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Show 1 SALT LAKE HOTELS. WALKER HOUSE, Salt L;ikc Cilj, Vlali. 1 CHAfiGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP. , mi:. .;. j'attrv. foiimkiily -11 nn-pro-l.T uf (.VtMitoiiltaii llutt-!, n t':.tn -.-, b- to minomico U tht fili.'.-ii r.f I'uli hik thf tniTriimj (niMi.', Mini ho viil l,;1Vl.., iK'in tiiU dalc.llic muu-I'C'-iiuiLt.if wa i. iv i :i: iuu si:, 'I'i.i- : irmt aj.a ..u.u.i!iouIj.jtel,cta-; tnniy I ., ;iuil .-ii ili,. j.iinoil busim-! Ar-l. i- nln-.i lr o-lnLu-h in the public I inin-i a tli- llr'S F MAN AGKD iloXK L I .otwvvii ban Fraiu'iMM and Cliicrtg.. and i:i orik'riiitr ti)on tlii now ciiu-riiriio tli .ii)'ri.-t.it-. vsill span; no psin to fnily nicvi all tlio r-.1iiir-inoiiUt..fihoirciit:". J. ii. i'ATTKN i a i.. J'roprieitu. Sail I.:ikc City. Div. I. 1S73. , OVERLAND HOUSE MAIN STREET, ; i SALT LAKE CITY, j 'First Class Accommodation lor! j Gentlemen. j P.ocni" per I'by from SO "Oto$U0: H...t..:uJ iur W wlv 2 M to o IW j 1 1-oard i.er Wool; ti W HarKer ho. nn.l I.aandry c-nne-Mod with tho liot-vl. li.-d K-mlms K.-om. ha-tern.tfes-; l.-rn and Limal Newipapur9. ro.'t IIENliY ISKUNTUN". Proprietor. iTOWNSEND HOUSE, LAKU CITY, iTHE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH, ! j JAMbS TUWSKND, Propietor. : mil IS IRHSK Ifi CKNTHALLT LOCAT-, LOCAT-, ml. well turaished, and bad accwniiuoda-I accwniiuoda-I Uons for lbO auaf u. The Proprietor is now preparing to bnlU : Iiimj additions to bid Hotel, which, when . tinif hod, will render it : The Most 'oaiplete Kstablishment I TUB UOCKV MOUNTAIN RKJIUN. : mil jTAYLOEVS HOTEL, ON TUB EUROPEAN PLAN. ' Centre of biock. vt aid East Temple I fltroet- I Rooms by the Day or Week. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAUrl ANT, kept by .Mr. R. E. BUR') ESS. Board by tho Day eJ Work, Meals at all hours. No ex pens spared to pleaso patrons. Hot and Cold Baths. TAYLOR 4 CUTLER, Pnn-rieton. alu j WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW ADDITION. ANOTHER 1M NEW RPMN't liBDS, NEW TARIFF. XUird South Strset, Sail liake City. Board ar.d Id?ln3. " "eel: $.IX fti Board and L.dinn. day l.1' i. liny Board, wook . o.W Itods, V week- l.Tt) (3 Bods, nitfbt, 2 & 50 MeelB 25 1 great Stem hotel, -2d Sonth-aL, Salt Lake City, j With a cftp.'iir for JW jtuosLs. Tlrt-cla ao- co a Luod&iiond for familioa and travelers. ! Hooiuj, per day. from W cU. to II 00; I RooinF, por woo-;, from $.i.iKi t (10..10: , ikrd. por week, (7.uu; Meals, 60 oanta each. Free Omnibus to the Hotel. ! TJsrbor Shop and Laundry connected with the Hotel. ICE FR SALE. For paitiouiarB ao'iciro at the ouico. my 17 S.MITU k BIOAZE.Troprietors. OCDEN HOTELS. . UNION DEPOT HOTEL j AD RAILROAD DINING HALL, r OWDKiV, UTAH, Situated on Railroad Platform, Junction of V- P. and C. P. Kailroads. nmll U- S- KKB, Proprietor. ! I SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS. G v a n cl Hotel, M.rk,t, K.W MoDtRomerr A i5wond StreV. