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Show MEDICAL W.F.ANDERSON, M.D. H.J. RICHARD. M.O. Surgeons and Physicians, Offices, for the present, at their reepeetWi residences in the lth aodlelh n ardii !s iEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," for tli Debilitated Smuf lUm. DR. JORDAN, of the Autjnilcil Komob, 518 Montuuwry strt, (ntx California) 8AN FKASOI-CO, California, m pabluhad four of hi tnit important and .nstrnctWe Lecture, to a neat Ti.lnmc fir those who cannot at Land the Lector at the Momxim. Iterj unmarried and man-led n,a .(ioiilJ rrad and study Ueae Important Leo-torra Leo-torra for the good of himself end offering. Ily art In-Miuc the tecretarj of the Anatomical M'lwuni, u franetKO, and enclosing Twentj-FurCeit Twentj-FurCeit in r-ot" itaajpi to pay poaUge. the B"jk will be forwarded to an; part ol the lilalfle Dr. Jordan ran be nottnlted by letter. Jt HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT T.AK-R CITY. THE LEADIXG HOTEL OF UTAH. J AMES TOWNIIND PROPRIETOR. Thij Home U oentrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well fornlshetLaad has Momaodi-tioufor Momaodi-tioufor 10 uesu. THE PROPRIETOR U now pwariai o build large additions to his Hotel, whlh when unlshed, will rerUr it the Most Complete EttabluhmaU in the ROCK? MOUNTAIN REGION I mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for theBcccptlon of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GREELEY &' CO., PROPRIETORS a TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Side Main Street. IMPROVEMENTS Com tan tl j fceini made for the aoodmBio-dation aoodmBio-dation of Guests. HOT AND COLD BATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietor!. AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ORB BLOCK EAST OF THEATHB, SALT LAKE OITY. TermatS.OO per day. Board without with-out rooma $ IIS. 00 per week. Bathe free to srueate. J, O. LITThK. nn24 Proprietor. Washington House lilrcl South Htreet, 8 ALT LAKE OIXY Board and Lodging, per Week T 00 Hay Board " 00 French Spring Bede " S 00 Bede, per flight - 0 Heals - as iu New Commercial LoiIm Rooms, 46, Commercial St., Salt L&k City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Spring Beds, 35, 37U and 50 ota. per Nlglitt l.BQ to 3.00 par Week. Single Iloomi, 50 and T5o. per Mlght IJ.UUlu II.SO per Week. Double Uoomi, $1.00 to 4U.B0 per Aignt. olA GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, UN TUB KtmoPBAH PL AM. Situated In bnsinem part of the oity, with aoooaimodatlon for 00 uesU- TMHST-OLASS accommodation fer Families X and Tratolera. looms, 00c, 75o-, tl.OO and Sl.SO per day. Dining riall and Restaurant aader the mnniutouieni of M. 11. Ueardsley, late of the Morrison House. Urn ha, and Tlohnor Home, Ltnooln. Neb. Board tr week, S)T) Heala, 0o. 1U1X0MMHIST0 1IOTEL. BUrm leave dully for the mines. Laundry oonnooted with the hotel. SIU1T11 at BIQAZK, rnyU Proprietor. Right About Face I ' IB Co-operative Store Keepers ! AND OTHKES, Wiivnijti to tuitmln tho,. by ao,flCI.bor 7. lira I BUY UP THE WOOL! and hare It manufactured at home, and thvrebr save foui-GAhs of the money yon uill hare to pay for ground-up hats, rags, etc., m the shape of Cloth, from the eajt. V"B WIJ.L PAY TOO THR HIOHEST V MARKhC PRICK FOR WOOL, and sell you Goods for the Lowest Cash Price, and guarantee every article, ae repreieotea by ub. Wo will also EXCHANGE CLOTH roi PROVIBIONB, Whore we can make them available for our indsv and receive tbom ud the Wool at vour More. Wo are maklnfi, end hareoihaad. BEADY-MADB CLOTHING, MINERS' SffWTS, etc., FULLKD CLOTH, of BHrt-elaM itrle and : quality; alio J raiia, Llnaeye, both plain end f.m,-v: F atmele of all colore; tot-lonnilm, tot-lonnilm, rtngini