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Show TELEGRAMS. NIGHT REPORT., i m i : I foreig:v. I Fire in Drnry Lauc. London, 30. By a fire in Drury j Lane several houses were injured. I The Cliol era's Ravages. ! Cholera is at ITamburc; fisic-?n 1 'deaths occurred at AitoDa during the week; at Ronipberg there were 100 cases and 29 deaths on the 2'.uh; and SO cases and i0 deaths on the ; 28th. ; French A'cwa. j Versailles, 30. The government has agreed to a piolongation bill slinhtly 1 modifying that proposed by the Kivet committee. It will be supported by Lbe entire Left. Disturbances have occurred at Strasbourg Stras-bourg between the populace and md-itary. md-itary. Several were wounded severely. se-verely. Paris, 30. The Jaurnal says Gam-betta Gam-betta has withdrawn his proposition tor the dissolution of the Assembly. Versailles, 3U. In the Assembly to-day there was a full attendance o! deputies and the galleries were crowded, in expectation of decisive measures on i he prolongation of Thiers' powers Kivet announced that tho special committee com-mittee had agreed to receive the amendment proposed by Lufaure to! the decree reported by them on Mon-j day. It was thereupon announced; that the government would accept the decree. Loud protests were made by members of the Left, aud the numer- j ous amendments which had been proposed pro-posed to tbe measure were withdrawn, lhe escitcment in the chamber during these proceedings was intense. Items from Iontlou. London, 30. Tho Scrvtau government govern-ment is busy reorganizing the army. Clarke, tho American bond forger, has been committed for tri.il. The Turin Gazette, says (Jaribaldi is well; repose alono is necessary to his complete recovery. From the Wjt ludlea. Kingston, Jamaica, 21, via Havana, Ha-vana, 30. A shock of earthquake was felt yesterday, but no damage was done. Tbo steamer Dufi'old is laying the submarine cable 1'rom Trinidad to Demarara, aud tho steamer Darcia is laying the eablo from Barludoes to St. Vincent. SpnuUh Anmeety, Madrid, 30. The decree of amnesty has been promulgated. It applies to all political offences committed in Spain. The New York City Loan. London, 30. In reply to a cable inquiry from tho New York press, Wolf, of tho telegraphic bureau, reaffirms re-affirms its announcement of tho 1 0th of August, the correctness of which has been impugned in some quarters, as follows: ''Tho New York city loan is not quoted in the official list. The oldest board of Berlin merchants persists per-sists in tho resolve not to allow the quotation." Germany mid Austria. The Provincial Crrrcspondence says no formal treaty has been concluded between Germany and Austria, but they have come to a good understanding understand-ing as to the terms of peace. The Vienna Press says entente cor-' cor-' dia.lt with Germany exists and extends indirectly to llussia, as far as is consistent con-sistent with the relations of Germany with that power. |