OCR Text |
Show "(M.ul i.inr.on. w M ij.'i' M.-'I,""- I" I : ,,,. l.u'ky fcr . ,11 " .'lo-r. Mi. I'luV . , , i,,Ui.il 1" ri-,.JI ri-,.JI ,wl l"- . ; , iMiiivs t-r k'-"' k'-"' 71 M.,i" .-r,vl, 7-1. ;ulS.,,MloK. . 7. 1'I.llC -it p.iln'n.,:-,'.'''"- "mlil D.vomWr 7. ,rt I' ' . ... Xbry PuMn' ! '. Hum." oil'u-C . - n-o I.' Hl n.cOvor- '"' .;jl.'hl I'"-- ,VoS' " v,i, ullK'O (or I'"" ' .7 u'n.ln,'- t" tiiilit tho j.Gallory ami Sam-; Sam-; ;;.L' Knllr,';Jc i Co.. : .1 ,i. SI.ii SlK- 1,25 -,vr me" -1IU' '.v5 al ' iii-.il A "iKS l"r F.miiiy ami ' : J li lh.it 1 soil I piar-s piar-s 7.lr(.. A. M. Smith, '4iiii.-ie I'frol, :'V:',Iir.-,r. --i ilhomi'iiilvrs of the ' h,l,l this tvonius '.. n the railroail shops. ..;,t.i;! members is cs- . ; jt tia' iA' ;-"to '.L'Jirini; . :.i P"'r week, i!-... i!-... -,.! .Icamvt Ml in Salt ,: the thvrlanll Hi-use. j,T0i;l. I', nthUi, W : .-.:ct. first class work nS ., .- ,,f F'Mlli'Ti at H. - -. no? -- :-!turc go lo A. E u'., aulO i,:-. -i,yo great parto al ,...'.'.- ..ill'-'. 13 IH7 n.-"r f;?iii:inc!!.:'. Villi , d'5 , ;.;,i,,-'.c, alllio Wctirn ; ,:,'L' fur John A. -r'ai in tiio HtR-: HtR-: .t i.-e new, whk It en-r. en-r. ' :;it-ela.si tvork. j aie21 ! --iOVfltfi-S CahiOrnia iv.'uiij- and tihrews-L; tihrews-L; :- - i; it J JyiT ic Arbo- wi1:.'..-. nlS J'-.-ri.al- aud Imy,' :-' - .. li;;i. iri Son?. J! -y -j. I dr. 1't.il, ! ..Taylor Co.'r ,'t i -,i,-K. i'.un.xnlcy's new "--7'-'. '-''i il.'ni: if vou 1 "' " ' I f'i-' !.., jt t'(lg 0JJ jce ' "! i.fca;f:L'.:y placet! are jia fj uast cj !H-'-'riiLy ,ann anil 1 w'-'fnm at II. Diu- '-;.'t. n'. " ' al nt3 a ',,":v-i'l&d wui, a)1 '"''.iii'O. j' ,lmfi a.;;:;:.r' w A,,, l.S. "1" sul"-rV'.-;Mi if ,-. ": lai.intvt ,H;rc V " a" 'i'M- v ""'''-'or.-lwUii 'rra, !),,,,,; i,7 arranSr,llulLJ '' wu- il.,. i ... '' . uhj '""armHl i , , - Itol llJreie J!'.v I'-nl'T in u,, -..'".;'; .w-l "; ; , ' "ion, y, '"i. fi- . fnniiliiry on "r "'ys'MU 1 Cr"i"s e " H'll'i dot nntl J i " iw far l,.ir- -, l!iuulk w ;. : ;' " ; minis' .' ' ' frieu, i,l '!! wkIIIwHquu, 7:,,, au21 V., S l. . i Cj, "''ra.Ua to , 'ai":!tirfS,irp, ' ' i . li r, , i . . i ..'.i.i , v - ''v.,. v,,,,1 '.'7- : ' j"'. I In., j, , .' ;-.V; i'Z2!Z ;,l,.':'7'." tian!: lii.y I -i 7 '''-.7 "folllatu I .., 7. !..'!..,,.,. ,,k; 1 ;:-i,i7;' S, a:t ;;:,, ,u 'Ivaii,. ,,., livt.tiMaMiV r,hould s,hi thp cloj hi.,1,,1 I1U1 I'oiu.diau. Sliiel lWn;, now idayini; al U10 theatre. Fuk A iiieo tneakft or clrrnnt Fivnell dinner Bo tlio I'elmomoo. l,oat liu, ''Oetw.; roant eld, kens, 7o et.s. ;na roat heel, "Jo ets. a II,., al tlio National K, 'Mam-ant, 'J.' First .vnill't. 11. 