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Show DR- GROVES, irTlTXj Xoxatlact, Umce !4in! South St., Salt I.nk CM v. Tliroodooni W est of Kovoro House, hulfa block Kiuu of the Klorhunt Storo. off ira irouB3 from 'J a.m. to 5 p.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SU110KON, OtToro hi5 iirofossionul services to tlio pcoplo of rfalt Lake City, Hcsiilcnco at linlivnr llobori brick liou., oppofilo St. ftlark's 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. I'll YtJICIAN, KUKGKON AND UKUliU 1ST, UK l(J H:HI CI'l'V, UTAH. i". ii. si.nio.s, m. i)., l'h;:'.ir,',i)i, Su-nco:t uml Accoucheur, Ofltco .ll.Un Slrcet, Over Tayl.ir A Culler' storo. 1. At V, 1). HKMCDICT, liRtllONS AND PHYSiCIAKS, Ollij'o-Ovcr CiUlor llru'd Sluio Em r-orium. W. F. ANCt!i?0N, M.O. H. . RICtiAi'.DS, M.O. Siii'uuD mid riiysiciatis, Offices, for tho rrosunf. nt tlicir rc-.peotivo rosiJenccs iu tho loth ari'l 17th Ward. u5 BATHS BATHS! Warm Spring ilnUis ! Prirart and Plunge, ThMoceloI'mlwl bnllia are open to the public n( n" oaqoii". Their medicinal prperti".' arc n.i widely known that 11 is noodle to enumeiato tliein. Dddea the Private Baths, the large and handsome-l handsome-l furnishoil Plunge liallia for Ln-lle and t.( ntlemen ore now open. II. ARNOLD. I nil L LEGAL. P. P. IlAN'DT. C. K. CTI-CURtHT- IIAMY Si ;IIX11RI!ST, I A'lTO H N KTS-AT-L AW, Ami Solicitor in C'linticery, I UNVc-Main Street. Salt Lako City. U. T. ! nlj Warner Earll. F. M. Smith. EAKLL & SMITH, ATTOltNJil'S A T LAW, I1I.T LIKE CITT. KiUt Tcmplo Street, one door south f Uodbo's Store . OOOPKIi, ATTOUNEY AND COUN'SELLOK, Oil! tie Eiclmiige and Ueadliir Kooiiim, itp-utnliM. juiS salt lakh city. Win. 1IAYDOX, (.Ijta Jud-o of Jth Dutrict Court, Novad j AT TORN K Y-A T-L AW, Ollico-tcinrorflrily Room No. 12, Taylor's liuiMirjKi, r.aat Tumplo Blrcot, opposilo the Slt Lako House. nl 2. H. IlcmpntcaJ. W. JCirkpntriok HEMPSTEAO it KIRKPATRICK, Attonieys-at-Ijnw, 1 Uuia Street, oj.pojito Wells, i'artto i Co., SALT LAKE CITY. i U. H. Uemi.stca.l. U.S.ALl'y fur UUh. fii Z. SNOW. E. D. H0GF. SNOW & liOUK, tttoruoy and Connaoioi-B at Law Salt Lake City. Utah. Office at Snow's corner. 1st liuit Street. Ju6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A X T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , Suit Lake City, Utah. Office Qodbo Duildinsr, 2d Floor. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East atroet, bolwoon South and 1st South streets. sLJU S. P. McCurd. 0. II. Moriao AluOUUDY& MORGAN, A tlorncys-a t-Laio, Ori'ice Room 5t P sioira, over Tuylor A: Cutler'3 Store, a2a SALT LAKE CITY. i- t T U 11 & MANN. tVitcrueys-at-JLawj Ottico, Firat South St., Fourth door cast of Hooper. Eldreilge Jc Co'i Bank. Suit Lake City. d26 BANKERS. Bank of Deseret, Successor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Coruor Kaet Templo and First South Streola, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - SIOO.OOO. mtlGIIAM YOI'NO, Prc?"ulnt, 1 If. S. ELIJHHDfiH, Yicol'rea. WM.H. HOUPKIt, W.M. JENNINGS, tlirectora. .101 IN SH Aid', I FEHAMOliZ LlTl'LE. L. B. HILLS, Cuahior, J Deal iu GOLD DUST, COIN, liXCIlANGB, LAND WARRANTS, COL-LE(K COL-LE(K SCRIP, &c. Uollcclious iuudo and promptly re-niittetl, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. aLi . WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and all theprm-cipal theprm-cipal cities of the United States. EUKOP $ A