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Show 1;,k.iM A N P llOAKP. i'"t- .Kor south t,l i.iUT.il Iuiituti'. aS 1. A iAi;i;k arrivAl of l".ihion:M o i Uis ami SIkvs for Uuliiv, -Mi.-M and ChiKlron, at llic Lmlie-s" fiLshion-;,M fiLshion-;,M Shoo IVpArtmonl. Pnnfiml t. '. nS K,vnN;.-Li'vcirs tin sinnlint;; Ivt aibptrtl to all roots with small pid-h. l'urt'k'tilar attention pakl to IT.Vl.wt IIokx will UoUl il closing out salo, below cost, for one week. One luimlra. ready made switches of Human Hair, of all styles, for sale at i liiiryaius. Hnir dresers can buy ), liere cheaper than at the East. All ik'l'ts due must be scltlcvl within one week. I-:uli(.-s having hair at Cata-vu Cata-vu fc Hum's csUiUUlimcnt will pk'.we rail for it at once. l'f; Vi, Kiyk Ckxts; Plums, two for ike ccnLs; Apricots, Apples, "and Grape? very cheap, at wholesale or " ri'iail. Alio a splendid young cow and calf for sale for cash or good store p:1v. at First South street. H. L. S,uitUworth. iw T.vo cauloads of tine parlor and W-droom sets; best ever brought to Utah; at JocUon's.Groesbock'd Block. au6 Status Lath, Truckee Lath and Oregon Lath, at Latimer, Taylor fc Cos. ail5 Ci loit'KST cuts of meat at May fc Luo.is'. aug5 The jMELTeh known as the Regis-T.'. Regis-T.'. r Works, siluntcd at Ogtlcn, about a qu.irtcr of a mile south of the U. P. railroad depot, is advertised for sale or lease in this morning's issue of the Herald. Pktku Lesher is selling out his st.K'k of pure Xo. 1 Liquors, cheaper than any house in town, to close our tloi-k. Call and examine our article. Under the Great Western Hotel. aug5 FirrY locsges arrived at Barratt's. !!-' tlEO. Suoivell, scavenger for the City. 02 Akiuved, china, glvsi and fancy g,Mls, at Barratt's. jy2G Banv c.uuiiAGES for sale by H. 'Dinwoodey. niar29 1!ea i Sellers, Dentists, 50 Main street. First chiss work guaranteed. aug 3 , , For a nice breakfast or elegant "French dinner go to the Dclmonico. alS Use SON'S other but GitrR.iRDEi.u's EAGLE CHOCOLATE. 7 The Choicest brands of champagne cham-pagne arc to be found at W. S. Fns-tcrA Fns-tcrA Co.'s. J27 "Siiesdip sew views of the grand canon of the Colorado River, at Savage's Art Gallery. Gi;i:at REnt'crrON" in meat at May tfc Lucas'. augo Splendid .new views t f Li: tic Cot-; tonwfKxl caiion, just out. Takcjl by C. K. Savage, Pioneer Art Gallerf. jyLxiyl TAKriF-s AJjorr to get married would find it to their advantage to , vi.-it A. E. Culmcr's Furniture Store, ! Main street. mig 3 1 Foil the &UQ' of life, also cakes, ' buns, crackers and pure home made candy, wholesale and retail, go to the Cilobc Bakery. jc23 Gkeat inducements otVcrcd to discriminating dis-criminating purchasers in all kinds of furniture, for the next thirty days; at Juelson's, Grocsbeck's Clock, jela Baiuks taken in a second; they nave not time to move; at Carter's siew Mammoth Gallery, adjoining Dollar .Store, up stairs, j29 W. S. Fostki: it Co. make I'umi.j tr;l a speciality. Call and cxamint i.iodriaid prices before purchasing Two dijors cast ol'Godl'c's. j27 Cheap Btii-F. G'.