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Show Commercial. Salt Lake Citt, Mat 13. Gold. Baying, 111; selling, 114. liRMKMnERTOK IMMWHE auction Sale Tamil's, To Main street, U-day. myl4-lt No dispatches from the east last oiht; storming heavily aloDg the line was the cause. Ccttixo & Co'B California Canned Frui'jj, Jellies, Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to ail other brands. Jr'or sa'o by all Brut-class jrrocors. myl4-6rn Auction! Auction!'. Assignees sale. "Wednesday, May loth, will bo soid without reserve lha entire Block of merchandize mer-chandize at ttie store of Kirks, Lechten-berg Lechten-berg tfe Co., Kat Temple street, consisting consist-ing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Yankee .Notions, Liquors, Sears, etc. Also one lire-proof safe, one lare aet Fairbanks scales, a larjiro lot of rope, a fine assortment assort-ment of tea, and other articles too numerous nu-merous to mention. niyIJ-21 Jos. Gordos, Assignee. Books! Books! Go to DwycVs Suit Jy.ika lSiok Store, News Depot and Circulating Library, where you can get the latest new books and tirsL-cluss novels, nov-els, and all the lending newspaper;, mug-nzines, mug-nzines, periodicals iind lirst-claat sttition-aryj sttition-aryj logal blanks, &c. nil2 Corns. If you havo Corns, Bunions or bad Nails, don't fail to givo Dr. Lin-doman Lin-doman a call, as ho cures them without pain, at his rooms, No. 44 and 45, Towns-end Towns-end House, where he will remain a few days. Ladies attended at their residences resi-dences without extra charge. Charges moderate. - ml 2 Noticb is jiERxnv given to all parties having our price list of glided sash, that owing to the great rise in tho price of glass, we will not be able to till bills at our published price, until further notice. ml 2 Latimer, Taylor & Co. Vandyke Coal $11.60 por ton delivered, de-livered, mil. H K V KNTKKff, AND NINE AND A U ALT cents por pound for pared nnd un pared Peaches aackod in burlaps. Enough wanted to finish filling a car. J. W. Hnull, Idaho Store. ml 2 Artificial Flowers in groat vnri-oty vnri-oty at tho California Store. my'.) Dkatit in ft liwnp, bv tlio use of inferior in-ferior coal oil. Tho EL'KEKA KEIiO-NKN KEIiO-NKN K is tho only safe oil sold in Suit Lake city. mlO Uko. Snow ell is prepared to do all kinds of night work and can bo found at Showoll'B Staples. uiJ"3 C a nt he n eatkn th o K KTC H L F of IV D. CoiE & Co., ol San Francisco. Try iU a7 New (Joons. Mrs. Goldman, 101 Kimball lo k, has iust received a rice iiivouo of Kkal 1unt Lack Col-I Col-I vki Ladies' and Gentlomon s Kid Glove Thompson's Ulove-utting I't-fft-s and Ladies' and Children s fuiu, which aro otfered f"r sale cheap. Ladies Linen Suits from $4.00 upwards up-wards at the California Store. myU I C. W. Stayher, Notary Public liles City Lots at Caldor & Scars. a23 r rices Reduced ! ! Hinton Coal, best in tho market, at SO por ton, at the Utah Fuol Company's Coal Shods, near U. C. li. K. Depot. may2 Office HooMa to let, second story oi REESE BLOCK, Inquire at tho Fio-nocr Fio-nocr Lamp Store. al7 N ewkst Att ii actioxs in Job rioting riot-ing at tho II er alii Office. If You Wast lirst-class shoeing dono at $ t a ?pnn, go to Naylor Brothers. All shoeing warranted. niyO I For the Finest Visits of all points of the GREAT WEST, go to O.K. Savage's Art Gallery, a'27 East Teniplo street. Vandyke. Coal $U.oO pr ton delivered, de-livered, mil Handsome Stock of Clothing just opened at the California Store, my .' Office Rooms to let in Kecso Block. al7 Corn, Oats