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Show Tkusonai Mr. W. C. Hondrio, of IKnJrio Bro's, of this city, left yos-tcrdjy yos-tcrdjy tor San Francisco on a business trip, to be absent about two weeks. A plcant timo to him. Dr. C. S. Haswell, Past Grand i thy Chief Tcmpiar, of Sacramento, is (7i road for this ciiy, and is eipcct ed to fpc3fc in t ho Methodist church I on Sunday. I Among arriv's at the Townsend ' Hou-e la.-t night, we cote that of Mr. J. II. Bulger, reprejentirg the firm of L. M. Bates & Co., importers and jobbers in fancy dry good?-, etc., of 4.1 and t.Vi Bioa.iw.iy, New York. Mr. Bulger is a gentleman whom wo heartily heart-ily oommeud to the courtesies of our business men. |