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Show LOST On Sunday, June 26:h, Letween (he Tuwii-eiLd Hon e :i"n'VW alke" Bros, 'jA South et, a Jllaek Puse conta.nln ati.'Ut n ue dollars and Feveafy-nve cnnt. 'llie finder will plea-e leaye the MDie at Janic-. Dwyer'u, E. leiiiplo Bt., and be liberally rewarded. TO EXCURSIONIST. THE side-whet?! stonnur, Kato Connor, having l-cerj fhonnihly rnr Huled and lur-Dished lur-Dished with nRW ma h nery, will be chHrteed to exrurs.on pan. e' by the tiny, week or niun'h 8 ho will make nn exeurs.ou to Connii' on S.inday. July 'M, leuvinif Lake Side at 7 oVlock a. m., and an excurior; trorn Corinne down Bear Kiver u tho Lakf on the 4th of July. Apply to the captain, J. H. Howard, un board at L;tke Side, John 'un-n 'un-n ni:ton, Elephant titure, Suit Lake City, ur Dr. O. D. Cans, L'ormuo. FAMILY STORE STRINGFELLOW BROS., Main Street, optp. WooJinansee Bros. A choire stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac. j A LT LAKE HOUSE, i F. LITTLE, proprietor, Is open for the reception of gueata. GOOD ACCOMMODATION. GRIZZLIES ! GRIZZLIES! GRIZZLIES! 'Y one haring horses or cattle with broken limbs or killed by accident, can And ready sale lor them, if thoy are cleanly dressed, at the Salt Lake Menagerie. ICE, ICE, ICE ! SALT LAKE ICE COMPANY, ' Established Jan. 1, 1860. Ic del ire red dally In all parti of the eitj, is any quantity and at ratea to suit the times. A constant supply guaranteed. J. It. CLAAVSCXX, - - Agent Depot at " Clawgou's Ice Cream Saloon, ; . Flirt South St., where there in always a supply of Ice Cream, Straw berries, Summer Drinks, Cakes, and Candle of the best quality at the lowest rates. Townsend House, JAMES. TOWNSEND,1'. Proprietor First class accomuio.iationg. TIOK KILL. & EARL. FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailors, Constantly re leni-.li ith thu choi-re:t choi-re:t Cassimerc Testings, &c. ADPRES9: Slain Street, Ogden City. AND 1st South St.' Salt Lake City. CHAMPAGNE OX AUGHT t th Salt Lake Billiard Room. LO OK HEEE ! Choice Poultry, Rabbits, Vor itU '.J Importe.1 tn o-dr. 1 A few chjic EgK for tnl. Sovingr Machines Bought! sld, etcianed nd cli'iu'd. lluJf a fcl.h wtt cf tko poil oilier. JAMF-i THOMSON. HEAD ! HEAD! i; Zion's Oo-operatiT 90 MERCANTILE INSTITUT J R Johi J : ELDREDGE & CLAWSON BUILDINGS i Groceries, Hardware I D( - - .- - rin AT RETAIL! fro Thin Pepaitment is suj plicdllvrith an immense Stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries, Harcb w . ca 7oob, Atj'iculttiral Impbment', Queermctirt G'nssicare, Tint SO &tovs, litapers, Aloic-ers, llorse und bulky Raktt, j 1:1 And Oilier Machinery. Our Jisflortmftit includes a lan?e variety of articles not generally Wl stores, hence we are induced to offer them at retail to meet a public to which has been heretofore unfilled. We shall continue to supply t'ie hi trade at our u ual low prices, and an inspection of our stock cam " satisfy the close-t wholesale or retail buyer that it will be to their k make their purchases at the ' Grocery Department, Z. (J. M.I" II. B. CLAWSON,! A ' : : ' i : '- ! "u DINWOODSY'S UFHOLSTEBT ' . . AND. ' FURNITURE f!AHUFAGT'Y, Ut South Street, Salt Lake City. SAEE BOOMS, EAST TEMPLE STREET, A Lurge Assortment of. IIOllE-riTArE and IMPORTED FUKISITURE (Vinstnir lv ' ii .iind. rLAIX and On.AiiiL.NT L Always in Stock. NATIONAL, FL FOR LIBERTY POll' I c AND ! ( HOUSES CF EUS1 1 Military Flaf Rngimenta! and Company C. Infantry, Cavairj and Artij Knglish Bunhng aud oibur in. made to Older ty i The Pioneer Fins 1 James I'MIIi? Salesman at Zi u's Co of era'i''P MercsLtL tutiou. LUMBER FOE THE IILLI Ut h Lumber better and clu aper than sny imported. J. WIMIAM S & ( Arp pp'pared to fumi-h the inhabitants of Salt Lak City and with a Er-t cla.-s article of Lumber, cheaper than ever before offered to th;' Flavin? a larsre suup'y of every kind on hand and nur mill runmn; best grove ot'duibvrir Utah we will fui ui- h Lumber, at the following u!-' U. C. R. I. Depot: All kinds of Plank, Fcantlins. Joist. Flooring. Beam-, Rafters, Inch 1 and heotlllg, at $37 50 per thou and. First clafs Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at $42 50 per tk Parties requiring a bill for building will do well to give us a call, f. furnis'i a general bill of lumber cheaper than any other house in the lie ALL KLD.S OF PAY I AKEAT AT MARKKT RA' Eggs, Butter, Flour, or other productions of the farm. Also, Stocl ' kind, Sheep Cows, Work Cattle. Wagons, eic Store pay j at cash rates, or even casn itself not refused. SIf O GEES ClIEAl'ER T1IA3T EYl On good si-curity we will also give time on nart payment for large or-' We shall open a lumber yard iu Salt Like City in a lew days. All commuuications to be addressed for the present to Joshua Williams fc O y - Webor Station, U. P. B-' FOURTH OF JUL1 We have just rueeived a fine lot of French Parasols, purchased plain, fancy, brocado and beaded, in all the vaiious pleasing shades. AESO, A fewoftlio.se choice, large sized Perfumed TTandleJ Parasols. A"' Gingham and Cotton ditto, at low figures. -Ziou'ft Co-operative Mei-cantile Iiisii'. Retail Drv f J- JV-.Wi,.nf. V.naU v |