OCR Text |
Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADL IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AND MINING LrKoiTUlM to mining OlalnH itf Hit; lit. By Gregory Yale. Z-rv. Pruvenci of l.olt ul Silver fc-x-irnclluu, forOcner.U Lie. Uy Guido sV,ih!.Vti, wi,t tiiy yr.l, td UW U orlL.dl By Tlie"" ViiVi'lue - Metallurgy ol 1. uiliitl silver, lly J. Arthur Pb U- Tl'ioMatalliircy ofl.ea'l. Including Uc.'llvcrlliui. ud tupellallon I1!- Ju'm i'or:7- 81.' w. A nmii.l it Practical A'S- llrinlluru). ii vol, Vol. 1 Mlvrr..aL.mI. Vol. Co,...r mill li on. Vol. III. Steel anil b uel. K ch i. il.l .oiiaratoly at P ml. T Metnliuitfy '""IS ' ... r. ir A.S Pi.t.M. D. n i. A ircMlK onUnUepoiltl. AURytViu Uor Mineralogy. 'By Jauio D. l-imli. M, A. , 510 iMJ. Any ..i 'iis.iii.jve works sent by mail on rent;: re-nt;: e :.: t.nco ia cau, or iu e-iaivilenl in 'wT'jrio huve in aiUition to the above, a l.ir.- rtineut oi ticionunj. standard a-iii M'-clljiii)jus Ili'oks. bikini Hooks and s. i!i"i.ry. Oui'Tiiei mrnishod on appli- A. liii'A AS i. CO., PublUlicra, Ooultelleii Importers nil Stationer. No. II Mon'guujcry'bt.. Lick lions Blook. fca i'raaciico, California. at) MY.GHANT&CO. Impotlurs of American and European Staple and Fancy BEY GOODS, FHANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Coil the attention of the Trade to thoir ! and coin plot alook of ' FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Whiah they are now receirini direct from Eoropoan Manufacturers, oomprisinc ia part French Merlnoe, Wool Batlnce, Wool Pl&lda, Trench and 9rraa, lrlah and Frinoh FopUna, Kmpreee Cloth. Ttmliti black, and colored, Velvateaue, Alpacai) black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO QLO "V E S , Kid. Back, Berlin (Ladies', Mhwea'.flenti') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. jHolery,coraitMo In all lu brandies While tiooili, llmitlkerclileft, Sltlritiig Lituane, guilts, white and colored,; Uiiiutiki, Lruwu loom tmd bleached, lowtli) Uuci, Dmptr, Turkish, ft n. jiitloa LUd Doylloe, K.., bile, Jt. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, h'Oli. WHOLESALE TRADE, Heaver & Taylor, lis Front Street, San Francisco, California. I. CHliLOVK'U. WALDH HtfOl, H. B. SUNT, ill. CHIBLOVICH cb OO., iiu burton and wholesale dealers In ' 1 N U WINES 4. LltillOKS, SOU AQX3T3 708 JLSSt, MOOtt & CD'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND riYt WHISKIES. D 1 3 1 0 I F ft 0 LOUISVILLE, XT. 601 Front St.. SAN FRANCISCO. aP4 h, A. Sundfrsva, T. L, Uorn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers aad.Jobbora of hums m TUBiCCO, Propriutors t,f La Eapanola Cigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj ihc celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front tStreef, Between Washington an 1 Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 TUIh IMPROVED FRENCH RANGE. Ta t,mojtcompleteCookinf Apparatas in use The Eureka Range, Standi unrivalled by an; other Portable Kan go. Guaranteed to give entire a tlaf action. ac-tion. Locke & Montague, 112 A 111 Battery St.. alO Saji Fbarcibco. ROSEN BAUM & FRIEDMAN 34 a Battery St., San Fran, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in French English German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, Corsets. Kibbona, And fnl line of Hmall wares. mS CRAY, JONES &CO. DBrOTOlr TUB SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF OJK SOU LEATHER, Ho, 41H Bfttt.ry street, , SAS FKAXCISCO. apti (jIUAXD HOTiEL Ca Hsrk;t, New Montgomery and oscoai iroeu, .ULLNriOiN i Co., Pttcramoaa. A. P. HOT AUNG & CO. eOLK AOilMS FOR TUB J. H. CUTTER OLD50URB0N