1.. S,mtliworth. tiol ,lo,i imMiMi in rvery varivty lla-tefnlly cxeent.il al Iho Hkkaui jl, olVn'e. n2l Orrr et t'i ori'o.'t lor saui at the Uiinia.ollie,', anil Vol; A tine hreakl'it, Kn-ueli din-I din-I nor and ,At rs in every style, U, I 11, ..,,1 ' 'nailers Kestamaiit, ou' Main t'lieapest plaee in town. Clarke A Wii.uht. pivprietois. US Isl o::a trios' w ATi:t, of the wlit're-:,Kwls wlit're-:,Kwls ol'Me-ea Seotl, fornierly of .htrniw, Nowoa.-llo-on-Tyiie. Addiosa K'i.iiaol Sioll. U.ieo Course, S'ow W lrt'in'-ton Moor, Near t'hesterfn'UI , lVilwshitv, Kir-land. - U 1'hi:ai- Ft 1:1. Tin' piiee or Kan-dolph Kan-dolph eoal is not risen, ttnly 6S.O0 per ton. Leave orders at l)wyur's K.ik-store, (a- at the depot. it- Cicii. SnowKi.i., seavetiger for tlio City. 03 BeH'K I'.lM'isu done with neatness mil uispaUh at the HkUAI.D cllil'0. I'UTl'KK vliAMts and lonldings; eheapest in town ; fivai;e'j Art Gallery. Gal-lery. i)) Finit rarKll and eard st.K'k useil in Jol, W ork done at tho Herald offiec. "u21 1'ri: KNTtos ok Fiiii:.s.Ih another eolumn of tlio ItaALP this morning will he found a eity orfinanco for the prevention of fires. House owners and others will do well to read it and govern themselves aeeordmgly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : i SALT LAKE TIILITIIE. IMMENSE ei'CCF-SS 01' : ' 3Llt. JIj It.Vlt It V. L Tl'iiy Evening, Dec 4, 1873, liy iir. C, Uuj ler, in mreo ucu. ucii'led, j FAUGH iS'BALLfiGH ! The i-erf'Tiiitifc t . o"inJinc? n i li thu ctjuw j er i t dranin. iD om1 net, entitled, I liermotl Mr. B.1KKV Mra. Aila Oloi oIjii I ....iliiS Knte Lcn in S"c:CATJ NOT't ' In ct-J-t So mo 'bo nnbac un -jni-O't'iuiiy ol 5tcinif .Mr Irnsi B'rr 1a ht jr it nin-ioriic:e -A arli-tic es-c.-llesieii, t!iJ Mani.--fanrt rr.'i'octfullv afl-1 afl-1 "'inco tbtat ho' iauWa jroNt ijrHma of AK K.- II-.N - r'lji-'Ja i.- io ii -pa rai.1,11 for ijum .-ii.it': rodnc ice ia iviiich ilr iSnrr.i wiil appear a- MICHAEL TEENEY. KJtlDAY EYEXlNtf, Benefit of Mr. SHIEL BARRY. ASRAH-NA-POGUE. j SATUBLAY AFTERNOON, al Tvt First Shlel Barry Matinee. JiOItV O'SIOIIE. I'orri own at iioyen. perlormapco to Commence Com-mence at Htill-rast- Admiiuirn I'arnatte and Fint Ciiolo. $1 ; Second Circle, h c: Third Circle, 2c: Kesorv-e.1 Kesorv-e.1 .-ea-8260. aJditional. Privgta Boies J7 to jr.! nmi, livi oiiico qiod u lu a.m. FIRE! FSRE ! ! NEWMAN & CO.. 1 FuMi-h Wood already Cut and SiIit. Sto i:o, fr Itss than you can bay Wood elsij. A COKD LIFL1VERED FUK " . 1.75. Ji any luoroso thoy don't u thoir monos'i wortn, jast try it onoo you will never Buy elsewhere aflorivBrds. j.E WE ORDERS AT TOST OFFICE. FILLED SAME DAY lfff23' T COST! 1 UK CHRISTMAS I AND Ur.w vk.ir nmn Till, Mu.-T DI1KAI11E ur-l'ollTUMTV. CAUL C. ASMUSSEN i .,11 nl ",.., willioni iv-.