Core re. Table Clot ha Toweling, Uncklni, locking Yarn, nil wool and pnrt ontton. Kancy Wool Yarn, for unittinc Cot-ton Cot-ton Uatttng, and Carpet Yam, etc.. etc., etc. T You will pleajto to obsorxo that we t rrido oursolroa on having tho bo.it colored , roodi in tho Territory and workmen who cannot be exoollod. JOSEPH BIRCH, Agent of Z. 0. Rio Vircen MannfaotnTia Co., 8t Qoorne and Wuhinfton. I Brio NOTARIES PUBLIC. fH. K. CILLUrit- . W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, '-AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. AcrnowxuDoauBXTS takon for the feyeral Status asd TiBBiiumta. Oflico hours. 9 a. m., to 9 p. kt. Boom Ne. 5 erer First National Bank, bait Lake City, L'uh Territory. 5 Jaa. W. S tain d urn. Chas. A. Gould. STALNBUEN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, o o xr v si v a. w o jbj n. m , urr OOMIOSSIONEES OP DDS FOE New York. Musaehnietts, Pennrlrania, Ohio, Illinois. Iowa. Nebraska, Wyom-ing, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California. Oreaoa. Texas. Colorado. D is t riot of Columbia and other State! and Territories. 1 W Applioations for Patent, Mining Deeds. Agreement and Bonds far Deeds, Morte-afres, Powers of Attorney, Leuea. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with lu-Raracv and dispatch. Mining and other Companlee Incorporated In-corporated Binder the Lswi or Utah. Abstracts of Titles to Mining and other property made in tho moat complete form. Mining property examined and re P0rF?1ciOAT REIDS BUILDING. EAST TEMPLE ST.. SALT LAK.K CITY. 0. T. A Notary Public always in the Oi'Fioa from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished from the first Mining; Records in the County or Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mountain Lake M ining District (now Big and Litlia Cottonwood Distriou), and from thc;e of the Big Cottonwood Mia-LngDuitnoU Mia-LngDuitnoU tajH CH W. HTAYNKK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and oom missioned by the Govnrnor. Office 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Gal I err. Salt Lako City. mii NEW YORK TRADE. Cochran, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbors of DRY GOODS, White Oooda, lloalery, Notions, Woolens, Linens, Embroideries and 2, H and 4ftl BROADWAY, E. a. C. WttiQHT. SEW YOBS. juy20 RICF, GOODWIN, WALKER & CO., Importer, and Jobber, of SILK AND FANCY DBY GOODS, 474, 478 and 470 Broadway NKW YOR Ft. W. 0. BARNEY. jM L. M. BATES & CO., 41 at 41 Broadway, NKW YORK, ! oipoEsajui am xossxu n Taney Dry Goods, HOSIERY, "WHITS 800DS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE N 01 IONS, Ac J. n. BULGER. lol BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Doaleri in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and I3S Grand Bt.t Hew York, Corner Crosby, one block east of Broadwa d!4 JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and WholeealeDoalers in FUK AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrellas tfcc, Ho. 408, Broadway, NKW YORK. Jo. Jim Hunter. J THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's. Youths' Boys' and Children's AT WHOLS8ALB, 313 M. 31 Broadway, New York. J, I. OOWLBS. W HOWLAND & flSPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Eake City. Will advance liberally on consignment consign-ment of Ore and Bullion. Bullion purchased at hlgheat market ratti. nJ LEGAL JOTICE. NOTTCT. IS TIRRKnY OIVEX, that we, Uoorco llrarst, Jaoob IIops, Cyrus l. liawlar and Itobprt C. Cbambero, do claim twfnty-two hunaro.l foot in length, by two hundred feet in width, on the Homestead Mining Claim (being aetivcr bearing voin of rck In pi nee, ( and tho land and promisee appertaining to oid mino, all situated in the Ohio Mining District. County of Piute, Territory ol Utah, the location und extent therot being more fully described as follow., to wit: Commencing at a point south serenty four degrce and thirty minute -a(, two thousand thous-and f-ur hundred and eighty l--40) feet ftom U S. Mineral Monument No. I. Thence north twrntr-two hundred (iiXJO) feeL Thence aait to hundred lect. Thonco south twenty-two hundred li.'