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Show RAILROADS. - 1 OV AAO AH KB nr.Kf K.ftllKB .fill., 1174, TKIIXS WILL jGI.tJI DA.iL.1T A.I K)L- Of')Hanl l'u.4inur Train f'.r Teano, M '.i)0, Mary-illr. KwltiniK Our LlLafiu-.f., Mar (!-,r Yn-Mii 111 , 1. 1 i.f.n (for Angisleaj, Jc Jand .-.iui l-fitu. - - - -5.3br.M- tr,(i iin.ui I'.r .-.m t ' ca.u-Ai:'. - - K f.a. A. N.TOWNK. T- If '.'MiM A V. ;(joo I oup't ijiri. J'.-- aiiij Ticket AmL oau. u. I'.i'.i-;, A',.si,.i.l! I. ill-" Tir, -M..- wn.li Mrhall A Car.ar, Or or W. F. A O, Uauk. rJ) DTE NORTHERN RAILROAD. Truinx Mm between Biidiam Junction with C. l II. U., terminus; SIX MILKS FROM LOU AN. Lan Firiuhnm fliiiiion, tun arrival t (I. I1. J'iih-oMfr Truin.J aL.... 7:00 .m Arrlvo a. M -ml... 1"-' l.navti iioii.ii. n ui fl:lO a-m Arrivii at i:ri)tuin at lli :2f p.tn In e.iiiiui;t Willi truliis lur Utfden and bait Lako. fttr WtiiH!(i eonnflet with Trains t" and frni l.im n.ur.v, and with Ni.rlli.irn SaUlaiaanM In Cache Cuuiity Tin- wnt.kL.H aM Trains Run on Salt Laka .Time. FA h Beliroon t'iilf. Liiku anil Tormlnua, V 00 " '..dun " " 3 00 ltcduco i Raton to Excursion Parties, Pa.s5Ciif.orH frill plcanc purchase their Tickets at tho Otficon. ot all uttnuiition ounuorninf Freight or I'm sane, aiili" to CM AS. NIBLKVi OtubTkl i-'roiuht and -ticket Agent. J SO. W. YOI'NO, d L L Uon'l fciup't UTAH CENTRAL HAALItOAl). PIONEER LINE CF UTAH. Uwaadartar leoeniler T. Unity Trial ns 1 Luvt Halt Laka 01 tT at 8 a m. and 2:46 P.m Arrive at Ojtden 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. , Laave Om.on M H a. m. andf:W p. m. ArriTeatSalt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 r.oa I& addition to the aboi I IVEXXIDEJX) TRAIN j Will ran DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and , .,10 p.m., and O.nden at 5 a.m. 'and 5.50 p.m. aaaaaffara will pliut PtarahaM thatr Tlaketa at the Offla. fiRj Cents additional will be charted whoa tie faro la collected on the tra'o. for all Information oonominr freight or paniaze, ajily to J IN. SUA It 1 General Freight end Ticket Ag't , JOHN SHARP, "npiRlMTBNDBKI UTAH SOUTHERN RAILKOAD. w""' "TTPtSl U nd ftrr DeccinU.r Otli, 1674 DAILY TIIA1KS I Leave the Utah Central R.R, Depot 8ait Lako City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Arrivo at Lchi at 9 a.m. and 4 oO p.m. Lcavo Lchi at 9.30 a-tn. and b p.m. Arrivo at Salt Lako City at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho above iliTxED-TRAINS A W ill run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving tho Utah Central R.R. depot, fait Lake City, at I p.m. and Lebi at 6 a.m. Passengers will please purchase their Tiocots at ihe Offices. Filly cente ad-ditiinal ad-ditiinal will be charee when the fare lb collected on the train. For all information coneerniog freight or passage, apply to J AS. SHA HI, .tfen. Ireliat and Ticket A rent. JOHN SHARP, pcpaarjrrmND int. