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Show TtiiK Ye 1 Phil MargeUs has -'.-.J the Idaho Eakery, 2;id South as Kef csliuiont Koouis, where " .;'h., oysters, sardines &c., aud .'molest of sparkling lager, will be K:.''':cd iu cool plesrwsant rooms. Step p::'und waik in. adv ft' Qc.SGE.s jut received' a most ex-ea;"oaility ex-ea;"oaility ; and plenty of fire rCirfor ilie 24th. at, licuryWahWs. Lemon sugar, the thing for the sea-MO, sea-MO, a large quantity at Wallace's, adv "An the World's a stage" but 'Globe" is the place where Go-ihtly Go-ihtly & Harris soli the finett qualtty flt bread, candies, pastry and conl'ec-WMrj conl'ec-WMrj cheap. adv If the ckowd oi customers in-.een&3 in-.een&3 much more for Ice Cream and Cider in Goddard's Basement, l'riend George will certainly have to nave ore room and more waiters. adv A Hare Chance to obtain know! .edge: Dr. Crockwell, l'rof of Electro- Oliemico Therapeutical Magnetism, is prepared to teach l'rof. J. 11. Ander V4a'8 wonderful system of electrics and Ui supply the necessary aparatus, as fee is agent for Kidder's superior bat tcry and Prof. Hall'.s voltaic armor (.'all and learn terms, see apparatus, fc. adv t Dilicioos Ice Cream and summer brinks, under the ref reshing shade of tTerarching trees, at the "Union Ice Cream Garden," one and a half blocks ast of City Hall. adv. Eggs. The highest price paid for igg.s at the Produce deparmcnt of Z. X. 51. I. auv Tf.a ! The best in town ! A choice 'Consignment just received, with a full line of groceries at . reduced prices. The full advantage of low rate ol tf:iht given at G. W. Davis', adv For a good Portrait cheap, or the rincstviewa of Salt Lake City and licinity, Btereoseopic and album, call . Carter's View Emporium. adv A Scientific Wonder. The Craig Microscope, adapted to popular and ientiti use. Head the advertisement, f rioe $2.70. adv I'ird's-Eyk views of Salt Lake City, counted and varnished at $1.50 to $3. Vd kinds of pictures framed to order I7 W. C. Gregg, at Calder Pro's. ' adv The Craig Microscope This nii- roope is simplified and adapted to popular as well as scientific use. A new ptieal wonder! The only instrument that requires no focal adjustment, and tVerel'ore can be readily ucd by every ie, even by children. Costing only $2.75 by mail, postpaid, it is within Ike reach of all, and should be on the tble of every practitioner. Head advertisement ad-vertisement in this paper. adv Good wholesome Vinegar. Any one ti make it. Read the advertisement S W. II. Bish.ip in this paper, (adv War in Pcrope ! Well, who cares, so long as they can get two plates of ice cream for "two bits," and the best confectionery cheap, at adv Kelson's Golden Gate ? Fresh