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Show SANKEIiS. ' fITIillllBilOF mi, (Sucoetiori to Ilnasey, Dnjiler M. Co.) Warrks Hciset, ' C. L. Darler, ProfltdoLt. Vice Prost. Antiiont Godbk, Caahior. iSnlt Luke City, VUxli ; Also eonneetinir offices nt OKdon andCorinao, Utuh, and Virginia and ilolonu, Muntuiia, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin ami Currency t Draw Exchange on Now York, Chicnfto, St. Louis, Uniiih.i. Donvor, Sun t'ranoidco, and all parU of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. Mill Bank of Deseret, Hucceor lo HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., ' Corner East Touiplo ami Flrit Eouth Streets, PALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. 'AID UP CAPITAL, - 8100,000. MKIOIf AM YOI'NO. Picsidont, 1 U.S. MUHtnixil.;, Viccl'res. wm. ii. ii(MH'i:ii, wm. .JKNNiNdS, - Uircotors. .It'll IN SlIAItl'. I'llltAMi Hi. LITTLK, HILLS, Ciuhicr, ) Deal iu liOLD DUST, COIN, K.VC1IAIVGK, LAN D A11IIANT8, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCUIP, &c. V'uHoclions made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. ' WELLS, FARGO h GO Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEAL ERS irj EXCHANGE. Jh-ifls on Kuropc, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. .EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Knit Temple St., Salt Lako City. THEO. F. THAUY, Agont. ciU Ttios. U. J onex, A. W. Whim HANKLNO llOUSM OF A. W. WIHTK CO., KAST TKMPLE STltEKT, -x.ti Hull l.rtkn t it v. MEDICAL. X A X 1" rtj (9MIT IT , J'II1CIA.NS AUD SUKOKOSS, I Olllvc nt Guilbe't Drug StOr, Salt l.ako Citv. J. O. THOMPSON, M. D., I.ntc of Cnr.on Clcy. Kvnln, Oll'i'rs lii" iiroTcionl crvioo,: to tlto licoiilo l.ilt l.iko CHty. Ki.lon.-o at law. Ty lor's, hAlt blopk MHitU ot Walker lir.je. stiiro, h ut I'diii'li- Strort. iu.S C. C. OR MS BY, M. D, j I'll YSIC1AN, SUKUKON AND j JJKUUU1ST, I M HtHtillAal CITV. :TAII. " Sjl; F. II. Sl.UMO.NS, J' . i I i.vaicta;), &urgion and . . ,i omo.M- ratit.-is.?o lirui ol , -I 'h-..rTay. 'IlUl' - Co. , M'illC JluJ ' rohants, is in (own anj will . , ii'v J;iys lioro. Wo c niniu n l PIlYSMoual 10 the wannest o m.i.ler.i- . J"r"'-'f of our bniit.-s in "i. - ' W. iclicK Sww prin'er ot'Ualhornu, a Deluooral tlyo.l in the wool ami a pleasant .sentlonian withal, i also pai.l us the 1'avor ot a vi.-it. lie will remain in t,vn a ,-liort time, the K'acst of Dr. Hamilton. I Ii. 1). S. J.yn.l... ofthe.NeA- Vork Nate le.lat.nv, an.l .Nathan Stron:, i I'.s,,., .New Vork, brothor to L'ol.Stron, ' are t tow,. We were ,0 aAe tao ae-iuimtane- ot' l.th .toatem.n I yestenlay, Mr. I.yn.le is ,c. is west, i but will shortly retura 10 Salt Lako l with a view to business airangcnients, I LEGAL JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T T O It . K V - A T - L A , Suit Lake City, L'tuh. Officcfiodbo lS;iUi lafr. 2l Fluor, llcii-Jci!t;e llcii-Jci!t;e on MKih street , bef.vccii South :tnd let ?outh -triTl'. t--J S. P. McL'ur J. C. IJ. Morgan McCinDYii .MORGAN, Ai'.ornc-ys-at-LaWt 0'?lC2 . u' 'iuors ca;t of lir.R.vLo OScc, a2 SALT LA K K CITY. ! 