WHISKY, AND IMPORTERS OP KIAK WlMib ASD LltfUOKS, id I JiLkiou t., Sbu Kcsndx o aU J. H. CUTTER OLD liOHUKXN WHISKY. a r. mooiimax & co., L-.ittdi-tuc, Kentucky, .Distillers. tJ$??1 "VIeJ.Co"ttmara notifiet t?i t the above u tao only gen nine bran. c .t -j f..0 -Wikj !or ;ao saajo. Ail othe: v:ypUor uillUo.. ia orrier to p", .',r-7.: i ' tho nu'c of the Agenti an -,,c'1 latMU barrel, and blown " e. ii.i boitle, with a fac-luille aigua-o'l'ucr'f-'-uwh, C0Tin the oorif. Aoui f. V.i.',,4fif,"1.C-' 6.1. AmU i'Ar-l-c. c.i,ur:' Jc!taoa street, bet till Liiea C 1 AsenuToi TOT1KTHAJJE. for Kale la . nd w.reUoa.e. 2, h.rreli J. U. Cutter whi!kr. .'! T!", f-!.',niel H'Jorio whukj, , M-h.m whuityl ' u.-wcs J. 11. Luttur whuky. il. 1. Klor. Boii(li 2 icSSe? bf.t"1' PtM.1, br.nL ' 1,011 y. brend. 8,!7w.i.r At.ua iut StS.'-iU'f-N V co., TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S S)AII.Y STAGE LINES TUUUUQU Utah, South-east .evada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lak City Dally, tea olng HoulU to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Nebo, 8evicr, St. Georce, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; . Paaalnaj through Provo, Springvillo, Spanish ForJc.Pay-ex)n, ForJc.Pay-ex)n, Salt Creek, Chicken Crook, Rouad Valley, FiilmorOtCorn Creek, Beaver, Miners-viile, Miners-viile, and AU the principal town and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Nevada, Alio lea-ra Corlnni. Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Holena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and milling mill-ing oamps in Montana. Mon-tana. principal off;oe, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building' ixmi Bait Lake City Len Wines. jS. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, nd Tintic Stage and Express j LnSTE, HINN1KQ DALLY FROM 8 Alii LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWN, 1 TOOELE CITY, STOCKTOH AND OPIIIK TO TlilTIC. Tbo route has been re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, careful and ttentive Drivers, and every attention is paid to the comfort ani convenience of patenters. paten-ters. Good accommodation on the road, THROTjGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OOSbo at Wella, Fargo A Co.'i, Salt Iak. City, WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprietor. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. ITIBi '..ia'.i'n'ii On and nrtcr August 9tn, 18T9 MIXED TRAINS TILL K-XJlSr D AIL, 1 Leaving the Utah Central R.K. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon.) at 8.10 a.m. and 4.10 p.m., arrive at Point at S.oO a.m. aud 4.50 p.m. Leaving Point at 9.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.; iSandy at 10.10 am. and 6.10 P.ui; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.00 a.m. and 7 p.m. If All i : , Sail Lako to Cottonwood Station, 5Cctl Handy ;jl.u0 Draper " 1.25 Point " " 1.75 l r Pawcnuers will please purohuo tickoU at Lho uLbco. M. II. DAVIS, Oen. Freight atd Ticket Agent. rKRAfflORZ L1TTLB BUPIRrNTaNDBNT, UTAH CENTRAL KAILiUAll. tfJr V WM M-fiJ- PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, i i Uaudaftir Monday, July 17, JS71 r B I Irnllj Trains ' Lia?e Salt Lake City at 5 a m- and iU jjd Arrie at Oedon 7 a. m. and 4:43 p. m. ' Leive Oftlon at & a. m. and 5: AJ p. m. 1 Arrire at Salt Lake Citj 10 a,n. and 7:30 p.