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddlery, Leather. J. C.JOHSSO.YJt CO., 104 S- 106 Front Street, SAX FlUX CISCO, Brf-r bt p-T-mi-.Vjn tv Jtr. H. B Claw M. Superintendent of the Z. C- Jf- I. ol5 Einstein Era's &. Co., Mn-Jfscturrs and Importers uf BOOTS & SHOES, AaJ dciUen in LEATHER. FINDINGS, Etc, 49 una 31 BATTEKY STEKT. dli iAN FK. CISCO. S. P. HOLDEN i CO., COMMISSION' MEKCH.OTS, S3 SAKSOME STKEEX. SAN FRANCISCO. BVis AiD SLLLa FgB O.U1 IKASE. i OB PRINTING.' Tie varied wants 'of tie HIJfER, ARTIZAN and rRAVEt.ER to JOB PRINTING CAN J1 F.l F I 1 j K I) AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. Tho unanimous Mtiafaotion given by tho work don at our offloe in the past has justified u in oonti Dually importing im-porting ail the Newest Attractions with which to please our patroni in Elegance "'; ad Style, tnd prform Job Printing to oompare favorably with any importation importa-tion in this line from the East or West. Anything in the nature or PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, SHOW CARDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS, CURTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTLVGHOUSE WORK RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC.. done to order in black, colors or fgold. We do oot profess to work below ooet, nor work for the sake of working, eor gin baits of any nature, bat by e system of calculating prices, make a rule to oompeto with outyide Quality & Figures Salt Lake Iron Co. CHAS. ROOME, PreBidW. EI"KY J. DAVISON, Secretary. 31 AN'V" CTUIlBt- Of lIIMt; A; 3I1LL1T5S MACI1I EKV. Engines and Boilero Mr!e and Repaired to IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. Agricultural Vto.cjtiiri.ox'y. Orden Primi i!y Eiecuiod in a W'jrkmai:Uke Mon-r. Old Cwt Iron Bought at the liicttt 3iaxc.ct ITku. L. V. SLTIIERLWD, Manager. jatj WORKS: Ulock auuth of Depot. P. 0, box, 30U. GROCERY DEP'1 Z. O. J. X. WHOLESALE AND liETAH. Groceries, t Hardware, l'lows?, Ntove.s, Crock p.ry (rlassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, .A-LX, OXJK GOODS AHE OMHAP DEALd IN TUK . SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNE WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL IAND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. STOVE S! Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, ; 7 NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a groat variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, oom- ftrisinjr. the largest assortment to be found in any Btook in Utah; prioes very ow, call and see. ool20 H. B. CLAWSON, SupU Jxxlixx Bauer c&j Oo., GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED KNAEE PIAHOSp THE BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE 7ST 313 JS. FL JSJ . MANUFACTURERS AND DIPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BATJEE & CO., 650 Broadway, 390 , 392 394 &; 396 "Wabash Avenue . NEW YORK. CHICA G iy 18 Oa Wlm X. Salt Lalie Oity, GENERAL MACHINERY WAGON DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE YARD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's and other Tlirashina; Machines, M ood's Mower and L'omWiied Maelune, Excelsior Mower and Keaper. World Mower and Keaper, Champion Mower and Keaper, Nulky Kakes, "Welcome" and "Superior " Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" Smntter. Cane Mills, Machine Extras .' ! S:Mark the Hace COUNCIL HOUSE YARDS! SALT LAKE CITY. W e are expecting an immediate shipment of tlio weJI-known and j astir-celebrated "SGHUTTLER WAGON," The factory havine ju?t cot rVirly ricc'n? sin thi GRF4T CHIOACO FIRE I H. B. Cr YS0Nt Superintendent. Z. C. ML' I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SION OF TIIE g ia -p oot