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Show NV.'ADVBTISE81NTS. TITCOMiT it WILLMIS, Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dcaterd in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PUTED WARE Also Azente for the eclcbrate-i Hoicard, Elgin and American Watdis9 240 Montgomery, 9.E. cor. Pine, l"p Suirs, Situ Francisco, CI All orders from the Territories pronjptly lilled. ft MUaPHY,GRANUliO. ImpurUTS ui' American and European j ' Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, CAL'IKOIIMA, Be,: to call lUc attenti"!! ot tiieTrnde t their i U;g? nti vnru J in-ck. roiufriMDg couipieu liue ol ihe in -uou- : SILK c , lllark. t utored mill Kant ) . VELVETS, nDfOQ TITHC! Frr...li.V.tii;ll.li UilLiO tUJlvd, niid (. rrmnu. H3SIERY, KID cLtvrs, GENTS' FUNISfl'G GOODS, CORSETS, WHITE GOODS, QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, s.'L'"Vt'V.'::: SHIRTING HOUSEKEEPING HOUSEKEEP-ING LINEN. SHAWLS Larr' 1 n-i""'". PnTTflWi ISNnrliril ami 1 1 1 n u n, UUIILlMJ, of nil klull.. COTTONADES, K'Y JEANS, CASSIMERES, FLANLS,""r",",;,;.,.",""",i-BLANKETS, FLANLS,""r",",;,;.,.",""",i-BLANKETS, Which tlt'y t.jjrr rn Lihrmf Tom. ICE! ICC! ICE! SALT LAHK 11 K (IDII'tSl, Ettl,li!th'd Jnn. 1, Y"t)t Ice "leliverril il ni I y in all l-rl" nf Ibr, rity. in uny 'i u. in lily, at rtu to nuit tho 1 1 m -. J. n. CLAwsox, Acnxr. m.ro r a l CIawon' lo Cream Saloon, Tli oman I.H'iujor, w. . K'-Ii,ai. ch.va(;i: or rut ai. Xliu l'liniiiK .Mill, Su-li uii-1 i...,r Vue- '-ij'.inr, homhyc., Will U'-rc:.!t.-r l, ir j uii'l'r Ilio tirm u:iiu'i ot L.1TDIER, TAYLOR & CO. SASH Uj' r"'''9 V "n ' mnrlit tu UJUnO .1 p. Ur,i ftur u.M.r-. ,.,iy . Ili -k tit-e, fli.'j ur kiii'l, )ur- IJIlUJ'l t'l Dpi IT. WINDOW,,, ..,,,. ,,. FRAMES ' FRAMES 1 BLINDS Sh,ti.,iM.ry r..l I , .K ..lii. MGULD1FJGS r!i:::,;.li!:;::;i:' JOIUHU t.,, lllMl B11, worked U uil.,r. LUIVISERM::;:;!;1:::;,,:;:,,: 'I' IIU'I ..l.v. Planer and Circular Saws It 'iru llitf li 1 1 llir 1 im". I M i A I S (; I) I M il M TS l V tlij-l(( '1 on . In., t jiolii'i-. !. M.. ."' ill, or ii Mi i li , r;ii. r t'l llo . ; ''' t.A'l IM1-.II, TA Vr.OK . t ., I lJ' l ii" l.lin-lt ""cut M l'nl"i niu lo I ""AMUSEMENTS. GREAT . ATTRACTION! In comijlij.nce with the gcucrul dtiire off those who were uuablu to attend lust outui- j day evening, on uot. it iWa;lult;,lu" I the weather, will be rejcatek I-.t I POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME, j ON - Saturday Evening, Feb. 4 . Tlo T--if nini. Pi -if f-nii(l. Til i: i LOST SHIP! To oiii lu.lo wiih tl . laiibnl'li-l-'arc.'. i-ulill.-.l TIIK ' ! SPEfRE JRIDEGROOM! Will soon be iTO.lured, the frron i Sieot:iculnr rrniu:i. entitled Till. ICE V I T ( I I. ! Or. tUf Pio.fn Ilnnd, Whioh )a-l)OL-n in active ircparat ion war iwo month?. Lonely -.