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. (5 JOH NSON i Co., rreprl.lore. MORTON HOUSE, tixo nnutL 4 Kli.M, fu..' lo v.r IM" .Pi;. W. (J. (1RA11AM. Trorrietor. O.VIAHA HOTEL. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, m:ili:i. Nob. 'Vuy l.l:,:ST AM riNKST I10TB1. I sn Frao-i...... TSNLL, IX"T. t. IST V.V". rilHAU, ;-!.''. ST. LOUIS HOTELS. SOUTHERN HOTEL! Fr V.zi. rt l'h."'th. ar I Wa1r. il U.. A 1 -V "I" !, 4 V 1 . M f . FLI i v M.V Y.U X ' . V. t ti, :.;. n i.;.. . f !).' - -' T. - n r-.-vvt itJ4:r .ry-a Ilt. 7.1- l-:,-r ' I.A,-:i"-.'.:tt. BREWERS. HCNSY WACENER. '-t C-.tt.Vtxk. CALIFORNIA BREWEPY. civil engineers: ceo. m. boutelle, CIVIL ENGINEER and U.S.MIN- ERAL SURVEYOR FOR UTAH. ! I vj or icn ml'- ol! ee, 01 .-it thf Townripml j lioue. .-Alt Lake tity. .L. V. BREDEWIEYER, TT S. M IN EH A L SI ''. V F VK, Pn . L'. mhinK Kririneer. i ini'- "r ..f l m-f Uci '"ning hxwrt trhot ro-i-ifo-o. K im-t'.ill im-t'.ill BIlvK, oi'ivf its Towuncn.l II nUstf. ol'J j JAMKS II . MAKTINKAI. H DltATjLIC ANPniVTL KN; IN KF. :t. 1 and LAND SI KVfcV;:. j KOV.iX, CACHE CO r xr 1: 1 ' .Mineral elaiiiu irrpvel, ell ' JOSEPH CORLINSK I, civile i:n;i k jz 1 : it,' l:nited Siafw Mineral an.i j Doputy Survojor for Ctah. Ofllce: First South Street, Dearly ot-rofite ;Jj St. .Mark's Churh. j . . .... .. I fV3. T. BURGESS, Civil Enginoer end U. S. Mineral; Surveyor, i Will prei.ft.re the tiecary Pnper and Dia-i graniB tor Patents and Protect!. Ofiice in Building occupied by Surreyor QfiXoraL ianl ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW. ' J. C. H EM IN CRAY, TTORNEV-AT-T. AW. OFFICE, NO. fj, KirabHll's BW-k, First outh street, alt Lake City. o-l OKO. VK.flBl.r SlIH a 8. 1. JOKa;0!T SMITH A JONASSON, 4 TTORNKYSA-COrNSfiLnRS AT LAW. rV. Main Street, Salt Lake City; two doors south of Salt Lake llouso. JJ. B. A Notary always in the ofDoe. auf hopka Ptott TnrorvRF! hck vfstkr STOUT A BU RM ESTER, 4 TTHN" EVS-AT-LA W, Offiro on Main a. streot, neany oniwite tno Tribuno oiiice, 6alt Lake City, Itah. art J. M. CARTKH. C. O. TT1L805. W , CARTER Sl WILSON, , 4 TTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVER A First National Bank, East 1 em pie st. Li W. BKSSETT. 6:o, C WH1TKKT. i BENNETT, A WHITNEY, 4 TT0RNEYS-AT-1.AW, OFFICE OVER D. Oronig's Mora, Main street Salt Lafce Cily. feciL) j C- H. BKM!3TK1D. U. Kl t SPATE! tt. 1 HEMPSTEAD A K1HKPATRICK, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, MAIN STREET. -Opposite Wells- Fargo X Co., Salt Lake City. all) Prospeetus for 1874. Seventli Year. THE ALDINE, An Illustrated Mcntnl Journal, univorallj ad milt to bo the iinnd-omojt Periodieal in the World. representative and Champion of American Tula. X,f fr.,- Sl. i Jl t, .,r S7,,rrs. The ALD1NK. while is.- k; wi n all the regularity, hiis nono of tbo temporary or timely intorc-t cbaraet eristic t"f ordinary periodical . It i n oli?ant mipcollny of ' urc. litht and Kracai'ul literature, and a collection col-lection ol picture-, tho rarest specimens of . artiilie r ill. in bUi. k and white. Although eiicb s.urcee.iin num ber nll'urd- a fro.