-ne, and ai-i-- ,;l ntlailien '"'- 'esa.ilii'U mint of line I-lli:S' t.ol.U A.N'U ieUAWi V.TCHK-, IJKAC'lil-EX.'e, I-Vim;-;' a.NU 1 1..n'!;--:! N llili.S HIXLirf, CHAINS, i-ociaaiitciiAiiMi. tlw i!;reat variel. o( the best .-olceld ,;,ll.ll .NE0KI.ACK5, ISKOIlClIi;-' KAU l:iXt. AM' I''''-1' si;:s. AMES)CA?J WATCHES, '' "ei-t - leuM., : Ual,.l Truel-r . I . .tii,.,. nr..! .Mir:.,. ,. 1 ,n niirin i"11' -'' " I i-aui; 'huy ,,. ..n,,,,, allJ i!l Lie e n In..,, oiL..r u,n.i,. ALL inej.j.-; A1;;; SuLU u,jN jp.y il A.VU WAIIKAaKD. 1 Hi,, l,.il,li. uroi'..rdii,l!yiQ,i,,d lo insiwt. 0 CArtL C. ASMUSSEN, l' JVl:i.KU A WATUIIM AKHI, 1 "l'p. I'., i n,;;,,., s. p-p j.aKKITT 1 1 . NOTiOE. rpHK L'.N'liKKSHlNElt liAViXU l'l'tt-L l'l'tt-L CUsfciU tho Vlvi, .Urkot, with slock, fisturo.', im pienioiits. goodwill ot bH.'incss and dclits duo ihu miirk.-l. rcsiif tiliilly asks a con inuancu of tho intromit horcloforo es-tooded es-tooded to hi iirndoccsOT. A)! injrsuna knowing IheuisoU'ivs indisbtcd to tlio ?ai,l umr-kot umr-kot am res,ot;tiully rogues lot! to call and settlo Uie attiuo- TliOMAS 1'. WA1IAN, llatinr .h"si"SO'.l cT mv oniiro intorp:t in tho Uiah" Market lu TilU.MAti b'- MaUAN. 1 reercifiillv a.-k of my eustomcr.-i that thoy cii oliim thoir i.r.trun pc Alldi'lils do mo hnvo Ijunn .-old aod apaicfd to Mr- Malian. who nlono is auilior ioU t j rccoivo and rotojil furthoPnmo. All nertuns to whom I am in-deh'd in-deh'd will bo k inl enough locall ,n mo- d-i rUlLLll' KUlILUblTR. THE SHOUTS )T RJUCBIJ FOlt TUNE $100,000 tor only $2.50. TUB LAIKJ KsT KKTl"UN VOK THE GIFT CONCERT W ill bo hdd at LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, JjeeembiT 31bt, 1873, tu lliu ljono:it oi ,i JLVKN!l,li HKFUlt.M SC1IUOI,. 4n,yoo tuns, SJ'iO.OUU l.N iTMta, ri;ixcir.u. nsn-.E. siow.ouo, Con-i?une"f!hoMiir!, rnMdncPoi pinion Al.olcs. J . i.. iii'Jri'jt-.'il ft. a f .l.rriUn. inll,.i l'i,i:,-,l .-'IMi.'.-.l.tins.mlv fo l!lprk !'r., 111" r-'Mrt 1 1 . r, n,,"'l I'j ' cen'.lv comi lo'.cl ivit'j Jill wu,lor,i inu-ryv I'H!ZK l.J.ST. l:: rri;c, Hoal E-.tlc. S1,:'1'11- 1 (,'asj ,1,'rii.... ','',"', i- " !! . j!,' " til " 'z : " . Ji,l,i c Tho filial-. Ihs n!-..t n-.il wi,n i- Kuaran ,f l"lU'"k'l l-'i" vf :l,.;,'l,rrbrina j ,. within ,!,- r" '. 'b "i Mtu ' ti.Di,y ever 'u-.f.l h 'bo , jr mnu n-o t. ' n,!, i; nl' Tli'Kf::.-.. 1 : pi- i i- I. 1 ' yi'-'V.' ix f !:' e'-. : i. ' ; 0C-; !I c Ite-i dE ! ia;.cii li:).?':. --' j -i-. .'j i ;.'.' --' i'P r. '.'' ii' !b". .IJ1',r ..... .-. . 1 . -Ii '! r-onlj 'r-!iVi.;;7ii,'i;.: r...-!.. " bl:7.'77i:77,7' i-.r;.a:.iMf.l. nJ : f.-MviV"". r rLi":777c.7 ,'7;.!i""7" !,'::,:,7:::,7V;';;1-S ''l'"'' "si WON ABELES, ' 3 LcvtuwoiUi, K,ii. BANKINC FiRST NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH, Xj t lak jl; cm -j." v designated depository iJID I'itj.ciil Attcrr or ths LaiiKD rjiira , WARREN IH SSKY. Pn-Heat. I ANTilu.Nl" UoLiiiK, Cashier. Al-THORr.KD CAPITAL sri. ' P.viniT Cii'lTiL, S:i.nO , Ki.K.tl5GS,......... .... Sl-O.lAXJ DIVIDEND FOR 1871, 50 PES CENT. DITI3ESD T0B 1BT3. 