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Show Horace Greeliy has been making more political speeches, and with the results that might have been expected. He claims that he has been miare ported port-ed and misrepresented, yot no man in the United States ought to know better than Mr. Greeley that a large elass of pelitical reporters ask no better bet-ter job than the opportunity of misquoting mis-quoting and misrepresenting a political opponent. "Undo Horace" would have acted wiser if he had suspended his political speeches with the one made at Portland. True, it is tempting tempt-ing when a man sees himself belied, to take the first ohaoce that offers to repel the false accusation ; particularly if, like Greeley, he has spent a lifetime life-time in active political warfare. Yet considering the position occupied by the Democratic Liberal candidate for the presidency, it would be better for him and his cause, if he would leave such replies to his friends. |