N C0LLKUT10 N S i'rouiptly attended to. Unit Temple St., Salt Lake City. Til 150. F. TRACY, Agent, j mil Thos. R. Jonoa, A. W. White BANKING UOIISK OY A. W. WIUTK St, CO., EAST TEMl'LE STHEET, tC'M Salt Lako City. (Succeuon to Ilnsaey, Daliler St, Co.) Waebks Utisaitv, 0. L. Dahlkk, Frosidcr.t. , ,Vico Froet. Anthony Uodek, Coahior. Suit JLuke .City, Utuh ; Also oonnoctinft officoa nt Oitden nndCorinno, Uuh. and VirKiniaand Molunn, Montana. Dealers In Gold Dust, Coin and Cuircncyt Draw Exchange on Now York, Chicago. : St. Louis, Uuiuhft, Denver, San Franoisoo. and all parte of Luropo. Collection! Promytly Attended To. mil . . NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, V3r Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bond" for DocdB, Mortgages, l'owors of Attornoy, LoJifies. Contracts and oltior inetrumonlfl of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. 4tj-Mining Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the LnwiofUtnli. A. S. GOULD, r.nd COMMiaSIO.NKK 'M DEEDS for New Vork, ftlitssnchusctta, Ponnsylva-nia.Oliio, Ponnsylva-nia.Oliio, Illiuois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Caliibrnia, and other Slatca aud Tor-li Tor-li Lories. Ltst Tmipfo St., wnr Wells, Fargo it Co. 1 &aIi JaiIm City. mil W. Cl.AVTOS. S. J- JOXASdOX, Notary 1'ulilic. Convoyaiuo r CLAYTON & J0I1SS0N, Conveyancers anl Collectors. J 0-Collect lin in nil liiwls of Iho World promptly attended to. n.iItnluK and other Ciuup.iuii'3 icoor-poritlcd icoor-poritlcd utidi.1 the Laws ol' Uuh. f ,i-l)tcd, Mniidf, CiinlractJ. I'mrer of Attorney, and Li'K.il insi niiiicnt' ol it 11 kinds drawn with accuracy and aupatch. Cj-t.onns iieeotijitcJ, Ufa1 Klte j boiKOl. sold, or leaded. Crt-ltniH nf Eitlmiisr, l'romi.'ury f ifiilnr nl tend on civrn t.j t" o I .ett.e:n- .1 -1' Ann.itHc-. ad tlio c'llIOL'iii.ii ol mjjty in rc.it Britain i.nd . iicai'ulniAViiL. ri-VlllH mill TctiUlU'lltBI-y 1J.JC- uiucnia c.irclully drawn oil .Uort uotici. Ci-AcliiinwliMlsmculs t,ik'n of all I kinds ol m.-iiumcntj in w. itict. i j liiijitin'cs b;t letter promptly ansiccrrd, O flic ei KnMt Temi'To St reel, nvfr Dun ford &, Soxt'H Ntore, a few dm r north ofFlrit National Uank. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE,! SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. j JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR, j Thtd llouso is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and hai accoaimoJa-tiODsfor accoaimoJa-tiODsfor 150 guedts. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build lartro additions to his Hotol, whiih when finished, will ron -or it Iho Most. Complete Establishment iu tho RGCKV MOUXTAIX REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSE UI.OCK EAST OK THEATRE, S A I, T LAKE CITY. TcrmsSXOO prrtlny. Hoard without with-out rooum SIM.UO pev weeU. ll;itli free tagueits. J. C. L1TTLK, iun24 Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE, Third South St., east of Main, HALT LAICK C1TV. Spring Beds, the best in town, 50c. Meals, - - - - a 5c'. Thirty Nowjpapcrj taken. HENRY CRFXTON, Proprietor. OCtlS New CoiiiDiercial Loipi House, Near foot of Commercial Strcot, C. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. Spring lleds, r,0 ct. per NltflU, or ol5 S'J.r.O per "Week. UTAH HOTEL;, MAIN ST., OG DEN. The onttj first-class House it: the City. (Formerly known a tho ITLile llunse,). Ills (rreally onlnrfred, thoroughly rcnovntetl, icfiuuiHiitil and uiovl. ded ivilU Bar Room, Unruer Si Imp and Datli IIooiuh. Omnibus to ami frum all trains, Panaenitern goinR K.isl from Salt Lake City may now avoid tlio unploiianrit task of un early mtrii-iriK mtrii-iriK riilo on iLe UlHhCezilrai JLillroaJ by tomiug to Ogilou tlio previous evening. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, oil) I'rui.rlutoi-.. CALIFOENIA CHOP HOUSE AND Ol'STEH SALOON, BEItNARDIS J- STEVENS, Prop'ra, EAST UWlt SIREt'f. . TLroo doord bolowSocoml ijoulli Sc., SALT Li EE OITY, OPKN DAV AND RltiHT. .ai PJI1L. MAHGETTS II aa oponcd h'u new cstablishmcut on FIRST SOOTH ST., Botwccn thoCo'O). Storo and thoTownsond House, Nearly opposite the New Meat Market. For tho salo of ENGLISH am! SCOTH ALES AND PORTER. r ouio's atouo Aio, Wholesale and Retell. A splendid assortment of Tobacuo and Cigars. The Old Stand 011 Second South Street Is still In full blunt. aue24 CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, Wholesale and Retail, Choioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. OaOESDECU'8 BUILDINGS, nlT Eut Temple Street. Utah Silver Mining Company, LIMITED. TO COAL BURNERS! WANTED. Tendcre tor 30,000 UuulietH of Charcoal, oloan iind well burnt. To bo delivered in quantities of not less than 1.000 bush els, at the Company's Com-pany's works, lliiiuliani Canon, Utah, on or boloro tho loth of No?ombor next. Tbo Company resorro to thoicpclvoa tho riitht to rejoet the lowest or any oiler. Tenders to be addrorsod to PHILIP A. HAULM. Rej. Secretary. Suiotting Works Bintclia-Ji Canon. - oil CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, A DICTIONARY 01? UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For the People. HcviRcd Kdition. Uo-issuc of 1 870-7 J , with Maps, IMatcs and Engravings. To bo Completed in SO Paris, making 10 Vols, of SH panes each. IlluJtiatJd with about Four Thoaand Ln-gravinxs Ln-gravinxs and Forty iMm3. PRICK per Pnvl, iuc I inline Main a .nl llluiliutloiiH, 00 Cents. I'lUCK l'KR VOUJMK: Klra Clolh. beveled boards j-i -0 Library Seccp. marbled odte t "'I Hall I'm key Morocco i 50 Mvrf. H. H. KFY ,t CO. nro the AkchIs for Clir.nilicis'J Kuuyctopir:lla fur tbo ' Pacific Cuas., and nro publishers and im i porter? of oihor American and KiiKli.'h stan-I stan-I dard and illustrate.! works. I CAHSKL'S NEW POPULAR MUlCATOll, Now L!ilio.n. i rnivcr.".il PmrmurtTinit Dicti-n.ry or Li- ocrahv and .Mylii-'bisy. by J. i'iiDtuas. A-I A-I M., L. 1). National Porir.iit i Jill cry of Eminent Amcncan!i.. "iO pari .it .'0 centa each- II. II. IvKV . CO., 5U Clay SL, aan Ir'rancijco. Sir. H. M it is now in Utrth ann will visit tho difforeot plnee to ,'olicil for iho firm. Parlies subscribing for any of their works may rely npon bcitiR faithfully served every month. Oodbe Octagon floiiBe, ,7 SALT LAKE CITT. LUMBER YARDS. LUMBER YARD J DOORS, WINDOWS, .BLIND, HOllLDLVtiS ALL KINDS "OF LUMBER.1 T. 11. JOES & CO., Half-a-blockaonth ofU. C. Depot. my3 KDDINGTOM'S1 i Two Blocka aouth of the U. O. U.K. j Depot, and next to Win. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery i I Tho yard is kept constantly supplied by j several saw-inills with I A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. i V. E. solicits tho patronage of his old ! friends, and by punctuality and diligence In j business hopes to merit a share f public flupport. I FOR SALE In the 15th Ward, one 1 block and a half west of the U. C. H. 11., a : j"tnall houso and half lot, with fine orchard. For particulars esquire of I angll WM, EDDINGTON. 