1 T C 11 it M A N N, t f t; r u c y s- ;i t-1 w , L''.cc, First uuth St., Fourth door ccut of lloojicr, ElJrcdce i: Go's iJau:;. .Salt Lu.o t';iy. Warner Karll. F. M. awith. KAltLL &. Sr-IITII, A T 1 0 11 N Y S A T J, A V , S.U.T LAKE CUV, Ka.-t Tu:ui:o .-ire-.:, m uo'.r south of ajj 1:,.;.:r-j 1.) . GO iJ 1-j It , ATTOUNKY AN U COUNSKLLOU, Oilice Kirhane nml Rending Uooi.i, itp-stiilin. iu'-S salt lake city. 3. 11. lc!iMae:iJ, M. (Cirki-ntrick HEMPSTEAD & KiRKPATRiCK, Aftotiicys-at-I-aW, Main Street, oi-i'oito Wells. Fargo A Co., SALT LAKK.CIIV, JL-JI!"';li9iL:LJ-s-,;Iliy.Mi''.-t''t'- r" z. snow. e. d. uoar. SNOW & UOtiE, ittornoys and Counselors at Law ilt l.-iku Oty, L lal i. Oilke at Snow'-, corner, lt K-ut Street. Jn5 EJOTAHIES FU3LI0. A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, o Mining Deeds, Acrcomcnts and Eonds for Deeds, Morujases. towers of Attorney, Leaser, ContracLi and other iustrumcatit of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch.. 43" Mining Compiinlcs Incorporated. Incorpora-ted. under the Lawi ot Utah. A. 3 GOULD, nnd C0MJ1ISSI0NER lh" DEEDS 'for Now York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, towa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. mil 5 CONVEYANCER. UccdN, II or t gages, Contracts and all kinds of Ltgal Instruments Instru-ments drawn. MIMXG AXIJ OTHER COMPANIES COM-PANIES incorporated under the LAWS OF UTAH. OiiM'e, JJast TumiJlo St.xol. ovor U. W. Dnvis' storo. s-1 "COLLEGE SCRIP! PREEMPTOHS will ssavo $10 .on -L caeh quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. - Anply to THE DANK OF DliSEltET, sl5 Successor to Hooper, Ilklrodj.-o Ji Co X rAL. San I'ranciico, July, li7i). Wo, Iho nn.lersidncd, tako ureal ile;iiuro in reconimendiLs Lin, A. Vf. CALDLUt to nil tboao who nmy ncci tlio services of a lenti.-t, us a tliomuKlily comieunt and skillful operator, iind one in .vlioin wo luivc implicit coutidotico, both as n. Dentist and ;i gontlcmnn. Dr. II. Atvns. Donlist. DrJ- Hoiskrts A Fiin.i.Asrt, Dcnlisls. H. U. McUt,xALi it Cit., DruBKists, OFFICE In Stvciitlt'H Ilnll Itiilldlng First KaatStroct, SALT LAKH CUT, ju21 ST. WARK SCHOOLS. ST. MARK'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL For t.! irla nnd Hoy?, Jd Sontli St., nenv East Temple S(. ST. MARK'SSCHOOL For Girl?. St. flIAUIt'S Cllt'llCII, tdt Souih SI. M Administrators' riotice. NOTICK is hercbv civi ii by thi un.lcr-siKtieJ. un.lcr-siKtieJ. duly ppnHe.I Admi nisi r U ors on thoostato ot William S;ili-bnry, deceased, tu nil iiironi h:iviti(( nlaimi ii.iiiii-t aaid estate, tu oiiiko tho fsmo known without delay: and jtersun-i knowitii; tln-msclvfi lo ho iiidobtfd to r.iid citato aro hereby notified no-tified to cmho forward ;tud settlo tho samo i tu tuoJ lately. 1'. A. MITOIIKLL, J. B. M.UDLN. Admini"tralfir3 on tho ct'M.o cf Willijun tiali-bnry. dceea.'Cil. Sept. 21st, t71. ' i-1 EXPLANATION. ( i i: r E vorv mii.'h regret sh.it wc h.ivo toeu 1,c IT unable to uprly the DEMAND SO SUDDENLY j t ui a o. for tU ;-! IMSON ft "'"ni.IiV v and is not a ji, ."j 0. . ut L tah, as his lir.-t counnuu ton declared. As have no inten-j inten-j of revealing more cowe-rning die An l alleman, who dilTer with him I can put on their ytonrg caps and .o J deceive llieuiselve.-- aaain. itco ! Tr ! L'iA.M-iM) fcTKIXii U.liti'i.N-, i.iiUo;o ; lor Ismily oania -L'. food lim !.r, woll 0f!ir,MtM and lir,;-,: ,. .