-a r Ia addition to the above ( Will run - DAILY, SUNDAYS EXOTPTED . Leavinj Bait Lke City at 5J0 p.m., and Onion at 5a.m. ai..X,ra will puaao Pbf.H,. ttoelr TUktU at tb Offlc.s. , Xifty Cents additional will be oharted when Use fare ia oelleeud on U train. Tor al) lniormatlon ooneenilnji rrolKht or pauua. apply to iI II. DAVIS, Qaneral Preixht and Xioket Art JOHK SEABP, CTPlilBTlUDMI MISCELLANEOUS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IISTRlCr OF NKVADA, In the Office of the Clerk of the I". S. District Court, - - Towlti'-' s.. - mem bo re d. v:.-. That on the -'- -jrr . J. ,: fovontoenih ir -' ; !'svfC'':i,' ' " d;i- of Octo- - ' 2L A '"T. Anno J fi " it '-C " I-mini. Uno S ---.;.- - -'V'TW. 4 thousand V " T- '4 i--'-.-JrKht iian- V -J -of tho .--iiid --i-X-, Hiatrict.hatli iKSSSi dopuiit'd in - thii i'tlu'0 n label entitled "HAMMER'S COLLAR HALL OINTMENT," tho rijiht whereof ho chums ils I'roprietnr, in conformity with :in Ai't of Con-jrro.-w. entitled "An Act to amend tho several Acta reflecting copyrights." W. 1'. ROBGERS. vl Clerk of said District, 17. S. DUtrict Conrt, by Gto. K. Amuond, District of Nevada, I Deputy Rnlrrp.liu.-.t.liiii;!.! ct . I'l nt-s in ihcnprV OU-onrthi'Vjvri.Tifti-.irl.Iii.irictot Nt-vuln. OINTMENT e For Collar GaUs. Unequalled for the Bueressfiil rnre of Collar GnlU, Soro Bucks, Kn.-e BkiiiLslic, Cracked llfi-l. firoa.-t. anil all trouWi'Stniw Sorc. j3"Tliis Oititmrnt docn not pc.i otit, lmt ilrii up. anil heals n core from tlie Iwitlom. rroml tlc-h cannot form where It is nsoii. 3" J'rrjuirtd only by KING & CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, from llnMT?cirof n eelelimicl KnclbliVrteriimrinn Bediiigtonft Co., Wholesale Agents, I tjr Pt linl tho name of ("IT AS. 1IAM.MX1! - be cvauluQ. J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL. AGENTS. 8 ALT LAKE OITY. .13 i 2 S? 1 r 9 a d! i o I la l 5 a J S m 13 iy r- S "3 & JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT. RE1D'3 BUILDINQ, Slain Street, Salt Lajke City City Lota, House a, Storea, etc., Bold and leajod. A choice lot of city property always al-ways on band. Parties who buy through me can rely on getting good bargains. myl5 Citv Gas Works. The undersigned is now opening Dp he largest and meat complete stock and assortment of Gas fixings over brought to the western country. Store 42 Main atreet, third door north of Deaeret Bank. Gilt, Bronze, and all tho latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop light of every pattern to suit tho purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keup the largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to be found in TjLah or on the Pa-citic Pa-citic Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,009 feet of gas piping now on band and am receiving it daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to tho inhabitants of Salt Lake City at tke lowest possible rates. I also keep on band a full and complete com-plete assortment of the latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections comploto always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of overy description, and with I Gas, Water and Steam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYONS, 42 Main Stroot, Threo Doors North ol Deaorot Bank, Office of Salt Lak( City Gas Company. jn5 t i ICE CHEAM. ICECREAM ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA "WATER, SODA WATEU. Tan Best in Town ai II. WALLACE'S MISCELLANEOUS, Z. G. M I. Clothing Department Uavinjr scoured the exclusive sale for Utah Territory, of the CELKBRATKD . BUKLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the trade WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, foi MEftl Sl BOYS, Of tho latest styles and bost mako. The Superiority anil Uiirivallci Excellence or these SU1UTS are Established by the following reasons: I- The materials are the bes standard Irish linens, and first olasa