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Show SELECTED. The Census. The census officers will be at work now obtaining the necessary ne-cessary information to make their returns, re-turns, and the following from the Reese River ReV'ille gives as plain and as brief a statement of the information required as we have seen : The people can greatly facilitate the labor of the census-taker by having their statistics in readiness when he appears. Farmers, especially, who may be distanc in their fields at work, would expedite the census report by figuring up their products and leaving them at the house in readiness for the marshal. The information lequired should be given for the year ending iMay 31, 1870., These are questions which will be asked: Name of every person; sex. -Profession, occupation or trade. Value of real estate; personal estate. Place of birth. Father of foreign birth. Mother of foreign birth. Married within the year. Attended school within the year. Persons who can't read and write. Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, in-sane, idiotic, pauper or convict. Male citizens of the United States twenty one years of age and upward. Male citizens ot the United States twenty one years of age and upward, whose right to vote is denied or abridged abridg-ed on o her grounds than rebellion or other crime. Acres of land improved. Acres of land unimproved. Value ot farming implements and machinery. Horses, mules and asses, working oxen, milch cows and other cattle, sheep and swine. Value of live stock. Value of animals slaughtered during the year. heat raised diirin? the year. Rye raised during the year. Indian corn raised during the year. Oats raised during the year. Tobacco, pounds of; wool Beans and peas, bustiels of. Bucawheut, barley, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes. 1 Wine, gallons of. Value of products of market goods. Butter, pounds of; cheese. Hay, tons of Clover seed, bushels of. Other grass seeds. Hops, pounds ot; hemp, flax. Flax seed, bushels of. Maple sugar, pounds of. Molasses, gallons of. Honey and beeswax, pounds ofT Value of home manufactures. Name of corporations, company or individual producing articles to the annual an-nual value of $500. Name of business; capital invested; kind of motive power used. If steam or water, number of horse power, name of machines. N umber of machines. Males over sixteen years employed. Females above fifteen years employed. em-ployed. Children and youth employed. Amount paid in wages during the year. Number of months in active operation opera-tion during the year. Kinds of material used. Quantities of material used. alues of production. Names of i ersons died during the year, age; sex; color; married or widower; wid-ower; place of birth. Father of foreign birth. Mother of foreign bin h. Month in which person died. Profession, occupati n or trade. Reason or cause of death. |