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Show A "WORD OP ADVICE. To ichom the same may Lr applicable : As some of the ekizens of this Territory, Ter-ritory, and many transient residents of the same, have indulged in the practice prac-tice of hunting and killini deer, trapping trap-ping and killing beaver and other fur-bearing fur-bearing animals, very much to the annoyance an-noyance and displeasure of the Indians, more especially in the counties of Sanpete, San-pete, Sevier, Piute and Braver; and. while I do not wish to discuss the red man's claim to the exclusive right of hunting and killing the above named animals, it does seem that a providential providen-tial hand hath given t the natives these ani.nals as a heritage at least, the natives so regard-it; and it has been with much labor and anxiety that they have become partially pacified on account of agressions committed by bunters abi trappers on th ir claims. I would most earnestly, and respectfully, respect-fully, advi.-e all white men to de-i-t from the foregoing practice hereafter, for their own personal safety, and for the safety of the settlements that are situated in the neighborhood of the Indians' hunting-ground.-!. I have no reason to believe that miners, prospectors, lumbermen, or wood and timber haulers will be at all interrupted by the Datives, but hunters and trappers willhe in danger fioiu them hereafter. - Respeotfnlly, Okso.V Hyub. Salt Lake City, Feb. 14th, 1871- |