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Show XervouM Debility, With it gloomy attendants, low spirits, depress iuii, involuntary emission;, loss of FcmiMi, prrnifitnrrhcen, loss of jWlT, , dizzy hoad, loss of memory nnd tlinat-cned tlinat-cned impotcnee and imbwility, tind a sovereign cure in Humphrey's llonieo-jisitiiie llonieo-jisitiiie Sjtecitie No. Twenty -eirlit. Cum-postxi Cum-postxi of thR most vaiiuilile, mild and potent Curatives, tlioy strike at once to tiie n.Hit of the mutter, tone uj the srslem, arrest tho di-ehnrpi-, and unjiart vitor and energy, lifts and vitality U tlie enure man, TJiey hnvo cuakI thousands of cases. Prio. ',$;" per packngo of live bus:e j and a Iftrfje $ - vial, which is very import- ' ant in oh.-tin:ite or old cases, ?1 per sniele Ixix. S)ld by all druggists and sent by mail on reeeipl of nriee. Address", Humphrey's Hum-phrey's Sped tie- floraeo) wit hie. Co., 02 li road way. New York. j |