-b lea-ure lea-ure to i'3 trieud. tho real value and beauty of the Mdmo wil ho mo-t appreciated alter it bap been bound up at he eloo oi tho year. W bila other publication may elaim superior i-heaiiness, as comi.jirid with riv.il ul a "iini-larcla.-?, tht' Aljino i; a uni-jiie and original i-.nception sloco mid unaporoa lied absolutely abso-lutely w.ihout c-Jinpetitioni in priee or cha-nicter- Tlu (.o-en.-..r of u couiploto volume cannot duplicate the .inui(iy of lino paper and enuravinirr in any other h ipo or namboiof rolumud "lor len lniie-s iu cost ; and then tuero are tho chrouiua. beiides:" ART DEPARTMENT, l?i. Th:- lliu-lrafiori' of the Aldine have won a worlil-wiiio raputAti'in, and in tho art eon iron ol Euro- it i? an admitted Met that it wood cutsard exitmi'livs of the biirliest (lorfeetion evr aita nevl. I'bo e jtjiii iu proj iitiieo in favor of "Meol plates," i rapldlr y icUlinc to a inoro eine(ed and and di'eriminliui t")'e which reotni--oa tho di:iniat:os of uperior arti.-tic mmlity with sronter facility ol production. pro-duction. The .ood cut.- ef the A Idine i-ess all tho delicacy and elaborate Ticuh of tbc most eo-tly Meel plate, while they afTord a better reuderinv of the artist'.- original. 'lo felly realize tho wonderful work which tho Aldinc UdnirtB fur thtieau.o of art culture in America, it if only neco-.-ary to consider the etft to the pot.ple "f any other decent represent repre-sent at ions of the productions of treat pnin'ora. In addition to the Josisua by the ruembers of the Nationnl .-ademr. and other noted American artists the Aldino will r prod ace eNamplesof the be-t l'"reto mriters, seleciixl with view to the lik-hosl arh'tic succfv's and jreaiuFt eer.eral iniere-i. 1 iius the sul'.cri b-cr b-cr to the AlJino mil. a: a trifling cefl, ocjoy in h'i VQ il.Uie li plouuroj andrehning ihuiienco oj'tr.ie art. iho guarterly tinted plntes for 1T1 will bo by 1 h m as .Moian and J. 1'. W(.ltard. The t.hri"ttnas i-'iie for 1ST I mil contain special di-sitfm appropriate to tho season, by our b--n nm-tf and will surpass in attraction I any of its predecoasors. PREMIUM FOR Every suli-.-riber to the Aldine for lb yp"r ill nv.'ive apnirot rhrfiuos. 'iho original ori-ginal picl.irtw wit" i gnited in oil (or the i p;iKl:-h'.T? oi the Aldine, by lhouiM .Moran, . wbo't' "rea! Col'Tado pict.ire purchased bv Cncr-- ( - ien th -. I ilolla'". The '.-ui-ieii-; weret'!i'..s-rt In rvpreent " 1 iit Eh-1" ' nrd " I l-o v ,-t." "n i a v io in tb-j V nit M.mniiint, S,.w Har-n-hire: the .ab-r ki vm ih l i.'i- "I "reon f n er. " yomin; ! erriLTy. ih-m'e is' p'..h.-iph ."iitr.i-t. nr.d r 1-i 1-i n 1 J,.,l.v .. (be .irl-.f-- ' nnd c-'l r it;. l!e ,;.ioi,i.r aie .-a, b ..ik1 from j thit:? i'-'inrt p'i h - i ,.r - i.i m'.' ' .-n-.i:-. ' iiie i-rePi..ti. r. -t m o:; ay e i n le of An.cru-a'3 ;rcmp t I it. t-.-jii :-tnter the ?i-crit'.-rj et ilio A..n;,4 i, M Mi p.v i-is-Iv hii-i-v idea, a.-.i its s :.v I r. .'t- . tp'tt i- at f--:.i b lao P-i i"int t -t mortal ove. in (i:i'"irf -i Mr. M tp. bu . "Newwrk. N.I ..