Show bountiful bountis ul state bank report made to tile the bank 0 of f tile state slate ol of utah of f tile the condition of the bountiful state dank bank located at bountiful in tile the county of davis state of 0 utah at tile the close ot of business on tile the 0 day ot october 1911 RESOURCES loans and nd discounts overdrafts 1427 00 furniture and fixtures 00 due from national li anks hanks 4 T aw TO 9 checks and cash items etem 3 1079 40 factional silver S 54 51 03 silver dollars rw oo 00 gold coin ou currency til m ou W 03 cu arent expenses and taxes ra patu w ios 94 total W I 1 liabilities f capital stock paid in f 1 00 surplus fund undivided frosts I 1 00 dividends individual deposits 1 I 61 savings dep ded int at 4 iver ner fent nt 04 Cush Ca lors checks 9 72 demand certificates if V time certificate f 00 bills payable 00 re nerved for taxes f MO 00 total S 52 state of ut h cou county of 0 davis james A id d being birst duly sworn alc i law and bays that be Is president i r the bove named bank that the aboy above and foregoing ore going report enrit contains ains a full tru nd statement of the con litzou of t s saud 1 I bank at the close of bu busl bui I ness on th the allday t of october 1911 f jas A eldredge eldradge pres correct t aest est K R T badger N T por ter 1 I E I 1 W ley directors subscribed and sworn to before me tills this uth day of october 1911 chas it malley mabey seal notary kublic my comal commission slon expires scot sf utah office of bank coin in 1 I 0 S bunk bank commissioner of 0 the state of utah rtuh do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full trun and correct copy of 0 the statement ol of tile the above abare named company fled in my office this 16 day of october 1911 1011 C S seal bink bank commissioner |