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Show LKriEii Fiio.u tAsr CAXOX. iSi-iei-U Carres pocdtn;a of the Ue.-ald.l East Canon', May 4, 1S71. Editors Uir;hl: QI'AKTS MILLS AND SMEI.TINO .VOKS The smelting works of Sehofie'd.Hay-mon Sehofie'd.Hay-mon I A: Co. wi 1 commence operations iga:n (his week. The last fiasco did not re.-ult from any failure of the furnaces, which worked excellently, hut was entirely attributable to the poor ipialities of the ores worked. It is intended on the next run to reduce i he same quality of ores which were -m.'lted so successfully when the works first commenced operations. The new -melting furnaces of the Omaha Co. will soou be ready to commence operations. opera-tions. The furnaces are simply large tubes of boiler iron set up vertically and lined wiih tire brick. The bottom is composed of two heavy plates of cast iron attached to the sides of the furnace by hinges, and i-ecured in place by a catch bolt. The peculiar feature of these furnaces, however, is that they each have sixteen tuyeres in (wo rows, and the blast is obtained by the creation of a vacuum by the introduction of jets if steam in the iron tube above (he charge of ore, (bus dispensing with the necessity of a blower. This plan ol obtaining the necessary b'ast is said to ork excellently in iron foundries, but is yet to be died in reducing silver-bearing silver-bearing lead ores. It is certainly practicable to obtain in this way a p.'we: fill blast, if (he ores in (he body of the furnace are not too compact to prevent a sudicicut'.y tree access through them of air fioui the tuyeres to the vneuu u above, and herein lies the ihheulty in using this style of furnace. A large p irtion of the base metal ores oi'tht country is made up of sinali particles, even mineral dust, which in a o.ep lurn icc, wi,l pack very closely. Th, eaaip is elated at the prospect of soon having in operation a quartz -.mil. Mr. McMasters has returned from San Francisco wh'.ther he went ;o purchase a mill for alker Bro's. ind he reports the purchase as made, and promises that the mi l will be con--:rue:cd wi;h all possible d.spatch. I he erection of this mill will do much to advance the interests cf this camp, although it is a sate prediction that when it first eomruei'.ees operations, results re-sults will disappoint expectation, for it is litining-huiiiaa nature, especially hereabouts, when it sees a siiver of boru-shver sticking l.ke a postage s:a:up on a huge boulder of dead rock. :o itaacit'e that the entire b:ulder is torn-i'-ver. MINiSS AKS ALWAYS SUSPICIOUS CF CUSTOM MILLS. And they cenei-aliy have rcasou to be so; but they are wonderful'y given to swearing that a seiee.ed speohnea oi ru-h ore is a fair average of a huge iuu:p of ore. and a reducttoa mill at hand will sevn dissipate this aDsnxd style ef estimating the value of a csice. and will, moreover, demonstrate that we have ia this district large quantities quanti-ties of low gr-.de ores which will pay we 1 lor reduction by mill process, cut which are cow icon'v-.is. and these are the ere that constitute the basis of the prosperity of ai mining c:?:r'.e:s. ox orsis eill A B-i-ii-vt of mines are bci-tg viger-otisly viger-otisly developed, ana some of them show an abundance of ores of a grade hkh enongh to leave to the 2i2e-owTi-ner a fair margin ie-r prc;t alter -ae-ductir-g the cost of e:trae:ton, freight, and reduction. Anions: these mmes - aT-e the Silver Shield, Velocipede and i Blue Monster, which are u a s'--e of r. !' . a , -.t'tl - V I' :: . a ' - g ir';. is r- ..- i ,- 1 . .- . i , I t a-.-l : . - .- : . - . V 1. ti '::. -. t i t L-.r e. ' -4 -:.J'- '. ' c - -. - . ;i" . . I- l t - I t Ii -. : ; . :"; i, f, :,.- i -. . I;...,.;... ru.. -. ... j ., ... i: I'.-' r ,.- i' - ..i- , ; I a I.i : ii I i. r. : : 1: . s . ' . - ti . '. I- a n '. 1: ! : u : - : v ' : '. ' a :i. a: a- t r - a.' j ' - i.: : . I i-i 'I. - 1 .' r. a ... :..--:,, in . : . - r-e e i.' '.:. :: 1. a, l:,.-1. l:,.-1. : , : .,- ,: I . :. .... .r- ,1--- L i - a 1 '. : T , . 1. .. , ll t i...- nr,- i-t , -! i.j'i -'. Ii. i: ' a h.-su.-: r---'-t ! r t....- :t L ' ; 1 ,,. a HI. i ' - -. . : i..-.- -. i : ,:: ' n j i : I. :, a ! v .-. -. A I i.f ii,:-1 : .:, 1 1 - - ..-.!. y .. I i"a---.-ri - . J (o a ii - a-'- rti -r ; a -o ' .'. -Mc'du lui e'a.-n. !,, a." - ' i. an; a-i in'.-!-t i i ti - 11 .'! : - r ' ; 'i ..-l":ri ..-l":ri ' ' 31 f.fu ,-ti e ::. ;i.,.. 1 i.i-.e heard l'h-t J r.c-:i In ' i 'l ' i-e -lat. -i i.'.t kn -w L-'. ., ;.-'ri -.:' !...:...' !:a:,-..,: n il- to k li , w t..i' ll. : 1 . vi , a re--': i 111 in. :,.!.' : i-,- i- , . 1 1 i ; u-.r- :i: a -ir - l .i:- .-. r 'I..-; ,.,-:'-i.i eve nit- N i IlhiiALl,- I, vie l ii ie i!i ir ap; ear in in eanji I r three d.e. what fi. i n.att,-.'.' S'a- ai, u. |