and Barley for salo in lots to suit by Gordon it Murray, Half Block South of Railroad Depot. ma3 Not "Dollt," but Jolly Bath:, at PAiACE BAT II ROOilS, lb Commercial Com-mercial street. myS Mining and other Stock CERTIFICATES CERTIFI-CATES printed on Bond paper in latesl style at tee Herald Job Oth co. Dried Fruit. We- will pay tho highest price for well dried, clean Peaches, Apricots and Plums, at our Provision Dopartmont, First South St., i west of the Theatre. ml2 H. B. Clawsok, Supt. Take Notice. II. Dinwoodoy has just received one car load of very fine FURNITURE PARLOR and BEDROOM BED-ROOM SETS. 67 East Temple street al2 To toe Travelixq Puhlic You ara hereby notitled that at Ogdim city, the junction of tho U. F. R: -R. and C. P. It. It., thero is ono cosy, comfortable hotel, well known by tourists and commercial com-mercial mon,whero comfort and cleanliness cleanli-ness and all of tho requisites of tho season sea-son can bo found. A freo carriago always al-ways at tho depot to convoy guests to I the Ogdon Houso. a4 SALT Ii .K B THEATRE CHANGE OF TIME I Doors open at?H. Commence at S o'olooli, FOUR NIGHTS ONLY I Commonolns On MONDAY, MAY 13tii, 1S72. Grand Huitcal ami Artistic Combln-ntlou Combln-ntlou of tlie OrlgluHl BERGER FAMILY f? n n rf t) SWISS BELL RINGERS And the Renowned Humorist and Faoial Artiiu SOL. SMITH RUSSELL, Vooalintn, Harpists, Violinists, Lady Orchestra , Young Ladies' Silver Cornet Band. MISS ANNA BERGER, Thaonly Lady Comet Soloist In America. MISS ALEXIN A BRANDT, Soprano. mr. fredTgTbergkr, Lderf Bnai. MISS .TOSIHRKRGKF, AIL. Horn .nd Bell Vnjti. MR. HEN'RyTTkROKR and MR. R. D. HI SSELL. MISS NELLIE-E. KNAl'P, Th. Accomplished Sorr.so. MR. ERNEST THIELE, Flutut and ViMin Virtarso. MISS ETTA BERGEK, With her u5 of tknty-foar SiItbt Erllf, And oltxrr VikhI nd In.lrnmtnul Talent vrlll ppr In fraimomiEiXEEiujci I'.n.L Price. f Artmliilon. - THURSDAY AFTERNOON" CR AND MATINEE. ; T5i8SELLANE0US. First National Bank SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITOBY AD FINANCIAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES. Waxik HtriflxT. C. L. Dislie, President. Vie Prwt, Ajiaon Sodbj. Caahiex. Authorised Capital, - - S300,00t PAID UP CAPITAL., - 150,000. KARS15GS, - 136,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldest BanJa'ng Institution in Utah. A. General Banking Business Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. fl6 To Freighters. THE solar salt CO. will contract con-tract lor tho Freighting of from 500 to 1,000 tons of SALT, From their Marsh in Snako Valley, to Pioche. in lots to suit: arH all teams that mav come to tbe Marsh will bo furnished loads to Piecho at the ra:o of Forty Dollars per ton. Addrcsi, Solar S.u.t Co- Bjyi) Schellbourno. Nevada. ArliHmistrators' Men. Tho undersigned, having been appointed , by tho Probate Court of the County of Salt ' Lake, Territory of Utah. Administrators of l tho estate oi J. W. Grave?, deceased, hereby notify iill creditors of said estate to present ; their claims within thirty days from the date of this ncitke. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are ro-(jawtod ro-(jawtod to como forward and mate settlement settle-ment immediately. B. J. ADMIRE. JOHN Mct;ONIGLE, mj-S Administrators. 