-orge Chandler, having removed to Iih own premises in the 10th Ward, one and a-half lilu' k west of the school house, he h;is io rent to pay and can sWl meat v Iwaper than anylKKly. Delivered Vice. jy2ij Nona; to ihk Tu vvELixa Public. 'J" i i kouo i i Tickets E.wr. The under-;ietl under-;ietl has opened an office fui ihe aiewi' tln-ough R. R. Tickets to ail the pjiivcijtal cities in the United iatcs, at the Banking Hutise oi White it McCornick, East Temple ntieet. M. H. Davis. LocaJ Ticket A-ent, U. l R. R-r :ui-V Private Boahduvn KofE Kimball Block opiiosite tlieTowrfceiul House. Tliebuikling is new and newly mrr uUhed; and the table is supplied with the best tke sean.m artords. W. Carver, Car-ver, Proprietor. jy21 Money ro Loan. Apply at Cooper fhxV, real-estate agents, few doors north of Walker House. Gas Xotice. Farties wishing y.3 Mipplitxl in their Ixiiidinps, arc hereby notified that the undersiirnod :;re prepared, pre-pared, with a lull stock of piping, chandeliers, etc., and are enabled to iio w irk a t the lowest ra tes. A ! 1 work warranted and full satisfaction guaranteed. K. Reiv-e it Co. P3 ... PicTi KK FUAM and Mouldings ; cheapest in town; Savage's Art Gallery. Gal-lery. jy0 Fou KiusT cl.iss I niu and Brass work, send orders to Nathan Davis it Sons' Iron and Brass Foundry, 1st Wet-t street, near North Temple. Tuyers of dilVerent sizes amLuitly on Land. jylO Utait l.t'MitKK. Alt sizes of Red Pine Lumber for sale by Swill it Nash, at their yard, north of Salt Lake Iron Works." jyll Lake Side. The resort of the season. sea-son. Ice cream and all kinds of refreshments re-freshments furnished on the grounds. jyl7 C. W. Staynei:, Agent. Knives, Fokks, spoons and castors the best at Barratt's. j) -u Ask yolk grocer for Ghirardelli's chocolate and cocoa. do Matrasses from $3 to $-30 at Barratt's. Bar-ratt's. jy'-i Soconlsco Chocolate is the best in the world. Use Giukardelli's. S Hoi;se goods, immense stock at Barratt's. I New style parlor sets at Barratt's. jy'2(i . . . Card. Household and oflice furniture fur-niture two car loads new styles, received re-ceived at C. R. Barratt's, Postofiice building. jv-t) Selling Oit at Cost. Now ladies is your time to select mfirstrhtss switches, curls, braids ami all kinds of hair work ai very loir price.". Please call early and make your selection. Madame A. Newton, No. li t; rocs-beck rocs-beck Block. a3 J For all kinds of Furniture goto A. E. Culmcr, Furniture Store, Main street. aug 3 A BARGAIN! One Horizontal Steam Engine, Thirty-five Horse Power. One Boiler, Forty-Horse Power, H im ALL TIIK PIPES A.N'1) CON SKI TfONS COMPl-KI'E, UKADV FOIt Kl'SSING, ENTIUEJjV 'J3W, And of tlio clfllirnt.Kl Uticn Mcura Engino Coinpany'R tnako. TWO I'OlU'LIiTE SAW MILLS, All ready fur delivery, fur Sale Clioaji al I II I) l K 1 I. It U Til I K S. jy2 Salt lake City. MINING NOTJCES. t .NOTICE ! Q AMI' KL 1,. Cl'TTKH, KPMHA1.M I' 3 H Cutter iir.d Wni- Crofliy: Take notico i tliul lithtir liii- liccn tluno to the aimmnt ol L tu ija-li 01" vuur iiit'rots uf ioct ouch, in 1 tho IrJib"Ilii .Mining Claim No. ".. situated in Little LV'U'Hiued Mining Di-irict, Salt, Lnko County. L". T , an 1 you iiro hereby notified to pay mid sinn.