gents' boots,' ladibs' boots, ' children's boots, gents' shoes, Ladies' shoes, children's shoes, gents' slippers, ladies' slippers, ' children's slippers, For fine weather or stormy woathor; for walking, walk-ing, duocing, working, sparking, climbing, riding, fishing, mining, ate, otc- A largo and choice assortment of tho abovo, onr oira make and imiwrted, at the most reasonable rea-sonable pricoa. We in&ke to order any ilyle and (pinilty desired and tninre ittli faction. OLD BOOT3 A.D SHOES Made u good as ncn almost SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sola Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather I Imported Calf Skirje, American Calf Skins, Morocco aDd Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, AJLD "KIT" OF ALL KINDS!! HOKSE COLLARS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AI LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Ordcra by 3Ia.ll receive apccial and prompt attention. HIDES AND "WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. CLAWSON, ar DUNFORD&SONS. LADIES' A"D CHILDREN'S AT 'COST! DURING THE HOLIDAYS. Largo i or tmoiit . Now is yoiir time! " in n Sewing Machine. yY E rcspcotftilly invito tho Publio to call and sec our oxccllciit variety o. Sewing Baclimcsa IN Plain, Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanslili AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH T1IK FANTON CASTORS. The Total Sala of the SINGER MACHINE arc nolo ' nillEE QUARTEKS OF A MILLION THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, An evlaenoe tnat It lb last winning suiroino iftvor in ma uuuuuuuiu. The Singer Company sold ovor tho other Companies, 52,734. 6 V$r The Chicago Relief CouimiUoo furnished euilorerB by tlio Fire to Match is, 1872, 3,944; 3.151 Silver MaclliUCS, all othor makes, 783. Aprdicanta mado their selection, with same discount on ail. OUR SAL-US IN UTAH EXCEED ANY WTHER HOUSE IN THJB. 8KW1NQ MACHINE LINE TNiS Oh' CHICAGO. Wo courteously invito tho Ladioa to sou our It attraotfl go n oral uttontion nntl admiration. Wo also desiro you to see our TUCKERS, CORDER3, RUFFLER3, BINDERS ' QUILTERSc HEMiV15R3t TRIMMERS, PLEATER5, SELF-SA5TER3, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE OH ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MA0I1INES. YKTE GUARANTEE EVERY MACIltNE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTITtE SATISFAC TT tion, aa oaab ono is LiorcuKbly adj uHtod, triotl unti tostod by exporiuacod Mocjlianioi and all are warranted to sow with oase all kiHtlti uf guoda. from tbe oooj-atjaL to tho finest, L.ace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Deuiiun, TickLiigB-DuckJjig TickLiigB-DuckJjig Beaver, BiicknKia and leather, tj&" Inetruotion given free of chargo by aompetont attendants, and tormB of salo to Buit all oircumatanoos. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. Wc extend a cordial inviUiion to all to COME AND SEE OUH MACHINES . Whether they wish to purchase -or not. AT TIIE SINGER SEWING MittlME DEPARTMENT Zi G. Bl. I. CJencral .gsnts, Two doorfl enulh of Eatrlo Kmpriiim. Satt IjAKB Citv. UiVIOiN PACIFIC RAILROAD jp TABLE. DNTIL further notice, Trains will leave unu arrive ut Odon Daily, us follows: I.KA.YK. I A It 111 VR. Daily Eprefe,8-30a.m. 1 Daily Exii'b.5-1(j p.m. Mixed, - 6-.10 p.m. I Mixed. - 2 ii p m. Freight, - 