1 ASSIGNEE S SALE. ? In the Supreme Court for tlic DU-1 DU-1 u-lcl of ttnli. r In the matter of "1 Stubbs & Kirkwood, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupts- J The undersigned hereby gives notice that howilloxposo at public salo at the United States Uourt Jioueo. in Salt Lake City, on the 27th day of May. A. D. 1872. at lOo'cloek a.m., thofollowlnK described real cstato, to "Eighty (SO) acres of land in Salt Lake county, at tbo Point of the Mountain, 21 miles south of Salt Lake City, on State Road, with house and buildings thereon. And also on theOthday of May, A. D. 1ST2, at 10 o'clock a-m., in front of the Court House, in the city of Provo, Dtah county, a certain tract ot farming land oonta;niun fifteen acres, situate in section 9, township 6; south, range 3 east- Also tract of 5 acres in section 3, township 7 south, range 2 out. Farming land-Also land-Also Lot in Block in Provo City, containing contain-ing 20 rods, oornor Lot, with store and dwolliog house thereon. Terms. Cash. D.E. .FIRMAN, Assignee. Salt Lako City. May 4th, 1872. my5 BULLS. EH HIT HEAD OF DliRUAM BULLS, just Imported from Canada, will be on exhibition and lor salo at the California Livery Stablo, cor- West Temple and Second . South sta,. west of Walker Bro's, Parties desirous of investing in fixst-claaa Stock should givo us a call, null H. H. 6WA8EY. Charcoal Agency, TRUCKEE, CAL. V17E have, at presont, sufficiont labor tc provide Charcoal in large quantities, quanti-ties, if orders aro received and arrangement-made arrangement-made by tho loth of June next- Orders, accompanied with satisfactory guarantees, will receive immediate at ten ion- my 12 SUson, Wallace &. Co. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. jf-r? For the relief e t and cure of all dcraURoments in thestomacb, eff'" liver, and bow- iVuV o!s- Tboy aro LT'! ilfV amild aponent V?VN( ipO'-r-- ar"l an e3tco1- 'S.J'iiJ jvi;N,,,v "' lnt purgative. 'y i Being purely IJ' t" ' VPROtftble. they a cury or mineral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffer suf-fer ins is rrovented by their timely use; and every family should havo them on hand lnr their protection nnd relief, when re-iuired. Look exporienco has proved them In no the safest, surest, nnd best of all tho J iff with which tho market abounds. By thoir occasional occa-sional use, tho bioodis purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system expelled, obstructions removed, and tho whole machinery of lifo restored to its healthy activity. Internal oreans which become clocfcd ana sliiKKih arecloinsed by Av-r'a 1'itl., and stimulated stimula-ted iDto action. Thus incipient disease is channed into health, tho value of which chnnso. when reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes whu enjoy it, can hardly be computed Their sucar-coating niiikes them pleasant to ukc. and preserves their virtuesumui paired for any leusth of time, so that thoy arc ever frcsb. and perfectly reliable. ALinouth searching, they are mild, and oporato without with-out disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or ncoupntion. , i Full directions are given on tne wrapper 1 In each box. how to use tbem as a tamilj ' Phynic, and for the following complaints, which these Pi. rapidly "re: ' For Dysprfl o: ludlCcBtlorit Ilt-- Ilt-- itHintia, Lanftiior nd Losa of Appt- (He, they should be uben moderately to ; stimulate the etomacb. and restore its hoalthy tone and action. , . For Liver t'omplilnt and its vari"tis pymr'ms, nilloua Heniclie, Sick I HcBclnclie, Jaundice or Orcen Sick- nrm, Ulllaux Colic and Blltona Fe-' Fe-' ver, they should be iudicionsly taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove thr obstruction which oause it. For D)cn(try or Diarrhoea, but ont mild do?e is itenerallr required. , For HlKiiniBlNm, Gout, Cnvil, ' Pnlpltrtlion