- within ninety 0.1 Jay from date el' thi" ii"tico. to Win. Parsenn. Salt l,:l.o City, A tut, l.i-'. alliiL e NOTICE a To Ail Wtinm it May Concorn. -yOTlCE IS IIKKKBY lilVEN TIIaT ' 1 xN lli" so-called lucatiuns known ns tlio"Ur-,( tlio"Ur-,( eon Mine,1' "Web Knot Mine." "Hiddlc-" "Hiddlc-" tnunto Mine." and "Uood Hoio Mino,'' aro all juundnjj locations on tho "Droadnaiichl .Mine," Minuted in 13inKhaui Canyon, Wc;t .Muuntdin Mininij Di-trict. All persons aro .11 thcrol'uro notiticd not t'j noKOtiato for tho pur-chaso pur-chaso of tho ,-aid wine, a, w jatend to cn-C- foru our claim according to law. C. B. COVENTRY. rr JKFF II0WF.I.L. d JAMES i I0W ELL. r.in-lifmt Canron. Aug. 1, J&T.i. ati((5 NOTICE. U. S. L.xv Ori'ieE, rfiL,' Lake City, July 1','th. IS73. Complaint bavins been entered at this Cilice by II, ms O. Sorn;en aKain?t Jdii;c Ilooi-cr, i'yr ab.indunini; his lIoH'tc;id Katry, Nu. ,5, dated November 27tji, 170, np.n tho K. o. V 1 1 aid lou 1 and ie.'tiiui (I, uwnrlui (i out!i. rungo 2 E;kSt, in lUaii County. I uh lurmory. with a riowtotfao cancolliition ut faid entry: the mi.l parlies aro herohy suni-m.ui.-a t.. rtpp.-sr at tlu- Uilico on tho liilh d;iv l5 ' ', ' at fJ o'dnck in., to rosi'or.d ar.il nuni'h lc-timoDv cenccriiinR enid alleged . , 'I. C. OVEKTOX. J1:I Kccoivor. TOOELE COUNTY RSSESSRIENT XfJl'ICK is hor.'by u-iv-on t., the ta i , aycr. f 1 Tuiiolo .Mimly, that there uill "ii Monday. Uiu lt J;iv ul' SuiiIoiiiI.it, W.; at Hi ii.ii.. at tlie Court llini-o. T.iuolo niv Tuo-elo Tuo-elo cuunty, II. I'., a aoifiun 01 tb-j 'd.imiv Court of Mini county, n'hrn all ceruiilaint's at-iiuUlioii.sc:-!iientfyr IhTJ will bo hi'urd and :i.ljiidCiHod. Piirtii'3 iiiterc-ted will idea.-a t.tko notice. Ily order ul tho County Court of said couiuy this Hh day ul July, 1S7J. . KlCUAltD WAUBUUTON'. J Clurk. m FOUNDRIES. NATHAN DAVIS & SONS, IMAP BRASS FOUSDEES All kinda of casti "rsro- TO OliUKB- agents lor GRIFFITH & WEDGE rntonl' Vorncul 1'vrtublo ENGINES AND SAW MILLS liuH'a S hiii f.-lo and Uoadins Machinos. Coi'O A Maxwoll Manurncturint: Comj.any ri'UMl'INU MACUlNEKlf. First West SLroot.lnoar North ITeini lo Street, i t3i SALT LAKE CITY. ' BANKING. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4 OF UTAH, W A T 1 j A lv JZ C I T V DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY i!tn Kisis.-hl A 1. f'jct oy thk I'Mrin Sr.crns WA!ii;i;" nTssT:v. pr.-i,i,,i A.Vi'llU.NV (i'lhlU-;. L'u-hior. ' AlTMhlilZKK CAITTAl,. flHrti fun it Ci IT ,1 ,'(, KkMSft, ""' j-;, I DIVIDEND FOB TaTT 50 PER CENT. DIVIDEND FOR 1872, 50 PER CENT. Tin: Oi.t.vT II vi-. Isrm n.ix if ("tah. A tioiior.il Cinkinj; T.n..in.vi tnniinirtwL Anwira 5 COL'iliAlHi ani, MONTANA C'IjM'XTIOXS niiiHi-TLv attk.tkkh to. Into iv I nll..wr.,l ..n Tini. JVno- WINES AND LIQUORS. l! j o ld j : V YALLEYli ...:h 1 1 tJuurantuoJ. iiorfoctly mro"iind of Ibo biffh (tni'lo) MANSFIELD, ATC;HIS0N L STEELL WhiU'tu.kvnts, SAL T Tj A It 1 O 1 T"1 "V . Wo Imvo nw in Mutk fmno vnfy flno OLD BOURBON WHISKIES, ro.fH.yTI.SU OK oi,not;nv. iiKiniiTAdu, i. w. tavl'i;:, k. u. iiiiit;tv, A FULL LirJE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE, Foe S.vLk Low ami oh Lhiubal Thjims. U-tT ltci!