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Show Theatre. Mr. Harris had "a fine houfe for hia benefit last night, and the bill presented was very satisfactory. satisfact-ory. "Kathleen Mavournecn" is an excellent drama, and was well played, as was tho farce "Ico en 1'arlo Frar;-caise," Frar;-caise," tho Spriggins of Mr. Graham, and the Victor of Mr. Wilton, in the latter, being notably well rendered. Tho concert portion of tho entertainment entertain-ment was onoof thc.Cncst features of tho evening, and tho singing of little Miss Georgie Clawson, with tho piano forte acoompaniement by little Miss Ruthio Young, oallcd forth the warmest encore. The singing of Miss Park was very euporior ; and Miss Walters also sang, but tbo lady has been Euffcring so severely from cold all woeki that her voico was unable to do justico to her usually excellent ex-cellent vocalization. The chorus too, as on Monday night, looked charmingly, charm-ingly, sacg well, and did orodit to tho leadership of Professor Thomas. To-night "Tho Hermit of tho Cave," Captain Martin's new play, will bo repeated, and should be witnessed by a crowded house. Wo hope to boo tho publio muster in forco, as there will likely bo dry weather over-head and uodcr-foot, and givo the Captain'B pieeo a hearty welcome |