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Show DIED. Nj.v,ti)s. In Si-nugvU'o, Utah county, U. T. ca iLollih or Sop., 1ST1, Dolly Qridloy Newton iigcd S7 jetirj, 2 months and 11 iluja. Shown ibu iviJe of Thomas Xonkes, dcceascil, aud was baptized iu tho town of Burnes, Alloghiiuey Couuly, N. V., ia llio winter of 1S35. Sho umlgrotud to Utah iu IS 17, ami shared in tho smToringB iutiilontul lo Ihuso who early sell led tho Ten-ilcry. Ilor life was most cxfiraolary, end siio spent much of hci'tiro in viailfog tho sick and going about doing good. Sho nevor faltered iu her faith, hut constantly boro n faithful testimony of tlta truth of tho gospel to all around her. Chiy conuly, Iowa paper, plo.iso copy, Hor-E. In Burbnge, Wilts, Aug. 22, Eliza, wifo of David Hope, aged -19, leaving husbacd and uino children. Slio died in full faith of tho gospel. Mill. Star. Simjio.vd3.-Iii Cteikeuwell, Lond Aug. 17, Jtt.bertSiiiiiiLondp.ngrtdiMjparsand 3 mont' s. Mill. Rliir. |