--l! ni'thincti) iiivi.sli'.'otB.-b I'loriac cxiiiiiino imr dov l und 1'rics liororo pisn-'hiuiiur cNewhero. fo4 CROCERIES, CANNED COODS L1DDELL Sl BROWN, NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, Are now roceivine n l;trn ,-tick of Staple and GROCERIES, Canned Goods, etc. etc. Whirh ihoy aro DKi'KliM IXKD TO Si:LL Ci'i ypKH than any oriii-.R Horaf City "nil Country Donlor., Hotel, Koslaurant n nil llimso-kooiiors, IF YOU WAXT tIU;VlS, '"Offl E AND SEE !US AMI Examine our Stock and Prices NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. ' OOloo oftlio YitfMria ami Imperial Tunnel -nd Mininc l-'oinimny. No MorJK'iucry Street, Sun i'r.inoi-'co, Cut , August 5lb, It'i. TOTICB IS HK:tK!!Y HtVKN' THAT IX II C'in'eTiicnco ot' vuluiilil) doveloinuont" III ndo in tlio nii'ie tho n.'-o-.-mi'nt No- .'J of twenty cents per shnro on all tlio capital stick of raid couiiiany lin- this tin v boon rescinded. res-cinded. W. II WA'l'SUN.Svc. an!) FOR SALE OR LEASE. 1 riMEE SMKLTKK KNOWN AS TUB It BO- 1 X istor Wnrks, fiitnatod at (.cilon, I't.ih, will ho sold til a linrgiiin, or lensi'd for a tinio on fair tonim. The iT'in'rly consists oT two acros ot'tround, lour liiiildiiics, una pond cn-ginn cn-ginn in coinpUto rmiilinu ord 'r, nno furnnco Hvliich nuod.-i roimirinn1, and is situated about c-no fourih of n inilo smith of tlm U. !' It- K. ilerot, ii'ljoinint' tho trm-1; on tho west ido-Sl-'yo or 1 "ill start thi works runnini;- Any further information onn lieohtainrd by personal intervi.A-. or bv nddrosing tho un-dorsit'iiod un-dorsit'iiod at Usdun, Utah. au9 WILLIAM ABBOTT. NOTICE. AT TUB ANNUAL M KBT1 SCI OF TIIK Stockholder-ol'iho Bmnin Hill Cnnsoli-datod Cnnsoli-datod Mining and Tsinnol O ui liny, hold in tlio couiitany'ii oiVn'o in Salt Luko Uity, oil tho 7th day of Aiiaiut, lT Tho moot ins was call' I to order by the I'rPFident an,la;ljo'irQod till tiia oth day of .Soritoiubor, IImJ, ftu'J S- I". l'Ul.LKH, Trosidont. AVQT50N ! ! J G't MAT I XDUC'FIENT, A ULACKSMITU SHOP AND DIM LD-i LD-i V iiifs. witli all tho net'os-ary fixtures, tools. Ac for carrying on tlio blncksniiihing biifinos.". Tlio TiMui-'os ul n:seiH aro in monthly rcceijit of :!"0. All eii'iuiiius concu iiunjj tho same will bo prom itl v tins .icivd at tho olticn of Carter ,t Aduo, liroosbock blook. Salt Lake City. Tho fiilo of ihi'f tvoju'ily will yako (iUco at " o:clock, Friday Aonurt l-lli, and givon lo tho liiirhost bidder. The co-t, or real vitluo, ofno consideration iv h a lev or. aat FRED CAUTER, Auctioneer. DAVID KYANd. PKTEB STTWART, EVANS I STEWART, PLUM BEES, Gas and Steam Fitters. A Full Lino ut GAS FIXTURES, Plumbing M;Ucriul, Iron Pipe, etc. LOW FOR C.Sli. Fiest Sol'th Strict, throo doors oa?t of City Hall, SALT LAKE CITY. Jobbiwj promptly attended to. All work warranted, in NOTICE ! T WI?IITO NOTIFY MY OrsTOMBRS J that i am no lonfi-r connected with;. lames ! Cordon, at tho " Wv- C-tt-n-.vud Flour Mills," b. am ivjw eKMi.