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Show A Pleasant Tan- for All. We learn that the Methodist Sunday school and the Salt Lako Seminary of this city have made an arrangement by Rev. Mr. Poirco with tho Utah Central railroad for an excursion next Friday to tho beautiful Lake Side grove, near Knys-ville, Knys-ville, about twenty miles north of this city. The train is to leave tho city at S a.m., and returning arrive at 5.30 p. ni. It is designed as a basket pic nio -every ono carrying their own "luncheon." "lun-cheon." Tickets for tho round trip 32. 50. Proceeds of tickets to pay for train, thus giving tho scholars of both schools a free ride, and tho surplus, if any, to be used in purchasing books for tho school. A line opportunity is thus a Horded to all (for all aro invited) who desire it, to visit tho shores of Great Salt Lake, havo a pleasant trip, and do tho children a favor. The place is pleasant tho comany doubtless agreeable. Wo understand quito a largo number of tickets have already been sold. |