highest cost mualina only New Yorl Mills, Wamsutta, WilliaiDsville, Bates 4o. S& The count of linen and qua! ity of muslin in each respective shirt ar always uniform, and tho standard i never deteriorated or varied. ffaF The workmanship is the fioes and best, and such as a elasa of labo better than usually employed, and tin most careful inspection, can only pro duce. The Liundry work is un equalled in beauty ; bodies soft finish not deceptive, heavy and stiff witl starch. Jo? In tho important particula of perfection of patterns and fit, un equalled excellence is claimed for thesi shirts. Cut on scientific principles at taincd by experience, their correct pro portions are warranted to be cviden on examination, and guaranteed ti give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. 25. O. HVI. I.. Sole Agents for Utah. H. B, CLAWSON. Sup't. jj3l-3m GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAJtE3QJi.LLA.CHRR. JOBS GALLACHK& WILLIAM (JaIXACHER. TRIUWt BAKERY MAIN STKEET, On. door bolow the Walker "House. Ice Cream, Refreshments. GALLACHER & SONS. Pure Bread! Pure CaMy! 1 'HE ESTATE CIIARDQOL-IGHTLY beg to inform , i e Publio, that they till oaxry on Lhd buslnoaa of Bakers and Confectioners, At the old stand of Tlao "GLOBB," EAST tehflk street, Adjoining tho Co-operative Grocery Department, Depart-ment, whore can be found everything in their lino of bnriinoes.&ud they hope, by stria t attention to tho wants of their o us to men, to oontinue their patronage and support. Pure Home-innde CmiuIidi a Specialty. 0KDERS FILLED WITH DISPATUff. a 16 DUTY OFF TEAS JUST RECEIVED, , A LAltGJS STOCK OF BEST BUAND OF GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT REDUCED DUTY. Our TEAS ior quality are proverbial proverbi-al We mako it our special study, so that the publio can always depend on quality and prices. l7 G.W.DAVIS. KICKER'S . Little Washer, THt BE T AM CHEAPEST MARKET, Only $7.00. J. G. COLTRiN, Agent, Speciinenj, l ith Ward Co-operative fctoro. Thn highest price In r.-n .. ,;,! f(,r Hides and Pel U J. ti. toi.TKlk &. to" At I'.Ptujslcy'i Taanery. It'th Ward. eg rn Z. O. M. I. Tho largest, tho cheapest and the best ASSORTMENT or Watches. Clocks AND FINE JEWELRY to bo found in tho West, by CARL C. ASMUSSEN, East Temple Street, Half-a-blook north of the Eal Emporium IMTA largo Sinn 2 folid Mahomtny Door; and a uno Silvor bhotr Caao, plate glass, fo salo. augl7 IMPERIAL. Having concluded arrangements witl the largest Refinery in the east to man ul'acturo for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby give uotico that wo noi have for sale tho IMPERIAL CARBON OIL Which is far superior in quality an; safety to any ever offered in thi market. It is water white aud stand 150 Uro tost. W'o reoommond it t those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil, CALL A1VD EXAMINE E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LANAHAN & SON DISTTLLEUS AND J0nilER3 OP RYE WHISKEYS Wtretiouie Ho. MO Light Street, ' BAL.TmOH.JC. tySl RAILROADS. C. I3. 2FL. IF8L. February 8ta, 1874. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO Lmto ffotuc BMt.1 t Arrive from Ea.it 4ipm I (A) ml ..8&n Fma-.l g.30poi ft M pni 36 ' : 7 34 '- .Oakland.. S.lV) " 1 6J ' 1 10 " i T bO I iUn Joe j 8.30 " I 2 I ) 6 86 " 8 36 " ! Kiloa .1 7.05 " 12 i5 " 8 4S " 11 60 - ' .Siockton. . 4.07 " 9 U7 " 10 i6 1 44 pro aonunento. 3 J pm 7 l.:'am Arrive from Wmi Lto Roitis Wwi SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND Ui-OcN. Leare going Riut Arrivo fruia Kiit- . 2 Xi pm .Sacramento.- SiVpm I 6 16 - ... Colfax.... 10JUnJjs 13 46 m ..Bsno.... 