-VP) feel. Tbenee west two hundred r-lX') ffet to the piece of beginning. Containing ten and ten hundredths hun-dredths (10.1W) acres as set forth Id the diagram dia-gram ; and we do hereby aire further notice, that, having occupied and im-provtd im-provtd the sad lode and premises, according to the local customs and rule of miners in f&id Mining District, and haTing expended in aciul labor and im-proretnenU im-proretnenU thereon, an amount not less than One Thousand Dollars, and having at this time actual peaceable possession ol said mining property, we have applied for a patent for the said premise, under the Act of Congres entitled "An Act granting the Right of H'ay to Ditch and Canal Owners over tho Publlo Lands, and for other Par-DOf8.'' Par-DOf8.'' approved July it?. lK-rJ, and the amendatory Act, aprrored July 3, 1ST0, ac Act of Congtesi. approved My 10. ISTi entitled "An ct to promote the development develop-ment of the Mineral resources of ihe United Witness our hands and seals this twenty-fourth twenty-fourth day ol August; lsTi OfOBGR U&AKST. Jacob llia. by R. C Chamrten". hie -tfy in fiwt. i Cists B. lUwLKr, 1 by R. C. Chamber', his att'y in fact, R. C. Chahbrks. Aitaaf M.KIrkratrick. j Attest. M j,- Clctucnts. j U. S Land Office, Salt t,.keC.i I th. Aug. 2, 1T2. T certify thM tho above notice and a diagram ofthea d Mining Clatm was thu day tiled in this oiIIjo, nmether with a notice ot inten ; tlon to aiiply Ur a invent therefor from the i O.ivorDtiiont of tho I'nited 6tatw. as pro-! Tided In an Act f Ctngrew, entitled !'An ! Aotgraniing the Kiehtel W ay lo Ditch and Canal Owners over the Public Lands, and fur Other r,irpoc," approvctl July Lo, 1S.V;, and M amended by Act of Conirres approved July y. 1S7i, an Act"f Congress, approved May 10, 1872. entitled "An Act to promote i the development of tho Mining resources of the t"ni'ei States." I direct taid notioo to be printed ia the Salt ' ako "Herald," a newspaper published t tho location of tho claim. ? R, MAJCffliLL, Besiatox. LEGAL J. B. Bosborough, S. A. Mexritt J. M. Carter. Rosborough, Merritt & Carter, ATTOKNBYS AT L A. "W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, 1st Sooth Street, first building east of Deseret Bank corner. aug '21 WTL UXTDOS. C C GTLCZBIBT. HAYDON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW. SALT LAKE OITT. Office over Lit National Bank of Utah. al2 THOS. UA.iSOA.LL. J. C BO TLX. MARSHALL & ROYLE, ATTORNEYS-AT-L A W. Office over Wells, Fargo fc Co' a Bank, Bait Lake City, Utah. a4 OEOBOE C. BATES, ATT 0 RN E Y-AT-LA W. C. MYRON HiWLEY, Attorney-at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. HAHKINH. OSoe im Kimball's blook. near U.S. Mar-jll Mar-jll shal's office. CHARLES 0. LOEBER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. Office Room No. 6, over First National Bank. Bait Lake City. my!2 0. U. Hempstead, M.Kirkpatriok, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attomeyiat-Law, M&in Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKR CITT. alO r. L.WILLUMB. ' LI OSUSB TQUXQ WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEY 8-AT-LAW, Offioe, half-a-klook south of Theatre, Salt Lake City. jl2 Xt SHOW. M. B. HOOl, SNOW & HOGJE, sVttrny and Oocuiaeiora tat Law Salt LakeOlty, Utah. OIDoeet Snow's oomer, lit fcmat Street. JoB THOS. rlTCH. QIO. I. WHITNKT. