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Show PACIFIC COAST XEWS. CALirOBMA. A machine for driving piles by ex-r'odbe ex-r'odbe .gunpowder U in uie in the Mare I?!aLd dstt yari. Hopes axe entertained of the recovery recov-ery of the merchant, Paul, of Oakland, who wa beaten so brutaiy by young Gregor, May 6:h. A StocktCD man Is the prond possessor pos-sessor of a hen that mates a reiular pra:tiee of laving immense doaiji-yoeked doaiji-yoeked epg-'. He wui swop her lor a a cow. Daniel- Newmso, convicted in Los Anceles of maDsian enter, in 1ST0, and seDteoced to ten years' imprisonment, ha? been pardoned by governor Booth. The; pound master of Oaklaod has ceased to capture unlicensed dogs, because be-cause the council has not desieoated any place where ho can bury such as be may kill, without rendering himself liable to prosccuiicn. S1CVADA. A man in Virginia City puts more load on his waguo than hio horses can draw, and then pounds them with clubs. The papers ask. Bergh to vkk that city. The U'ashoe EDgine Company has received out) i'eet of hose. The boys arc aching for a Ore to put in an appearance ap-pearance so that they can "spread" themseives. The National Guard drill by moonlight. moon-light. Professor Jones is taking the census in Gold Hill. Hi requests that people will not take him for the water company compa-ny collector, and that vicious dogs will be tied up. Brown of Reno heard a wheezing noise and thought some one was hanging hang-ing himself. He rushed into the room but returned in a moment, and wag asked, "Was it a man?" '"Man be d d, no." "Was it a woman?" "o it wasn't a woman. It was only a d d baby camel puttiDg on airs because it was making a meal on Jim OrndorfF'a old straw hat'"' Squaws get drunk in Reno and make disgusting spectacles of themselves. Gold Hill people promise the town marshal their benedictions if he will bury a goat which is lying dead on the main street. Business is looking up somewhat in Mineral Hill district. OHKUU.. Work haa been commenced on the San dam canal. When completed it will iurnUh the best water power in Oregon. A letter from Mrs. Mcacham states; that Mr. Meacham's face is sadly disfigured, dis-figured, aod that ha is blind, and fears are totertaioed that he will never recover re-cover his sight. An Oregon woman was reoently kicked iu the head by a horse and hasn t been able to converse sensibly ainoe. This noinetimos happens to women who don't get kicked. The La Grande Henuoel says that if tho iVez -'Perce chief Joseph's band make their appearance in the Wallowa Valley, no matter what tDeir bearing may be, the settlers intend to open hostilities with a view of making a quick settlement of the dispute. |