'i 10 j .J fl.lo " inaeiunoca 4 1Spm! ' U iW m UaiueMoaat 1 26 " 0pm lko.... S 16am ! i JO am ..Ojfdeo-. t pir 1 ArriTe from K'ng Weal "BnndayB excepted. rSundnys only. EllnKtlon. ?or tnuni rnnnini; "from" San Franpi53i, take the Inft hani columns and ro-id du.vn-wirds. du.vn-wirds. or "Eft3:ward " For trains runnios "tosrurda" San Pr:.K-alsoo. Pr:.K-alsoo. take the right hand columns and read upward or " W utwaxd." A. . TOWWStl, f. a ooopmn oo. Bipt . i riutvoi Art, Geo. H. Rice, Agent. Knit Lake City, OQioo with Marshall fc Carter Over W.F. & Co's Bank. UPflOJf PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. DNTIL further notice, Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows : Ti.ka.Y1. I Arrive. Daily Epreea.S-30 n.m.- Daily Eip's. o-lU p.m. MneJ, - b-J0 p.m. I Mixed. - 2 33 p.m. freight, - 10-3J a.in. 1 freight, - o'-lU a.m. Daily conneclions made at Ogden with Ltflh Central Pacific Koad l'rom alt Lake city and all points in fiouth-, fiouth-, orn Utah. v At Bryan with stages for Sweetwatei mines. At Cheyenne with Denver Pacific Kailroad lor Denver, Central city, tioorgetown and all points in Coloradc and is'ew Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North "Western, Chicago, Rock Island anti Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Kivor. Kansas city, Joe and Council Ulull-Kailroads Ulull-Kailroads and Missouri River Line o 1 Steamers for all poinU East and South Tickets for sale to all points East a ofiice of Wells, ifargo & Co., East Tern pie street, and at the oifice oi" Utah Con tral Railroad, in Bait Lake city; also a Union Pacific Railroad ticket ofiice ii Ogden, at which office berths on sleep irjg cars can be secured. Arrangements haye been made where by passengers desiring to visit Uoaro on thoir itoj- JiHftt can avail themselve of an excursion rate from Cheyenne ti Denver, and return at greatly reduce rates. Por particulars and all information ii regard to passage, apply tit Ticket Ol fices. Passengers should bo careful to secur their passage tickets to all Eastern am Southern points via O MA HA, and thu avail themselves of the advantages of : through sleeping car, comfortable ac commodations and quick Lime. TUOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agout. T. E. Sickbls, Chf. Enginoer and Superintendent jS THE CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Ib the PIONEER ROUTE betweei OMAHA and CHICAGO, complete! four years; ago, sinco which time th Company have spared neither pains no expense in perfecting its road beel ant track, and equipping it with rollinj tock,of the most modern improvements this, together with the fact of its being the Shortest Line, oilers to tho Travel mg Public a route unsurpassed m thi country for speed, comforU safety am ; sure connections, PARTICULAR CAUTION should be taken by passengers in sclectin, thoir route, and not bo decoivod by fa Is advertisements and representations b; interested parties of competing lines i; regard to time, distances, rates, etc This popular route requires no fals statements, relying on its true merits, i needs only to be known by the travel ing public to be appreciated. TIME: '. San Francisco to Omaha, four day r and seven hours. Via Chicago and North Wester Railway, 'Omaha to Chicago, twenty three hours. Omaha tc Now York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-four hours. Pullman'! Palace, Hotel, aud Sleep lng Cara i Aro run on all through trains froi Omaha to Chicago. How to Socuro Sleeping Berths Before Be-fore Reaching Omaha: Passengers desirous of securing Sleoi m ing Berths, Sections or Stato Rooms i tho Sleeping Car from Omaha East, ca do so by telegraphing