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Show DA3LY HERALD. ' A Live Paper Foil Live People. THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALDi i THE skcula.r and commercial newspaper of salt LAKH CUT. TiibPeoplo Paper. FREE AND INDEPENDENT, i TheCheapest Paper rUDLISHED IN The llocky Mountains! TO MEN OF ENTERPRISE! The rocout dUoovory and rapid dovolop-uient dovolop-uient of tho minos of Utah hayo given, nnd : will oontinuo to give, an impetus to trado of ; ovory kind, which should command tho attention at-tention of all bu3inc38 men who desire to ehnre in its profits. Heavy shipments of ores for months pnst havoboon bringing wealth into tho Territory; nlartfe immigration haa oo mm on cod ; ngri-eulturtiliiud ngri-eulturtiliiud other products aro Ending ready e:ik'S ; and merchants begin to feel tho steady (low of nionoy through tho variod channels of commerce To businodd mou at a. dislanoo who seek to participate iu tho liroly trado which must attend such a rapid growth of interests, us woll as to tho local public, a live, energetic made fully acquainted with tho true condition condi-tion of matters &s they oxist, and through which to prosont their business an si facilities for lurnUhing so promising a market. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Fully meets this necessity in Utuh. Not being tlio Organ of any person, scot or parly, nor devoted alone to any single interest, it has grown upon publio favor and attained anunprocodentodcircula-tion anunprocodentodcircula-tion in tho time which has elapsed since it was established, by being in tho strictest sense a Eree, Independent) Live and Thoroughly Progressive NEWSPAPER its unna mews Collated with tho greatest care and from tho most reliable sources, makes it valuable to all interested in tho mines of Utah; its AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE Can bo equally rolicd on: and it3 enterprise placed it in tho l'KOST IUXK OF THE ItOl'KV BIOl'XTAIS JOl'RXALS. THE SALT LAKE HERALD Circulates largely and is widely read in every Mining Camp, and throughout tho Cities, Towns and Settlements of tho Territory; Terri-tory; is found in tho office of ovory enterprising enterpris-ing business man in Utah; circulates on tho Union 1'acilic, Central Pacific and Utah Central Cen-tral Hail roads; has a largo mail subscription I id t cast, west, north anilsiuilli; and i.i The Bsst Advertising Medium In tho Rocky Mountain region. Whore to .Advertise I Where it will be Seen! Where it wiil be Read! In the Peoples Paper! t ii ; SALT LAKE HERALD DO YOU WANT EMPLOYMENT, HIRED 11KLP, MECHANICS, LABORERS, LOTS TO KENT, HOUSES TO KENT, OFFICES TO EE-NT, STOKES TO KENT, MAKE YOUR WANTS A.VOH-Vj IS TI1K j Salt Lake Herald, i WOOD WORKING, ; sashTdoors; AND BLINDS I From nupcrior, clear and well seasoned WISCONSIN LIMBER, fl. Large and Complete Stock AT LATIMER, TAYLOR & GO'S I i jODD SIZED D00RS&SAS1I Moulded Base, Rustic Siding, Beaded Ceiling AT LATIMER, TAYLOR & GO'S AND ARC II ITIIAVES Iu reat variety, at LATIMER, TAYLOR & GO'S TONGUED AND GROOVED v yr r r n v T n JL. U U il 1 U It , Dooi and WiuIo-v IP 3El A- 1VL HI S All sizes, at LATIMER, TAYLOR & GO'S SHINGLES! SHINGLES! SUGAR PliVE, AT LATIMER, TAtLCR & CO'S PLANING, RIPPING, And a variety of other work, done at LATIMER, TAYLOP. & CO'S EVERYTHING IN THE LINK. Superior aud very reasonable, at LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO'S. A PHASER AM) MATCHES! la good running order, FOR SALE CHEAP AT LATIMER. TAYLOR & CD'S lab Om Block weit ofTabernfccle MISCELLANEOUS. FOR Thanksgiving Day! AND THE BALLS OF THE SEASON. Wc present to our lady friends the following choice articles: GENUINE ALEXANDRA KID GLOVES, I in most approved linta, .ROMAN AND CAPRERA 1 SASHES, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS AND FANS, CLOAKS FANCY, CLOAKS USEFUL, SHAWLS IMPERIALS, I CHEMISETTES, LACE COLLARS, BALBRIGGAN HOSE, MISSES' FANCY STRIPE HOSE, A very rare novelty, WHITE MOLESKIN; WHITE ANGOLA FRINGE. Our Perfumery is unexcelled in any City. As usual, uniform prices! Z. C. 3VC- I. Retail Dey Goods Depaetment, H. ii. ULAWSUfl, Supt. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipo and all Linda of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills, HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AOENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. Attention Miners ! WANTED GOOD ARGENTIFEROUS GALENA ORES at SCHEMER'S SMELTING-FUMACE, SMELTING-FUMACE, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. tng3 CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, A DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For the People. Revised Edition. He-issue of 1S70-TJ, with Maps, Plates and Engraving?. To bo completed in 80 Paris, making 10 Vols, of 33 iages each. Illustrated with about Four Thousand Engravings En-gravings and Forty Maps. PRICE per Prtrt, Including Hftps Rati lHuit rations, OO Cents. PRICE PER VOLUME: Extra Cloth, bovclod boards Jo 50 Library Scoop, marbled odg03 t 00 Half Turkey Morocco 6 50 Mwsra. TT. 1L KEYS It CO. aro Iho Agonts for Ciiaiuliers'a Encyclopreclla for tho Pacific Coast, and aro publishers and im- Sortcrs of oihor American aad English stan-ard stan-ard and illustrated works. CASSEL'S NEW POPULAR EDUCATOR, Now Edition, Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography Bi-ography and Mythology, by J. Thomas. A. Al., L.I). National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans, 50 parts at 50 cents och- H. II. ICEY &. CO., f13 Clay St., Ean Francisco. Mr. R. May is now in Utah ana will visit tho different places to solicit for the firm. Parties subscribing for any of taoir works may roly upon being fai totally servod every month. Gottbe Oct n con House, B7 SALT LAKE CITY. The King of Mineral Springs ii the German seltzer, asd Tarraut'i Effervescent Seltxer Aiicrleut Is its duplicate. Letters attesting i's wonderful won-derful Tonic Aperient and Anti-Bilious (jualitioa swarm in from every source. The question tifie baon settled whether artificial medicaied waiora may nut bo equal tothoc whioh burst sijjirklinsr Irom the earth itself. They can; and tho citzer Aperient, when uadiiibtc-Ily K.rO anl i.riMiino. provci lie fact. lie cumiuib. Accept none oilier. Sold by nil Druggists. julylU I MISCELLANEOUS, lOffiT COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL DEALER IS 1 1. ill, California and Foreign FRUITS, AND PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And all kinds ot SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, "which wilt receive prompt attention. MM iiyil'Lli mm, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT lake: CITV. k30 13 m 1 m fig I vim u W I & O M I I B S i So ra i : 3 1 FIRE INSUMNCET' " Is WM, IS is Mr p Merchants' Exchance Building. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - - $05 0,000. JOHN II. ItEDDINOTON, - President. CHAItLES ft. STOltY, - - - Secretary. GEO. H. HOWAHD, - - Vice-President. N. B. EDDY. - - - Marine Secretary. H. H. BIGELOW. - General Manager. H. R. MANN, Agent for Utah Territory, ju28 Salt Lake City SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE Great Western FUME INSURANCE CO'Y, OIF CHICAGO. Til KO. F. TRACY, President C. II. BAS'ETT, I HEN MY W.LA VIIE.CE Direct on CIIAS. Li. DAHL.ER, J MARSHALL & CARTER, Attorneys. H. R. MA.1.N, MnnnRer. OFFICE : Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Brunch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 COMPANY Having been organized in our city, we ire now ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit rut'Iic patronage, guaran-tccinc guaran-tccinc that ail tire ri.ks will be carried at a lair rale. H. Ft. MANN, 1 21 U&nager. WAGON AND CARRIAGE. RAILROAD SHOPS. -A.. HOPPEK Second South Street, Half Block Knit Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. Dl anErnMiTinun OLHUAQtVil i niftu Iu all its Branches. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. COACH IMlMl.Mi AND CARRIAGE PAINTING .1 SPECIALTY. COACH AND CAUIIIAUE TUIM.MINO. Horse Shoeing ! In a Stylo to suit all. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. J. GRIFFITH, I'TCK T ,1- L BIOKJO SALMON AND HERRINGS, 13 Washington Street. All kind, of Dried, Sacked aud Pickled Flab eoostuUj oo a&nd. J1 E.fv1ART3fJ&CO. Wholesale Lipr Dealers, iOti Front Street, San Prniiclioo. JProprietors of MIL. LEU'S EXTKA OLD 1IOURBON And (ole agents for 1. F. CUrrtR'3 EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Coaitanily ou hand, a full assortment of all iho Standard Dratxti of Wlilakles, Flue Braudlei, Foreign nnd Domestic Wines, uji Ultters, Cordials, Jtc. Michael Kanb. T. N. Wakb. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, Wand Co.) Iruportora and Wholesale Dealors in IIES AND LIQUORS. Pruiirioto," oTlluDtoi'tj California Wheat "VCliA'sXK.oy. Also ARonta for Josoph S. Finoh'i oolouratod Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY. (107 and 000 Front St., near Jackson, SAW FRANCISCO. my31 LAZARD FRERES, Tmnortnr nml .Tcililmrs of Vormirn nnd aicitio 1" u u e y and Stapio DRY QOOI3S. Depot of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Milts, Consolidated. 529 &. S'iJ market St., San Fran. JuylS Paris: 23 Huo Do L'iiohiijuier. COSnliSSiON MERCHANTS $S Clay yt., San fc'ranclsco, DKALERB IN OREGON PRODUCE. Are conitaDtly in receipt of Oregon Hurni, Btcon, LarJ, Salmon, Ac. Starch, ol our own and Enatora m an u factor ulwnys on baud. W E I L &. CO,, IKrOBTET-S G7 Cigars and Tobacco Proprietors or the HAVANA CIGAE MANUFACTORY 921, 3S3 and 35 Front St., Sonthwoat cornof Ffopt 4 Saorauonlo Bis., THE -BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FILAKCISCO. D. 0. MILLS. - PRESIDENT, W, 0. HAIjSTON. ' 0A3IHKR. CRpltnl lilU Vi, - 65,UU0,00U. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS ol Credit on all Iho prinoii-a 1 cities of tho IS World. J.t;.;5KK3U!,S. &CO, C0Mf4iSSI0M MERCHANTS 304 nndaOO California St., San Frtui clsco, - - California, Particular attention paid to the filling of ordora for cvory description of merchandise,. d?3 Sal ot Ores, Ac, &o, CHICAGO TRADE. ' SLIGHTLY SCORCHED! VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS (Lato of 90, $2 and 91 Lnko street, Uor. iicarborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the intense heat, To the Baptist Church Building, B-17, 819 &, 851 WobBsk Ave.,' C3 ittoH. H GJ At. SC Whore wo have a large stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass and Glassware, Druggists' Sundries, Sun-dries, Pntent Humbugs, lite., Etc. CALL AND CHEEIt US. (Wo only pay 100 cents on tho Dollar.) PAGE, BRO. & CO., Importers and Dealers In LEATHER AND FINDINGS; 35 and 37 goutk Canal street, w CHICASQ, ILL HEATH &lilLLIGAN, MA NUF ACTUBER S OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 103 Randolph street, Cil fCAGO. M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholosalo Dealors is Boots and Slices, 018 Wabasli Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells, II. J. Macfarland, K. Bonodiot, mil S, P, Wclutyro. Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELS & C3M Manufacturers of Unclne, S'trital, Tallow, Lanl aud WOOL Dealers in Headlight Carbon, AVhalo Elephant, Soul and Sperm Oils, Agents for tbo sale of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL.) Agents of the West Virgiuia Oil and Oil LuiU MASOTAOTG&IRS Or EXCELSIOR CAR, R3GF MO IRON PAINT For Tin aud StilugloRooQi, UriJgo Tinbnts, &e. Faotor7, CHICAGO. Offico, 393 i 3(jy lllini.ie IWj Indiana Ave., it) -I DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Siwwiore to lM-.