SurrLY of pigs' feet, London ale, porter and genuine "golden crown" oigars, just received at Joe Simmons' saloon. Lager beer as cheap as the encapest. adv NOTICE. T' HE Stoh.kvr cf the V. C. K. R. trc hrrt-y luri-! that thre vill te a '-n'pjj nu-tsuR of :hc Company a: iy e:V". u .L i v.r of ihr-Hnwnwi'! ihr-Hnwnwi'! cc,SaJi Lake City, oa Wociij-.A'ruii t:h, ITU, at 10 A. m. ly rtqure; cf the Sfcv-ktK; Mfrtf, J otua W. Yon tig. Sktut7. SALT LAKE THEATRE LAST NIGHT EUT TWO ! BRITISH 3LQHDE Tf.CUrE Thursday Evening, Ju!y 2i5i. Will be prodactd, the new and i.'z '.e Earlesaue of TS I i Laa Lsa ka The Pet, tb. Patriot and the Pippin. Prodjeed with Dew and appropriate tjentry, coFtumw, appointments, and a most powerful cast. rerfirminee will commence with the laugh-able laugh-able farce of SARAH'S YOU"G MAX. To-morrow, Friday, BK5EFIT of the Britten Blondes, and positirely their laft nitht bnt one. Saturday Afternoon, only BRITISH BLONDE MATINEE. GRASS GANQN COAL CO, We are row jrcpared to furnift Better Coal at Cheaper Rates Than any other mites in the country. For tale at the U. C. E. R. depo:, ii tKe city, for cajh or sraic. Apply to N. DAVIS, at the depot. JOSEPH A. VOCA'G. LUMBER! I am now prepared to furDiuh 15111s of Lumber On reasonable terir.c For V. P. R. R. or C. C. R. R. Fa.ir. JOSEPH A. YOC3SO. SALT LAKE HOUSE, F. LITTLE, Proprietor, Ts open for the reception of guests. GOOD A CD MMODATION. ICE. ICE, ICE! SALT LAKE ICE COMPANY, Established Jan. 1, Ix criiTfc.-?! c-Jt in fvu ti. rT :j any A uo": t ii:;'y r, i-i i ' .. J. It. CLAWSOV, Apent. CbiWon's Ice (V:-a!ii F-'x-n, j First Fc'Ctt K tre u.: .k'."iun 't PRINTING MATERIAL Fop S&fl Tbf Frt"'Mtc JSiJl Ur Lfcr. ; j-'art fiaw-J ti.e i Lire ( ult I v.1 J ' ; IaAj t i: I E Ci It A V u Frintlfci; fcid birr.ir.g pUt.tip.trn rl, wLI'.h ty Ukoii hui id widitron to tlir na: itU rtwin u f'-rtl-e f.iit ri(j.ttin of ttm iterU, ft. I, at The Hock Bindery, Wuli l o lii,i.'r.(! Slw, tt,i a ilmiIc.j c( t'; pe, ?hLr,.if. Cji, Cima. KstM, kDil oUi.r Trlui-rc Dnnbar Sloan. SALT! SALT! SALT! Fine Tatle, Dairy & Conrse SALT BOYD & WHITWORTH, 10th Ward, Salt Lake City- WARM SPRING BATHS ! These Celebrated Baths are Open to the Pcblio at All Sensonn THEIR MEDICINAL f RCF'ERTIES Are so Widely Known that it is n""d-!eu n""d-!eu 'o enumerate them. II. Arnold. SALT LAKE HERALD, Office : Old Coctilciioo V:".C.uir It '-jnain.- the iaf -t It I'gtfr; hie .'yjn.VV, A'i-J I y .b'ti V. EJ.it'.TA.h c C' rrc TujiiJ, iifij J. '-)' j, It'r'ii? Crrrff.cmi'w e, A r na. lural .-.!; U , JJ' rt "l'',nll Jh-rKfi, Stsrtt JZ'fui'u.cf . rtiqn. Jjl W'-'liC, C'cui 'X lt,'l." ( P'-irg a 'pie? '.' ri:p li'ii-jTi. r j Curr-rit Ilittory. 1 t v.-. n 1 0 KdU. 4 Ub -. Kn.il. . 