-X.:.:. .. ' FO K $.l.V, CilKAf. :u tiio C-.;:k;iI i Hotue varvl. aJv Ud 1 ' Tjjj ! bC LHON. oil.-, l"'aig ) Co. ' ' received yo.-terday, Ly Uilmer Salis-' Salis-' Ujy's Pioeho i1:-cS Isttc-n ,n of : cii.n v.iiuc-, --.. i;,... i .v i-;:y I ! ai;; t-; c nip.i.iy. 1; . v-. mis 1 m.MiiiiiL,' lo W.i'.liT, New YrrV. ! sitd.-ihakkk si;;ix,; WAtioxs I,c : Tiinbo;; an.l w. : i-.:! . u -i. y:i.: I." " i:, ' ion !-:-;. - V,". ll;vri m ;ui- ig, ' 110'iri.v'-- r!ir.':i li ii II -::t' i i ie has ;!. ol; .fi lb- K m - n (lie city." A -vi e i .hi;tov-St, .hi;tov-St, . in lj;i-in ;i ' : f:; :i :,::;. o kc t) uoa'j'o ii l'u'. ii r iisti 1 i-iot)-. Sco is, I his Wrd. HOTELS, ETC. t " " '-" i TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITT. THE LEADHG HOTEL O F UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This liouse is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and his accommodations accommoda-tions for IjU KUC3U. I THE PROPRIETOR ia now prepares to build large auditions to his Hotel, whieh j when finished, will rcrr'ar it the I Must Complete Establishment in the UOlIiV JiOl'NT.UX KKGIOX I AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OSE BLOCK EAST OF THEATUE, SALT LAKK CITY. Terms S3. 00 prr day. Board without with-out rooms Sl.OO per neck. UatltH free to guests. J. C. LI TTLE, jun'21 Proprietor. OQU1RF3H HOUSE, Corner Main and Looust streets, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. Good Accommodation for Families. aii E. S. FOOTE, Proprietor.' GRAND RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. JUST OPENED. This o-tablishment is elcgaritly furnished, keeps supiilied with tbo delicacies of the season and tho best lao markoi.allords, and enijiloys nooo but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners served and dishes cooked to order in tc.o best s:yto and at tho lowest rates. Fresh salmon, cud ana roekfish received daily. Chocolate, ice-cream, cakes, ifcc, in tho OTouma. fjr ludic?, iu private rooms. -i.r n-.-.T a'J8 KILL. xAIlGETTS lias opened hi new establishment on 'FIRST SOUTH ST., Between the Co-op. Store and tho Townsond ilouse, JS'cjrly opposite the iVeio Meat Market. For tho sale of ENGLISH and SCOTH ALES AND POUTER. Joiilo'o Stono Alo, OK.SU INK, Wholesale and Retnll. A spleadid asaortment of Tobicoj and Citrar-t. The Old Stand on Second South Street is adll In full Mast. nuy-i CALIFORNIA BREWERY SALOON, Ooiimioi.-cial f?itx'eet. Lager Beer and AlCjioholesaleand retai i- HENRY WAGENER. BREWER, BEMIS & CO., Cliicngo and Oimtlui LAGEE BEER, ALE AKD PORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Families supplied by tho fiuart, or in iuan-titiei iuan-titiei lo suit. Choice- Clgnra always on linn J : also, Limlmrfrer ami Swing Cheese for Lunch, and at Wujlk3alk, Goddard'i Building.fiascinont, Main Btrcot, one door south ol First iN'aiionul Bank, jiiyl DRSWER& LAPHAiW. LAGER EEEI! SSlPCin wauenkr'sckt v:e., Iiager Bec., ."V.J. AND FOR l'h.ii. Under Woodmnnaee's inl .