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Show Cottonwood Smelting Works. The one furnace of the Cottonwood smelting works, of Buel ei Co., is now running out bullion at the rate of six and a half and seven tons a day; from Flagstaff ore. Col. Buel informs us that they fired up at S o'clock on Thursday, and at 12 o'clock of Friday they had run out and shipped a hundred hun-dred and twenty lars, weighing seven and a half tons. And before he left, at about 5 o'c'ock in the evening, fifty more bars, weighing about three tons, had been run out. This is the first ore yet handled in the country from the Flagstaff mine, it having been shipped previously east and west. The results of smelting the ore here are far more satisfactory to the company owning the mine than any returns yet received by them from their shipments. ship-ments. The Flagstaff bids fair to be one of the leading mines of the Territory, Terri-tory, yielding plenty of high grade ore, which has a large percentage of lead and is rich in silver. |