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Show P. 0. C-AI.PFR, WM. C.'.LDER, GEORGE CALDER Caldcr j&rotlici'S; Salt Lake Cur, SoQkseliers, Stationers - Ana Dealers la MTPTCAL MERCHANDISE and FAN CI" CiOUl'. MW-clhrr-on B-irk for l'ul'Hc, Private ami Smiuay iS'h-W Lil'i'tifis : Sijhuul Book1-, Maj'S, Gliue.-, Lharis, :i!ii wl utuer articles Used in S-h A ei'inplijio iim'tiueiit vi Lank Looks, N rLtin. 1'ucket Cmlery, and tiationaiy. Albiw.t, ivk:r Kuuks, tim-iavmc and I'ruinoa. A lull stuck ol Mu?k-1 lntriniK';ita and Musical 2iIercnandi?o. fifitfrsl Aints for all uf the Nt piano and org iiia:iu.u'tur"rs. and for tlie pii'Misl'oi'p 01 hniidt-tic tiun l"'k.-. A I.arjrc A-wri merit vi SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZES Ju-l K.-:w.I. 1..-:--..i moi ;::: ( -i.-ji;, - ,!. Tain has its v Tt 1:1 I; -.ill tl -I .it :' d'-f -o a:id it- na-liiiv. na-liiiv. :"ti:i-l v.Vv. - r:""-- m: 1 iuieii-ltv of a U..-.'i:-.;..T w. .-. :;. ; hj.-.i wr ! i y i'a- ',tu it 'V-i 'V-i t!.i : i .. ;:;.-''. l ' y -a: Si ai'le tonu-o wLiib ;i . .; ;; : y Py.; ye-i-::t' d i' t ? t" r tt.o mala-i. t:i:l..it t:.v e::i'i'ty j-r- l'-' v-'-''i Tv'F.vN: j --,'ri'' iii'-'ts trie d e at all in Tin- w. a!:v'i-d -f :nu "h. t:u- i,.;;.d I.v-r, t!i cu n.itr.i L--iy'.-. the !j'-vvi- i Ly rw- S';,p ev am. r'rj"'-';iT. m CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE i TO CITY AZND COU3TTI1Y CO-OPERATIVE STORES And the Trade ;eaci'sill,y. Wholesale Dry CSoods. EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) In tliis Pi'pqrtnifint will always be found the choicest brands of American :ind English Prints, Lawns. Oi'Mndi''s, I'ereales and Press Goods, Ginghams, Ciiaiu li;iys, Hrilliantes, &e , Sheetinfrs, bleached a'nd brown, of the most approved makf-s Hosiery, Notions, &c. etc. Also, a heavy stock o Boots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoe Findings complete. Betail BEY GOODS Department. Esig-le Esaapoa'iiiisa, (Ground Floor.) This Department is constantly receiving, by express and regular freight, such additions to its already laree and varied stock of Staple and Fancy Pry Goods, Notions Trim m in us, Kibbons, &c, foreign and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necess.ty. Much, of our stock is purchased exclusively for this room, and is offered at prices uniformly low. - We would call the especial attention of the Lidies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties ot Shawls, Sacqnes. Perfumed Handle Parasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Flowers, &o. We have just received a fine addition of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Mats, Matting, Window and Table Pmasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. Our especial feature The Ladies and Misses Shoes, which cannot be excelled for variety and price. To arrive in a few days A indow Cornices, new and unique. C.LffiTMIMG. Tlia-ee doors SoutSi of Eagle Eaiiporium, SPRING CLEANING AMD FURNISHING. This Department has a fine assortment of CARPETS, OILCLOTHS POOli MATS, AND WALL PAPER, including Low, Medium and High grades, with Borders to match. A first-class papr-hanjrer always on hand. Just introduced a great variety of Homemade Trunks, to wiiich public attention is invited. Also just arrived, a lull stock- of CJcut's, ISoy's, and Youth's S n ill mer CJ I o t li i n g, From fine French Cassimere to Linen, at low prices. IDrngs and lledieines. ( BASSETT & ROBERT'S OLP STAND) A full