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Show TELEGRAMS. LIGHTNING FLASHES. The San Francisco supervisors have declared the result of the late election in favor of the railroad company a great fraud. The new Australian steamship line, for direct communication between San Franci.-co and Sidney, time twenty one days, will commence running July 10. Petitions have been forwarded, with I ten thousand signatures, asking con- gress to aid a railroad from San Francisco Fran-cisco to San Diego. The English commons were asked, on Tuesday night, to appoint a commission com-mission to revi-e the bible. Gladstone thought it should be left to the ecclesiastical eccle-siastical authorities. The lilliputian steamer City of Ra-gusa Ra-gusa was washed ashore on the Irish coast, but will be repaired soon to start again for New York. The French deputies of the "left" will not oppose the construction of the St Gothard railroad, and will request the French government to take an in terest in it. The St. Gothard railroad is a joint undertaking of Prussia, Baden, Swit zeriand and Bavaria. Calah Cashing had nothing to do w:th the president's Cuban messairp, and no one out-ide the executive department de-partment knew of its existence until it was submitted to the cabinet. Commodore Gleason is to command the Pacific fleet rear admiral Lee the north Atlantic fleet, and Comndore tlenneek takes charge of the Portsmouth Ports-mouth navy yard . Classerly has introduced a bill into the -enate limiting the Northern Pacific K. R. in the issue of bonds. A. bill is introduced in congress authorizing au-thorizing the construction of a rail road from Marshall, Texas, to fciari Diego, California. The House has passed the bill to confirm tne title of Mrs. Parker to two islands in the Pacific, discovered by her late husband. Inquiry is to be made concerning the amount drawn from the treasury for the national asylum for disabled volunteer vol-unteer soldiers, and its expenditure. The currency bill has passed, striking out the clause tor the cancellation of greenbacks. It authorizes the issue of an additional ninety-five millions currency. The Cuban question was discussed in the liou.-e on eduesday for several sever-al hours without aetiou. The senate has passed the pension bill. The bill authorizing the establishment establish-ment of an ocean mail steam ship service ser-vice between San Francisco and Australia Austra-lia is reported from the Senate Com inittee o i Commerce. Proposals will be received for thirty days ; subsidy for twelve round voyages per year ha'f a million. Thos. I. Elliott, ex-congressman, died at New Bedford on Tuesday. Governor Holden, of North Caro- Una, has called for the enrollment of a regiment from each military division in the state, for active service. The fare from New York to Sacramento Sacra-mento and San Francisco is reduced to i?i:;ii. The fir-t English mail from Austra-I Austra-I lia via San Francisco was forwarded I from New York to Europe on Wednesday. Wednes-day. The overdue ITenry Ghauneey is is suppo.-'-d to be waiting at Aspinwall for the Coiisti: ution. President Grant has received a dispatch dis-patch from Minister Motley relative to the persecution of christian converts in Japan. Sitzel, the defaulting tobacconist is traced to Toronto, and is supposed to have gone to Europe. The creditors credit-ors expi-et to realize S -10. 000 from the furniture of the senior member of the firm. The Beethoven festival was well attended at-tended on Wednesday. President Grant will be preseut to-day. A ministerial crisis is expected in Belgium. The directors of the Monarch insurance insu-rance company, that failed in London some time ago, are committed for trial for fraud. Dispatches from Rome leave no doubt that the infallibility dogma has been adopted, including the anathema. anath-ema. Dean Stanley preached a ser.non in Westminster Abbey last Sund.ay on Dickens. The iron trade of England Fas been unusually active since the Cz.ar and king of Prussia met at Ems to arrange the marriage of a Russian prince and Piusian princess. Mrs. Crown Prince of Prussia has another daughter. |