-hod at 6. Y. LOWER MILL, Second Ward, In c..n;-rnvn wah thb;;i. d of i). K. Alk::. 1 tr 1 l :ho lil.er.il i-.itroiuitt heretofore be luivod uay ouiitiii'.iu nilh mo il my now Iocuk ii. JOHN Nl. LEFFLER, Miller. N O T I O ! ! D. R. ALLEN'S FLOUR, r C.M.I, bavin--ccurod tho a-n0cv fo j. Iho.-r.loot ibeabuvo nam"d coiobrate brand i:' ,-r- l r-'-:i-" di-irinu t' inr Che:-'' .-ai1' Fliuir in i.'ro r . tii.iII nmntitii' can do-" ai.lviii- ( tUo l'roduco Uoi-arl ment ol'.-aid 1 1; --ii .! i"H. .1 LHjliuI Lhjcuitnl lo D(.t:la:i, SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. U A. S.5IitR0T. T. U HOBi SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO rROFRlKTORS or LA ESPANOLA CIGAH FACTORY. Solo Manufacturers of tho Celebrated "Chas. Dickens" Cigar, Front-sL, bet. Washington and Clay, SAX FRANCISCO. Paiw anl Stationary WarelionsE JOHN O. HODGE & Co., Imiortera, Manufacturer!, and WHOLESALE STATIONERS, Kop a lull lino of QTATJOXEKY. BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL O liouka. 'Timers' Stock, liook liindora' M atonal, 'raiii)ing. Book, and Non-Faiiora olc. etc A cent Tor tho Cdrow Company's euporior Letter and Flat Taper. Tho Trado auiiplicd at loss than Chicago Pricos. :ii7, 3-l and 3."!!, SArRAWK.-JTO Stukut, ai'lS SAN FRANCISCO. I,, it. si:ttos, JioRnts.tr.WT05, Formerly of Former h with Mossr. I'lutt Jt Xowton. Messrs. Costlo Bro's. NEWTON BRO'S A CO., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS, 119 and 121 Front Street, gxs irjtAStcisro, ray e!ecial attention toSalt Lako City trade. I'ncos civen in Coin or Currency as desired. J. BAUM & CO., Inijiorters and Manufacturers of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, -18 and 'Z!f) Sun.'ome-sL, S F'msnscrt, f'J No. 18 Warron-sU. Nnw York. BBTABUSnED 1850. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 216 Front Street, San Francisco. o26 E. A. FARCO & CO., Iiniortors and Jobbers of Brandies, Wines and Liquors, 31(i F"ro,st-st., cob- Couhkrcul u. H.5VK. j25 SAN FUAXCISCO. JOHN Sl'HL't.tCK, S, L. BTAKt.KY, C. C. THAl'MAX, SPRUANCE, STANLEY & Co., fyiicccspurs to il. Web.tor X Co. and J.JcJ. In-.i'ortcrs and W bolo?alo Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 410 Frost-st., Sax Francisco. mj23 .V. .1 . GRIFFITH, Dealer is all kind' of P I 0 K L i D A S D SMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS, ISi WASlUXi-iTON STHEET. All kinds of Driod, Sinokod and Pickled Fi-b constantly on hand. H SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES. 4IBIG GUN" STORE. HAGUE BROTHERS, Imnorters of and Dealers in Gnus, Pistols, Ammunition Remington Sporling Rifles 0$ SALE. Tho bostn hiBQ' COOP NEWSi MAY & LUCAS' rWELFTH WARD MEAT MARKET, Opposite Bishop Sharp's have iroducnl tho .rice of Moat this tnuvnin. Thoy wilWell heapor than oer. Beef, Mutton, Lamb and cal at all times. .Moat delivered free. ujt5 COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT! &iim?uy, Auyiiat 9, 1873., TO H. M. TAYLOR, Lute Proprietor of Faust's Raoo Course, tho ,rocoods of tho Oato to ko to Mr- Taylor Tho Unco to bo mile heal?, best throo in five, to jarnos.". Tho following llorsos will contond: Jol. Dickey namos s. R. Quaker Lad; ioorcc Loihy " ,r (Iranfter: ii . M. Tavlor ' " llonost Charloy Mr. Tavlor to driveCharloy; Horses tn star at o'cIock.. Admission to Track, SI. CUL. G. W. DICICUY. Proprietor Pools will bo sold at tho St'ick liuai'i", Fr ly oi'onini,', Augudt S. IS7.!, uS EVERYBODY AVAXTS OS? OF IH0?E NIOS C HAM PI O N WAS!IL(J MACHIAES. 