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Show 1 um:R mom ogm:x. ' (iipeciiil C.rrem-o n.i once nf Mm IIkicai.d.I OuPKN, OfL, 1 1, 1ST!. THK TIN H1NFS KKI.1EP FOR Cin- 'flic reports which we have heeu 1 receiving nlmr.st daily of the valuable ! (in discoveries near Ogdi-n causeel me, 'm a faithful correspondent l" the llr.UAl.h, to pack my traps and journey jour-ney to the ecne of excitement. Hav-' Hav-' ing nrrivi-d here, and tindin the liot-ls ful'1,1 became the t-ucst of the ho-i)a-bleeiiy mar.-lial Kif"1, which gentleman I have to ihank f-r many eourb.'Mes CXlended to W. In the evening I ai tended ti me.;liug, ; held in the votiy ul' the Tabernacle, . called to furnish aid to the Chicago sufferers. Mayor Hcrriok presided, and after a lew eloquent remarks by himself anil t-x-niavor I'arr, the sub scription list was opened by the last named genl leiuati with $:"U, followed by the same f-uin from the miiyor; other gentlemen also subscribed liberally, liber-ally, and a committee was appointed to canvass the city and neighboring villngCH. Ucliring early I amse with the lark about nine o'clock and armed with a geological hammer ular led for the mines. Seated by the side of my genial host we soon reached the mouth of Taylor's canon, where we hitched our team and pursued the rcs& of the way on foot. About a mile from the mouth we came to tho first claim, called the Flora. This mino was discovered dis-covered last duly nnd is owned by parties cast conjointly with marshal Fife. When found there was only a seam of ore a few inches in width, but now at Iho depth of twenty-five l'ect, it hai widened out to five feet. Work Is being pushed forward on this claim, and judging from present indications indi-cations it bids fair to be a most valuable valu-able piece of property. Above it we como to tho Black Queen, also a location loca-tion of very fair promise; then comes tho Taylor, a claim whioh has been worked some sixteen feet with fluttering flutter-ing results; tho Venice and Red Cloud comnlete the list of tin mines in this canon. In Waterfall canon, south of Taylor's, we find the North Star mine, a claim of value; it was discovered early last spring, and negotiations arc now pending for its sale. On the'-south the'-south side of Strong's canon ia situated the well known mine, the Star of tho West. Mr. Browning of this city informs mo that it has been bonded for the sum of $101, :0l) lo Dr. C raff, of Omaha, Mr. Gould of Salt Lake city and governor Woods. Near it another claim is being worked, called the Tin-diamond; and at Busch creek canon two claims have been discovered dis-covered which I could not visit on account ac-count of lack of time. Numerous assays of ore from t hese mines show an average result of from three to fifteen per cent, of tin. I have been told that specimens sent cast have been assayed showing from thirty-seven to fifty per cent.; this however may be received, I think, cum .grano salt's! still, ifthesc mines upon further development de-velopment sustain the surface indications, indica-tions, the district will prove to be one of the richest in the world. The yearly yield of all tho known tin mines does not average much over S.'iO.OOO cwt., the lareofil. yield boing lVom Cornwall; Corn-wall; Rancn, Malacca, Saxony, Austria, and Sweden furnishing a large per cent, of the remainder. AtAllenbcrg, in Saxony, and Ziimwald, in Bohemia, where I spent a week in 'till, ore ruu-ning ruu-ning only one per cent., and even lower is worked. 1'irst class tin ore averages from Oo to VS. 0 per cent. tin. Of course pcoplo here are much elated and can talk of nothing but tin, and every second man you meet pulls out a piece of ore and claims tho "biggest "big-gest thing struck yet, sir." The people peo-ple arc happy and look confidently ' forward to the time when Salt Lake I city will be but a village compared to j Ogden, and all resulting from "tin!" j Truly yours, j CrsTUri M.OUUM. |