of llic Hfiirl, Fln In the tilftc. Buck, nd Loins, they should be continually taken, as required, to chacpe the diseased action of the system. With sui-h ch.ince thf mmplnint. ut'jrr. For Uropiy and Dropsical Swt 11 !. they should be taken in lartre and frequent doses to prodav-e tb-jeffect of adrastic puree. For Soppreaalon, a large dose should be taken, ob it produces the dnired eCocl by jympath'. u As a Wnnr Pi", take one or two rtlta 'to promote Qigoition, ana relieve tne stomach. stom-ach. An occasional dnse stimulates 'the stomach stom-ach and bowels, restores the appetit e, and invigorate" the system. Hence it it is o. ten advantageous where no serious derBgeic eot iii"L. One who feels tnlem'My welt, often finds that a dose of these -'''- makes him feel dendeily better, from their eleansinc and renovating effect on the digetUve apparatus. ap-paratus. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYF.RA.Cc, Practical ChcmUlt, J.OWKLL, M.V-S., U. S. A. FOR SALE BY ALL DRCMISTi EVERYWHERE Fflr a?' at Z. C M. I. Drug Dept BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spiuig Baths ! FrlTat and PlwJtg. j vr. 7 r rp-'. - 7 - 7--. .- o -At,J : kr It ' or-J. tc estr.rM ibn- lTf-.'ltd 'rinae Batht Lr T-' ml-.. a w bcw ita- il. AH1ULD, I til CALIFORNIA TRADE. J.M.COHEI. F. SELIIIB. COHEN & SPERLING, Importer! and Wholesale Dealers fas T O XJ J. O OO, AND MANUFACTURERS OE C'GiRS, 340 ft. 343 Battery St., near cor.CUv-8 cor.CUv-8 AH FRASC1SCO. all MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANC rs CO. HARNESS, SADDLES, A H D Ij e a t h e h. Theett a toe It and lorvst prices on the Pacific Coaat. Special attention given to orders from Utah- a!3 XJ S DEI D. CHIRARDELLl'S CELEBRATE Dj EAGLE; CHOCOLATE IT IS THE BEST, and has been awarded the first prizes wherever exhibited. ex-hibited. D. CHIR ARDELLI, 415 and 417 Jacltson'S tree t SAX FRANCISCO. alC W. P. MICHENER, cuixm 1.1 jlURLAPS, DUCK, SHEETINGS, DRILLS. COTTON AND LINEN TWINES, Grain, Flour, Wool, Ore and 6eamlois b a c s I Tenia, Ilose and Wagon Covers coulaullyon hand. 1 - Rouse Lining made to order. I No. G J Street, bot. Front and Second, IS SACRAMENTO. NEW YORK TRADE. THOS. M. ARGALL &. Co., Men's, Tooths' Bora' and Children's O Xj O T H IK" a, AT WQOLKSALK, 313 31 Broadway, New York. J. It. COWLK3. f27 BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers aid Wholesale .Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and I3S Grand St., New York, Corner Crosby, ono block east of Broadwa dU L. M. BATES & CO., 451 433 Broadway, ' NEW 1U1U, ixroMia ud jobsiks nt ' Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIEKTf, WHITE OOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c. .f J. II. BIlLGKR. tnt CHICAGO TRADE. M. D. WELLS &, CO., Manufaclnrers of and Wholesale Dealers In Boots and Shoos, BIB Wabaah Ave, Chicago, M. D. Wells. H. J. Macfarland, K. Benedict. n 8. P. Molntyro. SLIGHTLY SCORCHED I VANSCEAACK, STEVENSON 4 REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS (Late of 90, 93 and 94 Lake street. Cor. Dearborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense heat, the Baptist Church Building 847, 849 A 8U1 Wabaah Ave.,; CUICJA.UL9a Where we hare a larpo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paint?, Oils, Glass and Glow ware, Dm exists' sundries, sun-dries, Patent Hum trigs tc, Ktc CALL AND CUKEK US. (We only pay 100 oenti on the Dollar.) Jny Dr. J. P. P. YAH BESEEBGI, From Prnsata, THE GREAT -tv o n EXTERMINATOR, Lt.lt of San rraaiiroo, CxL, Wcnld inform the Eiek