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNK YS-AT-L AW, 36 First Booth Street, CM SALT LAKE CITY. W. A. . MANN, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, No. 36 First South Street, ft Salt Lake City, TJUh: JOHN B. MILNBR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Frovo City, Utah. Celleotions made is the 1st and 2nd Judi-oial Judi-oial Distriots. Special attention given to Mining cases. Office at residenoe, Ceutre SU Provo City, i6 Warner Barll, F. M. Smith, EAKLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT LaKl OITT. First Booth Street Reoms 11 and 12, No 105, Kimball Blook. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T-LAW, alt Lake City, Utah. Offioe west side of Bast Temple Street d27 D. OOOPBR; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, East Temple Street, Colebrook'i New Building, up-atalra, u29 SALT LA II OITT. Ayer's Cathartic Pills JgT For the relief jV and cure of all BkeV dor angements JgSp in thestomaeh, g:7"'gejjt. liver, and bow- Sd v els. They are W2"Y ' iTN nmild aperiont i'-? frTrT-- aid an excol-5tj excol-5tj .taJV.) leQt purgative. fifjtipIaew afcLfT; 13eing purely LgSr tt-A vegetable, thoy ItJi containnomor onryor mineral whatever. Mnoh Berions sioknoss and suffering suf-fering is prevented by thoir timelr usa; and every family should have thota on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long oxporionoe has proved them to bo the safest, surest, and best of all tho with whioh tho market abounds. By their occasional occa-sional use, tho blood is purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of the system expelled, obstructions romoTod, and tho wholo machinery of life restored to its healthy aotivity. Intornal organs which become oloscod and sluKgish are oleinscd by Aver1 iHlls, and Stimulated Stimula-ted into action. Thus Incipient disease is changed into health, tho value of whioU ohange, when reckoned on the vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, oan hardly be computed Their sugar-coating makes them pleasant to take, and preaorves thoir virtuos unimpaired for any length of tirno, so that thoy are ever fresh, and porfoolly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without with-out disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to each box, how to nso them as a .family Physio, and for tho following oomplainu, which these nils rapidly cure: For Uyauepala or Indigestion, Llat-leaaneae, Llat-leaaneae, Languor and Loaa of Appetite, Appe-tite, they should be taken modoratoly to stimulate tho stomach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its vajnous symptoms, Bllloua Hcadacht, Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Sick-news, Sick-news, Bllloua Collo and Bllloua Ke-vera, Ke-vera, they should bo judiciously takon for each oase, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, tiout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the Side, Back, and Loins, they should be continually taken, as required, to ohange the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. ForDropay and Dropalcal Swelllnge, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produue tho effect ol a drastic purge. For Knppreaaloii, a large dose should be taken, as it produoes the desired offoot by sympathy. As a l(n- uke one or two Pill' to promote digestion, and relieve thestomaeh. thestom-aeh. An occasional dotre stimulates the stomach stom-ach and bowels, restores toe appetite, and invigorate) the system. Hence it it is of ton advantageous where no senousderangoment exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose ot these ISihi makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. ap-paratus. PR&PARSD BT