1 UTAH AND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July 17, 1B71. j CAPITAL STOCK, - - t75,00o; Dealers in all kinds of. I Building Material 1 LU3IBBR, j DOORS, I WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOU1.DINGS, CillCO SUGAR PINK, CEILING, SIDING, ; FLOORING. I CALIFORNIA RED WOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC., ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers promptly tilled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND I MOULDINGS. i Main St., flvc door3 south or." Walker's All business dono through tho President of tho Company. Offices Lumber Yard, one block south of Hailroad Depot. E. II. BARRON, President. D. W. PARK. HURST, Secretary. CHARLES DAI1LER, Suy21 Treasurer. MUSEUM AND lEMGERIE. .Opposite tho ontranco to tho Tabornacle. JOHN W.YOUNG, - Prop. AtlmiHsiou, 60 ctg. Cliiltlieu, 10 " i Open from 9 ti.nt. to 6 p.m. Native mineral, Petrlfacttona, Con- crclloim and Cryittnllzatlous, Home J'roditcts, Native and Torelgn Cu-rionUiet, Cu-rionUiet, Ac. j Compound Klcctro-Magnetic Appa-! Appa-! ratus, ifco. I Pror. .1. L. BARKOOT, Manager. I i Schools and Fnmilios by private ar- I 'A Complete Ple.toi-lnl History of (he Tlmei.'' "The hcpl. rhrnpet end mot fcitc-ccfNTiil fcitc-ccfNTiil Kninlly Paper In tlie Union.'' Harper's Weekly. SH.KNDIDLY ILLI'STRATED. Kotlcifl of the Press i The Munrx Nkwspaitb of our country. Complete- in ;ill tbo dcnirttnent. of ;m American I'amily Pupcr. IIari'Ek's Wetklv has earned lor itecll a ricbtto iti title. "A .l.u its-a i. or Cn iLi.ATios. "New York h'voninK I'ost." Tho bi'.Ht publication oT its class in America, Ame-rica, and so far ahead of all other weekly journals o." not to permit of any comparison between it and any of their numbor. It- columns couiain iho linc.-t collccliora of reading matter that arc printed, c It,- illuitnttious arc numerous and beautiful, : being i'urni.-lied by tho chief arti.-la of tho country. "Boston Traveler." llAsri:R's Wukkly is tbo best and most 1 interesting illustrated newspaper. Nor does j I it.s value depend on i'. illuitrat ions alone. ! ! Its reading matter i of a high order of I j literary merit varied, instructive, cnter-Uinius cnter-Uinius and unexceptionable. "N. 1, Sun." Nl" UNCI! IPTIOXS.--1 S7'i. j Tcriimt i HAIU'HK'ri VELKLY. one yonr,! fl.OO, j Ancstmeopy of eitliertho MAGAZIVE, ! i lilikLV or UA.AU ivul bo stippled 1 trans 1'T cvi-ry Ciuo ut" Five Sub.-cribers at , -i m each, in eric remittance; or, tiix Copies ' lor 5-u.u-'. without citr.1 copy. j Subscriptions to H AIU' iili'S MAOAZINE. I Wlir-KLV and DA Alt,!') ono a-ldre.-s r one year, SlU.oj; or.nv.i if llnrpcr's feriodi-cals, feriodi-cals, to one i!drc;.- lor one year, 87.00. Back numbirs can Los jpplicd at any time. Ihe Annu il Yolumoi of IlARl'ER'S WhEKLY, m neat cluth binding, will bo sent by oiprof. tree ot c.pen.e. for 37. IX) each. A complete s-el, comprising Fifteen Volumes, fciu un receipt ot oish hi the rate of fri.i") per vo;umo, iroighl at expense of purchaser. The prMnge on IIAHPF-R'3 W'EfKLYip, 20 cents a 1 e ir, w 1) i ti must be pai t a he I tubsenbor's post cnice. Address: I HARPER .t BROTHERS. n7 Ntw York. 1 f ,:n Frnnc'nco. July. H70. Wo. the undersicned, take treat pleasure In rccommcndiiiR