-eft. ."lb. l"Tv "Mcf.'r. .' me-utfjn A Cv. t-. in c-'I'T of j".ir clir m 1 Vy ur" 1 j iCichI pr--- .M t'i i',-..-"'. ii i-sint iS-:s " cry re;-c. S-irro -lil' M-'RAN." Tii. re in e. -rv -e- . i;r,.T Icti. 1 b.-v .ire -vm;1'.-:mI Avu-il rr i'P'tn .iwiv" of An., riv-in v.-nery by an icericar ', sir.ter. r.:-.i i r est. -i ! ub.-:i-K'-j :o the fir-t il At-oricxn rt ,;,, ir- .il- 1: n S--: t ',v.1:ie . : all th.'.h. y w-II . f r-:rlv r-""--' a 'ctete-t no : niin !:! -ic'.: s C-3 ;ri lr-. ar.d nutt)- arc .he ay t tiw u erst- ,i ? i.--. a v.i iJr t.n! a "in'e t a cyy-.i'V - her cr.T.i. e Ay f. t e i. :e jtle su;-.r,,ti ii p;;.-e ol Uifc Al.PiNE j 'S; e: :v-ie mil rn:e the-" ric':-ef '".-r evo. rl..: I 'ffany IVbscVi ' cr' ih'..'i 'Ic li.M.l arrn' -ire:-: i ;.i: r :. h.-n w il ! seed - f:-- 'tl. ii,v..e." a r. a.-.j ::t- . 1:"; ia ei: o -s rtiili ! c. betray :i U:s;ti e; h:s hsaru I TCBYS. j CAMVASSERS WANTED. ; amks srnov j. ... r.i -r . j .' : . ' i. VN f. . .. i .... r r . v - I..., I. ' ' i ; ZI0.YS 10-OPERATiVE 'Mercantile Institution la doing the Uu'gest business ever cai-ricd on in the Territory Terri-tory ol Utah, arising from an uniform prstcm of dealing principally with manufacturers manufactur-ers of standard goods, buying in immense quantities and selling on the closest margins. The largest part of their purchases l'or the WHOLESALE Ai.0 RETAIL CRY GOODS BEPARTffiT are made through their New York office, from -whence aU fluctuations in the Foreign and Home markets are closely close-ly watched. The Institution is complete in all its various departments and fresh novelties are added to the stock as last as they are offered in the market. Visitors are shown through the buildings without the slightest importunity to purchase. pur-chase. The gentlemen in charge of the several departments are among the most widely i and favorably known in the . Rocky Mountains and we i commend them to the conli- : dencc of the public, promising , that no effort on their part 1 will be wanting to ensure a j continuance of its patronage, i They are enabled not only 1 , to suit the tastes of au intelli-gent intelli-gent trade, but also to com-j com-j pete successfully with Eastern dealers. In fact, no country merchant can afford to pass by this city under the impression im-pression thatEastern markets will give him lower prices, better stock ormore favorable terms. Their GROCERY, HARDWARE j DRUG DEPARTMENTS lor completeness and variety .of stock have never been j equalled west of New York, and merchants in the neigh-J neigh-J boring settlements and Terri-, Terri-, tories cannot do better than j replenish their slocks from I this source. I Their 'CLOTMG DEP1HMST ;is now opening its magnificent Fall and Winter Purchases, ( among which is the most i varied assortment of Gentle-mien's Gentle-mien's Furnishing Goods ever j brought to Utah. Since merchant-tailoring has been add-;ed add-;ed to and made a specialty in this department," that I branch of the Institution's