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Show i Bii Cailiullo priests in Bohemia have j recenily nimeJ" I'rotestiuls. j A dispatch irum Napki announces that Mount Vesuvius lias commencd to eject lava. ; The number of the coniederate Hags j io possession ol' the BOToroaient at j Wa.shin.Kton is live hundred and iorty-! iorty-! two. At Turner's Kails, Massachusetts, is a milt ued delusively for the manufacture manu-facture of pulp iroiu ibe wood ot the poplar tree. ""in hud a Loy whoze hair wouldnt part in the middle, i would bedew that fiair with a parent's tear, and then giv up the boy. Josh Billing. Tlie first pair of India rubber shoes j ever si-en in the United Stales was m TJiey were yilt, and pointed like tho slipper of the Chinese mandarin. I hav liimlly cum tew the konklu-shun, konklu-shun, if a inun kant he boru but onco, he had bettor issue proposals tew hav it dun sumwhare in Isu England. Josh Billings, In Enj'hiid, ISclgium, Ciermaiiy and Trance, labor is making itself heard and IVIr, Jt moves by strikes for better bet-ter wogei or fewer hours, sometimes tor one, sometimes both. Yu kaut kouvert sinners bi preaching preach-ing the gospel tew them at haff-price. Enny sinner who iz anxious tew git biz religion in that way iz satisfied with a I poor artiklo. Josh Billings. English uuivcraities are now thrown open to all, and recently, for tho first timo since their institution, the degree of Master of Arts has been conferred l upon a Itoman Catholic and a Jew. There aro thirty-seven daily papers in the Australian islands, which have leds than two million inhabitants. Iu tho Dominion of Canada, with a population popu-lation of four millions, there are thirty-fivo thirty-fivo dailies. Dio Lewis deelares that tho present system of employing doctors is wrong, and advises peoplo to make contracts . with them at $200 a year for each family, and a deduction of two dollars for each sickae.! I alwus did admire the malice ov tho mule. If a freak ov fortune had made me az misfortunate amung men az the mule iz amung amniilas, i would begin tew let drive at things a mile an a haft oS.Jofh Billings. j If i waz a-going tew civilize a parcel ov heathen (bi tho job) on sum distant, dis-tant, far off, and rcmoto ile, i should debate sum time in mi mind which tew Bend, an invoice ov dancing-masters or rnissionarys. Josh Billings. A learned Hindoo who is lecturing in England, says the vice of intemperance intemper-ance was unknown in India till tho English introduced it there, but the young men became apt pupils, and now it is causing wide-spread disaster. Tlie people in the viciuiyy of the White mountains have been electrified by tho discovery of Prof. Hitchcock and party, now engaged in a geological survey of that region, that one of the Twin- mountains is a solid mass of jasper..' An eminent NcwlEngland 'physician has rcmnrked, after nearly forty years' experience, that when the fruit has been cut off in the towns to which bis practice was mainly limited, there was always an increase of billious troubles, and usually a larger than an average amount of general sickness. |