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Show CENSUS QUESTIONS. Tfcs following list of questions hap been handed us by Lieut. D. R. Firman, Fir-man, Assistant Marshal for taking the census of this city. We direct the attention at-tention of the public to it, hoping thereby to facilitate the labor of taking the cen-us correctly : fiCnEDtT.E NO. I. Name of every person. Age at last birth-day. Profession or occupation. Value of real e.-tate; value of per-f per-f onal estate. Place of birth, naming state or oantry if of foreign birth. To males over twenty-one years of age, Arc you a citizen of the United States ? SCIIKDt l.K no. 2. All deaths in the year ending -June 1st, 1570. SniElJl'I.K NO. 2. Fariiic; acres cultivated. Amount of grain raised. Number of head of stock. Value of fame. Value of farm. Ajiio'imI paid for hired help. M IIKlll.'I.K NO. 4. Prodm-l" ill' industry lor the year ending J inn: I , I sTO. |