Dr, A. V. L'ALDEK to all th'iso who may need the services of a Dcnti.'t, as & thoroughly competent and skillful operator, and cn-. in whuia nr h:.vc implicit confidence, loth as a Dentist and n Kent leman. Dr. II. ATTPTty, Prnli't. Dr?. RunERTS .fc FniikLASn, Dentists. K. II. McDuSALD it Co.. Druegim. OFFICE In Seventies Hnll Dnllding Firit EastStreet, 6ALX LAKE CITY. Jo 21 MISCELLANEOUS. I IF O H ' Thanksgiving Day! AND THE BULLS OF THE SEASON. ! Wo jireii'iil to our lady friends tlie . following choice articles: UKNIUNEALEXAMUU KID GLOVKS, in most approved tints, ROMAN AND CAPREUA SASHKS, LAOB HANDKERCHIEFS i AND FANS, ! CLOAKS FANCY, : CLOAKS USEFUL, SHAWLS IMPERIAL!'!, I CI1EMISE1TES, LACE COLLARS, j BALBRIGGAN HOSE, ' MISSES' FANCY STRIPE ! HOSE, A very rare novelty, WHITE MOLESKIN; WHITE ANGOLAFRINGE. Our Perfumery is unexcelled in any City. As usual, uniform prices! Z. C. I. Retail Dky Goons Department, II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. j DAY & CULMER, j IU1-OHTKR3 AND DBALKRS IN j GENERAL MERCfllXDISfiJ CONSISTING OK DRY GOODS, I GIIOCKIHICS, 1 lURDWAIIK, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY, LAMPS, GL ASSWAUK, A.C. CORDAGE & TWINES, WtKIUEJIWAIlE, CAUFKTS, CRACKERS fc BISCUITS, TOUACCUU,, dbC, dfcC. Which they offer at prices that guarantoo satisfaction nnd defy competition. Tho choicest ES constantly on hand of the following kinds Gunpowder - - $I.T.l to 93.25 Young Hync.il - l.tli) to 1.50 Tycoon - 1.35 to 1.05 Footing - 1.15 to 1.35 Pekoe - l.tO to 1.40 i Snucliouir. - - - 00 to 1.00 i Dlmuomi L,, - - - 1.00 j Nnltirnl Leaf - 00 to 1.00 i And tlio faiuoua Knt'lirih I ItlUetl Tew - 1.79 1 Dealers in Teas will find il to their ad- : vantage to give us a call, hefore purchas- ' i in their Teas, aaour facilities in ihin branch I i of our bu.nuoBa cannot bo excelled in the oity. iIhcG - TiJew Store ! j Mew oods I II. WALLACE Has opened his now storo, on FIRST SOUTH STREET, Next iloor to ill: b. Sleultouac's, With a, choice stock of Ptu'oIomc-madc CONFECTIONERY, Also Fig?, Nuts, Raisins, Ap;ilcs, i Sardines, Salmon, i Staple and Fancy Groceries, j Will rLho continue itninens nt Ills old more. -ii j JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KJSUP eontantly on hind a choice assortment assort-ment of Fit KNCII, iCi'Oi.IIl nnd AMERICAS Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,Etc, Of tho fincKt'iunlilioR nnd latest styles, which wo malto up to order in tho most fashionable and approved uinnnor. 9-rATIlONAGE SOLICITED- aug2t Utah Silver Mining Company, i.imitkd. TO COAL BURNERS ! "A VT ANTED IMMEDIATELY, I V (50,000 JEvis. Clmrconl, Clean and well hurat. To bo delivered in 1 quantities of nui less than 101J Ini'hcis at : bandy Station. , Apply to N, P. Woodd & CuLtinjc, at'onts, Sandy Station or to pnn.ip a. ka;i,e. Knit K.rtm Sniellinjf Works, J!inr;liam Canyon. olTt, Notice of Assessment ! Kmcrnld Hill Kilning Company, Location of Worlo, So 1 1 Lake County, Uttxli Territory. NOTK'E ih hereby Riven, Hint at a moeliiiR of.tho Doard of Trustees of said company, com-pany, held on tho -Id day of November, lsTl, an assessment of ten conta por liaro was loviod upon tho capital a toe K of .said company, com-pany, payable immediately in Unitod Btntcs gnlil and cilver coin, to the Secretary at Ihe ollioo of tho Company, Kooin No. 01, JUer-ehanUi' JUer-ehanUi' JGxchangc, California street, San Francises. Any stn.