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Show f -fc- THE NEW CONFIRMATIONS. The telegraph , yesterday . brought intelligence that the Senate had con-' con-' firmed ' George L. Woods Governor of Utah, and G eorge A- Black Secretary. Much is said about the new Governor, hi abilities, and fitness for the -office. Acting on a rule that it is good policy to know more of a man than minor conveys, before going into ecstasies-over ecstasies-over him, our opinion of Governor Woods must be suspended until we be couie better acquainted with him. j But, in this matter of appointments there seems a great wrong , committed ou private individuals. That a man should move his family ay a - couple of thousand miles for the slight tenure of a few months" office, is a wrong on him, which cannot but be lamented, however difficult it may he to avoid it. Governor Taughan arrived in" this Territory last summer, bringing his iamily with him. He ' cftme hero by Government appointment as Secretary of the Territory. Subsequently j he was appointed Governor. To-day both these offices are rilled by other men. It has .been saiej that Governor Vaughan resigned; and if so. it may probably have been because ; ol the pressure that was used from; so many quarters to push somebody else into office. . But be that as it may, this thing of shoving men into place at the expense of others who are , in, simply to cratify politicians, is none the less an vil. -. j The idea entertained in some quarters, quar-ters, that Governor Vaughan would, by the very fact of his name not having hav-ing been sent to the Senate for Gov-nor, Gov-nor, be still the Secretary, was settled some time ago by that body when the question of Admiral Porter's' confirmation confirma-tion was under discussion. ' ' . |