renerallr that about forty years' extensive praciice of medicine med-icine and surcery in Knroje and ihe Tnueti States, of whiL-a tweny-one have beeD in Calitornia. ha. by close observation and creat experiment;, come to the conclusion that there are xore acute and eh -onic dis ea-cs by worms. hy;idadiiis, onimalrul a' or other fpecio-ol entroica. Tbe public fen-crally, fen-crally, or the rro'W-ion at Ian:, are not aware of ihe number of patienu who are treated by eminent physicians for ibis, that or such a consplaiat, without any relief. If the disease has been understood, a few doe ot Db- V's Si'vkrkicx ff jk KmiDT would have imme.iifttely cured the complaint, and have saved a great many livei. Dr. V. has collected a large variety ot Califcrnia root and herb.;, which, by analysinc close ob:-rT-alien and extensive experiment, he can conscientiously sny thai he has discovered new remedies for the snccessful cure of the following dieaes : 93 Dvsrepsia, Ch-onic Affoctions of the Liver ac'.l Kidneys, first and second rtipes ol Cunsuuii.uoD, W bite Swelling- I'aisy. .-per-natorrh.v 1 or local weak tiess. Nervous Debility. Debil-ity. Epileptic fits. Khcinatitui, Nearalpia, Diarrhn'. lucontir.aco c-f l.;rine. Gravel, l-'luor Alb'-s. Diabeiei. Dropsy. and all those diseases wh:ch arc known u-der the name oi Yener.il. such aj Syi hilis, in all ils lorms, (ionorrbea, Gleti. ctnotures. False 1' ass ages, inilauimJiii'n of tbe lUadder and I'ros'.raie tiiands. K.v -oriations. Pustules, Piles, l'nu-ples. l'nu-ples. lilotL-hes and all Cutaneous Eruptions of tho skin. Catcer Tumors cured wub or without operation. In Kecent Yeneral Diseases, Dis-eases, the Ur. eiects a cure in trom three to six d.iyi, or no cliarpe. t or the Eyes. Ear and Throat. Dr. . possesses pos-sesses new and invaluable remedies. Dr. V. would advise those ladies tronbled with Irregularities of the Ulorous. to try his new remedies and set cured. Dr 'n Denbernh's lalalliblo Worm Syrup for children. Price SI. Warranted to expel the worms, or the money reiunded. Dr. J. P. P. Van Dcnbergh's.lJair Tonic a suro cure to destroy all animalcnlw of the liair Follicles, prevents falling out and pro-moling pro-moling the urowth e tho Hair. Price Sl.oO, warranted. By consulting and undergoing a simple examination, ex-amination, tlio ailloted can learn if their dis-eo-c is caused oy Worms or not; at all evonis Dr. Vuii Donborgh can toll thom from what diseases they arc suiTcring. Consultations and examinations FREE of charjio in all cases. Dr. Van Dcaberg guar-an'.oes, guar-an'.oes, in all coses, to expel the worms, or no eliaiges. Card from Judge Frier, of Pollt County. DR J. T. 1'. VAN DKXliKUG : Dear t?ia: I tate pleasure in thanking you 1 u'dicly lor tho restoration of my hcalttt after nineteen years of great saflering mentally men-tally nnd bodily. I doctored a sroat deal; was altlicted with almost every imaginable pain and despaired of seeing a well day again. When I came to see you at &aleiu, jou sail you would remove the causo ol nineteen years' sufforing in fivo hours. I couU hardly bolievc it, but after taking tho fivo tasteless powders you gave me. about A"j worms passed from me, and now, tour-teen tour-teen days aiterwards. I feel like another man, and am able to lollow my business ( without pain or inconvenience. . I remain. Your, r"t7k. FRIER, Bethel, Polk oonnly, October 10, 1871. Remarkable. Eight Hundred Wormi Expelled. I think it a public benefit to make the fol-1 lowing statement, that I havo been ainiotod I for two yours with constant pains in tho stomach, and, in fact, pains all wcr my body: no appetite, and lev mo cat what 1 would, it alwavs put mo in distress. No medicine would relieve mcsand I grew worse and worao, until new 1 am a mere skcloton. Nobody could tell me what was the matter with 1110, until I consulted Dr. J. P. P. Van . Deubcrgti. in bulcru, uregon, ana no 101a me 1 was alllicted with worms, and thoy were thooausoof all my misory and pains. I took the Doctor's medicine, and ho expelled $00 worms from mo. 