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Show Slapped Him, Mr. Thomas Law-son Law-son is thirsty occasionally, and imbibes sometimes. Mr. William Kirby, asan individual, is inclined to stand oo nonsense. non-sense. Wo saw both yesterday, when they were having an interview with judge Clinton. It was a little affair of money. K. invited L. to hand over four dollars and a half whioh it seems the latter owed him. L. wasn't the possessor of that amount of legal tenders at the time, but was willing to hand over two dollars all he had. There eame a slight discrepancy io the accounts of the subsequent conversation, conversa-tion, to whioh the word "lie" is alleged al-leged to have figured, followed by a "smack on the snoot" by the open handed William, whioh drew blood from tho nasal organ of the less belligerent bel-ligerent Thomas. Kirby paid his fine. |