Dr. J. C. ATKReV Co., Practical Ghemlate, LOWELL MASS., U, 8. A. For tale at Z. C. Jf. - Drug Drpt, AN0 ALL DRUGGIST VEHWUIRB. g i 2j PATENT, pT" NO.' .v; rsaa : - WITH PORCELAIN-LINED CAP, Til. noat R.ll.bl. FRUIT PRESERVER Known. For Sale at the Grocery and Hardware DEPARTMENT, 125. O. IVT. X. H. B. CLAWSON, Snp't INSURANCE. OF THE . Home Mutual IMRIVCE COMPANY, OF - CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - - $650,000. Jonx II. REDIXGTOX, Pre.ldcnt.. CHARLES B. NTORT, Sor.tki7. Principal Office, 433 California St-, SANFBANCISOO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking Uouso, A. W. White I Co. a2 ' TRIUMPH fire mmm cos, CINCINNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Rates and Promise to Pay Just Lossos. " , ... . . Risks taken throughout Utah II. K. MAW1V, Asent,1 SALT LAKE CITT: Offlcei Banking House of A. W. White tfe. Co. P. O. Box 5H." 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME INSURANCE CO., Columbus, Ohio. M. A.DAUQHER1Y. JACOB PEETRY, PrcaidonU . S.oretary. Cash Assels - -':. $S71,452.81. By reason of a heavy onah oapital and a large business, well distributed, we oiler to the public indemnity that is second to none. Our Chicago record is a- guarantee of prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of losses. ' . ' ; . ' J II. R. MANN, Agent. OlScei B an it i rig Houii of A. W, White Co. Post Offiee Box. No. fiSi. mylfl AMAZON ISSUR1XCE I CO. J. B. DF.WETT - - - Preeldent. B. I. H1T -- - Secretary, Cixiciiiiiati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUNE 30, 1S7.. Cash on hand, in bank, and In ' " eourso of transmission- $111,308 57 Unitod brUtos Bonds, inorkot valuo m,l69 09 Mortgngos 3jO,Wtl 67 Collateral Loans.. ..... 12b, 157 00 Accruod Intorost..... - ttJ,642 5S Bills ltccoivablo 3b,W7 16 1 State Bonds and Miscellaneous 5R,tJ17 W., Duo from Agents 88,057 65 , "issooe 70 IJ ABIXilT I S Outstanding Losses and other Lia! . biliUoa - 77,7U 04 H. R. MaTni Agent," OtTlcei Banking House of Wi" Whiten: Co, 1 O. Box, 55. t 5 ' aHI j. "I t Ss O 3 lad B 5 1 g K , i t-i ? - S I M g k? . -d g .a ., i ? -fl . -s-. I P is - Ml S ta . C.H.BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSHITH TOOLS, Asjiianltnral Implamanta And Hlnlnsr Toole, At Lowest KaUasu OPPOSITE HALT LA KB HOGEI el RAILROAD EXCHANGE, NOW OPEN", Southeast corner of Sonth Temple and Third West streets, opposite the Railroad Depot, Eaxty Broftsrrart for morning trains, ' Wswnn Lnnoii tretn 11-30 to 2 o'clock. Lnxtok Baskets fer trayelen furnished on a few minutes' notioe. ICE CREAM AD BUMMER Ulil'ICS. F. UAJfEIl XI CK, il ProDriotor. WAGENEE'S BOTTLED BEER, ALE AD PORTER, At the Cheapest Bates and on the shortest notice. Leave your orders it the Depot of the California Brewery, Xo. M Commercial ttreeu Ha SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. TUB Mission & Pacific Woolen Mills, Depot. Xoi. BIT A 519 market St., ' SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Offer to the trade a. Large and Well -selected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manufactured at their celebrated Mills, Consisting of - BLANKETS ef every desoription: HORSB BLANKETS and BUGGY BOIiKS; HORSB and SLUICE Blanketinss, various widths and qualities; CLOTHS, CASSIMBBKS end TWEEDS of every description; GENTS'. LADIES', MISSES' and .CHILD BBS'S SHAWLS in great T&riety ; OPERA and FANCY FLANNELS ; SHIRTING FLANNELS ; TWEED, CASSLMJSRJS and FLANNEL SHIRTS and UNDERWEAR, "WATER PROOFS andRii-PELLANTS, andRii-PELLANTS, various shades and styles. Kpit All Wool and Merino Umdekwbu.1 and Hosiery for men, women and children, aa-pkcially aa-pkcially adapted for tho Pacific Coast. Woolen Yarn in all shades by the package. All Goods in our line manufactured "to qhdsb" m short notioo, and at the lowest market prices. Price Lists sent on application. MISSION d PACIFIC WOOLEN MILLS, .Depot, Xoi. 517 fc 519 Market St., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. au27 . 