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Show GENERAL. ludlmi .Haltera. Washington, 3U. The report of the Commissioner of Indian affairs is a comparatively short document. The Commissioner says our relations with the various tribes have been on the whole as favorable as could be expected. expect-ed. .No great icgress has been mace in taming and conciliatme the wild and war-like Apaches of Arizona; their de.-ire fur rapine and blood mxujs unquenchable. U is claimed by persons per-sons who, doub-ie, are connizarit ui the fact, that the Koman Catholic clergy arc the only eU-s 0f men they wi.l not molest, aud to whose counsel"-alone counsel"-alone they w;,l listen. It this be true it is worthy of consideration whether the incourauement rf the (overn-nient (overn-nient should not Io given t the clergy cler-gy ol that faith. wi,u txity dispose J to enter upvn the work 'and u.-j their best end. . -nor- to mio1uc the unume-i and War-like naf iire ot tT-n.n . v . . , -i'ti lies, to md'icc them to abandon their mvin and predatory babit. and to enter ht and maintain fnend'y relations wi'th the whitjs. Ke ports freni the n-iiitary in ArUo-na ArUo-na an i ,ro.u (jovcnior .'-aSorl ar- tLa' the Coyate.-a-. or White Mountain Apaches, 14 cr la v in numt-r hare eapn--i tti-ir d-:re to t--- at ivaw rlacc-i u;-un a re.serraiwn un.ter the pro;. f ti-.e t ,T,.ra. me:,, : ani ih- u,,,n;.;:i if t:r.,-r.in-i that n me Lii.i.ri t-ureaa w..al uncharge un-charge cl them. ly a e 'm, 1 ti,,.m aalJ'urn:.-h t hf p tni' it- nej.;uri; ili:,.!eii.-;,i.. tte.r Ciri.lza-tion Ciri.lza-tion wo'.ili iv u.iiiiitcly sf-rared. For several rear' an u.-: lei-ant fee! mg ta been growing c;.j 7tn cf Aiiz.-ta k:A ibe- Piir.a isd ' a Maricopa Indians, who have an t-i- tensive re-ervauon upon the Gila river. 1 This should be very much regretted. as a serious outbreak on the part ot'th Indians "jrould tend to almost whoil depopulate central Arizona. Reports ' sh'.'w that durLpi: the present year, the conduct cf the Indiass has been more indolent than ever. They depredate upon the property of citizens around them, whenever it phases their fancy: and the citizens have no remedy except ex-cept retaliation or s recourse to law: which is seldom undertaken, tor fear of greater outrages by the Indians which might fellow in the one case, or the tardy and uncertain issue in the other. Should the Southern Paeine raiiroad ever oe constructed, it won d almost of necessity pass through the Pitra and Maricopa reservation, in which event the condition ef these Indians In-dians wii! be made much worse than at present. The Rinderpest. Pouchkeepsie. New York. S'l. The rinderpest has broken out amon; the cattle in an alarming manner, in landless landl-ess County, in this State. Cable Communication Interrupted. New York, 3u. The following is just received : The steamer Kohert l.ofe sailed from Hearts Content, on Saturday last, to repair the Atlantic cable of lS'ii.v, which was injured about .j-cti.eaniil.s Vvn, t Iiat-J. 1110 Y"e have ju-t received it-formation that the cab'e of ISSo has alsj ceased to work, and that the fault is about the same distance from Hearts Content. It is, therefore, probable that the steamer has grappled the wrong cable. As she is now on the spot it is hoped that both cables will soon be repaired. Althouah the French cable is able to tran-mit westward with about its usual facility, it is, from some unknown cause, unable to trans mit eastward, except with great difficulty diffi-culty and very slowly. 'o;iee is hereby iventhat,forthe pre ent,messasres cannot can-not be received for any part of Europe. The public will be informed at the earliest ear-liest moment that messages can be received re-ceived for Kurope. (Signed) Cyrus W. Field. Xew York, Nov. 3o. |