7k The T'u.lmgn Palace Car Company lis-.-.-; :;xp'..uJ 1.-: !. I'ittsbiii'sli, Fort W:s. uf, and ( hicao RAILWAY Fsin-IIsiudlo BJul PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAI It A 11-18 A i. T! r.,i:.v rMMV i. i: .-, ,.f i-v tM:. .1 I'ollm-.o ln- -i v.il ! r,.n ft'. ' if. R. -1 . fmn Oil ';.. I. 1-11 l-.I.U: fir i..u'i:i ri!i a ik - 1 "Kiv !'.'(,,)..,' Cl. Mioc ! T iv KM V t.. Tit I'S" l v wl.i.l l'X,,-, - -nr. Ih. . I frVM N; tMl,CVl .KS th,' KntM" .! -::u.' 1",' n -SA KKM.lSCO t-i rHlLAlM-uI'lllA, M H Olil ,U'i li:l,M U.,'Ui l'otiu. T-lROrC.lt TTOKKTS vii. !: t.K M' Sllol;' RoerK u,r m1. .u ii l,.'ii.ni' SI., Sn rr i-.-o. ?,',-mnirnto. S.Jl 1 ,'iiy. l-r-; I miI,, Promontory, I'h,') vdu,1, ;,i J Oui:.lja. .1. N. MsCUl.tOl OH, l,i ntr.il M .r. .Lr. I . ki. w . i c. l;. I'. S. t'.llAV, 2c,i I -,-l'" - '. k .;,'!). V:,u:'.'r. r.,n-Mm,li'' )i,n,i. MOVAKI) H. W1U.1 IVS, Or'nral Suj.'rtnln.tiit. ivtu't. i'. m it k. m-DMAs i. kivhai r. rn'l W il. rp 1',. ri-- r Ac- til, I'l iin'n eVil-i-l K. K. llKhr.Y W 0'"-nl rni - Tl-V't AkhI. I'.-dii'h iV-tiLra) K. It. Cor lnf .m.'.'.u-u i.d Tl r..i.r'.. Ti. 1.. U, n t'-y to Wiii. 1a Idoi', "V.,W V. - St.T,', Yl TV ,,' s r. l, SAll l,.V I'ii j. PIONEBBC shout norT. a a (i m CIHCU.O A l) ()li'L II- WESTEK I RAILWAY. Sinn (r-f & QuickC ( Koii( OMAHA TO ( MIC.U. 1 ho F.i.-iorn I ,r, f-- ','U( h ( ln,i. daily in e ien v i 1, tniini. (,l t (.Vnt-iil ii rid n I'u,:!:r r.r'ro.i errivcs iu ('t,i, :i"0 in .,-."ir.cc of other r , , u r. s, t',il-i ii,i':r,i,;.- e' M el ,i w.' 1 td llUI'h Eai-t '1 j : s is ti.fj r'.'ud wl.'tU ji.r,, I 0' I'.l.r. l d I'lillni.-ui Paf-ue llif I mi Slf' nz ('omcIm n, A new Br d t j.lctnii 1 line wbii.il bus r'' OLt'j Ik-mi built )jr f eon, jinny. Tlic-e 1-rnliil cin-cl :iT'i u' e-j'-ial ;d by nr.)- in t!.e i(J I'! I'll nre. 'in j J'oi t an t orn rnirnrr. . ... -A Ml v , ... p.. :,,i. i ... i, ,. -., i,- j 7t i ' l- I . 1 1 1 1: 1. 1, t. v. A;', ri W, -. I"'-. -.'-. .,w. . t i I ' ' '" ' " - 't" ' I l-l f .1,.; .1 . t , I' !.- it ., I, - . . n ,-'-,' f -. :::'(- , 1, , I ,- I t! . 1,. , ; T;.e ."-!,.,! t- t El.,.-, ' - "- T- - t 1 ' .- !,-... TV.-i-.a!'. If-r. ;.,-!,, -,,i f,.t in, delv. ' . i '. i. r--f ii , i ,) ..I '- "' ' '-' T I" I'.-'l-tjl : .1,1 . (,; ( . -' ' .,'' ! . .. ,., , ,, , . I.. I: - :., i.-,-) i. ,. It 7,. L. I. , Ch :,;; '.',". I' !, K il, w.t, w '.. I, WJ w ,!,,,, . I, 1 11 f . I,' , ..I r . . r r ..j , ' . , . ,. t ,),.' i If 1 I il"! SI,. !" ', 1 if TA ( -I. r, 1 ,. .. . . r-. ..! 1'U.ilfck HI , r..-, I.. 1 ? f X- I .LI ' ! :- ' '' .! :- f It Y:, ', t,-,,l HARRY POSERS, T-.- ..-c .... . r t H .V;.',-:..,e I 1 r '. I ' M. '. ,. I V t--, t. 1 1' ' I. 'A'- . . . -; .... j - ,.u |