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Show Tbr r VI I ut. C;. ira.t, 'J. A W'.wh iiitori i;.tfi.ti says tl. it I'r. I.n.'li nntti, tl.f ilirct'tor of li.f mint, rt tarn U' t:ial ci'.j alcut tin- l.";ii ul S pu mlt.-r, with a lull bu.ifc-t of fUl:-l;-s n:rl-inp n:rl-inp the nnncr.ti w. aIiIi of t.ie wst, :n rcfi rence lo tl.e .atitiiiiitinn'iil o! tue pn.i("'il mw :imit. It sppvam tii.tt New York c.ty l an app.n'ant fur the new nnnt on ll.o j;p.uiiil that throe-k'Mrtln of the bullion furnished to tlie l'uiladt ipiih mint coiupa fnra Uie former city, thy .V-w Yorkors claiming thai the coinin; orHre ehoul.i ic inarvr the bo?o of tuppik. If 11 'iignt-.H shoulJ tt.iKish a mint in New York it wmi.-l uku away the main value of the 1'hil.uh Iphia mint. I'nii.ulrlniiiana will linn 'lure rtaist tliio move ol the New Yorkers, anJ the two elements in this lilit lioK lo unite with tiie powerful lit-lfgations, for iiidtanco, the New York dclt'.i-lion, dclt'.i-lion, will ayree witii the Ctiicno men lo work for the Iwatinn of tin1 mint at Chicago, if tho latter will work with New York against Philadelphia. Phila-delphia. In the fume way Philadelphia Philadel-phia mny unite with bt. Iuid. A gentleman weli informed upon miut subjects says that no matter what Dr. Linderman may recommend, tlie lo- Ieatiun ol Inc new western mint will I le decided by congressional cunibina- lioub between tiic wcat and the east. |