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Show TELEGRAMS. Reported specially for the Salt Lake Herald by Western Union Telegraph. L13HT?jirJGFLASHES. A hundred a ol seventy fiv Chinese have arrived at iNaw Orleans to work on tne plantations? I'he housi of representatives declares de-clares tbH a- nate bus no authority t i make treaty stipulations with the Imitaus, winch will be binding on tho bousd. Thesenite haa passed the bouse bi 1 prv-utios: ttib further sale of pub be lauds iu Utah, Dakota, Neorasku, Oiiafor ii, Ki.njw au 1 Arki isas ex cept under ttie pr. eniptiou and bome-btead bome-btead laws. The town of Oroville, Ca'iforuia, was nearly destroyed by tire ou Saturday. Satur-day. I'he buildings were of lumber, burned lapidlv, iid the people ba.ely escaped witU tneir lives. Ttie iucome tux still troubles legislators, legis-lators, auu au effurt will Ou ugaiu made iu the senate to s rike it out. President Gra t was enthusiastically receive tl at Hertford, Uouu., oa Saturday. Th- p anters of Havana approve of auo mou, butde irotu Do Consulted is' to the manner iu wb. cb the law to prcVrtit Jjegr es Peeuojiug vagraut slavoe thou Id be nforce . Mrs. Walters, a n t uious b.ib--f riner a Lt ado , England has been quiei y puioumug htr iu ant cha gei &te.rt, of .Nevada, in itie senate oppu.sed the uaturalizaliou of Chili bo on the giouud that K Mould ucca-si in a popular repudiation oi the repuDli-cau repuDli-cau jjrly. fcjlitrid.iu r ports the Indi ins hostile lu JU.kota, Wyoming uu i alng ttie d e BUUih of feUiU.ua. Troops ic to be rtruug aioug tie hue oi ln Uui u V c fi and all tne aait-.boe toic -e ul W'.sUlegtuij aie lo ue uispitcued to Ciutrioau. YESTEROAY'ci FLASHES. San Fr nelson orb-bra e.l tlie foUith wiiu lUiuieiise ea ijii.-ta m. I'he fi- :e:h tiuiiivi rsry of the introduction in-troduction ut Uiiuunuii' into (be aiid.CU I UaLida Hlw C itOfaled at lli'Lolulu l u n j e ia. E .rrtnpi -k shocks were i e 1 1 A us t ulia, ..iin' 2ilh, Aiay 5 U, aud Al j 22 .id. ; . , , ui Th'i(u0 Witt Jrooi Uelb u Le tO TaAoiatila. Kj.sB bus introduced a joiut renolu-t.iou renolu-t.iou into ibi s u e pro-idiLg tor lue removal 01 ihe Cberoker Indians. Pri-sidetit Grant lei'. Hartford, Cjuu., on ftJuuoay Uiorniug, amid p.i ioUL'ed cheeri g, lor W oo0s;ucK, nud was leeled w.til leoeptious al wcry staiiou a ong the Hue. There wis a great deiuoualrtiou wbeu He arrived Steven Blair, a prominent free-masou free-masou ol England, in dead. Liverpool wagde. o ated on Monday in comiueuioratiou of the sai ing of the Uuuard steamer Britjni.ii, thirty y-ats ago. Baring Bro's advertise the issue of the Baltimore and Oato li. li. bonds. There w.sa distuibatiCe in frubt of the Carlist rootusi iu Madrid Ou tsalur-day, tsalur-day, iiunug winch fi'e arms were used, one uiau was killed and several were wounded. A number of arrests were made. I'he Spanish throne, still a-begging, is LOW ollered to a Prussiau jriuoe. A Seville gypsey has killed his wtte aud en lid aud a policemau whom be bUspecled of criminal intercourse witb toe wumau. The French court goes into mourning mourn-ing for the Baliim ,re Bouaoarte. Slow reooguitiou, feeing tu-y would nut rocoguize mm daring all his lung life. LAST NIGHT'S FLASHES. The Americans in Paris celebrated the 4th in fine stj le, Washburne presiding. pre-siding. The first tea ships of the season sai'-ed sai'-ed from China fur Loudon on June Sth The censorship of the press in France, it is declared, has ceased The Americans at Stuttgardt had a big celebration on Monday. President Grant held a reception on Monday night in Senator Bucking ham's, at Norwich. Prince Mohenznllern, it is staetd.has aecepted tho offer of the Spanish throne. The discussion of the fourth chapter of infallibility was ended on Aloud ay. Lord Granville says the Red Hiver expedition is a peaceful one, only designed de-signed o effect the transfer of the region to the crown. The Kansas P. U. R. bill is amend el by the senile to make its action conditional upon the completion of the road in 1878. Casseily, oi California, was the ora tor f i he Tammany celebration in New Yoik on .Monday. The bro hers Lei z, the absconding tobacconists of New York, weie arrested ar-rested on the arrival ol the st amer on which they sailed for Knglaud. A fire at Oil City, Pa , early yesterday yester-day morning burned seven frame buildings build-ings with a loss of nearly $30,000. Cincinnati celebrated the Fourth by the formal opening of Eden Park, with speeches, military display, public din ner and fire-works at n ght. The yachts Cambria and Dauntless started on their ocean race at v;.30 p.m. on .Monday, with a strong west by-north breeze. The Dauntless shot ahead for two miles, when the Cambria taeked with the wind and seemed to get ahead, the wind having chauged to south-west Betting active. Stewart, of Nevada, and Charles Sumner, had a nice time in the senate accusing each otiiet of political a post a-cy. a-cy. Sumner said Stewart was like Peter who denied his Master 'thrice; Stewart in'tinated that Sumner was another. Sumner wanted to make Jnhn Chinaman a man and a brother; Stewart would not atTee. |