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Show INKLINGS. iJ.v.timijre L.ls gune lo rcl-iuiAlliig. Tho i-ii-uL.tiu of Vv:t-cc uow is A N.-w H.iv. 11 d..,- l-.t p-n..- o-.i.:y -.ii'-e the r.iiui iitc:in.'ut. At: ir.t. ni.it:. n.tl M.wnie (.'.Tur.sS 1- I-1 i'L- iiL'la ;it Kii;-toti, Cm;ul.i. inL'k i-tiL- s.-t a c 011 liil- IVtVIitiy ;tt '.-l FcrrLil'Uiv, Vt. ' I'n.vid'jn,-,-. II. I., w:nU a g:mic l.av cna. :-; 1'. ,r pn'tectk'H ol T:,e Win,.-. 1 ; Ii::n. ' K'.-puMicnn !'Ui'lL-iR : i, it, -r U.iinl I'm m Ku-Wiiti- Sailor Jl-j.ple MiK-hflt uf On-p-in, is siir.-i.Al ;io ii lir-t-nito candidate fjr ii:c i.'iiie:"jut:cc.-iiip. Tiio hito Ir. tftoroy of Albany, is inn-.i.iiy ks, on the account of a kick lrum a ilic. I'laying-caixU with iiKmrning bor-Jl'1-s arc .-aid to have conic into fashion fash-ion in TeiiiK-t.v iucc tho advent of cholera. A l'iluluus i un ci known as the phylloxera ihreateiis to ilLrjKtso of the wine crop in France before the viiie-L,TOver.- do. California announces Lhc diicovcry of a spring of "natural lemonade;" but a local chemist says it is nothing but Lime-water. Trim-css Josephine, a cousin of the ex-Queen of Spain, had her baggage seized by a I'aris milliner as security for An unpaid bill ol $ljOo'J. The Xew Orleans riaujunc says of Louisiana: " Her hinds and the sweat and lalwr of her sons arc mortgaged for fortyyears to come to enrich her plunderers." The most unpopular nmn in Virginia Vir-ginia is one who h;w made the accidental acci-dental discovery I hut kerosene is ns ctiicaciou as whiskey to cure rattlesnake rattle-snake bites. The Xewhuryport Herald accuses men opposed to Butler's nomination for the ollice of governor of "wirepulling!" "wire-pulling!" 1'oor, innocent Butler, opposed op-posed by wire-pullers! Too bad. A prominent lawyer of Albany, in filling out a check tor iiO to pay a gas bill for the last quarter, wrote on the check as follows, "Half for gas and half for fraud." Three women have gone crazy in Paris after sight of the Shah's diamonds. diam-onds. One of them has committed suicide because the festivities arc at an end. There is an cllort being made in Boston to establish the fashion of receiving re-ceiving callers in the kitchen, so that pie-making Tind gossip may go on simultaneously. A Boston woman, when reproved by her husband for visiting murderer's murder-er's row to sec .Stokes, declared that she " would rather see Stokes than any other niMi living." CJcrald Massey is delivering ft lecture lec-ture in England which he calls, " Why doesn't Owl kill the devil ?" and the honest country folks of the old country are crying, "Lord- iv, Massey, deliver us!" Hayseed in the hair and blue drilling drill-ing overalls arc to be the prevailing styles for western politicians this fall, It is said that the accession to tin 1 ranks of farmers for the last lvc months from gentlemen that nevci before scented clover, is something wonderful. " Now, Willie, dear," says Fanny. " do have a little courage, when have a powder to take, 1 don't like ii any more than you do, but I make up my mind that I will take it, and do." "And when I have a powdc; to take," replied Willie,! "I make ur my mind that I won't Like it, and . don't." |