-k upon which said aFSCFsmcnt .haU remain nnjiaid on Monday, tlio 11th day of December. IfiTl, shall bo doomed delinquent, de-linquent, nnd will bo duly ndvoitiacd for sale, at public auction, ana it n loss payment shall ho made bciuro, will bo sold un Tuesday, Tues-day, tho 2d day of January. to pay tho delinquent aes.-mcnt, together with costs of advertising and c.vponsos ot tho sale. Dy order ol the Hoard ol Xru.-looj. K. MADUU, Secretary. OFFICE No. Rl Merchants' Exchange. California street, San Fraucitco. Cal. nS Utah Silver Muring Comp'y, LIMITED. TO TEAMSTERS. WNTKD.-TKAHS to Intil charcoal V froai Snudy Station to the Couipr.n 'i work?, Dmeham lanuu, iorthwilh, lielurn ioadi sir. Aii:y to Messrs. Woods it Co., Sandy Station, orto PHILIP A. EAUhV.. Ke. Bicretary. Binghaia Canon, Oct. 9?h, jaTL til COLLEGE SCRIP I PRKK.M PTOiia wiii &c $Jfi .on ' c::cli q:urli-r matIo.i ly 1'UJ'iriL' i Agricultural (..Vilk-e ftcvip. Arrly to TIIK BAK OK DEKKRKT, 15 SHOOORJor to Ilnoper. Eldrodss k Co groceries & provisions ; cohtsj, ! Oats and Flour, j IN CAR LOAD LOTS, lty Hie TOX or KKTAII., AT BOTTOM FIGURES. ! Making Grain a Specialty I can ofTer ' the best of inducements to buyers ol' large or small lots. CEO. H. KNOWLDEN. I West side of Main rtreet, Salt Lake City. ' oelii "WI-IEA.T! : WHEAT! WHEAT BRING ON YOUR Wlient. Outs, Barley, Corn, Diiiiy and otlier Produce WOODS & KEATON OP THK STAR BAKERY, A Few Doors Eait of Post OHIce, And set the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE In CASH for the Same. Groceries, Fresh Bread, Buna, Cakes, Crackers, etc., always on hand. s2 GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, Arat door nor til of Co-operative Grocery Department. GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Etc. Fin. variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wliol.snle i Retail. Groceries, Flour, u.is Feed, &c. DANIEL GRENIG'sl i BAKERY t AND j GHOGEEY STORE, WEST SIDE i COMMERCIAL STREET, ! Near Second Sonth Street, IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION Where ho will bo pleased to wait upon , his frionda and patrons with Everything- in the above Line CHEAPER THAN EVER. GIVE A CALL IN HIS NEW RETREAT. ninrll G. W. DAVIS Just Received, a large arrival of choice TEAS Gunpowder and Natural Loaf, CoHcett, Sugar, Tobacco, Ilamtt, Checfte, L.nrd,: Plckleit, Canned Gooda, Sauces, C.der, Dried Kith, SardlncR, Oysfci-B, Etc., Etc., CHEAPER THAN EVER ! JH" NVe uro selling n goud article uf Natural Loaf Tea nt We. per lb. Try it. G. W. DAVIS, Tioo Doors from KimltaU &Laiorcncc . .i HARDWARE. RICHARDS' 1 IRON WORKS, i CHICACO, ILL., PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWKKS, CI5USI1E1JS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made f.r buildinjr Fuvna- ' ccs of ! Utah Fir Stone, : Including Machinery, tkc, -ct up in , ! complete running order. References Eureka MIiiIh Com- ', ! pany. Salt Lake Cllyi I'taU Smell- j i lng Company, Tlntlc ! i . AJJras J. C. Riduir.ls, Cliicann. !!!5i C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STOEE j All kinds of j HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron fieol, Stoves and T in Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implement! And Mining Tools, At Lowest Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE nit NOW IS YOUR CHANGE por ! STOVES ! j NOW IS YOUR CUAiVCE j full s a? o "V e s Over One Hundred