50 PER CENT. THK Ol.DKST BSKI5fl IXSTITITIOS CI UtaB. A (lenert-1 Backioc Businosa trans act ftd. Agi siies is COLUHA1MJ aso MOSTANA. CunLECTIONi I'romialy attended to Intent allowed on Time L6ioFits. WINES AND LIOUORS." MANSFIELD, ATCHISON&STEELL Tlircct Importers, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR MERCHANTS WALKER 1IODSE, SALT LAKE CITY. Brandy, Gin-, Rum, Wnisky, and Wines, :yR'SAi,E!i:,' Original Packages. fol MININC NOTICES. NOTICE! mi.o ANNUAL MEETTNn OF THE I Miners of T "JM ' 31 i " I rs (i JJIlrm K 'T will bo hold at ton o'-oU-ok , a- m.. nl silver City, in i aid District, ,m ntiirilHy.Ivomlor Tt, 1S71. lo elect a llo- corder f,ir tho onsuing year, and tranact any oi tha iJi-lrict- A lull attend tnco rfhiuosted. A.U. aUTUliltLAiS'U, Nov. 2, lS7ii. Kecordor. d2 IC!i!orJjII II ill iI iiiiK lom-aiiy. lom-aiiy. I.'Xjuiuii of principal plncn of Jfuin(-;s, Snn Kiunoisco, Caliiornia Locution o Trork", Littlo Cottonwood. Utah TorriVirj Not f.ti i" hereby givon that in ronsoquoni-o ot an iDjuDOlion Uuod by iho District tuurL of tho fourth Ju'lioal District of tho Slato ol' California, and in obodionco thorotn tho iub-ltcation iub-ltcation of tho Do'iniiuont list ot Stock hu 11' cti in tho abovo Coui-nnvon tho asies-sojont luvied on the I'd day of Uctobor, ISTa, iost-lioned iost-lioned until further notice, liy oraor of Via Hoard of TruHoofi. F. MAUGE, t-oerota,y. Office Room IH, Morchnn.ts' E,chanso, California atrpot, San ITninoiEoo Calit'ornia. nlS DELINQUENT SALE NOTICE. Wellington Mining A Smclt-iiiff Smclt-iiiff Coiuimny. Lofaliou of princi-lal princi-lal Dlsooof busino.is, San franctfeo, OBlifor-nia; OBlifor-nia; locaiion of worKP. L'ttloCo'tt'jUYooJ Canyon, Can-yon, Utah. Notice. Thoro is delinquent njion lhot"llowine dotjribsd utook, on account of ai'j-iuiont (No 'J,l loviod on tho 2Jnd day of Soj'tembor, 173, the several amounts sot op-liu-ito tho nnmos of tho rejj'C-ctive Shareholders Share-holders a? MJuwe; N". r ,S Nainea. CmIIUoi'IO. fhuros. AtnV 1,' .sa k li y , Trustee 2i:( 40 JlO W Morton E C, Trustoo 'J-ftl 100 Z Morton E C, Trustee. 'J-W 10" '.li 0.1 Morton E C, Tru-tee .211 1W -5 W MiTton E C. Trustoo. 212 Jim i'-i Itl SlortoD E C, Trustee 24:( 1U0 tf, m Morion E C. frinio Jj ' V' 00 .MortOQ t O, iruaicu -i x"' -j w Ponno li M.Trustea 21U Ml 1 J Uahili James, Trustoo- 170 i J2 5if Riehardfon E A, Trustee., fl I") 00 Ricbard?on E A, TruHeo- 24 U 25 U0 Kichardkoo E A.Tiustoe.. 'il 2U 60 W Richardson E A.Truitoo.. 