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Show GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Waslimglon, 2. The rcceipU for Lite lirst quiirter of the current fiscal yeitr ending June 30th, 1S74. Kc-ccipta Kc-ccipta were from customs, $40,lS--dS3; sales of public lands, $-j73,7GS; internal revenue, Ji5, 640,454; tax ou circulation and currency of thff National Na-tional Banks, o,49ll,74o; repayment of interest by tho Pacific railroad, $19S,070; customs, etc., $J3S,5U; consular, patent, and other fees, o03,-'J41; o03,-'J41; proccetls of government- property, proper-ty, S3 io,7Gu; miscellaneous sources, $lo0,7'.l3; oitlinarj- recei,ts, SSl,&o3,-4'J2; SSl,&o3,-4'J2; from premiums on stiles of coin, S-2,350,818; Ironi Geneva award, Sid,-500,000; Sid,-500,000; total receipts, f'.)9, 701,313 balance in treasury June 30, IS, 3 1$1,92,02; tota'l available, S-30,-S'Jtl,339. The expenditures during the same period tvere, for civil and miscella-i neons exjicnses, including public buildings, light houses, and the col- lection of revenues, S17, 372,293; fn-, diaus, S2,00S,71u; pensions, SS,09S,-loti; SS,09S,-loti; military eslabiishments, including includ-ing vessels, machinery, and improvements improve-ments at the naw yards, $972, 924, t 571; for interest on the public debt, including l'acinc railroad bonds, $37,-051,907; $37,-051,907; total, exclusive of principal and premium on public debt, SSS,-711, SSS,-711, 87S; premium on purcbascd bonds, 81,301,910, award by the Ue- nevn Tribunal, investment account, S15, 500,000; net redemption ou public pub-lic debt S34.9Stj.S2S: net expenditure, S13S,507,3,)3; balance- in the ' irea-sury September 3ufh, 1373, S'J3,0SS,9S5; total, S230,S90,339 I for the remaining three quarters of I the current fiscal year, it is estimated 1 that the receipts will be .- Customs. 1 Sill, 000,000 ; sales of public lands, S500,000 ; internal revenue, Sii6,0 '0,-000; '0,-000; Utx on national banks, 53, 2n,i,-090 2n,i,-090 ; 1'acille Hailwav, S300,OUO ; customs, cus-toms, finances, etc., $5,000,000 ; cor sular, patent and oilier fees, SI, 300,-000 300,-000 ; sales of public property, 5il,0OO,r 000; miscellaneous sources, 52,00:1,-000; 52,00:1,-000; total, S1S7.100,0"0. Expend.-: ttirrs will bo for civil expenses,, SI 525 000 ; foreign intercourse, Sl,-100,000 Sl,-100,000 -, IncViruis, ii,50i,O0O; pen-' pen-' sions $21,7SO,tlOO ; niilit.ry establish-, establish-, mont, S34, 000,00", naval establishment! establish-ment! $18,000,000; miscellaneous civil, 'including public buildings, S3 1,-000 1,-000 000 ; interest on tbo public debt, S7,000,000; total, $200,030,000. This will leave a deficiency in tbe rcyenuo ' ol $13,520,000. |