from any of tli stations on the Union Pacific Kailroai to W. A. Carpenter. Uenoral Agent, ( & N. "W. Railway, Omaha, slutiug whi they want. This is all they neod to d until thoy roach the C. & N. V. Kai way Depot on the east side of tho Mi Bouri River, then go to the Sleeping Ct j Conductor, give nim thoir names, i per telegram, and tbey will find that 1 has their berths reserved for tiitiin. i Passongora going East will cousu their own interest by securing Turnup a Tickets via CH1AOO & NOKT 8 "WESTERN RAILWAY, which en 0 be procured at all principal tick' orlicofl iu California and tho West, an at railroad ofiicos to San EraneUco, Sa Lake City, Ogden, Omaha aud Couuc Blufls. JNO. O. GAULT, General Sup't Chicazo. H. P. STAN WOOL), General Ticket Agisnt, Chicaga. Herald Bindery. OUR BINDERY 18 PREPARED. 10 Kep.ir, ill a workmanlike ui.LULer, Album., Ultl Oouk., etc., 'etc., Ami Bind I MAUAZINES, rElUUUlCALS, SCRAP BtOlf. IC. MISCELLANEOUS. OCDLKY M. DTKELK. BAM'L E. JO HUB 01 STEELE & J011NS0N, Wholesale deal on In Staple ana Fancy GKOCEUES, LIQUJflS, FLOUR AND BACON, ov,, Council Bluffs, la. Sole A cent for the Oriental and Dapont in VIM jPowJer Companies. I THIS AVELL KNOWN BRAND -or- JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT jytwu Grocery Department. nil II. B. CLAWSON, SupL W.T.REVXOLDSi CO., E. B. ZAHRISKIE, San Fraiicbco. Salt Lako CiLT. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. OAVB FOR B.ALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and' Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. BOLE AGENTS FOE "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST H3 A IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSE. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doon ioiuh of Weill, Fargo ; A Co'i Bank, Furuaceineii, Atteiition. I A 1 Fire . Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. ABB JLOEKTB TOB THI r eaLDEI CIT V FIRE BRICK, s WhicJi are equal if not saperior to the a best t-zlisn. i Special ratcg given by the oar load. oetlS - MUSIC I MUSIC! : MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, includins tho BAUER IMPKOVKD ORGANS, Cheaper than over. - J. DAYNE3 & SOX, First South Street, Two doors east of Post Office. augU THE "ANALYSIS" - J 01" THE I VAN DYKE COAL AS GIVEN BY THE HOUSE-kecper?, HOUSE-kecper?, .blacksmiths aod Smelters of Utah, (uotof Massachusetts) is that it is the best for family Use, and the s only Blacksmith Coal in the country, I that is a success. Ask our leading Porgemen. A choice supply always on j hand. g W. XV. 1't.VUE, e aug 13 Agent. j I Hersliej's Torsion WaioiSprii. t This is tho bet Wagon Sprins in me, and - was awaraod tho . FIRST Pit KM I I'M ASD JIjEDAjL, over tho ElUptio and all other oompetitori, at iho American Instimto in the city of jNew 3 York, in Novoiubor, laTi). Ii is now being ap uliod by the Wau DbfAKT.MEN'T to Uot-Q Uot-Q eminent Wagons goioK on ine Plains. It U Ll ylitcr, It occupied less Space, o It raises the Wagon lesa than any othor Spring.and.it utilises the mcst porfect meaus ot elasticity in steel, namely tho torsion prLnciide. oirrying eapa-oity eapa-oity trom ), toV.'WJ lbs. Wati all these advantages lho Sj-riu;; is sold at a much low u or rrico ior tho aiimo carrying capacity than any othor ijoriiig in use. Por lull iarticuiars apply at D. Hatohin-son's Hatohin-son's wagon shop, lina South strooL next donr weoi of Wil.ard x Orr'n hvory stablo. Situpltw can alio bo seen at Sooti, Dun-). Dun-). him a Co'e. and at Knhn Ltro's a tores, n RLMCil & UEMtltSO, H J y 35. Solo Agents for TJtah. I LUMBERYARD. i- ir 10 All kinds ol Liuiiler it DOOK3, WINDOWS, i BLINDS, MOULD1NOS, i II SUINQLICS, LATHS, T. R. JOIJSS . H..H-hlop)t ' uith of U. C. Perot. Pure Manilla Rope. WE HAVE been uppoinU'd by I'ubbs A Co. V axentj lor the ;ul ol thcii roio. 