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Show GENERAL. Xew Vor It Iutelllgcnce. New York, 24. President Grant arrived ar-rived in this city from Long Branch today. to-day. After visiting the Republican headquarters, he started for Washington Washing-ton this afternoon. At the afternoon session of the National Na-tional councils of American mechanics, reports were made from the various State council which showed them to be in a prosperous condition. The Petrokum Interest. Titusvillu, Pa., 24. Tho movement towards shutting down wells and the suspension of drilling, so as to decrease the production of petroleum, which was agitated some weeks ago and proved unsuccessful has been revived. re-vived. Meetings are being hald, resolutions passed and organizations formed to this end, which it is thought will be successful. Production nas reached over 18,000 bis. per day, and is increasing. This excessive supply has caused prices to decline so low that producing pro-ducing is unprofitable, and a large number num-ber of wells are already closed. National Steamboat Convention. Cleveland, 24. The national steamboat steam-boat convention met here to-day, with a large attendance of steamboat men from all parts of the country. A permanent organization was effected by the election elec-tion of Thos. bhirlock, of Ohio, president; presi-dent; John T. Vf hitting, of Michigan, and D. D. Smith, of New York, vice-presidents vice-presidents ; B. S. Osborne, of New York, corresponding secretary; and W, S. James, of Pennsylvania, recording secretary. Greeley.' '.'" ! Cleveland, 0.,.24. Greeley nrrived hero this afternoon, having mado several sev-eral speeches along the route. He is ail- ' dressing a meeting horo to-night. ' Misocllaiiooui, : - ' Chicago, 24. A terrible storm of wind and rain prevailed to-day ovor a portion of tho north-west : and much damage, it is fearod, has been done to property. - Springfield, Mass., 24. The soldiers' monument at PittsGold was dedicated to-day, and an address was deliAored by George WilliamCurtis. 20,000 woro present, including governor WaBhburu and licut. -governor Tucker, who mado speeches at the dinner tftblo, Washington Advlnos. Washington, 24. Tho fourth auditor of the treasury ii now busily engaged making preparations to pay the navy employees the amount ol wages under the eight hour law. About forty thousand thou-sand persons are entitled allowance under un-der tho law of May last. It appears from correspondence iust published that American minister Washburn, on tho 9:h of August, communicated com-municated to tno .French minister for foreign affairs an expression of the de-siro de-siro of our government that France should take such action as to put an end to the persecution of lirnolites in .Roumanian. .Rou-manian. M. Do liemusat replied, Aug. aOLh, that tho French consut-gOHCral, in several instances, had acted with the American consul-gen. in making the necessary ne-cessary representations to tnoHoumanian government. He adds, " We have never neglected to make to tho consul at Bucharest Bucha-rest observations urging justice and humanity, hu-manity, and we have obtained assurances for the future which respond to our wishos. When occasion presents itself, we Bhall insist thai equal protection shall bo accorded in Koumania to r'esi-deats r'esi-deats of all creeds." |