trade has attained a perfection perfec-tion never arrived at by auy ; similar house in the Territory. Terri-tory. Foreign mid domestic fabrics of every style and price made to order or sold in piece. SH0E FACTORY DepartMt keeps thirty hands constantly con-stantly employed on all classes of work, and lias never fouled to secure the Prize medals at our Territorial Fairs. Their iaeilities for turning out lirst-elass work i have never been equalled by 1 any like establishment in I tali. Gentlemen and j Ladies ititinr; the city would do well to leave their measures with that Department, Depart-ment, thus enabling them to j order by mail at any time i they desire a perfect Ct. ! Among the SriTULiTiLi c! ' this Department are those ol 1 iioivj Collars, and supplying (lie trade witli Leather "anil Fin, lings, a large and com- j plele Muck of" which will always be found on hand. ' Iho Institution deals in eery class of merchandise, j and all persons however re-mete re-mete from business or manu-' laei.iiiiig centres can have ' their orders proniptiv 1:1'...- by n.:i;!i::g t::-::i to H. 15. Claw.-..x, S ;;i't. : IRONFOUNDERS. '. EDMUND WILKES -..Lsssu ; SILT LIKE RON f 0 i Manufacturer 0 all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Mining, Milling and Smelling 1 j MACHINERY, j Will contrast to erect iQi'aktz Mills A smkltkiis cuinjilete, Xakeow Gaige Railkoad Work, p s tr I T C H E s, FKOCB and WATER STATION'S, SEAT, HAND, ITslI, and MIXING CAES, BUILDING FRONTS, ORNAMENTAL HOUSEWORK, Arid BUILDINGS, Em. One block South of tho U.C.K.R. j Sortombor -y. 1ST-,. t TUKSIIORTK;! lUUrsTJ t'OX XUKB I $100,000 for only $2.50. i TUB I.AK,:KST ltm-RX Vi, R IUK j sMALLtST 1XV.V7ML.NT. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT ! j Will be held at tEAVENWORTH, Kansas, j llecerabtr 31st, 1S73, For the benefit o.' a JLVEMLE REFORM SCHOOL.' 40,000 GIFTS, ' , H50,0-X LX TRUES, fkixcital rnizE. $iOO,XX, Crirtir-c of thp nrrri r'n:;nl rfiirJPr,-t nf i. 'n.-in ti. I -:--! M..rr rr; 4 s ffw "''-n tb O-'n li ,ar: . .r ii hr rricr f-rat rr-..ar, i. r-h .-.'ric-" rd ti-"t-1 1 -j- b :il lire h h-rn --!Trn-(-It coa)ij w.;h all m jera iaiirc.T-racoi. iaiirc.T-racoi. 1" r-.-. ;; 1 C.'D l'r.:t - .. s i -h.- ? ,-. i " " Z'ZZ ZZ . I v-'Xt ;':;.' I i ' -ju Tl- : '- ' :).- - - 'i; cj&ro- tac;;. c er '.Lrr '. : ; ... ; rt la V ' .V " - . : 'l -: .--i tli Z : - ' .-: 5-- :. - 1 -' ' tw- .. - - , . . 1 I :medical. I MRS. CARPENTER, rUVSICIAN AND SURGEON. fire Jf--r nnrth pf TmuGic. Oflic hfun tri-ni lit tn 12 ft-is., ud 8 to imh. &ui6 MARY H. BARKER, M.D., 0VT1CE ff.rwln Old Coamlim!. Build-in. Build-in. Mud i". re. Oflic houn ID ft.m. , to S . m. Hweaeet Bihor Turtle, J. W. Young, Rev. C- C. Mj-atiun, Rev. J. Wlch. i DR. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., OFFU-K HBSTPiiOR SOUTH LAMB i IVi Pmc 8:ai, KMt ieaiil. Street ResiJes at H alter Hou. ST TIONER STEVENS A CO., Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Berwee-n Walker and Clifl Hooje,, MAIN STTtKKT. SALT LAKE CITY. TUB TRADE SITPLIIID. n LUMBER. BUILO'C MATERIAL S . S 1 g i a i " o Vi -3 oc Z ! d H S ? 