8. L. Stanley, 0. 0. Chapman. John Spruanoe. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Snooessors to H. Webster & Qq. aud J. 3c J. Sprunnce, Importers and Dealers la WINES AND LIQUORS, W 410 FBOTTr STBEET. HENDRIEBRO'S . 33 BAIN STREET.) SALT IiAKJC OITY, Manufacture; California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for tho erection of STAMP MILLS AND SMELTING SMELT-ING FURNACES COMPLETE COM-PLETE in any of th Mining Districts. wo manufacture tht Varney &. Wheeler Pans, Patent Pressed Shoea and Dies, Patent Si em Guides, and tne machinery complete Tor REDUCTION " WORKS, of whioh wo make a specialty and Kv.arantasj satisfaction in all oases. Manufacture BoltholT's Ball Pulverizer, FOR DRY CRUSHING, Will do the work of 15 Stamps, Prioe, $15005 Manufacturers' Agents for tho Sato of 1 Sturtevant - Root Blowera, , Karic & Cameron Steam Pumps, Holtllur Portable and Stationary Hnglnee, Wire HoUtlntf Rope, (Flat and Round.)! Tunnel Hall Iron, 10. 12 and a lbs. to the yard. Iron Pipe for Gas and Water, Dodtte A, Blake Ore Crualiera, mining Ctin find Iron Buckets, Argllte Fire ii rick, and mining uppllea. ESTIMATE 9 and DRAWINGS furnished : FOR ALL OUR WORE. all) UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY . ENGINES & BOILERS. Patent Improved Sawmills, ALL SIZES, ON HAND. HENDEIE BROS., Sole Acrxra foa Utah, So. 33 Main atrect, Salt Lake Cltj. sell . TRUSTEES SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will sell, at public auction, in front of tho Banking IJousoof A. W. White A Co., on E.utToiiii)lo street, in tho city of Halt Lake, Territory uf Utah, on Friday, the 2Tith day of September. Is72, at eleven o'clock in tho turonuun, tho following described property, prop-erty, tu-irit: An undivided iniurost of One Thousand feet in tho mining proj.orly located in Porcmiino (Julch, Dincham Canon, West Mountain mining district. Salt Lake county, L'uh Torn lory, known as the Silver Hill lode or mine, containing- twenty-four hundred feet in all. Tho intorost offered for sale and to be sold at said tiiuo and placo is tho same interest convoyed to tho undor?igncd by l)oed of Trust, executed by Charles if. Morgan u party of tbo lirat part, dated the fourteenth day of Documtier. loTl, tosecure the payment of coruin promissory notes therein set out, from said Charles II. Morgan to Silas R. Deebo. tho parly of the third part in said doed of trust, which said notes are now overdue and on i 'aid; said trust dood was on the same day recorded in Mortgage Record Book C, pages :i71, S72 and o7J, in the County Recorder's office of said Salt Lako county, (to wbich record reference is hereby made for further particularity). Said property will be sold to the highest bidder for ca.b, the money to bo paid and dood delivered immediately after the sale. A. W. WHITE, Tmatee. Salt Lake City, AugustS'th, 1FT2. e-D In accordance with an order of the Chancellor Chancel-lor ol tho Inird Judicial IJisLrict Uurt of the Territory, tho abeno gale is .ostponed until tho Siih day of Soi'tember, 1ST2, at the same hour and place. A. W. WHITE, Trustee. STOVES! STOVES I THE CHE1PEST STOVES -OF THE- CREATEST VARIETY -AT- W; HARRISON'S I T II I N I -AND- STOVE STORE, OPPOSITE BISHOP nr-TER'S EAST TEMPLE STREET. a& Call and Examine; yon are rare to be fUiled, M ARRIVED THIS DAY A BIG STOCK OP DRY GOODS, Consisting ofEverjIliIng In the Staple Line; also LATEST STYLE LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Which wa are offering at VERY