-Man of the Ocean! MUSEUM MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Young's Kesidonco. JOHN AV. VOU-XG, - Vi ov Native Beasts, Birds au:l llepttles Wolverinei, Beur!. Foxes, ountain Deer, Lynx. Wild Cats. io. Important collection of Native Mineral?; Admission, SO cts. Children, 10 " Open every day except Sunday, from y a.m. to 5 p.m. Feeding Time, 3 it. iu. J. L. BARFOOT, .Manager. idsilB liO ! 1 N K CARPETS till; SPRING FURNISHING! Retail Department j Wo m.. H'.;i.!itim t purcl.!i-'.-r? thitt wo nro j'r i:tr"l t- -:!Vr ?poci:il inJu(.--I rnnnt-. A iv.o h cun -f tho r.pwp-t I tyli of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, A I K;iK-i ii I'riffs DI TCH CAIU'K'J'. lOf. lVr Vanl. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. IKI liian.s nu t CKl'MU CI. iTHS Sheetings and Quilts. OltM(l M I.V(K niti n. 'iinp.. l-'i i ii -." rui'l ('ui'I. GHIEI3N' II A.tZIL ( 'in irft Xliiilc iiml l.aiil i t It Chit. II. II. U.AW'MiN, ,s, ri. COAL ! COAL ! ("A I. in any i). -irr.J .it;tn( H v. l-.r .!( t J ll ('.'. nr dWiwrrd in miy I'rt t the ci'- Or.iiTP li . .f- H tli'""-..l'pr.(ivo Irnir St. tp. r at 11. Kirkw..dV. t.t H (.Kdlll.l. ( lll"H(... ADMIMSTH T()H;N XILK. I N l' IISI ANCi; f , ,T i.,., r,.iu I III. I'rr.l.Mto I'.'lirl ol ill l.ul.!. C""inl. Ilio UM.. r.ii,ii.'l A.lliiini-lnilor. "I III"' f t lie ol An rw Cim ui I .In "f S .11 l'-"k" Ci y 'ln.ni r.l. mil ill.il I'ul.li," Salt', on (Im 1 1 li ,r . f lit liniy nrl. I.i' tw.. n I ho hour, ol l"l nil. I I ' ii. in. ol .a nl ihiv. ill llir noiilli In, ui ,l,, ,, i, l ',ni Hon.... mr-ill loiko tilv, nil Ilio .r....ly I.. I.'imni : o .ni'l l,.lntn, i",iini.iiiK ul .'I hi r i. ol "iirui no: liiii'l r ,,r 1,...', Kit ilikl u ill Tint I' lllook. la in,, i::. f(. I,. Cilv Mirvi V .i . ni u a i k ii'ii.Ii iin in Im or nl I li'iil'i Hi Mi in. r r..i -J I7.V '. .Iiiio.l N..ioiil...r .'n.l. 1--7. li.'.'riiiir livu )l(,r nrnl. r".r luoiilli ihlorr-l III) pill. I. .1. A I I NNINHIIA.M, .lull N I I,. Mi U. .lA.MDI I III'.. TO PRJ -EMPTORS. o ,,r nun prfi-wnd to furnipli Am i iiKui ul KjwhI Srrlpt V'T llm I'li'niioii ..I tl'n. ni'iTiil I.tind fc i-'T initrier H'wti'in. HMU'l-.U, i.jm)l'l A i 'OJ "It J.itUn ;oy. ,,Vt :u H.-n. .ii i READ THIS! SEWING MACHINE In nil tlio beautiful vnriotio. MM EE SEF5 BY tVERYBOBY I Contemp'ftting the purchase of ri i . Jlachino for family or other use. " , j At our newly-fitted np Saltiuuui, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between ihe Drug and Clo-thing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will he found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWLN'G MACHINE to commend It to the public, as the following JfcT SZ 55. show: In lyJ thecc now celebrated Machines were Crt ofiercd to the public and in the four years succeeding 4.wjO were cold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned 'ut frnm the factory, and yet this immense Eup-Ily Eup-Ily io nor e-"iu;il to the demand. At the end o: the year 1j7, uiward of 2 0.0 Machine were to;d. und in the then f-'II-jwi;:? years, from to '7u, the number had been increasta to upward ot 500,000 j mac ii inks soj.d, j One third of which were dipoed of wit 111 11 t he precedi 11 I twelve months. j r'riu the f-rec -in? it will be i-n tlmt dur-' dur-' inr ibe l.