line of Drags, Patent Medicines, PaJcts, OjX Colors, Perfumery, and Toilet Kcquisites. - A choice assortment of Foreien and Domestic Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, &c. Competent Prescription Clerks in attendance night and day. These Establishments offer at the very lowest figures, the largest and most varied assortment of goods of all kinds iu the Great Basin. H. B. GLADYS ON, Bunt. i - MACHINERY! All kinds of Machine Work, Turning, Turning, Boring. Screw Cutting Cut-ting and Fitting. Brass Castings, &c. WM. J. SILVER, i I I'Jtli ward, ; blocks north of the Tab-i Tab-i (.-made. WARM SPHi?lG BATHS ! These Celebrated Baths are Open to the Public at All Seasons THE!R MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Are so Widely Known that it is needless need-less to enumerate them. H. ARNOLD. PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANY. W. H. FuLsoM, Tuns. Latimer. Geo. IioMNj-.i-, G. II. Taylok. F0LS09, R.OHHET k 00., (South Temple Str.-et, one b'ock west of the Tabernacle,) Having added to,their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prepared to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced rates, from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. We have a complete set of Sash and Door Machinery, by which we can fill large or small orders with great dispatch. SASffl. AM MS We publish a list of sizes of Doors and Windows which are always kept on hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and sizes of doors made to order: Sash Sizes. Door Sizes. 8x10 windows, 2 ft 4 in x 3 ft 9 in 2 ft 6 in by 6 ft 6 in 10x12 " 2 x 4 6 2 8 " 6 8 10x14 " 2 10$ x 5 2 2 10 " fi 10 10x16 2 10$ xo 10 3 feet " 7 feet. IlliiKls, Frames and Mouldings. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all kinds of openings. open-ings. Poor and Window Frames, plain and panneled. Having one of Fay's splendid No 1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of Mouldings. WOOD TUIJN I XC. We have a No. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged Fred Fis'er, the best turner in the Territory, and will furnish turning ot all descriptions, including inclu-ding wheel heads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kiuds uf wood turning at low rates. latest improved machinery. Our machinery is the very bet that, could be purchased in the East, consisting con-sisting of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, for surfacing lumber and tonguing and grooving flooring; a Laniels Planer, for planing lumber out of wind; a Tenon ing Machine;-a heavy power Mot -using M aching; machines lor rabbiting, plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and mouldings. ., . - As a great variety of work can be done pu these machines, it gives us a great advantage in contracting and building. IT- FOLSOM attends to 'the building department, and being an experiem'i'd nV; bitect, and having on hand all the latest architectural works, i3 ) ire pared to i I !:ns, specifications, details, and contract for buildings of all km, ., i . The old ri' 'i cf . .1 T. 'I'i'i'i & TAYLOR have charge of tne machine u -..ii.'tent fu .J i s c'liii.-'too with tli - above machinery run a set of circular Eu i.-. ;. 1 ure pieprir,-,; .,, ,.. ix-ari, i..i,.k. pickets, fence rails, strips. &c, &c. Ai. wio ! fnd i hfauu:;.'; ii.ij.fj.-e and build up, and want cheap and good work, '':.. o.