'A' hey are like lenchos, with long tailn, and moasuro from ono to one nnd uno-half inches in loncth. I only took six little-powders, and tney brought the worms within four hours time. All those afflicted wihiuRUsoo mo, oan find me at Sam Ron-let's Ron-let's stable, fc'alein, Oregon. CRAIG Subscribed and sworn to before mej this n"i'y0' S"""""1"1! J .''MURPHY, j. p. Paid worms oan bo seen nt Dr. J. P. P. Yan Denbcrgh's ofhoo. Opera House bloct, ; Court street, tSalcm. A Cord. DR.J- P. P. VAN DENBERtiH : Dkar Sib: I deem it my duly to make the following ftatoincnt: For tbo last three ycais I havo beon suffering with constant gnawing pain and a ijuivertng sensation in my stomach, also pain in my cheat and hort; my food would not digest. nnd I was so nervous nerv-ous that with ditliculty I could follow my occupation, which has been here in Salem for the past ten years as a practical dentist. In fact, irom the constant rain and misery I had wasted nway to a mere skeleton. 1 had been doctoring a great deal without any benefit, and bciieving there was no help for mo but to linger on until death would relieve re-lieve all my sullcring- Somo of my friends thought 1 had worms and had bettor see Ur, Van Dcnbcrh. lio told mo at once that worms were the causo of all my troubles, so he pave mo fivo email and tasteless powdcri, and in four hours about TuO worms Irom one inch to ono and ono-half inches long, came away Irom mo that dy, and tbo following night some more name, and now I ajn happy to say I feel like another man again, and am gaining itrcngth from day to day. 11- SM llli. nl-D- BalotB, Orfgon, Soptembor id, ls.l. ( Another Great Slaughter I Wo think it our duly to mako the following follow-ing statement, in hupos it mi)' do somo good to sick children : Our child bad been sick! for somo time. Thinking all tho time our lUllo no win troubled with worms, wo tried nimy doriurj and a great many romodies, without anv relief. Homo neighbors told us wo should'go and try Dr. Yan Denberg, the Worm Duetor. in Salem. Wo did so, and ho gavo us one bottloot his celebrated Worm Syrup, and alter giving the muditiiio, to our groat as toni-luiiLnt a-buul S' U worms passed awa; frum our dear child, and now, tb auk hcuvon, she is well again- I. D. GRIZZLE. Salem, Oregon, October yl, lbTl. I, QUO Wotmi Exiielled. After coven years of sufl'cring. paiu and debili'y, and d'-ctorii.g f'ir many com plaints. n-w provd th;it 1 did not have, and taking dnlerent kinds ol caedicme Irom many otni-neni otni-neni pbynciaiis, I gave up in despair, thinking think-ing it was no me io drench uij poor stomach stom-ach any lunger, and that 1 mm l waste away until there wa nothing left of poor me. But hearing of the astonishing cures that Dr. J. P. Van Denliergh h.is perlmed in so short a time, c:Veiing euro) in a lew hours, and my Iricuds aiviFiug me to make one more el'nrt. 1 confultcd Dr. Van Dcnbcrgb.aod he told tne it. at my un-enes were cuscd by wfriiis. nd ho wtui'l expel them in abont fivo hour-. After liking fivo .