10-3Ja.m. I Freight. - 6-1 U a. in Daily con nccl ions mado at Ofrden with Utah Central Pacific Koad from Salt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stuges for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Denvei Vucific ' Railroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and Now Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North Western, Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri .Kivcr, Kansas city. St. Joe and Council Bluffs Kail roads and Missouri Kiver Lino of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to al points East at office of Weils, J?"argo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Railroad ticket olfice in Ogden, at which office berths on sleep-Dg sleep-Dg cars can be secured. Arrangements have been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced ' rates. For particulars and all information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a ' through sleeping car, comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time, TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent. T. E. Sickiia Chi. Engineer and Superintendent. i8 Herald Bindery. OUR BINDER? 13 PkEPARLD 10 Repair, in a workmanlise zazjmtT, AJbnma, Old Booka, etc., etc.. I fAnd Liad JLAGAZLNE& PERIODICALS. j INSURANCE. AliZON INSURANCE CO, J. IS. IIKSSCTT - - rrealrtent. II. It. WJK-S'i' . Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUSTE 30, 1&7. Caib on hand, in bunk, and in CMiTSC of tmii! mission- 8111.308 57 United ntutea bunds, uinrkoi vuluo lai.l'ii U'J MorUiiRcs.. -6J. ,m ei Lollntunil Loans W) Accrued InterosL M2 it liilla Kucuivtblu ki,UJ7 15 tato IJoncla and Miscellaneous 5S,til7 9li Duo from Agents 38.0S7 85 &0,trU6 70 J.IAlHtlTIES, Outstanding Losses and other Lia bilitios 877.JU W H. R, Mann a Co,, Agents, Omoe: Banking H,e r A, W-HliiLed;Cu. W-HliiLed;Cu. 1. O. llox, 554. Iy28 AGEIICY OF TJIE TTnm a TVTn INSURANCE IJOMPAM', OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOII. II. IICDIXCiTU.V, Irealdent., CUAIII.lSB.Sr,.KY, l,,,,,. Principal Oji.j 433 California St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. fvl ANN & Co., Agents, Office: Backing Uause. A. W. White Co. I TRIUMPH FIRE INSURANCE CO.'S, CISCIHHAIl. AssGla - - $789,504.43 Kl labia L'adertrrl II uff. Parfect Indemnity. We tLik Fair Kates and Promise to Pay Risks taken throughout Utah H. R. i," ANN & Co.. Agents. salt lake city- SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLALK TKADK, Weaver & Taylor, 51 Matket Street, San Kr&ncisoo, Cal. E.A.FARCO&CO., lmirtera and Jobbers of Braoflies. Wines anil Lipors, 310 Front Sd or. Cotnutercla-1, O. E.XTI i SAN FRANCISCO J. BAUM & CO., 1 UiiK-rtert and Maautaclnri-r of MEN'S i BOYS' CLOTHING. J1S X Z3 Hnuaoinv Bt., Ban PraneUco. No 18 Warren St.. New York. ft HKC'HT, HUO'8 & Co. BOOTS, SHOKS& I.KATHKR 104 A UM muoM St., San Francisco, And 0 Jl 12 1'oarl St Ibston. RUCKIbailAM ,C IIKCUT, ManulWtu rt.ru of tlin i "UTS QUAUTT" CALIFOMIA I0DTS ANI IHOtl. Dlt u.m.u m HERRINGS, tX Wihlngiua airttt. i. kli:il i lrla, HmokMl anil flok It d rub ooifUutlyoD haed. ( ji PaRXER, WATTSON & CO.' (SuooosBom to Weil A Co.,) , tiiifinrlera mnt InlKitufaioiurara of TOBACCO AND CICARS, 221, 223 and 225 Froot St., cor. Baoraniento, a5 BAM riLAHCISCO, VAU. a.cmiLovjou. WALTia uoai, a. s. bumt. I m. oi-trsiiiOvicH oo., iniiorlni anil wIiuIdbhIo druilcn Id r i n tc winics . t.invvns, mli in re roi IESSE, WOORfc & CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND HYt WHISKIES. DIKBQ 11,1 LODIBTILLB, IT. 601 Erool 8t.. BAN FRAN0IS0O apl , (Eaubllahod In 1BS1. