grief touches us to tne heart, rest assured it does; and if wc can do anything to alleviate the pain in the midriff of your musoulo-mem-bi'.nicoiis reservoirs, command us. |