7-1 10U 25 0(1 Rijhnrdton E A Tru?ioo. 75 60 12 Riohnrdson E A, Trustee.. J' WO To 00 Riohardxon li A. Truftca. 5 10U V,t ) Richardson E A,TruEtoo..lfO U(J V "0 RicbaTd-,'n E A, Trufliue..lii2 100 i Ou Ricunibon E A.TniB'oo .IHT 1D0 2o ixi ItiebMdson E A, Truatw-ltiS M Wi Riohard'on E A.TruBlue..ny lid Zi w 1 Rioiiards.jn E ,Truoo,.lH1 U i t0 Riv'hard-on E A,Tru9teo..lll l'W 2- U0 Vichird'on EA.Ti'Uflocirj 1") 2.1 i' Uicbird-on E A , Tru-tio..l Vi 1"0 2.. tm Kidianlson E A.TrustoelLl li') V-i Kichard-iou li A.Tnif'eo.-ll iml 2 M Ricbiiril-on E A , Tnitco..l2U Uhl -'i UU l-.ttlcrd-ion K A Truaeo, balance 1SI 7.iil s7 50 Richard --on E A.Tmstoo..i:;2 liwO 2V "0 Kiohard-nn F, A. l rn-!ee..l tl H.JU 2VI 1)0 Richardson E A,Truatoe..MI l"0-l 2- Ui Rioha dm E A ,'lruH-o ,l.t" l 2.'ii w Ri.'harsison E A.Trusloc.l Iti 21 iW RlcliaRiien li A ,Tniiloo-l-f7 HU' 2-"'J Hi tiiciiiirdai.n E A,Tni.-la. I-W RH 2- W lIu liErdfn K A,'IV"Moe. I 'l " 2.'M - ioh:ir't-""n K A;i'ru' .. 1 10 - i"1 HiL-h:ird!'..n K A.iru'l-O. Ill l'"'! - HichnrJ;'"ii E A.TniM'o.112 I"-" i liich-trd.n E A.l'nislfe. 1 If H"' 2l 0" lrrfl..nKA,TnKM..IH 1m1 l'7ii w hichnnlson li A.'ru.Mce 11'. !' V) W Uii-hitnUxn li A.TnWe- 1 K 1"'J "J Hii'hnrd-on E A, 'J rnMoe.-l 17 l'mi 2 'i 'I'l Itichnrd.'un E A,Tf tistW-M1 II" n) 2-i i'.iclmrdion E A.Tru-loo I'l 6 Kicl.ar.lson K A.Truw..l7.. -V HichRrd-on E A , I mn-M"-' 1" -i' Hi.'hanl-nn li A. Trufe..l'.'l 1'" 2-i Richardson K A.Trurtoe..l!'5 I1" 2' U.chnrdon E A.Tru-iee.r". I1" 2-.ini Hichani-un E A.Trurtop.-'ft I1' H ohnrd.n E A.Tru.toe..2!i jl 12 Richardson E A ,'1 ruftco .2-'-' '-''I o Rinard.on K A,TraMoe..2" , RifQnrd.'un E ,Tnii.teo..'."l l'.' I i'l.lor J Clom. Tru-tee.....-1'i "" " i Va,io A l'.7ru,too 1-1 - " . U ndo A P.TniMeo 1-.7 l"i 2. i Wohtcr S-.ulc.'l roMee-21 1 2" i Wob-ter Z .S oulo.Trfc6loo.2l- 2" j u1 WoRcncr K.Truftee '-l 2-. ) vVe,-ner R.Tru,ioe ..22h 1'' 2. t 1VW ner K.TruMeo 2.7 " 2-'" i Wo ccnor R. Tni;tco 2;2 1". 2- 1,1 1 Wegener It, Tru-tee 271 1". 1,1 i Wegener II. TruMee 7' i Wcccnor K. Trustee 27 l"i - " , W QfcTn-T H.Tnineo 2"i l""1 ' . Wiener K.'i ruicc 2- -j1.' Werner K,Tni-tf 2-i 1" '- " - IVoRncr K.TruMo -''7 1" n Wt-zcw-T K.Tru:cc i1" -,' '' t Yo'.icc N '"' " ' ,. - K.aW 2- l'VJ SAnd in ac-'.rlari'-e w'tQ l""-rjd an - ni'.-r ti." b 'rd o; Uirtr'-or?. icado on tbe a of rei.to'uiber. I;"-. o many ibares ol t ,; psr el of ucj st k a? u;ar t-o nc :-'ai. 1 mil bo r!a at puhlic aucti -n. at tno o.e -j t'-oc--mpany. -V". Ill Cai:fomia Etrecl. aE r-Hisc',. (.alif'-rusa. on Monday tue irt dj of L&.J!uber. 1:J. at the h,ur of O:io ovK-- k s r.LD-. f eail dy. to r? a'd dl.n luonl i c,.-ir!"nt ihtrooD. toaothor ivith cjs:j vi s 1 rerliii'K Mid exrenrcs of tho Bale. nc. 1 1.Ca"i;on.ia street, tan IPra.