2 fl I f S i 3 H " S J M o n i LUMBER YARD. - All klodi of ;lumbeb DOORS, WINDOWS, Bllrids. Mouldings, Shingles. Lathi JUNKS A FORALAS. ADVANCED PRICE Dried PEACHES AND TEASDEL &. CO. (We are Stlliiif! Low FOK CASHnur I Blankels, Clothing, Shawls, ir Woolen Goods. TEASDEL & CO. I I PARLOR, HEATING, ; AND COOKING STOVES, ' At jsx t..l, liAt... I TEASDEL 4. CO. 1 VFRY CHOICE FAMIi f GROCERIES, T:i': Iinl : 1 TEAS, r co w v ): : X ( W.I. AMI I aAMINK. j j I TEASDEL 6l CO., BUSINESS CARDS. I Sao it Lr&ucas Cit; lzml in thi; ojlama, ncdr their wjfiire beadirr. i r' JS eenui rr lia i-er ww'i;. or 75 rsr.ii per line per month. TliiJ i an exroilw.t crr.i:Ei;r their business rv ir.ier-'.iy b:roihc j rnblip at a Terr srral! v-l. Q- EMIGRATION AGENT. r' W & rAlNLi, F. 0. Lei o.s.7. .Net . York City. jt-ii DIVORCES. t t- LSoLVTB L'l'.O-KS o-?T.vr: P from Cjtr's of tliiTprer:; S:i.:?s or or ;ntrn. No luVu.ty r, .rcl vu - cLarce u:iti: div-irro crfii:;-j. A-'.' rfi il. H0.3K, Al'oi.-i.y. 1 .1 Hrc-u r-.y . X Y.I " TOYS."" 1 '0 TO SAM'1K for v.vir i'aritma T Uppontn Ki:nia!l !!:, : TENTS A WACOM COVERS. ' tTl CURTIS. Asrwt il S.iub. crr-o' it cC-rj-X merciaJ Sl Xci;!.' trvn: to i V. ji.) JQUy B"L?TF.'5 l.o. T..:K Ten:: If . Siroet, ilirw door oi Walker iro."f- imJ ! roin jio uiivi-ftrds. iji . BOOKSELLERS A STATIONERS Dealer in biank r.v.i, acii-ol K- ie and Fiae French StaiiwEiar... jeJj FilJrniture. HDIXWOOPEV, No. :!1 Kat Tf:crle . 6trt and 75 ltSooih SirroL Ji--i ' BAKERS. GLOFE BAKERY: frejri ri-. b-jr.. ea1.es, bread, de'.ivared in ail iuU uf tho tierr monung. oiu BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. "IT J . HOOPEE. No. ST Cotnujereial Street. Bonte andcJitxa made lo order, CLOTHING A OUTFITTING. ! O'REILLY A C "., corner of 3d South aco" . Commercial Streots. tjlotSiru; and Eur- niihin viced, llats. boot? shov, ie- e.'-Y 1 WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WATCHES AN3 JEWELRY O.L.EL ITSOIT 1 to inionu tne resiatnta o, ait L.R" L City and rieir.it.v, that he Bit uul: fuarante to proicrly Kei nir. Clca.o mo adjust atcnes and Cbrwaumeiers, but be wi I saKethem or any panel haai W order, and warrant the wort. Just roc ei red anemrrlyof K'irin. Swi TatL-Qo and a tine m eS of r t oi:w '.r. ricw a lo aj auy in ton- i ( toon Ktnfih I'bti Bnnt n SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES. "BIG GUN" STORE. HAGUE EROTK EFJ S " I Irnportors of acd Tenant in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition j Remington Sporting Rifles ON SALE The b-t in u-e. j TINNERS AND CAS FITTERS.' F. 1. MirCHELU OiTlD HUM' MITCHELL & JAMES, K.vctij;lr ftiiTi.un. to t1:-1 T.i:'ic t!i:it tiwy haro ItKM'vcn to Oi. ir.N. w I'r.- I niiso? cm -?t Tfinp'.o Siivi.-t, (.t)'p.-iU the rityM -at Mark, u w'.i.t.. v i.. -p.-. J , by ft.riciait.-ir.iaii Xc bii'i'i"- an, mi11 proriL? to mril thp rn'iii'i-.n-l ps;r.nistjf ' po liK'niily Lk-.