22,000 SOLD IN ONE YEAR, PRICE, $10.00. Ladies, call and soo ihetn. Chas. W. Stayner, General Agen W-i No. 3 Main-stroct, Salt Lako City. r.1 THE HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE MINERS ANDTURNACEMEN: ii:t vorii i-ay hoi.t.s. keckiits. It ltEPOKTS. tic., ulioru yuu aro suro ! THE HKIilLD JOB OFFItK. OUIl rOI.ICY ALL TIIE TIME T? to Eot tho Tie Latest Novelties in PrintiHi .1X11 I.WITE i CONNOISSEURS TO PLEftSE THEIR EVE, ' THE UEltlU) JOB 0FF11E. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS " FAR W E STTREIGHT CO, Fast Freight Lino FROM St. Louis via Lincoln, to Omaha. Ko Chawit of Cars o Lake. No Crossing Mioilri River Brklgos, Consequently no Drby. I Men-bant. ordoTinE eoo&t from St Loai! 1 will find thi tho Quickest and Cheapest Ronte. OMor cnili markwl and shippod via "FAB WKSf LINK." For farther particulars, special rat"S, Ac., applylo JAS. F. ACLAR, auit 3 Ocn'l Manoor, St. Louis. AVo- U, X. C. .V I. (.REIT SLAUGHTER ! TERRIFICJpiEE!! W U IB IEli E ? AT TEASDEL&Co's ZEoad tlio following: Wo aro closing out tho balance ot niir SUMMER GOODS CLOTHI1TG, At Greatly Reduced s . TO MAKE ROOM FOR fall, r uncn ah lis. GREAT BARGAIN'S is ! 1 HCK SIIAWUS, I j Uillea' Uoodr-mado Iinr .t S, 0 P.-K1SOI.S. h LAWNS and lj SUMMHR DRESS (iOOl)-:, l SUMMF.lt SII.UVI, Linoof, Hosiery and iIIuvpf, D fl GEXTS' CLOTIIIX(i, Ul 0? 1 LLN'EN COATS, H 1 " PASTS, H S0mm.r Q L1 CASSIMERE SUEW, STRAW UATS, Klc. Etc. mUESE (JOOPS. Jnboi-o oaiimorntoil, mil J bo sold VKUY CUKAP, wishuul regard tO COBt . Call nnd examine :inl you will be sure to Duy. ALL OUK OTHER OOODS C01111KSP0ND-INOLY C01111KSP0ND-INOLY LOW. TEASDEL &i CO., 65,67, 69 EastTempIe Street, CLOTHING. GREAT BARGAINS! AT THE WELL-KNOWN CALIFORNIA STORE. CLOSING OUT CLOTHING AT COST, iUvin Hindu Kxl.'nsivo AUeraUous In my Store, and intcml horonftor confining mynull tu AN EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS i:sta HLIHH 3lI-:iVT. I otTor my entire Stuck of CLOTHIUG Gents' riiniisliing Goods AT COST. COUNTRY DEALERS Arc ospociall? invitod to Examine the Stock: GREAT INDUCEMENTS "Will bosiven thom. I also offer a Largo Stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Lawns. Percales,! LIHB1T SUITS, PAltASOLS, Etc. yKLEL'l'EU WITH Til K (IKEATLVrT CAKE AND ATTENTION, ; At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. LOUIS COHN, io'J7 . " jri:j?LiT i;azai;, 1st South S(., near the Theatre. CELMNn OFF VNHKR COST. LAU1ES' O nnd Cliil'lrcn's Siuunir I'l-.thint, ('. lunko room fur u large Stock of Wintor i.ooJa AMER1GAH HOTEL PROPERTY I Oil SALE Oil l:i:.T FOll CASH. THE AMKKICAX US KL i fittcd KimS'iith an l S-, Mn rL.'. ono- half block fr-.m I i!v liall. Hc:l Irnt I-i feet, o;.!h fmn! fi' t. Alo, :'nr .1 iai iiac'enciT omni- bu. and iito siruJi-, ttiuiu j-b L.