-im-, First door.north of Well?, r artro's.' qu ;U) II. TlltSDT .it CO. " CnTIiQUOR STORE, Koop constantly on hand. Wholesale and Ueluil, Choioo Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GIIOESBECK'S BUILDINGS, n!7 Enit Tempi Strct. $75,000 -7' L .1 GttlXB C1ET tOXCERT " 'Vp'iH bo Kivcrral INilEPENDENCE-HALL, j ,ufr,i,k..;,, OGTr-iu-.:;. j. :s7i.r. Uurtiik Die f oia ' , 1 ': ill I Ijc l tsi i ' i . 1 1 't iicket hohlcri I amount In g lo f ' "JU in Cnrrent y I as follows! DOks.x,,. j 1 (lift of Ourrciu-orii'ne; Thos ijiir.oixt.oo I! Dana, Ohio. 1 " " AMERICAN UOTEU ji Hills, Cllioapo, Ills; .I eo " " d wiib, Dosruoines, Iowa; J n1Cal; llonryThrawl, Kmily i.i " Maria Thrawl, Conn: Kd " ) 1 t'hir-k, All'any; Uuol S Gage, lu iv.-.- I ork; II A American, San Fran; :en- W'm idaynaice, New York. lilU "Kl'ARTUUKS AND AUKIVAI.S and '; Wm.s .0 K'nu'tnll's Siages. TJ L'TllIU, STOCKTON, W. Sept. and 2j. ,vfl Kl N.bi.ii, P (i Hrownel!, M Scott, ;r. S K Milion, C W trV-hoti-ld, J Coburn. '' d .Mano, Mr Harris, Mr. Adams, W v II White, Chas Johus, M Cahan, Pr 0m ; LJcriihoisol, U C Jacob-, L Cbila, J I . tfuiiiv.iii Clinton, JvJ Ma.son. "t- ni'tM Oi'lllU, Sr.VKmN, ETC. li U II:unniond. (' U Way, J II r;' LiM", J P i;.m!. I' l-:!mr, Hen (? : '' t' M'-.-n-.or, C I., wis. Mrs K aid -! I- .) IJitik. t i Jar: c", N iJo Lunti, J 1, Lk-v, " M vV ii U,;,u J if L Tu-i, W ;s T:irrci, H V Wljitiu.-ro, V V Hn.II, .T . v WaLs. Mr .mi:h, Murray, Mr i- Uiiuio, ji r- i' S i i.;. ; Vl iiir !ica;jc. i and Rot ' ilSTOVES! 'V- ! In t In- ( llj , n i co W. HARRISON'S s-) M.iin-st., opi;.eite Up. UjntiiV. ! ORGANS. j ORGANS !GB8ANS! : -- i ' DAYJf ES '& CO.. AGrEPTTS ' For Utah Territory, for fiic sale of the i-ele-i braU-d ! SMITH'S' AMERICAN CABINET ORGANS : Respectfully invito ihc members of the J Musical l'rufesiion a i the Public generally ! to call at their AIumjKuuuis, FIRST SOUTH JSTREEi', ; Two doors east of ll(e Pot Cfficc t-alt Lake i City, and exiimine rheir .-)leudid ftuek ol UrBniif, and le:ini tHe uLprutedentedly LU . PKlCfcd at which -they oik-r them ur :ile, : the price.-i beic from twenty to Uitriy , per cent lower than they can be bnuwlit . in any other hou.-' iu I'tith. iiaynei A Co. 1 do not oiler tbu SMITH URGa.NS at thefu ! low figures becau they are, u buiuo wuuld I have it believed, p poorly manulaemred and coDre'iueiitly clival- iustruuieut; lor, tor cx- cellencc of workiriiiii5bip they have no suj.o-l suj.o-l vioTf, while in trenftta, purity and iweetin..-.-: of tone, they l Uallcliye I lie proie.loil ! to produce any instrument enual to ilicin. The cause of their LOW RATES It caeily explained: They have no 1ul.i1 aeents whom tbey PAV TU PUFF llicir wares; and beaides thi, they havo rcswlved to place these beautilul insiruuientj witlnn tho reach of all. and will do so by doing what no other house in Utah pretends to do. namely, sharing with their patrouj tho euui -mission allowed by tho uiunulaeturers. Acting Act-ing on this iirinciplo, they oiler their instruments instru-ments at twinty per cent, less lliau eastern retail Gnures, besidti paying iho ireisht to the railway terminus in this city, (tuarantee-ins (tuarantee-ins every icrttument sold sound aud Ireo ol damiigc. They will sell a Parlor ursjan, with olet'auL Black Wulnut.Cuse, live otoj.s, Tretuulo mid Knee-swell, for Jl-Ji), the eastern east-ern retail price beiog ;175. An instrument fur a school