-l.oM, Bnlmmmi A '., UELKBRATEU CI NCIN.VATJ FIRE AND BUR'JLAR IT.Ui.'I' And Sargont'H Mnk'notio and Autcraatlo JK.i JT J-' rr-'-.iS'a, X'KATT & COVEKT, Gnrinr.il Ascitis 8i WashinKton St., Chicago. II. 13. CLAWSO.f, Si'-y.U 7 V. Si. I. A eiit for Ulai) Territory. Woolworlli.WontiYorl!i Ltd..., Pror-ricLon. Corntr Wtlli iintl Ufin ( Randuli.U Mtreets, ljl.LiUii.UU, Thin llouso is ccntrnlly located, noil fur niflhed, aad oontuLQH iijJ ltooias. d2U Z. C. M, I. COLUMN. Z. C. M. I. "Wholesale DRY GOODS DEP'T Up Stairs, Emporium Building A full, first-olasi stock ot STAPLE DRY GOODS, A'OTIOA'S, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PRICKS. i Wholosalo buyers and Co-operative Dealers please inspect. GROCERYiHARDWARE DEPARTMENT, CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, Purchnaera can hore nnd An Immense Stock AND IN EACH B1ANCH A GREAT VARIETY . IMPLEMEHTS, TCOLS AND MACHINERY ALL ON THE PREMISES. Miners Supplies a Specialty 3- FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL OKDKILS PROMPTLY. CLOTHING DEP'T. HOME-MADE ANB IMI? ORTED MANTJFACTLTRED FROM HOME -MADE, FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH aud AMERICAN! FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for Gentlemen ordering their own. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, THE FINEST DISPLAY ' AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department for Families. DRUG DEPT. ' i Fanny and Staple Y-ri j i PATKT MLDICIAKS, i LIQUORS n GREAT VARIETY ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVKKILL PAINT WHITE LEA U, OILS, COLORS GLASS. ETC. I Prescriptions from Physicians icill have special attention. II. K. (LAHSO, Supt. JAMBS EAU1. Jin. J- H. HAGUE. GEORGE HAGUE. Big: GrULXi Store ! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATH JAMBS HAGU K , GUNS. PISTOLS, Etc. W P V? Elc. Sccicilo, Harness AND "WHIPS OF EVfi'RY DESCRIPHON. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, C ALDER BROTHERS Peelers ir. evory variety of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPECIAL AGENTS fur Utah of Ihe A lion I'liiiiororte Company, Sleinwuy & Sons, C'lilcV-ering C'lilcV-ering & Sons, Ueclccr & UiirnoB and (irovdstrin & Fuller's - vyts ' co MASON Sc HAMLIN'S W OHLD.RBNOWNBD GABI1TET ORGA InTS Read what our Professors of Music and Leading Citizens of tho Torritory say about them in our new OLroular. BooIjls, Stationery AND SCHOOL FURNISHINGS. my2) NEW YORK TRADE. FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Mannfaoturcr of and Dealer In Wrought, Cast and Galvanized Aud every variety of fitting for the same. ml 7 0. A. Longstreet, John Sedgwick. LOHSSTREET & SEDGWICK Manafaotarerg of and Wholaiftl Dealers in MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING. 400 408 Broadway, Ncvr York. HENDERSCN, JUSTICE & Co SaooeBBOri to Qriffen, Hondoraon k Co-, I1IPOKTEKS AND JOBBIB8 OF FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIB HT, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC.. 408 . 500 DROADWAY, Oppoeito St. Nicholas IIolcl, n New Yorh. ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturors aud Jobbora of -am. jbl. ra ms 9 L371 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JujlB L. M. BATES & CO., 4S1 A 453 Broadway, NEW YORK, 1WF0ETSHS AND J0SDBB3 IX Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, d-c. J. II. BULGER. JuH Furnacemen Attention! A 1 Fire" Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. Tare a.-esti pok the golden city hire brick, Which are equal if not superior to tho best English. Special rates given by tho car load. octl2 Dried Fruit! We are desirous of purchasing; pur-chasing; all of the Dried Fruit ( icp cf this Territory. Terri-tory. We tsrtT T onv tst mao viuuu tni tit vnoa The Highest Price Paid in f the Market for DRIED FRUIT! "We aro desirous of employing AGENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, To whom ft libernl commission will bo allowod. 1UGGS, LECHTKNBERGkCi. illain Street, S. L. City. Jdd13 H. DINWOODEY'S Now Furniture Store ON HAST TEMPLE STREET, "Ha on hand a very Large Aor(ruet of ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE 1 Fine Parlor scls I'rom $100 to J450, Bedroom sets Irom-ifiS to tan- Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, First South St M i Z. C. fl I. SOOT AND SHOE Di'inrtmont, ni iosisrn( Every stylo and quality or Hoots and Shoes MADli TO OHDKK, mlist-lion mlist-lion guaranteed. ALWAYS OS DAND A L.ROK AND CUOICE BIOCK OF HOM E-MADE impoutkd BOOTS AND SI I0ES A FULL A3S0KTMENI OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather H. H. OLAWSON. Sun tlKTWDW"1' EI IDEW "W A. JST V . |