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Show AN I.MI't." "T TVYE-'.T. IS, i There is at Sud'a- i nieuto a new , ' i, owned b' j Joseph M. Irrc . city. T .e object of this inven is t sivc :'ie line gold, quieksilvt'. :. uaV-ui, et'-i so much of which is.j.-t -ny .i.e. cess lor saving hitherto it. uaJ. The article in truest ion is c.tli .( "Fi y s Undercurrent Sluice and i-.V'.," iv an.l the patent thereof w I.-.-ucv Ju!y last. The nllles are cast-iron, and are u;? " ' .... ui :i..e .rerc "". i ' ' . ''''' ' ; 1 ' '!'.- . -J.lQ ' '- y, .Vihs i..v i . - 1 ' r . into the , I..',, i .- Uv.ii. J'his fceeiiou is com- I posed of a series of semi-circular ri files, in which fuickti!ver is placed, ! and in which, owing to the peculiar 1 counteraction of the current of water, 1 itis impossible lor the sand to cake, and the ijuieksilver, having a constant I rotary motion, is made to pick up all the loose particles of precious metals which may he run over it. This apparatus appa-ratus has been tried at Green &, (Jo.'s mill, Ophir, Placer oounly, and at the i Pennsylvania miuc, near Dry town,1! Amador county, with great success. I J, It, Moklar, amalgamator for Green A; Co., certifies that he has used this apparatus after tho Hepburn pan and settler, and liuds that it saves large '. quantities of line quicksilrcr and amal- gam heretofore lost. F. Lavalle, of i Green & Co., also testifies to its great j merit?. Hitherto, according to careful I computation, from one to three pounds ; of quicksilver (wiih of course, a cor-I responding quantity of line gold or : silver, as the case may be) have been ! lost for every ton of ore worked, even i by most approved methods. All this i is saved by tho Prey Undercurrent i Sluico and liillle, thus making a saving I of from 10 to $6U a day for a ten stamp mill. Builttin. |