-ic Ca'.i."oit.:a. L"" i- srr -n i.i'. Thu al- --o " i--tl-,,u1'' ,h Trr.M. ! ly f I;.--a,ir. a-;-.. .. at t.- b'Jjr ''r' 'j'AoFN El'., Sret-ry- nv) i ..-u. (M.r.it. owNrii of v. , yt:v. 1 in is- Tr.r.:U V.-i arc here . tiSe.1 tba: there i' r;. i il ry- I j ir. i r.w-d Jlir.ir.c J'i'iri I :ah I'rr, :i--r f-'f' r,- i -y u ! -a..i ,ir.c. v.I;-. i. AT- tie:cr,v r.'-t-.V.od i "..-.7 i::.:ui;.-t::y. or T'r ir,tt ir. fa: ' bC - -d itQ laT ;'J I" I a-er;r..c A',1 r"r: n- arc war.v ,i-,.io, t-ur:a-;r.s sail liicroft lii-iii t-. HARLOW Jt 15'L SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisoaier.-s uzier ihii heai;; 10 :. pr line per day; -hins in.-;-cd fr than 50 cents for cue time, BOARD. 1 FEW OrTTL"ME C N T.T AC-j.V AC-j.V cou:a:ci;.-,c-.i -;h I1.-.7 T.sr- cz Tz'.ri Jth f:-e;t, MI . lr5 n-e.; t,; ,je C ; ;i uata. p. u. EuX K07. TO RENT. L rc-':L-.0M'r r.-w l-,-.- v; .-.1 s:,.. Apply uj H arrca U.v-cy cr C. '. - i.-.jn,;:. I !lJ ! WANTED. I IIOrSE. Ft"KNI:! it, M !Til ' rt-'UKKE Yv r. S.i'.'-'iN-; i.!V.l. posiie l',.wao.-iJ ll. .-j. r "v TXF0RM ATI"'X OF IllINttY M,- ;aHRY. ' L 1 V.s. ln:aatry. iW s-.Ut f.: s D 1' ilurn- hatn, UoiYDK'ai liraio. a'.t l.iko Ciiv. he will h.ar a, -me thins tv hi; aa.aiu.-o 't.y FCR RENT. l!Ot"E WITH FOUR I'OO.'-.S AN'l' I A a o.d cL.ar.:i.:ato.l six U. c'-.. ot the Cjiy UhII, 6;r.-L.i ;-.o dwr. A woaan in tho e''0. esc 7t. eL.-K-o.i to cuok, wa:h a,! irc. ..!; ihu a-u-e. dl WARRANTY DEEDS, 4 Pl'TKi TO UTAH TLUlt LI' 'i.Y. FOR Jr alc, wholesale aaj rc'.ii, a: :ho liki.iL:' oifico. jo!2 PAY ROLLS. BLASK PAY ROLLS, AITKOYEP f. r.:i. f.,r -,ile a; ti- H ........ .v'. i-v: gT DR. GROVES, Gggffn Dentist Oibco. Se.'.-'ni Sc-cth S;root throe doors ivr-; uf Urv.nt W,; rn H.'tel half a block eoi 01 Elofiidct itoro jli i-.iLt City. Offifsi liciir: from 1 a.m to .t p.m. nil PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Dissolution of Cosarlnonliii)! rilUE COl'AKTNF.i;-!!!!' i:K!;:.TuFi ltc: L .ii;intbctivt.rn K M:Cr:in hi, J C. A-Linden, A-Linden, drinc buiL0-s in : lrstiara Cnavon, undoribo fi. 111 r,in 0 o: i:n: ,Sl 1 ir,Ii,,i..if Ihi-day ,lij,dve,i by cr.it i;:ii cn-cnt. T!ig bu-inc bu-inc will be ojntiniitfd in :eo .--a:;ia la'o by Ki berl .McCtiii. "bo will sviuii-.e all ;ho in-debtedne.-? uf the fjraicr nri-Li. snd tu irh.ua all iodDbtdQEc:d to said arm should bo j uid. li. M'-CKVM, 0. A. Ll.NUU-S. BiDgaiu, Nor. If, no'2:l Dissolution of Co-partnership. milE CO - PARTNERSHIP IIKKKTO-X IIKKKTO-X foro os i-tin; bpl'rocn A- J. 1- it .'.Tiild and J..hn Mci.'uiinld. ri A'ti City. I i-ri, under tho firm name "f Fit.