-mall pfiwdars. about hlteen hunired worms passed aay from inc. and 1 Am happy to ray I hit I ain better isau 1 have beun :or a great while. P. It. K'liS- Pubcribed and sworn to before me. this 1 lsth day ol September, ;7. J.J. MURPHY, J. P. j Gratitude compo's me to make the following follow-ing 'tatcmcot. thinking it may do ion' good to my lellow sullercr. 1 have been alGictcd for a long comber of years with the lollow-IDE lollow-IDE com plaints : 1 culd not eat anything unless it would produce great pain in my stfmah and bow-elf, bow-elf, always pait nation ol the heart, revere urellmg and rheumatic pain in all my joint: also ucurai.in in my bevi, no sleep, always rf:tlesB at nigbl; in fict. I wwre-1 duced to a mere helpless skeleton, not able ! to walk aloDc. ana gavo up in impair. 1 must also Mte ,1 had been doctoring with the mot eminent ii,yi I'-ian of thi taie, also with the be-t doctorF of San Frsncifo, and Uod only known, without any relief, till I be;.rd the great curm Dr. .1. P. P. Van Denbergb had pcrformid in and around .diein. 1 appiied to h 1 m for b el p. and may ff,i blors bim f.r tbo rwfratioB of my health. ' have only taken bin med fine two month1, atid have gain'd. do rite that tune, twenty-tjve pound' in eig;iUand am able to do all mr housework aLd rn tb. JAJ-K POTTER, Linn rounty. K 'ul thirty ll lie east of the foot of the 0a-. adf. balem, 0;eg: n, December 2 ls'TL Long landing Cough, with Eicti' lvt Kipectoratlon, Cared In Four Week. This ii to certify that I bavbn troubled with it ere i-a:n ir, my Ci,w' anJ Ihbo. aLd C'l'igamg a.i r.,:.: -n id :'.s:ivt ti-Pt-torati'.n. Or.l kr,'-' I b--c oo'jsd-ilb- m"fh !-tr m r.;h, fo tLar n-r.-.iy iWA ,.ttf in itr hou . J.veryboly Pj,.a I '(,, j &ot be " -."oi. 'Inn I tm vl-ifi V-see V-see Dr. J. P. P Der.b-rcr.. atd tb-n. tLnna. to ai k:ll. LatT:re-i :l at.-.ot (car w-,:. at , : : a " : 'j a.":. :.i 1 u 1 1 IhuLirel and se-. ( t ;y -t :rL t p-,nnif. and 1 ii, iiit to J. i.Q 0; aa:'J LEWIS HELD, j-aleia, Oregcc. Dt.s3.bei .5, 1: L OFFICE 4 .Main street, E.U.T lake city. EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales amlslockof carpets have induced Z. C. 31. 1. to open another larcje room 50 x 00 feet, for the exhibition of newest styles C A IJ V E T S , ii Brussels, 5 Tapestry, Three lly, -jT C' -2 TJx. Super, "S-l J Super, 3 3-3 r Stair, . X-? 31attinj;s, &.c, " c 5" '-5 Shades, -Cornices, x 7. 5" Cords, -S Tassels, ES Fringes, "5 B'Z 5 Fixtures, rt O Brocatelles, cc Damasks, 2 Swiss Lace, d Tambour Lace, Nottingham Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Q,uil(s, Comforters, B e d F e a t h e r s, of various grades and prices. Persons desirous of house furnishing should first examine our stock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cash. II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. FLOUR! P IiO UR! FAMILIES, BAKERS, MINERS AMD ALL OTHERS WANTING GOOD ZEHLaOJTE, SHOULD HUV Wm. Jennings' Flour, To be hud by iipplying 11 1 the ollicc one iloor vrst uT the Flour Warehouse, OD First South St., between Kaht nod West Temple Sin., Salt Lake City. b7 DUNFORD R SONS. Mammoth Boot, Shoe & Hat Store. Wholesale and Retail Departments.- GROCERY DEP'T, Z. C. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery. (1 lass ware, Tinware, 3Iiners' Supplies. We do not throw out aoy BaiU by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. AXiL OXTJR. GOODS ARE OIIEAP, DEALERS L.V THE EZTTLEME.NTS AND MINI SO TOWNB WILL FLVD IT TO THKIIt INTLKE3T TO CALL AND ENQUIRE MUCKS iiKI-OHK 1'l.T.CHASINU. 11. B. CLAWIU1, ap.rlntcMd.a |