LOW PRICES. OUR GROCERY STOCK IS NOW FULL; AND EITHER Wholesale or Retail WB WILL SELL AS LOW AS ANYONE IN THE TRADE. Taylor & Cutler, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. City Gas Works. The ondersigued is now opening up no largest and meet complete stock and assortment or Ou filings ever brought to the western country. Store 42 M&in etreet, third door north of Daieret .Rank. Gilt, Broaxe, and all the latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Hare now en hand and will continue to keep the largost stook of Gas and Steam pipe to he found in Utah or on the Fa-oilo Fa-oilo Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, building! and dwelling" generally at rates, that will defy competition. Over GO.OOQ foet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it dally. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at the lowest possible rates. I alse keep on baxidafull and complete com-plete assortment of th 9 latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. l"he Celebrated Snowies' Steam Pump with boiler connections com .nloto alw&yB on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch, B. LTONS, 42 Main Street, Three Doors North of Deseret Bank, Office of Salt Lako Oity Gas Company. jn6 SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., WHOLESALE tnd RETAIL DEALERS IS r . IKON & STEEL, WRICHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF - MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE A ALL KITE IMS OF FITTUSUN FOR F CBS ACES A MILLS. HARDWAEE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGISTS TOE Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C, S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CA31L To whom it may concern. W'E, the nod err', id ad. claim and 'own twelve honored (1200) feet, inclnding No, two (2i and three (?.), in the Titos lode, in LitUe Cottonwood oanjon, and bold the same hr deeds frnm the original locelrt; and hare complied with the laws ol the district dis-trict in ever retneet. And we here o j oaatlon all persons not to trade, bar er barter for said claims, with on t onx oeasenL C-H. BASSETT.1 Administrators el the I. IV INS, J estate of Anthnnj Inns dec eased. ISRAKIi IVI5S. BsJtLaU.OIO. JasAilltlST. Ui Z. C. M. I. Shoe Factory D EP AETMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. We respectfully invite the att ntion of the Public to the DISPLAT OF BOOTS and SHOES, All our own make in our H A X D S O Mt E NEW SHOW WINDOW Havim established a ropntation for HXOHLLENOB In Style, Quality and Fit, We inland to maintain it by continuinc to manufacture goods that we can GUAEANTEE. BOOT aud SHOE MAKERS, Ton will find hero EVERYTHING Roquirod by the trade, in tho shape of LEATHER, FINDINGS AND. KIT, At the lowest ratos, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. SADDLERS H ARXESSJiM AKERS Romombor wo mako a spocialty of Horse Collars. Of which wo always koop a large l&ssortmont of the bostjand cheapest; HAR.MS LEATHER, and all other kinds, at Lowest Prioos, Jnrholo-salo Jnrholo-salo and retail. E aro soiling the nboro classes of goods Remarkably Cheap, at present, preparatory to renewing our atock for Autumn and Wluter Trade. Orders by mailroeoive caroful .andJr-rompt attention from Mr. CROMPTOS,; whoso longthy experience in tho trade enables him to select foods that will satisfy oar patrons. REPAIR IXU DONE. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. CLAWSON, 8up't. Z. C. 1YI I. Clothing Department Having scoured tho cxolusivo Balo for Utah Territory, of the CELEBRATED BUKLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the trnde WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full fltook, alt frizes and qualities, for MEN & BOYS, Of the latest styled and best mako. The Superiority ana Unrivalled Excellence of these SHIRTS are Established bv the following reasons: SaT" Tho materials are the best standard Irish linens, and first olass, hiphcHt ooat mutilins only New York MUIb, Watnemtta, Williamsvillo, Baton, &c. IS?