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Show Jewelry. In another column will be found the advertisement of Messrs ritcomb & Williams, of 40, Montgomery Mont-gomery street, San Francisco. Thi.-firm Thi.-firm are extensive manufacturers, importers im-porters and wholesale dealers in wa'ches, d amends and every description descrip-tion of jewelry, as also silver and silver-p'ated silver-p'ated ware. They are agents for the "llowjrd," "Elg n,'.' "American" and otherce eb atel watches. These gentle-cu gentle-cu n are lar:e dealers in their line, and are prepared to do any amount of busi-neswith busi-neswith our own and tho neighboring Territories. They have already sold quite an amount of goods to one of the large houses in our city, which we understand under-stand gave entire satisfaction. Parties ordering from this house can rely or getting just the kind of goods they rder. It is a great point in ordering jewelry, to know that you are dealing vvith honorable men ; such we esteem .Messrs. Titcomb k Williams. |