-U'-a-J lijva tlctti. TIN.SHEET IRONXCCrPEuniliJS FURNACE WORK A li.KiKINli. Gas, Water, anrj Steam Fillers. WEST IEMrLEsl'UEET, (ij i.-u, Ctr Mr.it M.irkit J GEORGE E. REID & CO. Are nw rrej a'ed tr run GAS and W.vrril I'Il'i lit. V- IMI-r- f, .v , Ulhe Vwflrt T " 1 ; a I i. ,r . h..-.1 w- i ,r..-r... , v. . . i, .,, r ef '. '..s -l '. I . , ' , i i.m v K ii . 1 1 . . - i .... 'iO .'.'s. for V- .:-r a- J r . n. I ,r t,, BliJi Mi:ri i. Opposite M'alkcr ifoiir. STEAMH)3FO? UROPC WHITE STAR LliJE UMTED STATES MAIL I . V- V : New Yorl., Ci.'- f. Li.-. ,'-'0l. i', . ia'-- . '' I .. l. ' i .... . , , . . I SAVINGS DEPARTMENT DESEEEI NATIONAL Ml - Kcoclve der-r-ilis or One BoUm n4 Ipwardit. ! Ii.torwl at ev'i:'. jvr cci-L p air.um i ....-0 soii-vr.'-dy, cki the Pir.1 of March dr.d S..t.lm'ter. ! II. HOOPKR. PrsiJ,rit. 1 H. S. KLDKEDGE, Vice President. L. S. 1ULLS, Cauner. DESEBET NATIONAL BANK or SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH. TA1D I P CAPITAL, SawiW AVTH0RIZKD CAFITAL tl.OC v. u. iio. rni;. rroij...:. . B. S. FLI.KcIv.iE. Vice 1 ' r-KJii 1; A M YOl'.N.i. . JONIMiN Diru.r,. JUUS SKrir. F. LITTLE, I L. S. HLLU5. Cole:, bold Dust, Coin, Kictaanire, Und Warrsnls, Collese Scrip, etc, COLLECTI0S5 MAPR AND PR0MPTLT KKMUTtD. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. Interon I'ald a irS.VVl Ci ?s 1 i: l0 tS II eS n.i First National Bank of Utab 8ALT LAKE CITY. See Sr-eoial Advancement on Third Pfcf n.S SALT L.AKC CITY NATIONAL BANK. AnthoriredCapit.il, - $500, (KK. E M. PrKELL. Ero-Ment. JO-rPH M. !U'KKKU.CibiT. litMl'SIKAi) & KJ.KK.i'AiniCK. Anorrjya. Co R b a ion n nrr : ! SffW YOPF j p t,l t'.? Eari BrV. BOSTON -.National Eank of Xort Amr- C1HCAOO . Thi-fl Natural Park. t. Lut'l...'lhird .Nhh.hirI i Ask- OM f HA...v mull a atioi,! fnh. SAN I KANCiSLi.iNau..nai liold Bask arvi 1 rt Co. LoMJUNJay Cook, lUcCnllocB A Co. W ELLS, FARGO & Co.. jEXPRESS FORWARDERS I Cankers & Dealers in Rxchana, Draitl on Eirroi-e. FnrriMn Colleciion ITx-mfily Hikum 10. EST TK-M1'LK ST., SALT LAKH CITI . Henry Wi-onh, AcenL ml 2 a. . vn:Tfi. w. a. H -rouja, WHITE L McCORNICK, (btitxw.K.ri lo A. V Whit A Co-J Km Imnm, 5t.Lt L.ii Crrr. L'caler i GOLD DUbT, COIN k BULLION HicJin-ie ! ft the ) i-iri;:tl ctttet of the Utntat u-.ii Auirf, Fariieti'iir iiioTiti. n nren 1r cIt"-tionp and nwii rounnwJ at rurreai rate of ha otiaoco un day ol iayuieui. UVO. K. WUiTSEY, AttomeT. C-i.iiFBronDt.37n: "Wf S(B rntn l-i lit A o..A(ii.lOK oJiaia-Nr- ,.ra -iiiioa A k'i idco t,'r.ifo m-h National lur.k".'.' l-'nn'a injil BRUSHES. S 0? E W Ji. K T ' S CELERKAl ED JJ ii tj s ii :k sf I'AI.VTEIl1. ' " V ill i t, ' '-If-.v. Hi '.--..MEN. A si- fiou.L F:lt I il For Bala. V bclw.le ami ',H J1. by C. M. I Irryvrt ari Drug I'air'.mnuui. V.t i.-ii. A i . .Uaura. IumoUoi A Cv. 7, li. liJLM 1.7 . 17 liiubo-ili Tk. j c Jir 3 o r j ' 3 -';.: ir-b Fm. 'V r: ,p UU. U-Uj IwOii.J i',...vlU . i I: , " "I - ...,, T '. v , .' . '.'v',', ;''.. .' " . : .1 . ;'.) i- 7 : I. ' . - ' i- v ii, i:i -'"1 . i . i yt. i ::. r . .'.' I I. i i. l i T ! . ' ' ,1' ""I'!' - . . . . . ,( |