- The count of linen and quality qual-ity of muslin io each respective shirt are always uniform, and the standard is nOTcr deteriorated or varied. . stoaT" The workmanship is the finest itd best, and such as a class of labor bettor than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. MoeT The Laundry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies soft finish, not deceptive, heavy and stiff with starch. St$r In the important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, un-eq un-eq nailed excellence is claimed for those shirts. Cut on scientific principles atr taincd by expericDoc, their correct proportions pro-portions are warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. 25. o. nvr. I., Sole Agents for Utah. H. B, CLAWSON, Snp't, ij31-3m BANKLnS. First National Bank of Utah' "SALT LAKE CITY. A. W. WHITE CO, B ANKEBSj ItSl TSIFLI STKKBT, SKlt L.k. cur. GOLD DUST,C01N AND BULLION. Exchange on all rl Principal OUis 0 iht United State and Knrope, Particular attention cifen to Colleelionfi" and proceeds remitted at Current rate of Kxchange on day of pay menu. GKO. E. "WHITNEY, Attorney! CORHKSPONDKNT81 q Bank of Culifornia ... San Pnuiclse Um Waller - - - fi"r or C,i Ooumj SaUonal Bank - - al-h''B wtrll Kauk Sl-f J Slate Bank otXebraska - - Omaha y 1 BANKS DESERET Salt LakeCity, Utah' Tnl Hank has onaaised a SAVINGS DEPARTrVltNT, and will receive deposits of one dollar 1 fid upwards, on whioh interest will be allowed at the rate ef eight per cent, per annum oom pounded semi-annually. fj9 X., UlliLSv CashUr. SA11 JAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt Lake Cily, Utuk Tor. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BeiiJ. n. DnR-eU, freiideaU flugb White, Caablcr. HiMPBTiiB A KiairATHOt, Attorneys. CORRESPONDENTS I 10 pot vrt-av National Park Bank. SAN FRANCISCO-California Trust Co. LONDON Jay Ooohe, MoOullooh k Oo. tell WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Baukersaud Dealers iu Exchange Drafts on Kurope. European Collections promptly attended to. But Tempi Street, Salt Lake Oltf, ml3 Taio. P. XkaOT, Ajent. Bank of D8seret Baooeseor te HOOPER. ELDREDGE & Co.. Oorner Bast Temple and First South Streets. SALT LAKE OITT, UTAJ1, PAID DP CAPITAL, - 9193,000: BRTOHAM TOTJNO. President.' H. 8. KLDKKDG E, Vloe Prat. WM. H. HOOPKK. WM. JENNINGS. DirMtert. JOHN BHAltP, FKKAMOltZ LITTLB, L.I. U1LL8, Cashier, Deal n OOLO DD81, COIN, KXCI1AHOB LAND WARRAMT8, COL lilCQK SCUlPt .o. Gollootiona made and promptly rt mittod, FOREIGN EXCHANQE FOR SALE, MORE ARRIVALS. 'f k Different Sizes and JL7 Stylos of DOORS. 27 Different Sizes of WINDOWS. The most complete Slock ever hroupht to Uluh, A T LITIMER.TJYLOR&CO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west of the I abernacle. T. I.ATIMKH. -W. If. POI.HOM O.HVlXliU '(,. romnv. FAR EST FREIGHT CO: Head Q,uartere, SULoals, Mo. DL"RANT&.GUTT1N'G, FORWARDJXJ COMMISSION MERCIIAMS AGKNT8 RALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WE are prepared te ointrart for shipments ship-ments from all parts of the HasL onr Line bavlnc made special arTangenjonts for the snfe and steely trariitirtU(in of all Prniehl from Now York. Boston. Laltiinore, CbicMto. bt- Louis and all K as tern Cities, to dalt Lake City. We are offerint extra Indnoements for the shipment of Ore and Bullion to all Eastern roinU. Omci 111 WiBinotiii: First block sonth or Depot, Salt Lake City. DCttAJIT CUTT1SQ |