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of tho Original Chartres Coll'cc, And all kinds of Since. and ili5 and 627 Krout Street, between Jaokioa and Poailio. 6AN 11 A A CltiCO. . a6 JMTAIJL1SIIED18G0. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 niiif aiS Front Street, Sai Franeiseo. o20 ' GRAND HOTEL On Market, How Montgomery and i:leaond UtreoU, BAW HAWOiaioo, F: o JOHNSON & Co., PttOPRinoBs, E. 6 ARTS f3 & CO. Wholesale Lipor Dealers, , 108 rroat Street. jBa.it praaxflauo. Proprietora of UtaLXU'd iCITilA OLD UUUUSUH And sole uentj for , r, CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Ooaetantly on hand, a full assortment of all the ard Brandi of WhiikUi, , fln Uraadl roralgn att 1 Domaatlc Wlnti, m5 lllturi, ConlUU, A. L. A. B&ndoraon, T, L. Ilorn, SANDERSON & HORN Importer! and Jobbers of ' ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (Proprlotore or TjaJIflpauole Cigar Kactorj,) , Sole manufacturers oj the celebrcie 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 ITront Klrcci, Ritwacn WMhlngton and Clay. SAM FilANCISCIJ. Importora of Amoricun And JSuropotn, SIJi ana Fk!?i-, DHY GOODS, t.rN FUAIVCIWCO, CALIJSCOKS1A, Call the attontion of the Trade to theii lars and complete dtcok o FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which they are now recomni- direct rrom Jiaropoan Waoufactarci-B, compriiin Id part branch Alerlnoa Wool Satinet. Wool I' In 1,1., JTrecch and Qermao, Irlah tad Franc h PopHna, Kmpreaa Clothe, Tamlaa, black and colored, V.l.t..,, Alpaaaa, black and colore.), SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS ALSO Kid. Book. Berlin Ladiea Min'. flent-'l Gents' Underwear And all klndj of Gents' Furnishing Goods. n?.'-,."'y,comI'le,e ln ' branch. Wlilt Uoodi, Uanclkcrchlcfa, 8hlrtliif( blntni, Or-ilKa, wlili-and eolrBrt-I, t rnai k, brown loom n' tl v.hul, Towela, ,a. r.i,.Ir.Tnrliwb l'la an.' rnvlln.. " KC. spruance(tani!yIc Imi'Ort eri and Dealers in Fine Old Bourbon RYE WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins. Wines, etc., iaU;- 410 FRONT STREET, U SAX IRA.NCISCO. MACONDRAY & CO., Iinixmcn of nil.U Sl JIP1X TEAS, SKIPPING ash COMMISSION MERCHANTS 'JJI and LVi SAXSOMK STRUCT SAN yKANa.C'J. T..St.!fr-iTAWlT :,,vi,,,t"r i i "''-Hi-'.l nn'l J A 1 A N 1 h am! nil """- "t Hat touuMrfsiwl'S!. d8 TRAVEL. reduction'in PASSAGE. (iUlON LINK IlbvrVEKN Now York, Qumistown, and Liverpool. Currying tho I'nitotl Slatei Malls WISCONSIN, wSrSicsAi U1'M' SA1L1NUFKUM KKWYOKK KVKHVi CA111N r..ni:o ..m New Y,.rlt Jsi ..j Jim cdld. Miitewma on tlio an mo dcck.i ' VlKKKAillii S-'WIY-miNowYark: UfKa Lnnn...l oryiiff,.nilii,,,1iynl.lineHiri.nfy I u-MiKO liu m ui' to t-oriimnv, 1'iunoo, Kr wuv, Sih1oi. i-tc, nt Li.uiwt lluti's. ItttiiiiKiiiices b (irout Uritain, lielandanil the Ciintinent, u A).il to WILLIAMS A MlHOX.ain...,! wuvior 11 S. KLLHKlHiK 0 tl-' lt LakoCiu. THE CHICAGO & NORTH"-WESTERN NORTH"-WESTERN RAILWAY In tlio PIONKKtt KOUTE belwaon OMAHA ami (JIllOAtiO, coiml0ted four .vimrs axo, sinoo which