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Show Ketuened. Amog the arrivals ) yesterday at the Townsend House, was - our fellow citizen, general George C. r Bates, United States district attorney i of Utah, who made a flying trip i through IUinftis, Michigan, Fennsyl- vania, New York and other States during tho last two weeks. From general B. we learn that in all tho eastern cities there is a daily increasing interest exhibited in the mineral, agricultural agri-cultural and commercial rosources of Utah; that capitalists and businessmen business-men aro turning their steps towards the wealth of this Territory ; and that tho immigration for the next ninety days is likely to be much larger than during the summer past. - - In Louisville, Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit, especially, aro tho people aroused to the immense wealth of the mines of Bilvor, copper, ooal, iron, sulphur, sul-phur, soda, and gold hero; and this fall will add largely to tho investments made by the wealthy mon of those oities; and tho addition to the population popula-tion by accessions from thoso States to Utah, ho thinks, will within a year amount to at least 20 000 people. Goneral Bates has been pressed to deliver de-liver a lecture on the resources and wealth of Utah, before the Boards of Trade at Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia during the fall ; a suggestion that he may act upon, |