-t three year?, tlie caK-- huve oeen j upwiiT'l ot tiny jcr tut luore tljun duriug the whole of iho .-evciiteen reviou- ye ir?, THE PEOPLE'S VER3ICT,' after a score of year thorough trial Is that the j SEVIKG MACHINE i tvUi'ted to all kind? of work, "cwinn bjs rcn-liiy ibe tiii.'keit snd iu'.'t itubburn ma- , ti r i.il . ili p :. ut' an 1 mo-1 1 loli. :.ie l.r.nfi; wiih a tutch. iht fur e-m . i-crlcciK'D i ai.J tlufj'jilil) is unin illei. ! Ao.h.m 'i-ir,; (.n.'ii M.r. iiire .-.re printed tructi-jii-. uj pi.tin sti", e i-t ! cm pr Dvu-nun Dvu-nun lij.it, IiL"'jt we rc"iiiiiic:i J cni..:u-cr cni..:u-cr l'i ukc at ! -i; one U-q .r ,u the tj-tnil'ir, tj-tnil'ir, H it fvlilo:ri d H'' piir." iLtr- cr-'.v.g t a glance the iiu i1 i..uy ol th Ms hiLe arid cuiupicter.c i-l :ue ct-n-truj . ;on. 'Uje ot the AD rANTA(rES HI THE SINGER MACHINES AUK Simplu'iir of r--n!fu- ( i-'ii ! iirrr. rr (.; JUuihly to 01 rut "1 irj iir. sfmrf, .tr ii,-',- nr. V.-l. ijV- io l-md. brrak or kip the ftii. h. T!i fhtit'lo i rirrie i: ';'.. :.,-n. i.r nnd tlis r-r-iiiy .f crra-iPk- th r.ip arthiir av-ndc-i. Itrj.linr'i iih w h i !i th. n. ( irrxijr-iened irrxijr-iened can a.ltut the trn-i- n of 1 nc thread. FrpcT'm from wsr. A':cr twenty ypar? boon known lo wear onl. Thej are nniHp r.ipi 1 .m l r-y in nil I thrir movement. All i-tjr m-T-li inc.- .ire a uu.-t. i si "1 put in tli.iriiuch runiiine I'nirr.y r o t. .r t r n t h.tndf, l:.ri .Liu cry. I'urfhwcrj h.rrl-uo have ni iron hlf. t.ut can nci-v luliy operate with thrui at t'lu'p. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE -M C II I X K Sj srr tlcr-'U.My pr.i.-i and will perforin all ' that wceliui for them. ! J'hc ImpnnJ MANUFACTURINQ MACHINES I" r Iiohvjt n.-rk. are too well known tu need f mniPiit. W ttl-o keep iu flook tho MANUFACTURING MACHI NES Uwr H".'k ol t he ifiL.-" Se irnt M :v hines i vrry p, uiIt.i iut rtT,v anetv 1 timh. Iroiu (ho phun M---hinc, uiosm'.l un bUt k w tlinit (.i hie. oi'rd. to tho el. bar- ' itif! .fn r Ird M a.-hiiie. it n t bin i f c.fiij f l.Hnii o 'V.T in ni"t t lr.1 b'ai-k w.i nut, rt'.-e, wi-d. or in iltohmif hichiy poli-ln-d. Kry ,M.t. liii' i lirntrhi ilU the mil omii plot e t ui ii il ii re, i no I u-l t nt urw hein- iner tewinf all width) mid feller and braider. brai-der. Wr icitnMiitcc our .ttiti lititra to do II r in ml ntf, all w M t h b'r I II ngi II r ttt (IttliliiHi llralillMKI 1l'Ktv Huntingi K in liroltlcrl UK (iiu i' Ii m I it at It i h tint Iter! iin; and ftvwItiH " aCsanta f I tttr,w(( h or without a