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Show Pocket-picking, A young man from tho country who had conic to town to do some trading placed a hundred hun-dred dollars in tho qutsido pocket of his coat yesterday, and when ha put his hand in to take it out found jt was gone.. Some liyht-fingered pickpookot had been there before him. Parties coming to this city, under tho present condition of alf.iirs, would do well to look closely after their loco cash, goods and chattel-. (Jests At tkntion. Ed. Harris, at '.he Lin:.1. Cihaii Stohs "round tho co.ii.T," k.-'ps tin- bc--t imo-M-tcd Ilav-ii'a Ilav-ii'a M-i 1 D.:u Lie Cigars. Tobacco ond N o'.i ens. Come and judro for your? eelv.5. Tl;.-:e c Mrs cad ot Fojt CUk'C. I f'o |