'lu miners it is i .irticuljtly rccjiuuiended, hoi n all piiru .llm.Uln and not uiiiod with btsal vi ulhor infuriur tnalLTial. Special price given to (lie Trmlc STUiiTEVANT BLOWERS. Several r-boi on hand. nol in Stock or dered at luivost rates by Uio ugenU. Mt'OTT, 111' Ml AM Jt IO( Golden City Fire Brick. A Hvck of Arch and S-iu:iro Brick now on hand. SCOIT, DLNIIAM A CO, oi GROCERY DEP'T, Z. G. JL. X. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL, OUR QOODS ABE OHBA'P DEALER3 XN THK SETTLEMENTS AND MUTING TOWN8 WILL FIND IT TO THEIR LNT;;ilKST TO CALL AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE . PURCHASING. m31 H- B. CLAW ON, uii.rl.,...!.. Sewing4 Machine. YT1 leapeotfully invite the Publio to call and, see our excellent variety 0t Sewing Machines. IN . Plain,fieautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship ' . AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH TIIB " FANTON CYSTOUS. The Total SaUt of the SINGER MACHINE are rum THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, a o x,s o o An eridooce that itia fast winning supreme fayor in the hoasehold,' v The SiNOSa Company sold over the other Companies, 52,734. tt&T Tho Chicago Relief Ctonuuittee farms-hod euilerera by the Fire to March 18, 1872, 3,9-1-4; 3.131 Sillier Machines, dl other makes, 793. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED AN? OTHER HOUSK IN THS SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE Off CHICAGO. We courtooosly invito tho Ladies to soe our Embroidery Attaoliment, It ai tracts general attention and admiration. We also desire you to see oar TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS. BINDERS, QU1LTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE RS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, j SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAC-tion, SATISFAC-tion, as each one is thoroughly adjusted, triod and tested by expjrieBcod Mechanioi, and all are warrantod to sew with ease all kinds of yjuds, from the coarsest to tho finest, Lace, Alualin, Cambric, Domestic, Deaiuis, Ticluags, Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. M" Instruction given free of charge by competent attendants, and terms ef Bale to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES-REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON ABL EJTER M S - We extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not, AT TUB SINGER SEWING MiCMXE DEPARTMENT Z C. SX. I. General Agents, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Salt Laki Citt. I flit.. EVER BROUGHT TO UTAH. HAVING JEST RETURNED i'ROM THE EASTERN STATES, where I eolcctod with great earo and a iLnowlcdso ol' tbe roqttiremeQtj oi this rogioD, an immense Stock of Furniture, I am oow prepared to otfcr unuwal inducements to purchasers in tho following articles : BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, PAItLOR SETS. LATZ' PATENT BED-LOUNGES, TURKISH SPRING-BACK CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS. HAIR, PULU and SPRING MATTRESSES . PATENT BED-SPRLNGS. 1 The bMt Btcok n Iatrodnol la tall market. I am ab. preparwl to mak. SHADES, VALANCES, DRAPERIES, and to LAY CARPETS AT TEN CENTS PER I'ABD. I hare a oomplcto line of OI.VI'S tASSELS.KEl'S. TKKRr-CLOTUS A- BKOCATELLES Which I will sell in quantities to euit parchuera. fall aud examine my Slock before purchasing S elsewhere. I J. 31. JOELSON. Grooobock'iBuildina Main SWcjil |