time iil6 Uompiuiy havo Epnrotl nuithor pnini nor oxpitnso in purfiK'titiR il road boa and tmi;, and oiiuippinx it with rolling tin-k, of tlio must moiloni iinprovoiuunt' thin, U'KOtliur with lh fact of its hoinjr tho Shurtot Line, otl'urs to tho Travel, in k l'ubliu a route unaurpaaciud in thii oountry for spoutl, comfort, lafoiy auro uouiieclions. PAliTIOULAH CAUTION should bo Uiknn ly ptLHSnngtin in eularlinjr thoir rout, and not bo docoivod by falm HiiverlisfMiuinta ami r.irason tat ions bj inttrn.itod parlios of CKinjiolin linuj in runrd to tinio, dintanciui, rattv,, ete Thia popular routo roqiitroi m iLKtonionLti, ntlyiiiK on iU truo umriu, u um-dc uuly to bu known by the travel. UK I'ublit: to be appreciated, T1MK: San Kranolfico to Omaha, four dnj id Novell hours. Via UhicttKit and North Woati .Cailway, Oinuha lo Chicago, twonty. tiroo hours. OmaliMtc rlow York, sixty hour. Omaha to Huston, sixty-four houn. Pullman'" ulaae, Hotel, anil gl(p. trig Gara A.ro run on all (...rough Unlni from Omaha to Ohicixgo, How lo Socuro Hlonjiiiiff Jtorlhs 15o-foro 15o-foro Kfftdhing Onialm: VaHMnmrnrH rlnairniii) iif m.i.nrl., iji in- Uortla, boctionB or btato Kooibj m tho Sloo)iiiB (Jar from Omaha East, Cai do bo by tuloKraphing from any of the stations on tho Union l'acilio Hailrcad to W. A. (Jarpontor Gonoral Agoal, y' & H, V. Kailway, Omaha, atatiiiK what thoy want. Thia is all thoy nood lo do until thoy roaon the 0. A N. W. Kail-way Kail-way Uopot on tho oust sido of the Mi-eouri Mi-eouri Kivor, Lhun go to tho yiooping (Jar Conductor, giva him thnir namos, u nor tologrmn, and thoy will ilnd that ho has thuir borlba teaorvod fur thum. X'aiiBongorB going East will conmlt thoir own intoront by gocuring ThroiiBh TickiiU via tJillAGO & NOUTU WKiSTEKN KAHjW AY, which cm bo procured at all principal ticket ofllcos in California and tho Wool, and at railroad olficoa to Han i'ranouco. Sill Lako City, Ogdtm, Umalt and Uouncil filufia. JWO. O. GAULT, Gonoral C5uu't Chicago. H. P. STAN WOOD, Gonoral Ticket Agent, Ohicaw. ' fi ' GILMER 8 SALISBURY'S . , DAILY STAGE LINES - THItOUOH flJtala, u(Ji - east j iXevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Itaavlag Salt l.tkc Vlty Dall, ra ulnf( noutta to Tictio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Scyier, 8t. GcorKO, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; faaalnaj tlirofh Provo, Springville, Spanish Fork,P; poo, Salt Oreck, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmoro.Corn Crock, Jiea7or, Mincre-villo, Mincre-villo, and AU ihe principal town and mmtaj campt in southern Utah and icntOi-to Nevada, Also Itiri Corlnna, Utah, dallji runalng north to Virpnia City, Helena, Fort BcdUb, Deer Lod-e, Codar Creek idibw, and passing through all the pnnoipal towns and mining min-ing earn pa in Mon-. Mon-. tana, PKiNciPAt, orrfci, Wells, Rrgo i Co. Building : lout Salt Uke City Len Wlcnt. ff.F.KiabtU. SAi.T LAKE. OPIUB.i And Tintic Stage and Express ai'HNlalD dait.i FHoa i Lakh citv, ,h laki toW. touki.e city, gtocktoh amd opria to tibti10. Th. root, hu beea rBt W?S .7l -.tcnll. Drlr.rj. and o th. oonifor: .11 oonTOUBiio. ol " trr. Good a'immodationi on the rood. TUKOLGH Br PAYIJOHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Tine. DSi, at W.ua, r.rir Co.'i, MM La" c"" WINES KIMBAU wit r"""" |