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Show (iHIVURAL. ,'J'lio Hrrnntnii Klot. New Vurk, 10 A i-pccial from Scranton, Pa., at a lato hour last nifjlit, says the sum total of t lio nll'rny is tlnco men seriously wounded, nnd two women hurt. Tho Mayor of the city and the ngenl.s of tho company, were on the ground soon al'ter the mum light was over. Thero is no sign ol another outbreak, but if tho laborers in.-ist on resuming work thero will be morn riots. The actual strength nl' the new movement, that hat been agitated among the laborers, i not sullieient to warrant any desirable result. The city is much excited over tho all'air, and the authorities aro on tho watch. Tho news is inoro peaceful peace-ful from the Delaware & Hudson Co. The Mace-Cohuru Flglit. Chicago, 10. A number of persons left, hero last night for Erie, Pa., for 'he purpo.-o of witnessing the fight between Coburu and Mace, which private pri-vate and reliable advices bay will take place to-morrow. The place of the light is still kept secret, but parties leavo for the rendezvous at Erie to-day. Murdcri by Strikers Scranton, Pa., 10. The bodies of three murdered laborers were found this morning in the swamp near the Briggs shaft. During the riot yesterday, yester-day, when tho laborers were routed, they fled into this swamp, followed by tho infuriated miners, where these three men were beaten to death. A Telegraphic Error. New York, 10. The statement of the Aspitirfali dispatch that Lima was captured by the revolutionists on the S tli o! April is doubtless a telegraphic error for Tunja, the capital of Boyaca, "ne of the Slates of the Republic oi Columbia. Special Session oftlie Senate. Washington, D. C, 10. Half an hour before noon the floor of the Senate Sen-ate Chamber was filled with Senators and others, and the meeting of personal person-al friends and old associates was marked mark-ed with great cordiality. There was ilso a full attendance in the galleries. 1'he general topic of conversation was the probable duration of the session; ten days or two weeks seems to be the period most universally fixed for its continuanje. The Senate opened with prayer, at noon, by the Rev. Dr. Newman, New-man, Chaplain. The proclamation convoking the extraordinary session was read, when a committee was appointed to wait upon the President, and inform him that the Senate had assembled. Messrs. Anthony and Casserly were appjinted the committee. it was resolved that the standing committees of the Senate be reappointed reappoint-ed for and during the present session, aud that the "V ice-President will fill any vacancy which may exist. The Senate then took a recess till 1 o'clock. On the re-assembling of the Senate, Anthony, from the committee appointed appoint-ed to wait on the President, reported that they had performed that duty, and the President had informed them that he would immediately send the Senate a communication in writing. A resolution was adopted, that when the Senate adjourn to-day, it be till Friday. On motion of Morrill, of Vermont, it was resolved that the President be requested to furnish the Senate with a copy of all reports made by Hon. Wm. Whiting, as solicitor of the War Department, De-partment, upon auy claims made by the subjects of any foreign nation, for damage in consequence of the war against the rebellious States, from 1861 to lSOo inclusive, and which are supposed sup-posed to be on file in the State Department. De-partment. General Porter then appeared, announcing an-nouncing he had been d'rected by the President to deliver to the Senate a message in writing. The treaty was then handed in to the Vice President, and Cameron immediately moved that the Senate go into executive session, which was agreed to. National Convention of the C. A.R. Boston, Moss., 10. The national convention con-vention of the Grand Army of the Republic, Re-public, assembled in John A. Andrews' Hall at noon. Otic hundred and fifty delegates were present from nearly every northern S'.ate. Among the del- gates were Udrerals Uwen, rairchild, Robertson, White, Barnard, Stannard, Chapman, Kilpatrick, Barnes. Underwood, Under-wood, Bates and Sprague. .The proceedings pro-ceedings were had with closed doors. Committee on Southern Outrages. Washington, 10. Four of the subcommittee sub-committee of twenty-one, heretofore appointed to examine into the alleged Southern outrages, came together this morning. These four are Senators Scott, Poole and Bayard, and Representative Repre-sentative Maynard. Owing to the ab-ence ab-ence of the other three members of the sub-committee, an adjournment took pk.ee until to-morrow. This sub-committee is to present a plan of examination exami-nation to the full committee, Peac.e Aaln. New Y'ork, 10 The Universal Peace Union celebrated its fifth anniversary anni-versary to day at t Ue Cooper !-' Resolutions were n" ' ..urate, the syste"' .. -ca condemning oi standing armies and miliary mil-iary schools, declaring that all international inter-national differencjs ought to be adjusted ad-justed by reciprocal concessions and justice. .. Colmrn and Blace Again. Cleveland, O., 10. Mace and Co-burn Co-burn have arrived at Erie. There is no reason to anticipate a failure in the plans for the fight. Mace is apparently appar-ently in better condition than Coburn. The eastern States are well represented already. A large number of persons will leave Cleveland to-night by the steamer Lady Franklin and the railroad, rail-road, to Erie for the scene of the battle to morrow. Nominations Washington, 10. The President sent the following nominations to the Senate to-day. Joseph Belknap, to be supervising inspector general of steamboats; steam-boats; Max AVoodhull to be assistant secretary of legation at London; John M. Francis, New York, to be minister resident to Greece. To be consuls, J. .M. Lucas, at St. Johns, Canada; A. G. Fuertes, at Comma, Spain; O. B. Dahlgreen, at San Diego, Mexico; and Joseph R. Lowry, to be Associate Justice of the -Supreme Court of New Mexico, Sun Francisco News- San Francisco, 10. The case of Li Po Tai against Ivan Covich, in the justice court, iu which the plaintiff sued for $23:2 for professional services, and proposed to offer his own testimony testi-mony and appeal to the Federal courts, thereby testing the rights of Chinamen China-men under the civil rights and Ku Klux bills, has been settled by the defendant, de-fendant, much to the dissatisfaction of parties who desired to see the question settled authoritatively. John T. Sullivan, convicted of burglary bur-glary in the municipal court, was sentenced sen-tenced to-day to four years in the State prison. Gov. Safford will not leave for Tucson Tuc-son till Friday. The stock market is buoyant this afternoon, a strong reaction being evident evi-dent with considerable excitement in the board, which has already resulted in a fight between two brokers, one of whom gave the other what was equivalent equiva-lent to the lie, and the latter going over to his seat to slap his face. Both parties par-ties were friends. |