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Show Hamlin reported a bill lo pay A. V. Allen & Co., for carrying the overland mail $21,i43. Edmonds objected. Morrill, Mor-rill, of Vermont, reported a houe bill appropriating four million of dollars for the public buildings of Chicago, and asked immediate consideration. After objections by Chandler, Carpenter and Conkling lo that part of the bill leaving the location of tho buildings optional with tho secretary of the treasury and explanations by Morrill, Trumbull and Logan, the bill passed. Sumner gavo notice that he would propose an amendment amend-ment to the constitntion, providing that the President shall be ineligible to reelection. re-election. Un motion of ticbjUrz, the President is requested to give information informa-tion an to the relations of the United States with Spain and the treatment of Americans in Cuba. Corbett's resolution was passed, directing tho retrenchment committee to enquire into the recent treasury defalcations. Conkling called up the resolution enquiring into tho charges against the New York custom house. The roiolution with the amendments amend-ments was passed, yeas 07, nays none. Kdinubds introduced a bill to punish stock gambling by public officers It prohibits all persons employed in the treasury department or in tbe collection collec-tion or disbursement of the revenue, as disbursing otlicers, clerks or agents, in any department of the public service, from speculating in stocks, bonds or gold, it imposes a penally of fine or mi prison moil t, or both, and makes peruana per-uana wbo assist government employes in such speculations also liable to the penalties, and gives informers a reward of s-m Chandler ottered a resolution to refer, so much of the President's message as relates lo tho telegraph service in thu United States lo tho committee on commerce, com-merce, and spoke at some lengtli in favor fa-vor of tho resolution, which was laid over. CqrikUug's resolution oriured yester- j day direclingtho committee on retrenchment retrench-ment to enuiro into the charges of Scburz in reference to tho general order of business in the New York custom house was taken up. Schur. oll'err.d un amendment, specifying various alleged abuses and proyides far particular investigation in-vestigation by the committee. An amendment directing an enquiry whether otlicers or employes in the custom house have used their influence lo control either of the Iwo lust Ropuh-linin Ropuh-linin State conventions in New York, and whether tho employes have been assessed for political purpuras, liayard ollered an amendment directing direct-ing an inquiry as to whether any otlicers of said custom house have been or are being used as instruments for political or party patronage. All tho amendments amend-ments were acceptod by Conkling and iho resolution passed by a unanimous volo. A motion to print 10,000 extra copies of the president's mossHgo transmitting trans-mitting the civil service report was referred re-ferred to Vhe commiltee on printing. Sumnermoved to take up his resolution oflered Ias(, .March asking te aecroWy of tho navy for information as to the numbor of ships employed in foreign waters, ihocosL'uf sending and keeping them tliero, elo. Conklingobjeeted and the resolution wont over. lilair oflerod a resolution which was adopted, directing tho retrenchment committee lo inquiro whether any minister min-ister of the United States in any foreign country, is engngod in any mining company, com-pany, and using hia oicial position for promoting its interests. Pool 'at his own request "was' excused from serving on the commiltoo oh investigation and retrenchment. Tho committee on elections elec-tions declaring Norwood entitled to a seat in tho senate from Goorgia, was agreed to and ho was sworn in. Tho senate went into executive iession and, eoon after adjourned. Tho debate upon Hoar's bill providinij for appointing a commission (o investigate investi-gate tho labor question, and th,o wants and complaints of Iho laboring' classes, was diseased at length by Pierce, Cox, Storm, lolly and othora in favor, and by Kerr in opposition. The debate was interrupted by tho message from the president transmitting tho rsporloftlie civil service commission, and by the receipt re-ceipt of tho senate amendments to the bill for Chicago custom house, which were concurred in. The debate was continued, con-tinued, developing an opposition: on: the, I part of some Of those -willing' lo havo the matter investigated, to Iho appointment appoint-ment 04" a commission, preferring to have tho matter referred to a bureau or committee. Tho discussion finally went over till to-morrow. Garfield, from the commiltoo on appropriations, ap-propriations, reported & bill appropriating appro-priating $-7,840 to supply tbe deceits 1 in tbe epeic; of tbe Klui com-j com-j imtteo. lu reply to fildredge, he stated 1 that tho tbtal cost bad boca $'.-0,907, ox-I ox-I elusive of printing. The report will ti 1 1 upTvofumQi, iiiikiug about ti.ooO I'vgee. 'U agreed that an ilBuiBed i t, count o. tho cjmi"iuee's expense be grimed in tho Glob-: The Dill then ; paeed. Adjourned- |