Imml, on tli rd(c or I ti the it ntrri t unlluK1'uv W iK( I ! ft l Trimming) 111 mil n all iv IOt Im and U win, c I e r I v., cl r. WE DELIVER MACHINES IIVAnii Ad.litioiud ( Vi.n-jr I'o At. I. PAH I S (IK THIN I irv AH kimln ul' St'Wiu.i; Ui'biuu.H lliiiniiu:lily lit'pnin il mi Hon-i...inii" Hon-i...inii" Titiim. Koiiii'iiiloT tha .Miiuiin.itli SHEER CTl MACHINES Tv Hum oitli .f ihr Kik1 Kiii-nrlnm. Kiii-nrlnm. i nl II. U. CfiAWSON'. Hnpi. I T. W. TAYLOR . . Have Jut Kcccived a lot ol' Dobbin's Electric A.'Ii . . Toilet Soaps! flfcr". O J .'5S.. U WSZ C-3 'W J. B- . DUNFORD&-SONS ' Have Just lieceived a Large aud A'aried Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' A.D CHH.DREX'S SHOES In c-vCTy Style arid at prices that cannot fail to suit. AL-0 -V LARGE A-SORTMEST ST OJent' :iul Youths' Hoots and Shoes. We would aUo call attention to our Lartre and Vasbionable Stock of Men's. Boys' and Cbildren'a Wear, all of whicb we will sell at RAILROAD' TIMES PRICES ! j-'l Give XJe tx Call. . w WELLS, FARGO'3 IS NEAR w 1 - . o o O o V S! SS3NISna JO .yiNBO 3MJ I CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OF "N"Ii:A" YORK. JVSTl'S LAWRETE, PrwidcnL J. P. HOG E IIS, becretarv. JL B. WY'K0uP, Vice-Prteident. S. C.CUANDLER, Jr., Actuary. i n n ' 2 " s ?yii s -. S p ; . 1S s S I S A - " 5 E 2- rs 3 C . 2 x r p g- o A y I c - trt o r- aL" v'l ' J-- oo m 2 i - IssiJ -3 " S CO j. f Pui The finite Profit of the Company arc dlitrilatcd auaually atiions the Policy Holders, upi.n the contribution plan. All Polic ies A on-foi leilalilo, according to tha expressed terms cob- tained iu each l'olicy. Mo Extra Premium for travel or forciQ reidvuce. Thirty lav prace allowed on the payment of premium?, and the policy held cxxl dunnc that time. Policies I nroiitet ible for the cu-t.iuiary rca.n?. j Krotioiiiy in .'Maiiaceiii"iit. Only one other New York company .-howing as low a rate of expenses to income. Carelul selection of if t isks. ns indicate hy the exceedingly smail mortality of its mcniKrs. ... Polity Holders liaio a oice in tlie Elections and Mmafrenieut of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions, noktuvl;:sti:kx dkpakt.mkni ; I Ol'i'lCK, No. L cALLK SIKKKT, CUICAGO- . r. j.ocKwovn, - - - .va.yagkr .1. li. DAVIS. SWT. OF -AliKXCIL'S JOHN D . u i A I B E N , General Asent for UtaL HKIUK AT WOIUIMAXSKE liUOS. SALT L.AKK CITY. IKI'H'.1. IXAMIM KS : V. 1'. ANDV.KSDN. M.l. 1 ". IV 1 I'.N I'.T") 1 C'l', M. V. A'AiW( .l.'"'!.'." IKl i.Vf (Ailu yinl.' tin Ttrritcry. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, EI.PHEIXiE ( l.AV.s( jU'U.IlA(S. You can f i ii.l ul this lVparlii'cnt of . 0. M. 1. x bettor LAMPS, CROCKERY,' HARDWARE, STOVES, MIMMJ TOOLS, HI-ASTLXO TOWPtK. Maple aittl faticy tiroc'crins l'', And Ciil Get More for your Money and Orders trun you can at any other House in Utah. n. u. i.awmi, |