- . . p.o. Box 366. ""olscxi, Homney & Co. ' THE i htal - - - j SALT J-AKE i ' car MEMAIilv' ired free t, A New Morning Nev:spopr, . Published everv moruing except Mondiy. ; E i Office: OLD C0XS1ITCTI0X BuiHiog, l East Temple Street. '111. It contains the latest Telegraphic Dispatch s, j I Keics by Mail, j EJiioriah on Cur rem 'jptcs, j Spicy Locals, loice Intcnstiwj Corf.spondeixe, . j , Agricultural Information, j ilf a Horticultural Items, 'N. Selected Readings, ' i Fottign, i-w i Domestic, Commercial, Radicay, i and Alining Intelligence, Being a complete Compendium 0f ' Current History. terms: 1 Year, : is.00 6 Mentha, : : : : : : 4.0 , 3 Monthi, : ; : : i 2.00 1 Month, : : : : 75 1 Week, : : : : : : : 24 I. Kegimental and Company Colors fc Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery, o English Bunting and other materials, made to order by The Pioneer Flag Maker, James Phillips, Salesman at Zioc's Co-operative Mercantile Insti tutioo. THE Salt Lake House i j F. LITTLE, Proprietor, I3 Open for the Reception of Guests GOOD ACCOMMODATION. FOURTH j PAEA We have just received a fine lot o plain, fancy, brocade and beaded, in all A few of those choice, large sized Pt Gingham and Cotton Zion's Co-operative , Retail Dry Goods Depart! Farmer's W'i0 How to Make Good ?, : Yiiiegar; IN ONE DAY Fvom Cider, 8or2ln1!n lapses, sugrar, Wil)e oi ,irf 1 Jnlcc of any Fruit, ' rections simple and f V,.rr-J Cost not one-half tW'',;''7i lie old process of all0'rh"'ne Ciler to sour in bar,-!,$ Anyone can make ir-"'"r"ff' directions sent on v'f""" " of Fin y c c ii ts. A rt(U.e; W. II. Bishop, "St. Ixiuis, ),! ' ,. -i tot --',oru Jas. Iiaforth, ' E. B. Rti ?Drlr''' vv LTFORTN, tf'"'1 KELLOGG, r111 A A I) 11 f & jtjite J" llfctm"?0' ( Successors to L. B. Btnclden h,.rinv. R-1 J a,-.-utinf ,,.or mi Importers and Jobbers of Ait'-"r't' English and German eiwoiS"i I ; : ii a ii i Y ae"-: ri Agricultural luipleracn;' AND MINING T 0 0 "i-T-1,r1 ft, iifir omM M? Nos. 3 and 5 Front Street, near ' JreMurer ket.. ; SAN FRAXCKJKS : . Snwrvitf . BJ o Look! Loots? . , , WaterS - GKEAT 2 Board o City Ma WATCH' SILtii J.I 31Q 3ii1 2,000 f , WATCHES, PATENT LEVER MOVIMLT FULL JEWELED, HUNTING CA1 STERLING SILVEK, ; Lo Beautifully engraved, and in etr 8n' respect first-class - Timers; to j " r Mt -T . . . sold at u , . ..... ; I ti , Five Dollars! : ' t lorth- each. being less than three fourth!- i cost of Manufacture. ; These N't: are retailed by Jewelers at from 818; the actual cost to ma mitac South-being South-being Eight dollars each. Tbi-s'-of Watches was purchased at B. nipt sale in London, and are : offered at such extremely low be that all may possess a correct L keeper at a merely nominal s. Every Watch warranted fur :imt-years. :imt-years. , 1 Parties ordering them sent by t must enclose 30 cents extra to pre-:' ,-postage. ,-postage. Money enclosed in a sealed letter may be sent at our risk; This is. no "gilt enterprise, tk fore have no circulars, but a Kf (m. sa'e of Watches at a very low discot-Address discot-Address all letters to t . ' EDWARD HALE & CO., I 110 Bridge street, Brooklyn, - RVING II O U SlCi ' A First Class Hotel. European Plan. 10 Location unsurpassed, being Union Square. Wallack's Theatre, A. T. Stewart's new (up town) su- nroadvray & Twelfth S'f I S'nv "i orK, G.IMIAULOAV, rrop j 1 I i " ST. CLAIR HOTEL, 1 Cor. Third and Market StreoU, feT. LOr " TERMS $2 PER IAY- HOUSE IURN-1SHKD-WITn TUB sriilNtt HEPS, noui. citr.lly ltod. Bum for U General R. K. aid 5lfmUt ticket b0""' J. OnZStEY, TrrV |