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Show GENERAL. Tlit Ctn"". Washington. 2 Owinj ti the defects de-fects in the law for taking ihe census, and neeiect or fraud on the J art of some of the assistant marshals, returns from sonic .States are still itx-omplete. General Walker has long doubted the accuracy of former enumerations, especially es-pecially in the south : and he now convinced that very little dcndcnce can be placed on the returns ot Jv,o and Is''", from those pan; of the country. coun-try. There is great need of traveling acents to oversee the work, and by their watchfulness incite aiarshals and their as-i-tant. to do theis work faithfully. faith-fully. Manv valuable statistics might alo" have been gathered by such agents, which are now W. The law, how-ever, how-ever, made no provision fur their appointment. ap-pointment. Wherever frauis i discovered, dis-covered, new enumerations have been made, and in several cases thov ruilty ' of niakin; !''-? returrs have W-cn ar-i ar-i rested. I Mnnltlnu. for Fr. ' New York. The new steamship ! ;,',. Ivin' at r.'T. North Kiv-r. ! tor six'dav. pa-t. ha- reived a larce i invoice of mi.i arms and other muni-. muni-. ' t'on- of war. 'mended f.r Frani-e. M,e l-.a n-w on l-ard !.-' KnS.-H l muzle loading mtiskets: rrt of h'-se 'were oltain-d fr-m t:ie I n.tfd Nates Government a: a rti"-" --r.. She , 'Itor-v-eire 1 ...' m . and w:.l rr.-.l-' ! ai.U- c ar fp-m th: TP either to day 1 or ' Jl'-r.da . Her cr'W. tumrr.: t aNi-it a hundred roen. ftr' ail on hoard: and though they have not yet signed articles and are not sure as to theii destination, they expect to reach some part of FraDce by way of Cowes, England. Eng-land. The ErU is evidently ready lor sea; her fires are banked and her supplies sup-plies on board. The vessel is owned in Boston, but chartered in New York, through Vernon S. Brown, agent, at the price for two months' service, of 12u,iai in gold. The North German CodsuI General stated last evening that he had not heard of the Eric's loading with arms, and that if he had he would not have informed his government. gov-ernment. He said he had officially reported re-ported the sailing of other vessels with amis for France, and had received instructions in-structions not to concern himself in the matter, because there was no law among the nations to prevent such shipments. New Atlantic (khlr Company. The Tribune learns that he American Ameri-can Atinstic Telegraph Cable company, chartered by our State in Sii, and by act of Congress in lx"7. has be-n re organized by the choice of A. F. Wil-marth. Wil-marth. of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph company, for president : and having procured from Holland and Russia the necessaiy concessions, which they were disappointed in not obtaining obtain-ing from France, they now possess all the privileges they require in either hemisphere, and expect to lay their first cable across the Atlantic during the ensuing summer, making New York its American landing. They purpose to remain wholly independent of all other Atlantic telegraph companies compa-nies ; but they mean to extend their line to Russia at ao early day. and to be ultimately connected with the tele-craphie tele-craphie system of that country, and through that with China. Germany- wnni a Wrt Iaflla Islautl The TriLiinr's Washington special says, diplomatic circles are excited just now by a curious rumor relating to the reported efforts of the Prussian gov- umi-i'i iu s-iuii- a juuiuuiu in toe West Indies. It is stated that a Prussian Prus-sian agent visited President Bacz and San DomiDgo some months ago, and informally offered to take the reversion of our annexation scheme, purchase the territary of San Domingo, and transfer all to German eon.rol. Such a rumor reached here from Havana at the time, but was generally discredited. discredi-ted. It is now reported that Bismarck has made a proposition through Bancroft Ban-croft to this government, that Prussia shall be allowed to negotiate for a coal ing and naval station, either in San Domingo or some other of the West India Islands, without opposition from the United States; this government to receive the support of North Germany Ger-many in the Mediterranean. The foregoing statement is given as rumor, but it is positively declared that its truth will be established. Another An-other phase of the report is, that the Germans intend attacking the French West Indian colonies, if they find our government at all inclined to listen to their acquiring such territory by transfer trans-fer or conquest. South A mt-rl-Hii XtM-M. New York, The ArLona arrived ar-rived to-day from Aspiuwall on the 18th. The news is generally meagre. S.b.Cbt'h)ff-S J'pj-U dat. tn tl ot,k sented. and for the first time in the history of Peru there was a surplus in the treasury. Business was looking up, and the condition of affairs was everywhere satisfactory. There was some yellow fever at Lima, t wing to the presence of German ships at the ports of Peru, and the expected arrival of French cruisers, President Bolta had issued a neutrality proclamation A new Dalian line of steamers has been established between Beunos Ayres, Valparaiso and Callao. The cattle disease wjs prevalent in Chili and Pern. French cruisers had cap tured some German vessels near al-paraiso. al-paraiso. Troubles with the Indians had ceased in Chili. The new mines at Caracole are certain to be fabulously rich and preparations were being made to work them. Bolivia was quiet. The Congress had adjourned. San Fraucico (wn. San Francisco. IT.. A vessel showing show-ing signals of distress and firing guns was observed off the point of San Pedro, fifteen miles south of the Golden Gold-en Gate yesterday. It was blowing a gale at the time anil no ussistance could le rendered. Sho is supposed to have been a French bark. V tug has gone in search. The A'""' Arthur, from Icith. reports re-ports a fire on September 2"th. They were compelled to break cargo and throw overboard their coal to extinguish ex-tinguish the flames. bai.r.1 ly t In Frini li. Baltimore. lY.. The steaming B'd-tim"n, B'd-tim"n, from Bremen, Nov. '.ith, arrived ar-rived at this port this morning. Gap- uin Verker reports that in the iNorth sea he passed through a fleet of fourteen four-teen French men-of-war. One of them gave chase and pursued the Baltimore several hours, but the latter, being a faster vessel. n left the Frenchman far astern. The Jinll'n)u,rr came around the north-east of Scotland. Sflinrt at an American 8hl. Kastport. Me.. Jo. The schoaner Wln'tr t'dirn. of ' lou-t( T, was seu-d yesterday by the Poniitron government cutler, il'uf.r .iV and taken to St Johns, N. B. The crew arrived here this morning. Ktlltar UraH. Con curl, N. II . -"'.-The I'.rr. B. P. Stone. D.D., died suddenly of heart di.e.u-e rarly this morning. He was formerly editor of the Cn,qr,ssv,nnl .lo.irtKil, and more recently he edited the Christian A'V' (T. Canadian Railroad. U;i'bec. '-'". The government of (,i'ie!'ec has deTd to grant ;;.' ''; acres f.f land, to aid in the cn-truc-tr .nuf'a raiip.ad. alon? the nrth 'hore 'if the Pi. lwren'-". rnrm"'-titig ' ,'uc 1--C with Montreal. o Kiln ' Su Lotis. I'". -TV.- p -p-rt that th-Govem.r th-Govem.r i- a'out to "1 an H'ra e--ion of the JygWatur- i- atrh'Ti'v tivi-iy denied. Marn.rrrft I ,pl.ir.il. .Il,n Arm.-tr.-i.g and Char.': .JV.'v. the ri.urd'r. r of ihe lupine lami.y, near J'oK' recently, hnv to cultured cul-tured and ooriUcA ia jail. |