Different ! Kinds and Styles tc Select from, I Including tlie Olil Knvovlle., Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varieties will be SOLD iCllEAPElt AT 111 15 Hardware Dep'nt OF Z. CD. 3vf. I. r- THAN IN ANY 0T11UK ;U0USK IN THIS TERRITORY. II. B. OLAWSON, .17 t BuiioriDtoDileDt. ZU.UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. liassett's. Opposite Bait Laki House. nle C0ALIC0AL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine j We are prepared to supply lliifj Juaily celebrated WEBER COAL hf car load or rrtitll, prpol al I'. 1 It. It. Varfl. ofncei Kidiin and Hesdlni liooms. ! BATE MAN & BUEL. HC BlftO, Agent. TRAVEL. Len Wines. fl. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express XjHTNTZE, 1 rl.m.u dai l, v fhom salt LAKK CITY, via LAKR TOWN, TOOKLK CITY, STOCKTON AND OPIIUt. TO T1XT1B. The routo ) ?f boon restol;ed with plen- di t '.nO'r I Co-u'iic-. liae S:v-s, o..ieful and an- ntive irirrrf and r-er? attention i r.-id to tko ot'iui..'- i cuavoiiiuiioo ol paijo- G'"i acammotl-iti'nis on the rood. THUOUGH HY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quiuk Time. Ocnce at Welle, Fat ko A. Co.1., Salt Lake City. WINKS & IUM11A1.L, aH 1'roprictorj. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS IR. XT DM D AIL Leaving tho Utah Ccutrul JX'jioi, Salt Luke City, at 7. 1 U a.m.; Diaper 0.4U p.m., and tiandy Station, (ucaicat point to Little Cottonwood Cauon, at 6.1U p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS Lohto Utah Central liopm nl 7:1" u.m, si d p.m.; Hrj:ur, a m a.m. , p.m.. and dandy Station m n.l a.m. ami 0.10 p.m. I Salt Lake to Big Cmjii.T.iod jtuti,.n -j.irjf V,ril '" .Tdoi ady 41 .IX) iJim-or " i.aj Twenty -five cents additional w.U l.o cbarned whon tne laro is collcotwa on tlio tiuin. FEKAMOltZ LITTLE, SUrmtlNTKXUl-KT. j a. O. CALUKIt, so Ucn. 1'roiKUt and Zioket AcenL i GILIYiER & SALIS3URVS - 1 " . I lAIIiY ISTflfiF Mtttt w I T Et III mm W Tllllliucill Utnh, $oulh-cast Mevnilii & Mon- (iiSliS, Leaving Salt Lake ( lly Dally, running run-ning nouili to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sevier. St. George, Utah ; and I'ioclie, Nevada ; Pasulilg tltrouglt I'rovo, SprinKvillo, Spanish Furk.Pay-Bon, Furk.Pay-Bon, Halt Creek, Cliickeu Crcok, Kound Valley, I'diiuorc.Corn deck, Jk-avor, iMinera-villo, iMinera-villo, and AH the principal towns ,i,l mining camps in tout hern Utah and south-ettst Nevada. Also leuve Cor I line, Utrtl, tlnily, ruuiilug uurlli to ' Virginia Cily, Helena, Fort Jicnton, icer Liidfe, L'cdar Creek uiinu8, and passinij throuKh all the principal townn and ujjrj-iuK ujjrj-iuK camps in Won-lann, ! PllINCII'AL OFFICK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, junl trait l,nk Citj. UTAH CENTRAL BiAI iAHiAl). PIOKEER LIME CF UTAH, On and after Monday, July 17, 1871. IJaiiy Irai hi Leave Suit hnV.ts City a T, n.m. anil 2:V, p.m. Arnvo at 'Judtin 7 a. in. -.r, p. Leave Uii n :.L H n. m. .;,t !,..VI p. - Arrive at bait Lake Uity 10 a.m. and 7:30 p,m In addition to tho above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving IS"! I Cily at 1:sd p.m., M( Uxdau at ,'ia.ru, Pasaengerv will please Purohtn their Tickets at tht riulces, 1 fifty ConK a 'ditional will obarned wher the faro is oc I , x'ed on U. i ram. For all in form nt inn onncirning freight or paeesKe, apply to r. o. cn lokk, General F. oi' e.vi Iiodtil Ae't. JOHN SHARP, VI'iRTNTKNDEKT. |