or mceting-housc, with power sufficientl'ur fifty singers, with seven Slops, Sub-Bus?; Octavo, Coupler, iiemulo mid 1 Knee-swell, for W, tho eastern price tor the same instrument boiug i-Ji. i In proof that tho American Urgnn is all they represent, they refer purchasers to tho following well-known geutiemeu : C. fcau-some, fcau-some, L. L. Davis, A. Miner, John Sharp, a. . W. Sears and W. S. Uodbe. uUo JJrs. S. Kimball, all of this city; U. iicnroid, ol calt I Creek, J uab county; T. Stajuier, Ugdcii; tho Fishburn Choir, Brighatu City. iJuynes Jc Co. will also sell every other 1 description of first-class Musical Merchandise, Merchan-dise, from a Pianoforte to a Violin String, at the samo ratio; and to prove that thu preceding pre-ceding statements: contain not a particle of exaggeration, thoy invite nil musicians and the public to call and prove their truth by 1 personal examination and investigation. i Honictnbcr! I j ! I J. DAYNES & CO., j Dealers iu Musical Instruments. ' Tvo Doors East of tl.c Post Otlice, I I SALT LAKE CITY. ! - Agents for the Celebrated I Graver & Baker Sewing machine j LUMBER YARDS. j UTAH AND CALIFORNIA j LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated Jaly 17, I87I. j CAPITAL STOCK, - - 875,000. j Dealers in all kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, CI1ICO SUGAR PINK, CEILING, felDINO, .'Li .7 own 'Z.M: . . v tjQUXIM-. '(., :"i'., I Orders for JVI ill Timbers pvomplly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., fire doors south o? Walker's All buslncsa dono through tho President of tho Company. Offices Lumber Yard, one block south of Railroad Depot. E. II. BARRON, President. . D. W. FAHKllt KST, CHARLES DAI1LER, juy2l Treasurer. ; LUMBERYARD.! DOORS, WINDOWS, ,BLINDS, MOULDINGS j ALL (CNDS OF "JrM?.. T. ?-., '- ' v ' ! ' I'OIK ... ;e0 ' sivc promise e-Vjcf ; J An Klccilot.ccvM "''' A journal says tho re,. j widoiy L-iivulatcJ amon Lli ' Se, people, that Horace Ureelov i, '; to tho Ku Ivlui Klau. " ' Tunuii.ity Still liojicfi.l. i,( i.s N'CW, Vork. L'.i. The Tammany seneral committee met this cvenini;. j Ihcre was a t'irl attenjance. 'J'i.ecd I maJe a speech, preilictint; the vindication vindica-tion by the courts of ail the officials, ami the election of the, Tammanv can-.,, can-.,, " m -Nevcmber. Tho Tammany r"; othcials last year were re-elected un.in--V imouslv. j m j L. .. iimmi aam Ginicrdl Fiiiliii Koliliieysr s t "I'lSS In-D.IY I JB Stalls 14 & 15 Keat IiTarkct, (j ; A.-.J w.ii -c'.l :::e .-jc.,-. -.1 ,-ric-. j T "KPV " 'i i' T I T I (I .. 1 Mr Uon'l fr..;j., ,-.ri . ofTOil i mi, i tan ; And u "Vi. ' ' :. 1 C. Aii in- EAST T , ,1 . "r Third ft-., : ' -1 .j. in- s-- u . it - ,ilc ...... .,JllS- jWi-fliJ. u ,s to he Purvey UKiyreduce v- h r .t , , ,'rUt in ay ca.-e it I ' ' eh.V.e i 10 lighten tlie t, ..' !1 thus heavily ' j A GOOD. x:llcm"un!ai"-- 'I j i FfiF.su nvvrf' kf.i:. The Ive- . , j corn7'' '-'f tho l"ih - ":k ;iiin ri.ee lh'v m--t of ihe:n . V: . -tn:c;ur--.-. i .--.irivc tl .. c iia. and thi.il All tver.