-ucraiii .v Mci'uB' aid, U hereby di-7.)lvcd by tu ;'.:i!il content. A. -T. FIT. IF1EA1.U. JOUN M'UULlJ. A!ta Citr. Ttnh. 2uvcuiCor 25'.h, IS. 3. D. II. Simmons an:l John Nicslos h'.rins purchased John .M'Donala' ir.K'ro-t in the above bii!ino"s, tin eiuuj will bo herutiur carriod un b v A. J- b itzsorald, D. II. Siitr niuns and John Sickle, at the snmo t,tnce. under tho firm nnmont' Fitrj-'aruhi, .iiitttLiifi ACo-,whn hureby asumo all 'ho liabil it i.u of th" late firm, and to wlioin all bills due ibt ato lirni must bo paid. A. J. FITZC.KRALD. . II. SI.M.M'iNS. JOUS JJltKLFa, AUm Citr, Ttab. November loth, 187 3. u-T COAL TAU! COAL TAU for "sab nt;tho Salt Lake City Gas Works. til; BOB SLEDS. THE CELEBRATED ' Patent Independent Runner - "bob"slbd, Manm'acturtd oxrroly for nilDinn use snd ' heavy tomuinp in tb .Mountsina. It hud buun thorouifhly tcitcd in Liulo C a'.n.wnod. and found to bo tho ..nly s!od tliat will Ft aim tho roui;h roads with-uit broakini;, whilo it works r in and out of tho doop vilvh h,,lu3 v. iih tho f saiuo osl-w iij on lovol Rrwund. I'nr roi.'ror.co in'iuire of any fr.jiijhtor in the Littlo Cottn wood Canyon. Uivoyitur ordors nun in nvior to Suouru thom in boan,. ' For Stlo by ilia Z . C . M . I . A. A. ABIJUTT, 1'roprioLor, CHICAGO, ill. ENGINES ANDSAW-WIILLS GKIFITJ1I & WEDGE'S VcrlK'alFarliil)Ie Engine GUATl ANTKFD MnRR lMV.'FH FN'OICH SA.MK l'HLSSintl':. WITH LLSS l-'l LL U6K1); SAK):i; Tu llliX- I'll K ImlLKlt. DKlXri KliLKlVKl) FK i.M T'Uli WFhSHT. STKAIX, ASU nN-STANT nN-STANT YII'.UATION t'F K.N tilNW. KKSS i'Hi.'l J.iN. THE Mi'TluN liKLNO YKKTICAL. WD M'JliKDUHAIiLti'lUAS A.M" UlLlLll PCHTASLS: Er:CBNE THE GRiFFITH& WEDGE SA.AV. MILL In n llailfl of strriiiclltf Stnmr IVlt h" tlmm;h the Frame: Sli.ift. i.nd h-.M-r- i.l Wrout-ht Ir. n: Cnrn r;vnnl W :ivF ar mndu ot vol) hciivy timber. liao Luc): and .(. 'lit', nro tronnlv bracod, airi run on huols and uxtoi SOI.H AUKN'l'S ;OK UTAH, NATHAN DAVIS & SON, K A LT LAKE C-I TY. OUTFITS z ii'cnial. li'.nor;ib'', and . vs FREE. -i !, , i l: .. ","- II r". l " -R 3c ,'U , t ni. t itroti ,:ii; ik '. i.M BOOK AGENCY Si fo S-iSt,i!e7?;:77' olo, of ei'liir y.'jrMfL d.m:; o :ny or all tbo tiinn. thn; nt -in h ini "1 i In : li''. ularlr-5. A'Jtlr-; U. Suv-'-'n Jtt".. 1'i-n-land. M-ir. SPECIAL JLAV0RIKG3, ; tA 1' : h - i i a:lla, mm, vr:-, ; I't P-.v.iir- l-c ti:;a, r- ' I ... l' .r. :, i'l. -,. r ).,'.-' ', ' ' - ; , .',. 7 to ''' l ' . -' ' U-.at'i ''; I-;- 7 l-j. till, AOU .-in'l !!. !' W d I Jf..nv4ttvr "I lir. JtM-i C'w.t it-Ait l'.:tkr. LIDUELL & EKOVVW. EASI TEMrLE STREET, Xoi-tli of tho rosioflicc; WUOLrSALK ASP IIET.UL GROCERS, A.N D Cominij.-ioii Jiercliauhj Auii'k a.-c-.'iaij J ,:on f.-r :vrs kl rsu.Q mua tki'it w.ivTF.11. CONFECTIOKERY- II. "WALLACE, VThJcale ard Ki-ttil CONFECTSOER 1st South-st, Salt Lake City. FRESH f;es, cakescrackers, ASP Cream Gkos, Every Pay. -sj-xiy DISC -w .V iladu lo Orda Tho heaviest and bo?t twriM :vck vf P I' U E C A . D 1 1: ."4 la the Territory. a "Country Dealers should call and examine ORANiiKS ANO LLMON.S. Srocial alt-r.' U-jQ 1'iud lo onion. