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Show t vou want a No. 1 Suit u m M-Karl. M-Karl. Second South street. Fi.se Ebk-sU Honkt iu the couib, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv NoTR'K TO KVKRVHODV. J f the public generally, knew how good, cheap and substantial a Lunch can be h id in Goddard's Basement, friend f.leorge would soon have to enlarge his accommodations. Already, his beefsteak beef-steak pies 1 ) cents each, and plate of soup with bread for '! cents, are fast gaining in public favor, as may be seen by the ocoisional rush there is after them. adv. Wantkij t Kent A small house of two or three- rooms not far from Main street. Ini(uiie at this office. adv 1'AIUS Is fTARVINO, the Prussians say. Golightly fe Harris, though, keep the Globe well supplied with the finest broad, erackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture the choicest quality of puro candies. Try them. adv A ' Nkst Stock Of the finest brands of cigars, tobaccos, pipes, pipe-stems, pipe-stems, Walking canes and notions generally for gentlemen, bought personally per-sonally in San Francisco, and lor sale by rid. Harris. adv Proclamation to the IYhi.ic. I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, Proclama-tion, to the traveling public : Parties visiiing Salt Like Oil v and going east ou the l .P.K.li.. will" find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the eveuiug train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a pood night's rest. a,-l 0 j,0 fresh for travel at S o'clock a.m., when tho daily express train leaves this dV-pot. dV-pot. At the Ogden Iljuse we offer as ood accommodations as any house west of Omaha, l-'reo busses n, ovorT irain to ind from (he depot, adv John Mahon, Proprietor. Go for Him. George Chandler, determined to continue to please the public as he has done heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. '2, right hand, entrance of Meat Market, Mar-ket, adv. Matches. The Great Western' matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-tenburg Lech-tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the 19th ward co-operative store. adv. Winter is Coming on. As that is the season of festivity you should buy your watches, jewelry, clocks and toys, at Call C. Asmussen's new jewelry jew-elry and toy store, East Temple sirect. adv ' AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE CHANGE OF TIMK. . D',or oj,.-n a; 7: Perf"rican.-e to commence ar 7:.. I GLORIOUS ATTRACTION ! THRILLING KELO-DRAMA Wednesday Ev:g. Nov. 30th. Wtfl be presented the farriTe Melodrama f in three act-, entitled THE CUNMAKER MOSCOW! To cDc-lude with tho Laughnble r - I enfitJf--! J THE ARTFUL DODGER In aL-tire preparation, tbe 'reat X;.utital and t' n.-jiticn:tl Dr;im:i. entitled Tin: LO-T HIT 1 1. Will shortly appear, Mr. aud Miss Conldock, supported by the Langrishe Dramatic (ompan y. MUSEUM IENMERIE. i HhH' :i bluvk we.-t r( President Y'rinir'e Ke-idence. OHA Y. YOt' ACj, Kq., Prop. itlve Bt-a.sts, Blrdn and Reptiles, lverine., Eear, Foxe?, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Cats, Ac- Lortunt collection of Native Minerals; mission, 50 cts. Mldren, lO u pen every day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tdins Time, 3 p. m. J. L. BAKFOOT, Manager. Paso havfia:. Only 300 Cliaiitf,, at )ie Dollar Each. ?ei-n and a half octave Pin coft &-X;mine tho instrument and buy yunr I tickets lor the KafHe at MRS. COLKBROOK'S. H0TELCO0KING STOVES So. 12 Complete, 1 FiirS;iIcat IJiisrlt Uoflinun's, V8lte Snlt Lnke Hone. Main St. 'Ios;rapl OUioes AKK NOW OPKS AT Pl CKKEK, Salt Lako County, LK and PLEASANT GKOVE, Utah County. A. M. Ml l-SBIt. MKltKILIi A' , GONiSSION MERCHANTS i.d29 Callfritlm St., gnu F.c,9cei . . California. l'artk atttntinii paul to the fillinr of orders fvery JeEcriplion wt aierckundiso, r of Ortl, , ic- CITY QUOR STORE, ?onrftantl.v ou hand, AVholue and Retail, nice Imported LIQUOR AND WINES, lowest Riitp. G ROKSBlK'g BVlLDlSt.S-:n!'rliipli- Street. IN I'.AVl-t' KALKUK. J OH A I VA: SOS OGl)F.