-ons who are BALD, or whoso HAIR IS FALLING- OFF, had better see me immediately. The "Great Unknown Maui Restorer" has produced HAIR UN 51 if HEAD IN ONE MONTH. Charles W. Stayner, Sole Agent for Utah. For sale at Z. C. M. I. Drug Store. Office at Calder Brors Repository of Music. V. UTI'I-S &, JEWELRY! i L. ELIASON, T 1 to inform the residents of Salt Lake City and vicinity, that be not onlj '..irantec? to properly Relr,CIen nd Adjust Watches mil Chronometers, but he will make them or any part of the, to order, and warrant the work. A " y. w supply f t L G 1 N a n d SWI.-S WATCHES just receivM, vhkh hi will guarn'ofl M rciiabie time-keepers. Prices to defy competition ItcTscnVrr :hf ?-Hrp. Two doors ttit of the Ut-trct Umik, JC'.II TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, rilf.Ii:nCIAL STREFT, T-Ei.P-.n. ...,lr ,.n Wl , . , ...,-1 ...,-1 i rr.- ; I- It t.i II. KM.I.ISU and A.1! KRU A. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vssiinrjs ? GROCERIES & Phu1..'. ;'". i no: for jfJONFERENCE! TAYLOR & CUILEn j Have j ii? t rcrcivod a r.iw rm L"tor "P Cm'- a j H Cl.otce Li powil... jl.'.ii. Cheaper than ever sohl in tl.i" I Territoiy. Coffee, Sugar, Lys, Etc. i DRESS GOODS, DRKSS FLANNKLS, j SHAWLS, DELAINES, lit, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. . ! A l.irgc variety cl' C L O C S To be sold cheaper ih:in the j cheapest. ! Store Opposite Salt Lake Ilousf, NEW STORE Is Now Open. ; Just Received, a large arrival of choice i TEAS j Direct from the Importers Also a fu'l j stock of Staple and Fancy jGROCERI ES. Wo havo REDUCED our best tu;x-POWDEtt tu;x-POWDEtt to Si per pound. It cannot bo equalled. TRY IT ! TRY IT 1 C. W. DAVIS, Tioo Doorsfrom Khnball d-Lawet ncc's j DAY & CULMER, . IWrORTKBS AND DEALERS IX GEXERALMERCUAXDISB, COSSI3TIXG OF DRY GOODS, GHOCEItlES, ilAUD WAKE, BOOTS, SIIOKS, II AT CROCKKHV,l,3II'j!, IILASWA11E, &.C. CORDAGE - TWINES, ! WOODEN Vv A K K , CAKFKTS, ! CUACKKKS t U1SCUITS, TOBACCO, dtu.,&.r., ,tc. j Whieh they offer at prices thut gunruiiteo I satisfaction and defy conipctic.on. The choicest jT E A El V , t',-o-n, . i'"! . , I -.. 1 flt't T tl T-'fi1' Dealers in Tons will Iind it to tm-n I vantaco to give us a cull, Lrfi.ro purchns- i ' ing tholr Teas, as aur i tics in this branch i 'of our husinosa ounnoL ho ns col led in iho I r Q'ty- ,.,. 'l",','' ! DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY j AMI GROCERY STOBE, ; 1 WEST SID-; I I COMMERCIAL STKEiOT, ! Ncnr Srcond South Ulrccl, I IS NOW IN FULL Ol'ERATIO.N ! Where he will bo ilcac,l to i, iiil Ji-on his frlcoji nad it.iiTvae with ; Everything in ttie ;utvr MlH' CK.4 Jr. THAN EVER. , vivr, r.M A CALL J.VJIS j )( NEW RETREA T. GLOBE BAKERY, Eait Temple Slice), flnt door north oT Co-operative Oi dk i y j Dp purl mtli I . j GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly od hand IgOOD FRESH BR TAD Huns, ( alics, C'rnrkerM, Etc. l ;,,e v.-.r;..:? ,r CONFECTIOrSY, Whnlxilr and Rrfr.ll. -' lIlr--l,Io( k ixmt of Knlc -., porl uni. ti UI Ah ... RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS ZRTXILSr DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central Depot, ;l1 c L:ike City, at 7. Ut a.m.. and fundy Station, t nearest point to hiule Cottonwood Canon.) at 0 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS Ll:ii' 1';.i!i Ccntr:.! PcpiU ;t T: 1 0 a.m. and 0 p.m. I'AU : . t L.ue tu Die Colt.imvoitd St.itioii, .V'cta ; s'nuy " Sl.iV " i Twirit--!3 ve t'cu t a-itlitionul will bo oharKcd nii-ai !;iro is oo I Ice led on tho tram. I"!:il,?IOHZ LITTLK, SU'PKRIXTKXPKNT. If. O. t'AI-hKli, j 5 ticn. Kre;Kjt and Ticket Aconl. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STfiffi LIKES TIlllOLClll 'SJtJih, South-east Nevada Sc ?lon- Leaving Suit Lb lie Clt y Dully, run-itlitg run-itlitg .-oiith to . Tiutie, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. Georire, Utah ; and I'ioelie, Nevada ; Panning through Provo, Sprinirville, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, liound Valley, Fillmore, Com Creuk, Beaver, Jlioere-ville, Jlioere-ville, and All the principal fawns and mining cnmjts in southern Utah and south-east : Nevada. Alio leave Cm-lime, I't n.h, dally, run ii In g north to Viiviuin Ci:y, Helena, Fort Denton, Deer Lodco, Cedar Creek mines, and p.is.Mns through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing camps in .Montana. .Mon-tana. PKINClPAL OFFICK, Wells, Fargo a Co. Building, jmi4 Salt Lahe Oily. Lon Wines. it. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, Stage and Express H U . TstXli DAW. V ! U OM HALT L A It K CITY, via L A li, K TOWN, THOKLK CITV, STOCKTON AM) OPHIH TO TINT1C. Tho route !;iis h'-cii re-ctoched with- Fplon-lid Fplon-lid C'ut:(-r I Coacht-:, line .St.ok, cuieful n);tl to tho coui'u" I onvetiioneo o( patibuo-Got. patibuo-Got. t iee--'iimnt!-i'u,ns o,i the road. TtHIOUCJl iJV DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ofllce nt Weill, Kmrffo A Co.', Salt Luke City. WINKS k KIMBALL-, -r'11- Pri.T.riot-r-. LiV.r.rOQt & QUtErlSTDVM - " .... rjf.-Vn - ?H III II AN LINE tr r.yt.l Mnll SKmnfri, Knlllnr from New Vork Every Saturday1 AKci iiale Tuesday. Cn hi n Pn((( to Lm-ri.ji. if,.) T.(IO Stccine " " - (, ,j ao,oi PaiiBKe fi om Liverpool to Kc w York ruhlM, n.i.i) 7.00 Site i nfee, - - (Ciir(. .j) R'-ond Trip Ti-.'scU isfue-i very l';w rl Kill tj. I) A L K i At- T. br;-lw.t,, York, r- "TLT.TAM CM,--"'- A,tTl : h:.ll Lr.tc City. Utah. i. '.riA'Tritnis i v WHITE LEAD;i ''Am and ( Vf"-- ''Jti72(iL'R,OVL0R&t J I ,na Oatlook wMt of Taberni STOVES! yaw is Yoru chax i: Kin; S' T O "V E S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, 1 nc lulling I tie ('lit l-'it voi'l 1 1-, Charter Cbk, New Era, ' Monitor, Inland Empire I j Superior, : tic, ' 1 These as well a- o;1it jit i. iu will he 1 I A'f Tit S. Hardware jJc;-V OF Z- O. DsL. X. THAN IN ANY OTI1KI! I1U1,I-: IN THIS TKIiliri'OKY. tl. II. r:., vvs,'. ffiON WORKS, I CHICAGO, ILL., ir? i -.-AIM ,' i .. - , E5LOVS0t, And Mtiehi-inf fur Smelting Furnaces (Vintrai.-ls made tr I- Hi nn .. TJtal Fire C-o.-.f.. Including M:!i'hini'ry, - it. eoinpifU r.inninir r,n, J It t rercnt rV K it i r ln .illiil,, ( nlll. ptljf, MBit l.ltllf Hy, rlB, Slllrll- ii K Company, Tltitli. AddrruJ. C. Jiichardx, t'himjo. all mm MiningTools WriyEil's lJclis, Shovels, Iron ESai'i oivs, POWDER AND FUSE, i:r.o2t fife, PIPE F ITTI U G S. Brass Goods, stOTT, nnii'.v ana ; m Ware n 1 ti L ULACISniTIl TOOLS, Atrlcnlturiil liupt'inrnli And .nininir Toolt At r.nwtit IUite. ori-osritc SALT I.;,KIC llOVHK EXCELS!Ofi COAL GO.P'IT, Q R3vK SPR:NC3. VViOfiilliG TEft, Jflair, liro. ( o., ProprV. |