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. . O . GIUFFITII,. Doaler in all kind' cf F I C K 1. K I) AND ti M 0 K K li SALMON AND HERRINGS, i-VS WASHINGTON Ti;f:;;f, betweoa rrv-m and Davi?. All kinds of lri..-i. Miionod aad Pioioi Fuh censtantly on Lui ii Formorly 1' inner for lii voars City mid ?ino.-s y. nr.- mIomujui w ith gyrofF. D. Cdo Si. Co. Cultiut A Co, C.JAMES 1C1H3 of Wm. 4 Co., Manufacturers and I'ncUors of KEP.'ilETlCALLY SEfiLEO GOODS SIC j Sil San?omo ftreot, San l ranoico, Cal. FKKSEKVES, JAMS, JKI.l.IKS, l'lrkU.S and OltKUOX ClllKK. (Ji'Li b ifiiaraiileod suyerior to nny otltor in the uiaiLot, Aouo hut wuitk lubur uuiidoyod. Bill J. BAUM & CO., Iniportors and .Manmncturorp of KENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 216 and 1UJ .Mwmn-st., Sin FniNcmi-n, ft) No. lb U'arron-ML. !kw ioue U A. 8ASDKKS0S. T. L. MORN. SANDERSON & HORN, lnniortorfl nnd Jobbcrn of CIGARS AND TOBACCO rRurBicroiui of I.A E3PAIICLA CIOAS r&CTOKY. Pole iliinuiiiotarorn ol tho Colchrntod "C-ha. Difkciis" (Jiur;n, 41-1 !'i',.ntL, hct. HV'hiiKtoii and Clay, iSAN nUNCLSOl. a i,5 t.. II. KrWT05, Ki'KV.ta li-vlTi'S, FornnTly .f 1 nr'uv-h r.h Mas.-r3. Flint ii SowU-n. Mrn. C-tle b'ro'u. NEWTON D RO T S & CO., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GH0O1F3, 11!) and 1-21 Front Strne', FniM 6- o, l'ay osiial iittnniinn to Suit LukoHin- tr.idc l'ncoa Kivuii in t'oiu or Cun oncy iw dt-sirod. j t CaiABLIt-UKU IhW. Importer : oj Tom, JCatt Irvdia 'goods end ft r.rral groceries, ViM and'" Front Sirtei, Sen yrfinciieo- o'Jo C. A. FAHCO & CO.. Iiuiiortorn and Jobbora of Brandies, Wines and Liquors, ) B10 FhoT-aT., toa. Coynr.uciAl., O.R.ITVK. Hi sn i iiVV,:iSGg OYSTEItS! BOOTH'S SELECTED BALTIMORE OYSTERS, iT.KSU KVLIiY DAY. A LL ordr.r- '-nt 'r.,m town -r OJin try will iV rt'Ct-'ivo inimL-liato atiouU'.ii. SUII'MAN A BLO.V.iKR, Ax.nwVt Ajintafvr t'fnft, V. 0. t!ox --I-E'i Muin Mrol, Sail Lako City. MINING ACEtlCY BAR ROW U CO., N'.j. ' H ALL .-ll'.l'.i.r. I',,,,,.. July :i, ivl. 7.lh'7-7- ihot.-'j .'l ciillii, j.-ui auooliu 7- ,m- ' TT ' 77 1 ' V 1 'HI- I". I iJ,', ui'.'l'lDC 'V 7.'i!77" jC-n't" in' '7-1. 'i.'n.' ',,.. I. -7 . i-lu'o! 7.u:i:i Hli Liudi ul .Miuli l Ii-a- e'-'l '. !y .-;.n.. ;r.i: Mii.ia'.l" Mir. lor -"In. 9 ii7'.",.,,',,,77i)1'.''r ,l"l'" irj-l . I. .i'.. , .,,.,.. . i -i r, : I ...'-1 ,'-U u-, aru a. 11. .. ': n h- n niioru'J 1,-f l alsia ---J k 01 ; i, mil ri. nrT....J ii, on, '.j !.vin;itn I '"' A'K' 'h'AUV'jW j trw 1 : ;' ns 'A Oiw fc' ' ! c . PP.OFESSOR i ,' ' '- ;" - f'r' TifpJ :tl i V i-liAjb'jA 0 |