(iXATIOX. Keep for saIp thirling neTvppaper.-' and poriodical. part? of the country. St'-reocMpie iewsmnuntain cenory and oliiect-of intciP't tiie tireat transcontinental transconti-nental railw -. lh"r-l,hs of 'dinz mra, Stati-mery, Fruit. Cij,.?, Ac, Ac THF, SALT LAK,AiLY HERALD Ctn always bo had Jle-srs. Lot'3 ?tand. Produce Lpartm't, z. c. VL I. Kxtram.- WEST :i) EMPORIUM B ILDIMiS. orrofitc .( Market. j j Vc iire ctMistnntly Buv ( and SeiiiuK Hides, Wheal Barley, : Oats, I Onios, j i Potatoes, Butte. Eggs, i j AD ALI. KlJiDSOrPODVCS, ; Kor which the His'iio-l Hkct Price will bo pail-:. I H. B. (LiWMI, up-t. ISANDWICH ISLANDiUbAR. Ju-t r'":eii. dirT! fr.'rs :r -,r Pn:a-1 Pn:a-1 1 1 o n . a p p 1 y t Raw Susar, Put Hp n 1 -nMe- -. w :. i-,r.w 'ellinc . 'f ''t : 'v. -in j it y 1 i 11)1 li .u (C0-0PRAT1VEST0RE. I a if) Supply Ri.-iurt Ktery H o n 1 h . Lumber ! Lumber ! ! I no now prepared I fnrnifh LUMBER! j On reasonable terms For I". P. R. R. ar V. C. R. R. Pajr. JOSEPH A. VOl NO. TOX80RIAL! It eon want Fashionable aid Skilltnl i I UNCLE BOB KUSSELLS Wio hnr nspciitisi with him -Mr. Jl'Lll'S ; AGER, altheo . it d un Seeded on:h ' S:rer-t ti ir Irey-'rp. Shsvics, Sha-n;- , inj Dd all kin Is of Hir Wrk. iroai s rir to . wif. done in imanocr wsrrfintC'i to s e TELEGRAPHIC! Herea::c-r tV"C DESERET TELEGRAPH CC, Will en arcs let TWENTY CENT.i On nifs?irw of Ten worvls or u-.-.j. l.twe,.i( SALT LAKK CITT A.D Of.DkS An i TW'.i CEXTS l". r f.ic'a sJJ-ii.ni! worj A. MILTOX Jlt'SSKR, Snpl. Colloimood Jliuc. Coi;oEtT(v0d Can- t nbon.d i-arc-ha m t'pt Hay Press, Which I bare t. r saio CKKA1. B. F. KX OWL TON. .N .:-..-:eln:b u ar l, Orl.. !. lill.LS. li, , F: ir.-i-t A C -back. T. a W. TAYLOR EAST TEMPLE STPEE 1". Just Iteceivrd and r saii CIi,ai, -V I.AKGK Hit K BLANKETS, SHAWLS, .LAMJes AND COAL OIL. AXi) otiiei: avimhi! c.oods. j SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN UK i-'OL'NI) AT TEASDEL & C' VUU ARE AGKNT8 YvU Til K t'KI.KHK ATEI) BLEES Pv1ACH.t!E Link .Motion, Lock Stitch .Straight Ne-dl-, hii.1 will ihtIomu u iiii mi'.-hik. v tue Ucvii-t mid LigliU'-i Vrk. MORE .lUdllM'S TO AKltlVi: l A WM lllx, Our Dry Goods, Grocery. Boot, Shoe, Hardware an J Crockery Departments Are being daily raplcnifliod with a full variciv and at uricc i.-, .ati.iv all THE AVERLLL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS, Embracing over A TTUNDUKD D1KKKHKNT Sll AOKS. .m'iivd I, r immerliate applicititin and rcUirini: no niixiiif;, just nvivod and for wile at tho DRUG DEPARTM'NT z. c. m. s. The ingredients of tlic-e Taints at" siinplo ami itnU'-'lnici ilil.'. 'I'tn; .(mili-ties .(mili-ties with which they rccouiiucii'l thi'insclv,-. are: (Mii'unics. dmalii i ' y . Mip"-riovity Mip"-riovity of oolor, an unusually smooth nnd f;i.i--y appe al ancc. Ics- lal.nr rcpiin-.l inlaying, no trouble of rumn, will stand lire or rain, and dnen ii.u crack i.r peel off with atmnspherio changes, tmr chalk off by Irietmn. They are the best, chcaix-M. mrmt durable and niit '"pular I'umiM in iikc Tht AVKKILL WHITE PAINT is a .1N(' PAINT, - .nt i.in i n i,., ead, and i( of equal euperiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND pritCIJAH'. P.Y THE GALLON. A full line of Foreign, Domestic and Case Liquor. At the IVug Department, . C. M. I. II. 15. Cli.VWMIV, Mipl. Zion's Co-operativo Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, RL1)RKD(jn tx. CLAWSO ItriUMM.s. Vou can hnd at tbi D. patim' tit i.f '.. C. M. J. a Utu-r fil ) LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVER MINING TOOLS, JU.AS'J I l'OAVDKIl, staple and Faney 'roeerics, Fie. And i an Get More for your Money and Orders trrn I you can ?.t any other House in Utah. j U. .U eLAWOCV, Snpi. 1 |