-ace, ircistit A l.i 1 five arro If-1 of lird one-half milo Sunih ofCity. lit lo r effect. iM J. C. LITTLE. AZTEC PINOLE. A riKUi.HTFn, and iif.m.tiuxl - v .Hvi. iTtTarl from t sr.-ho.i C..-n Honof:--ial t. ovcry o::e. arJ c.-i .viuliv to tl.v!Mtjt children ra-l infar.ry, hei.i-'.icn miniTJ. I.rvi.oot-.r, h::r,lors. ai: i travelers. ' A eonvonont li;nch. al ar. r.ody nt a moment'? mo-ment'? n..ifo. m, v;r iij;oi 1 1; i m: it l(c:ail croccr um uv. hv any ivh' leVer 0Lkbrau-?' c""" ",MU ''-' -"-.sit 'riw'V.-ii.j; ir'.i ..f:v--"- 3d South Street, oppoaito Coinmcrcial, (HinI PURE 013 Style Kenlncty Whiskies. WALKER BROS. & CO., S.ilt I-ikc City, AUK SOLE AGENTO FOU UTAH for our celebrated S. T. SUIT & CO.'S BRANDS Old Kentucky "Whiskies. Tliso Hunts Uvn boforo Ihv. juil'lic for ninny yt'afs. nnd h:ivc : i-.t'unv. R yut;ition lor l'lirity.' Ao iind Didii iotiij Klnvor. This Hrrj'rcfiiiT.t N irni'lo lor I h 0 cctyinl convonionco ot our I'uh custotuors and llio Rvnoral trJo or tho Torritory. i5 T f ? f ? f f Our Roods will lo .;liipiivl in n-nt, souml. now, irim-liound imi-katu-. iuid ilclivorisl tu our ciMtuinor. :it Suit 1. iko City ul ured-oly our Luuisvillo tiinl rati., fr-iclit only bt-inn JUItDAX. til l,KS .V CO., .SiiLYjs.'ori to S. T. Suit Co, b t t t i b h k a s a w a & lioforrin; to tho above, card, wo rc.'it-fully rc.'it-fully invito th.- ;Utontiun of dealers to tho nd-vnnlaRes nd-vnnlaRes mT'erotl. Wo will nt nil times bo fully upcliotl witli afull lino of tho abovc-nnmod famous brands of OLD KENTUCKY WHISKIES, and supply tho trado at precisely Loui-'villo rnt05, freiilita added. Prne Lists Fnrni.tlicl on Application. WALKER fffiOS. t CO. FIREBRICK AND CLAY. UTAHFiREtBRICKCOi'IPANY FACTORY : Corner 4th Smtli street nnd UUih Southern R;iilro;ul. OFFICE : New First N;ition:il B:nk Building, Suit L:ike City. NO. I FIRE-BRICK AND CEMENT CooslHDtly oallinnil. C. W. BEXXE1T, T E A. S . THR CHOICEST LOT OJ- Natural Leaf,. AND GREEN TEAS, EVERjMruirrr.ii NEW CHEESE, HAMS l ATS I) 15ACON, AT KNOWJ,lEN"W. IN". IB. A MASON k li UIMN AND One Light Delivery Wuyon, .v:cf). .-. i. vi, For sal.' rfi,-:,;, CK'K 1 1 . K . . ' W 1,I i:' . ivic BINCHAM DAILY STACE. Save Tims! Save Distance!! BUSINESS MEN ATTENTION I BINGHAM GARONAHD RETURK Jn tho samo Uay, wil h Five Hours lu Transact Business. SASDY STATION BINGHAM CANON STACE LINE. UIMIAM 1IKMIATI Announcoi to tho Public that ho lu WU tu on cod running DOUBLE DAILY SIX-H'tltSlS CCIIBJ Tu nnd frmn llio nbnvo nnni" 1 f.ltic-, c nnont iriL- will) i Ii o ni'iimi' nnd cvomni; Iri. a to and from -i-U L:iku L'lly. PiL"orrfTF nil! Wvc Suit l.nl.n City on tb. I'l n)i -juthuiD It. K. Tiaiii ut 7 il.ui., ami 1 J) ..IU. HAV1MJ TWO Iini'CS AND A II A LJf bl'AUi, XilAVKL. l':.s-;pnf;rri wili !pn-.o BitiKlmm nl " in nnd J!:7J i..m.. in ti mo fcr llio iimnim: and uvutnnit traiii.s tu bitli Lnko City. FA It K, liKiiulins it. K. Favt Pdciu-fTs rnn ir':iiri! "J'."l.i't-; Ml ibotu't S mi horn Jt. II- Olli-.''- ! (' M .STAIN., Af'iil. Si.r, lv Kintiom S. C. 1'LKltlN, " Lms.iiim. i |