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Show THE TERRITORIAL FAIR- Id two weeks lacking two days the Territorial Fair opoos in this city, and it is time the entries were all made, or nearly bo, that there may be sufficient time for making the proper arrangements. arrange-ments. We are Dot advised what progress pro-gress has been reached in this direction, direc-tion, but presume the matter will be fully discussed at the meeting of the board of directors of the Deserot A. & M. society this evening. When too mieh work has to be crowded into very limited time, there U not juatico done to those who have the work to do, and it is not reasonable to look for that work being so well done. The agricultural agricul-tural and manufacturing society of St. Louis hold a Fair this 6cason common fling on the same day that our Territorial Territo-rial Fair opens October 3d and the telegraph informed us yesterday morning morn-ing that all their arrangements were completed and entries made the day before. This allows time for preparation prepara-tion and display, which we hope exhibitors ex-hibitors here will endeavor to give those who have the work of arrangement arrange-ment and preparation in hand. Every one interested in the Territory Terri-tory desires that the approaching Fair Bhould be a correct reflex of its manufactures, manu-factures, resources and productions ; and that the specimens designed for exhibition should givo to all visitors to the Fair a proper idea of what is being done and what can be done in Utah. We would only urge, at this hour, the seoessity of exhibitors not retarding the work of the supervisory committees, commit-tees, and yet of the exposition beiog as full and complete as it can be made. |